void AddressManager::setHost(const QString& host, LookupTrigger trigger) { if (host != _host) { // if the host is being changed we should store current address in the history addCurrentAddressToHistory(trigger); _host = host; emit hostChanged(_host); } }
bool AddressManager::setHost(const QString& host, LookupTrigger trigger, quint16 port) { if (host != _host || port != _port) { addCurrentAddressToHistory(trigger); _port = port; if (host != _host) { _host = host; emit hostChanged(_host); } return true; } return false; }
bool AddressManager::handleViewpoint(const QString& viewpointString, bool shouldFace, bool definitelyPathOnly, const QString& pathString) { const QString FLOAT_REGEX_STRING = "([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)"; const QString SPACED_COMMA_REGEX_STRING = "\\s*,\\s*"; const QString POSITION_REGEX_STRING = QString("\\/") + FLOAT_REGEX_STRING + SPACED_COMMA_REGEX_STRING + FLOAT_REGEX_STRING + SPACED_COMMA_REGEX_STRING + FLOAT_REGEX_STRING + "\\s*(?:$|\\/)"; const QString QUAT_REGEX_STRING = QString("\\/") + FLOAT_REGEX_STRING + SPACED_COMMA_REGEX_STRING + FLOAT_REGEX_STRING + SPACED_COMMA_REGEX_STRING + FLOAT_REGEX_STRING + SPACED_COMMA_REGEX_STRING + FLOAT_REGEX_STRING + "\\s*$"; QRegExp positionRegex(POSITION_REGEX_STRING); if (positionRegex.indexIn(viewpointString) != -1) { // we have at least a position, so emit our signal to say we need to change position glm::vec3 newPosition(positionRegex.cap(1).toFloat(), positionRegex.cap(2).toFloat(), positionRegex.cap(3).toFloat()); // We need to use definitelyPathOnly, pathString and _newHostLookupPath to determine if the current address // should be stored in the history before we ask for a position/orientation change. A relative path that was // not associated with a host lookup should always trigger a history change (definitelyPathOnly) and a viewpointString // with a non empty pathString (suggesting this is the result of a lookup with the domain-server) that does not match // _newHostLookupPath should always trigger a history change. // // We use _newHostLookupPath to determine if the client has already stored its last address // before moving to a new host thanks to the information in the same lookup URL. if (definitelyPathOnly || (!pathString.isEmpty() && pathString != _newHostLookupPath)) { addCurrentAddressToHistory(LookupTrigger::UserInput); } if (!isNaN(newPosition.x) && !isNaN(newPosition.y) && !isNaN(newPosition.z)) { glm::quat newOrientation; QRegExp orientationRegex(QUAT_REGEX_STRING); // we may also have an orientation if (viewpointString[positionRegex.matchedLength() - 1] == QChar('/') && orientationRegex.indexIn(viewpointString, positionRegex.matchedLength() - 1) != -1) { glm::quat newOrientation = glm::normalize(glm::quat(orientationRegex.cap(4).toFloat(), orientationRegex.cap(1).toFloat(), orientationRegex.cap(2).toFloat(), orientationRegex.cap(3).toFloat())); if (!isNaN(newOrientation.x) && !isNaN(newOrientation.y) && !isNaN(newOrientation.z) && !isNaN(newOrientation.w)) { emit locationChangeRequired(newPosition, true, newOrientation, shouldFace); return true; } else { qCDebug(networking) << "Orientation parsed from lookup string is invalid. Will not use for location change."; } } emit locationChangeRequired(newPosition, false, newOrientation, shouldFace); } else { qCDebug(networking) << "Could not jump to position from lookup string because it has an invalid value."; } return true; } else { return false; } }