文件: circuit.cpp 项目: FoxMarts/qucs
/* This is the one-node variant of the transientCapacitanceC()
   function.  It performs the same steps for a single voltage node
   related to ground. */
void circuit::transientCapacitanceC2Q (int qpos, int qneg, int vpos,
				       nr_double_t cap, nr_double_t voltage) {
  nr_double_t g, i;
  conductor (cap, g);
  addY (qpos, vpos, +g); addY (qneg, vpos, -g);
  i = pol * (g * voltage);
  addI (qpos , +i);
  addI (qneg , -i);
文件: circuit.cpp 项目: FoxMarts/qucs
/* The function performs a single integration step of the given charge
   located between the given nodes.  It saves the current
   contributions of the charge itself and considers the polarity of
   the circuit. */
void circuit::transientCapacitanceQ (int qstate, int qpos, int qneg,
				     nr_double_t charge) {
  nr_double_t unused, i;
  int cstate = qstate + 1;
  setState (qstate, charge);
  integrate (qstate, 0, unused, unused);
  i = pol * getState (cstate);
  addI (qpos , -i);
  addI (qneg , +i);
文件: circuit.cpp 项目: FoxMarts/qucs
/* The function runs the necessary calculation in order to perform a
   single integration step of a voltage controlled capacitance placed
   in between the given nodes.  It is assumed that the appropiate
   charge only depends on the voltage between these nodes. */
void circuit::transientCapacitance (int qstate, int pos, int neg,
				    nr_double_t cap, nr_double_t voltage,
				    nr_double_t charge) {
  nr_double_t g, i;
  int cstate = qstate + 1;
  setState (qstate, charge);
  integrate (qstate, cap, g, i);
  addY (pos, pos, +g); addY (neg, neg, +g);
  addY (pos, neg, -g); addY (neg, pos, -g);
  i = pol * (getState (cstate) - g * voltage);
  addI (pos , -i);
  addI (neg , +i);
文件: cawax_test.c 项目: danhng/cawax
int testDatastruct() {

	Sample * sample = (Sample *)malloc(sizeof(Sample));
	sample->x = 0.1;
	sample->y = 0.2;
	sample->z = 0.3;
	LinkedList * list = makeList();
	printf("APPENDING TEST...\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		add(*sample, list);
	printf("SANDWICHING TEST...\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		addI(i, *sample, list);

	printf("Getting x series...\n");

	acc * xs = getSubSeries(X, 0, list->count - 1, list);
	acc * current = xs;
	while ((long)(*(current++)) != TERMINATION_VALUE) {
		printf("next: %2.3f\n", *current);

