/* The caller guarantees that *op is a dictionary. */
build_gs_sub_font(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, const ref *op, gs_font **ppfont,
                  font_type ftype, gs_memory_type_ptr_t pstype,
                  const build_proc_refs * pbuild, const ref *pencoding,
                  ref *fid_op)
    gs_matrix mat, omat;
    ref fname;			/* t_string */
    gs_font *pfont;
    font_data *pdata;
     * Make sure that we allocate the font data
     * in the same VM as the font dictionary.
    uint space = ialloc_space(idmemory);
    int code = sub_font_params(imemory, op, &mat, &omat, &fname);

    if (code < 0)
        return code;
    ialloc_set_space(idmemory, r_space(op));
    pfont = gs_font_alloc(imemory, pstype, &gs_font_procs_default, NULL,
    pdata = ialloc_struct(font_data, &st_font_data,
    if (pfont == 0 || pdata == 0)
        code = gs_note_error(e_VMerror);
    else if (fid_op)
        code = add_FID(i_ctx_p, fid_op, pfont, iimemory);
    if (code < 0) {
        ifree_object(pdata, "buildfont(data)");
        ifree_object(pfont, "buildfont(font)");
        ialloc_set_space(idmemory, space);
        return code;
    refset_null((ref *) pdata, sizeof(font_data) / sizeof(ref));
    ref_assign_new(&pdata->dict, op);
    ref_assign_new(&pdata->BuildChar, &pbuild->BuildChar);
    ref_assign_new(&pdata->BuildGlyph, &pbuild->BuildGlyph);
    if (pencoding)
        ref_assign_new(&pdata->Encoding, pencoding);
    pfont->client_data = pdata;
    pfont->FontType = ftype;
    pfont->FontMatrix = mat;
    pfont->orig_FontMatrix = omat;
    pfont->BitmapWidths = false;
    pfont->ExactSize = fbit_use_bitmaps;
    pfont->InBetweenSize = fbit_use_outlines;
    pfont->TransformedChar = fbit_use_outlines;
    pfont->WMode = 0;
    pfont->procs.encode_char = zfont_encode_char;
    pfont->procs.glyph_name = zfont_glyph_name;
    ialloc_set_space(idmemory, space);
    copy_font_name(&pfont->font_name, &fname);
    *ppfont = pfont;
    return 0;
zdefault_make_font(gs_font_dir * pdir, const gs_font * oldfont,
                   const gs_matrix * pmat, gs_font ** ppfont)
    gs_font *newfont = *ppfont;
    gs_memory_t *mem = newfont->memory;
    /* HACK: we know this font was allocated by the interpreter. */
    gs_ref_memory_t *imem = (gs_ref_memory_t *)mem;
    ref *fp = pfont_dict(oldfont);
    font_data *pdata;
    ref newdict, newmat, scalemat;
    uint dlen = dict_maxlength(fp);
    uint mlen = dict_length(fp) + 3;	/* FontID, OrigFont, ScaleMatrix */
    int code;

    if (dlen < mlen)
        dlen = mlen;
    if ((pdata = gs_alloc_struct(mem, font_data, &st_font_data,
                                 "make_font(font_data)")) == 0
     * This dictionary is newly created: it's safe to pass NULL as the
     * dstack pointer to dict_copy and dict_put_string.
    if ((code = dict_alloc(imem, dlen, &newdict)) < 0 ||
        (code = dict_copy(fp, &newdict, NULL)) < 0 ||
        (code = gs_alloc_ref_array(imem, &newmat, a_all, 12,
                                   "make_font(matrices)")) < 0
        return code;
    refset_null_new(newmat.value.refs, 12, imemory_new_mask(imem));
    ref_assign(&scalemat, &newmat);
    r_set_size(&scalemat, 6);
    scalemat.value.refs += 6;
     * Create the scaling matrix.  We could do this several different
     * ways: by "dividing" the new FontMatrix by the base FontMatrix, by
     * multiplying the current scaling matrix by a ScaleMatrix kept in
     * the gs_font, or by multiplying the current scaling matrix by the
     * ScaleMatrix from the font dictionary.  We opt for the last of
     * these.
        gs_matrix scale, prev_scale;
        ref *ppsm;

        if (!(dict_find_string(fp, "ScaleMatrix", &ppsm) > 0 &&
              read_matrix(mem, ppsm, &prev_scale) >= 0 &&
              gs_matrix_multiply(pmat, &prev_scale, &scale) >= 0)
            scale = *pmat;
        write_matrix_new(&scalemat, &scale, imem);
    r_clear_attrs(&scalemat, a_write);
    r_set_size(&newmat, 6);
    write_matrix_new(&newmat, &newfont->FontMatrix, imem);
    r_clear_attrs(&newmat, a_write);
    if ((code = dict_put_string(&newdict, "FontMatrix", &newmat, NULL)) < 0 ||
        (code = dict_put_string(&newdict, "OrigFont", pfont_dict(oldfont->base), NULL)) < 0 ||
        (code = dict_put_string(&newdict, "ScaleMatrix", &scalemat, NULL)) < 0 ||
        (code = add_FID(NULL, &newdict, newfont, imem)) < 0
        return code;
    newfont->client_data = pdata;
    *pdata = *pfont_data(oldfont);
    pdata->dict = newdict;
    r_clear_attrs(dict_access_ref(&newdict), a_write);
    return 0;