bool RWLockImpl::tryWriteLockImpl() { addWriter(); HANDLE h[2]; h[0] = _mutex; h[1] = _writeEvent; switch (WaitForMultipleObjects(2, h, TRUE, 1)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: --_writersWaiting; ++_readers; ++_writers; ResetEvent(_readEvent); ResetEvent(_writeEvent); ReleaseMutex(_mutex); poco_assert_dbg(_writers == 1); return true; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: removeWriter(); return false; default: removeWriter(); throw SystemException("cannot lock reader/writer lock"); } }
bool RWLockImpl::tryWriteLockImpl() { addWriter(); HANDLE h[2]; h[0] = _mutex; h[1] = _writeEvent; switch (WaitForMultipleObjects(2, h, TRUE, 1)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: --_writersWaiting; ++_readers; ++_writers; ResetEvent(_readEvent); ResetEvent(_writeEvent); ReleaseMutex(_mutex); ASSERT(_writers == 1); return true; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: removeWriter(); return false; default: removeWriter(); NIT_THROW_FMT(EX_SYSTEM, "cannot lock reader/writer lock"); } }
Stage& PipelineManager::makeWriter(const std::string& outputFile, std::string driver) { if (driver.empty()) { driver = StageFactory::inferWriterDriver(outputFile); if (driver.empty()) throw pdal_error("Cannot determine writer for output file: " + outputFile); } Options options; if (!outputFile.empty()) options.add("filename", outputFile); auto& writer = addWriter(driver); setOptions(writer, options); return writer; }
Stage& PipelineManager::makeWriter(StageCreationOptions& o) { if (o.m_driver.empty()) { o.m_driver = StageFactory::inferWriterDriver(o.m_filename); if (o.m_driver.empty()) throw pdal_error("Cannot determine writer for output file: " + o.m_filename); } if (!o.m_filename.empty()) o.m_options.replace("filename", o.m_filename); auto& writer = addWriter(o.m_driver); writer.setTag(o.m_tag); setOptions(writer, o.m_options); if (o.m_parent) writer.setInput(*o.m_parent); return writer; }
void RWLockImpl::writeLockImpl() { addWriter(); HANDLE h[2]; h[0] = _mutex; h[1] = _writeEvent; switch (WaitForMultipleObjects(2, h, TRUE, INFINITE)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: --_writers; ++_readers; ResetEvent(_readEvent); ResetEvent(_writeEvent); ReleaseMutex(_mutex); break; default: removeWriter(); throw SystemException("cannot lock reader/writer lock"); } }
void doSomeStuff(){ printf("Creating account for Dan Brown\n"); struct Writer danBrown = newWriter( "Dan Brown", "danbrown", "password" ); addWriter(&danBrown, &eBookStore); printf("Created account for Dan Brown with ID %d\n\n",; printf("Adding the book Angels and Demons\n"); struct Book angelsAndDemons = newBook( "Angels and Demons", "Dan Brown", "Science and Mythology and Stuff", "In not so distant past...",, 100 ); publishBook(&angelsAndDemons, &eBookStore); printf("Added the book Angels and Demons with ID %d\n\n",; printf("Adding the book Da Vinci Code\n"); struct Book daVinciCode = newBook( "Da Vinci Code", "Dan Brown", "Its about the hipster Leo", "Once upon a time...",, 100 ); publishBook(&daVinciCode, &eBookStore); printf("Added the book Da Vinci Code with ID %d\n\n",; printf("Books published by %s on our platform are,\n",; for(int i=0;i<danBrown.bookCount;i++){ int bookID = danBrown.bookIDs[i]; struct Book *b = eBookStore.bookDataStore.books[bookID]; printf("#%d:\t%s\n", i+1, b->title); } printf("\n"); printf("Finding books similar to %s\n", daVinciCode.title); assignSimilarBooks(&daVinciCode, &eBookStore); for(int i=0;i<daVinciCode.similarBookCount;i++){ int bookID = daVinciCode.similarBooks[i]; struct Book *b = eBookStore.bookDataStore.books[bookID]; printf("#%d:\t%s\n", i+1, b->title); } printf("\n"); printf("Creating customer account for Robert Langdon\n"); struct Customer robertLangdon = newCustomer("robertlangdon", "password"); addCustomerToDataStore(&robertLangdon, &eBookStore.customerDataStore); printf("Created customer account for Robert Langdon with user id %d\n\n",; printf("Searching for books with the title 'Angels and Demons'\n"); struct Book* searchResult = searchBooksInDataStore(1, "Angels and Demons", 1, &eBookStore.bookDataStore)[0]; printf("Found one book with the name %s by the author %s\n", searchResult->title, searchResult->author); printf("Its summary is, %s\n\n", searchResult->summary); printf("Submitting an excellent review for %s from user name %s\n", searchResult->title, robertLangdon.username); addReview(searchResult, &robertLangdon, 5, "Awesome read! :)", &eBookStore); printf("Fetching all reviews for %s,\n", searchResult->title); for(int i=0;i<searchResult->reviewCount;i++){ printf("#%d: Rating: %d Comments: %s\n", i+1, searchResult->reviews[i]->rating, searchResult->reviews[i]->body); } printf("Average rating of %s is %f\n\n", searchResult->title, getAverageRating(searchResult)); printf("That's all for this demo folks! :)\n"); }