void FranchiseHq::initializeFranchiseHq(std::vector<TableImage*>& tableImages) {

	// count the number of restaurants
	std::set<int> restIds;
	for (int i=0; i<tableImages.size(); i++)
		TableImage* t = tableImages[i];
		restIds.insert( t->getRestaurantIndex() );
	numRestaurants = restIds.size();
	if (parmTreatment == PARM_RV)
		// initialize franchise headquarters using DPP
		// i. initialze the menu items that have restaurant tables assigned
		for (int i=0; i<tableImages.size(); i++)
			//std::cout << "receiveBuf[" << i << "] = " << receiveBuf[i] << std::endl;
			TableImage* t = tableImages[i];
			double probNew = menuAlpha / (i + menuAlpha);
			if (ranPtr->uniformRv() < probNew)
				// assign table to a new menu item
				MenuItem* m = addMenuItem();
				// assign table to a pre-existing menu item
				MenuItem* m = pickMenuItemAtRandom(ranPtr);
				if (m == NULL)
					Msg::error("Problem initializing program");
		// ii. instantiate the auxiliary menu items
		for (int i=0; i<numAuxiliaryMenuItems; i++)
			MenuItem* m = addMenuItem();
		// iii. determine the stick breaking weight for each menu item
	else if (parmTreatment == PARM_SAME)
		// all of the restaurants share a single parameter
		MenuItem* m = addMenuItem();
		for (int i=0; i<tableImages.size(); i++)
			TableImage* t = tableImages[i];
			if ( m->isTableAssignedToMenuItem( t->getRestaurantIndex(), t->getTableIndex() ) == true )
				std::cout << "already found table " << t << " on MenuItem" << std::endl;
			if (m->getParmType() == PARM_TREE)
				ParmTree* treePtr = dynamic_cast<ParmTree *>(m->getParameterPtr());
				if ( treePtr == 0 )
					Msg::error("Cannot find ParmTree");
		// each restaurant has a different parameter. Note that we assume that each
		// restaurant has a single table in it.
		for (int i=0; i<tableImages.size(); i++)
			TableImage* t = tableImages[i];
			MenuItem* m = addMenuItem();
			if (m->getParmType() == PARM_TREE)
				ParmTree* treePtr = dynamic_cast<ParmTree *>(m->getParameterPtr());
				if ( treePtr == 0 )
					Msg::error("Cannot find ParmTree");
	// make certain that the tables in the restaurants reflect the seating of their images in the head quarters
void AddNewFileToMainMenu(TPopupMenu *PopupMenu, AnsiString FileName, TNotifyEvent NotifyEvent)
  TRegistry *Reg = new TRegistry;
  bool      FirstInput = false;
  bool      FileExist  = false;
  int       Counter    = 0;
  int       posFileNameInMenu = -1;
  AnsiString appName = ExtractFileName(Application->ExeName); appName.SetLength(appName.Length() - 4);

  try {
     Reg->RootKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;  /// ---- Находитться в Uses Windows
     Reg->OpenKey("Software\\Digital Systems & Technologies\\" + appName, true); //create a new key >> .ext
     if (FileName == "Load") {
            for ( int i = 0; i < CountFileName; i++){
              FileNameStackArray[i] = "";
              FileNameStackArray[i] = Reg->ReadString("FileName"+IntToStr(i+1));
              if (FileNameStackArray[i] != "") {
                 Counter = Counter + 1;
                 addMenuItem (Counter, PopupMenu, "&"+IntToStr(Counter) + ". " + GetShortFileName(FileNameStackArray[i]), NotifyEvent);
                 FirstInput = true;

            if (FirstInput) addMenuItem (Counter + 1,PopupMenu,"-", NULL);
     } else {
            // --- Проверка на повтор файла -----------
            for ( int i = 0; i < CountFileName; i++)
               if (FileName == FileNameStackArray[i]) {
                  FileExist         = true;
                  FileNameStackArray[i]  = "";
                  posFileNameInMenu = i;
            // -------- Если файл уже существует то удаляем его из списка, сортируем список
            if (FileExist) {
               for ( int i = posFileNameInMenu; i < CountFileName - 1; i++ ) {
                    FileNameStackArray[i] = FileNameStackArray[i+1];
               FileNameStackArray[CountFileName - 1] = "";
            // ----- Добавляем в "Стек" ---------
            for ( int i = CountFileName - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (FileNameStackArray[i-1].data() != NULL)
                    FileNameStackArray[i] = FileNameStackArray[i-1];
            FileNameStackArray[0] = FileName;

            // ---- Удаляю все файлы с менюхи  ---------
            for ( int i = PopupMenu->Items->Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
                 if (PopupMenu->Items->Items[i]->Name[1] == 'F')
                      delete PopupMenu->Items->Items[i];

            // ---- Добавляю новые файлы в менюху ------
            Counter = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < CountFileName - 1; i++ ) {
              if (FileNameStackArray[i] != "") {
                 Counter = Counter + 1;
                 addMenuItem (Counter, PopupMenu, "&" + IntToStr(Counter) + ". " + GetShortFileName(FileNameStackArray[i]), NotifyEvent);
            // ---- Добавляю черту ------
            addMenuItem (Counter + 1,PopupMenu,"-", NULL);

     // ---- Записываю в Реестр -------
     for ( int i = 0; i < CountFileName; i++)
        Reg->WriteString("FileName" + IntToStr(i+1), FileNameStackArray[i]);
  } __finally {
    delete Reg;