void create() {

  object otherroom;

    set_exits( ([
"north" : BLUE "a44",
"east" : BLUE "a35",
"south" : BLUE "a21",
"west" : BLUE "a33",
"northeast" : BLUE "a45",
"southeast" : BLUE "a22",
"southwest" : BLUE "a20",
"northwest" : BLUE "a43",
    ]) );

  if(random(2) == 0)
    otherroom = load_object(BLUE "b16");
    otherroom = load_object(BLUE "c13");
  add_exit(base_name(otherroom), "dive");
  otherroom->add_exit(base_name(this_object()), "dive");

void create() {
    set_short("A hall");
    set_long("Many powerful looking weapons are hung here.  Scimitars, broadswords, longswords, cutlasses, "
	"even some jeweled scabbards line the walls.  They look quite deadly and magnificient under this "
	"blue light.  The walls are fairly plain to accommodate the weapons." );
          "floor" : "The floor is black and shiny.  The weapons can be seen in it's surface...  also, what looks like a slender corridor can be seen only in the reflection...",
	  "walls" : "They are plain walls with armors lined against them.",
	  "light" : "Lanterns offer a comforting blue light.",
	  "weapons" : "The weapons look quite powerful.",
	  "corridor" : "It appears as though the corridor was positioned as a secret exit.", 	  
        "indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 1,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "corridor" : ROOMS "seekpal28.c",
	"south" : ROOMS "seekpal26.c",	
void create() {
    "night light":1,
  set_short("a small town");
    "This is a small open area with wisps of grass growing here and there. "
    "Most of the ground is packed hard from many footfalls. A path leads "
    "south toward the town center."
    "\nLong bushes spread out across the north."
    "bushes" : "Easily eight feet tall, they spread out to the east and west.",
    "grass" : "Scraggly bits of grass that have been stepped on often.",
    "ground" : "It is very firm dirt.",
    "path" : "A well-worn dirt road.",
  add_pre_exit_function("north", "thorns_hurt");
void create() {
    set_short("A room of silver.");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^This room is made completely of silver.  %^RESET%^%^ORANGE%^Gargoyles %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^and %^RESET%^%^MAGENTA%^vampires%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ have been carved out of the walls and %^RESET%^%^RED%^b%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^oo%^RED%^d%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ trickles out of their mouthes like a fountain.  There is a throne in the centre of the room on an elevated pentagram.  A rim forms around the room but in between it and the pentagram, %^RED%^b%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^o%^RED%^%^BOLD%^o%^RESET%^%^RED%^d %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^flows %^RED%^cri%^RESET%^%^RED%^m%^BOLD%^son%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^.  Suspended from the ceiling is a man made of some %^BLACK%^sh%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^im%^RESET%^me%^BOLD%^r%^BLACK%^ing%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ rock that seems less silver but more beautiful. %^RESET%^%^RED%^B%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^o%^BOLD%^%^RED%^o%^RESET%^%^RED%^d%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ pours out of it's mouth and into a small, cylindrical hole in the centre of the pentagram, a couple of inches away from the base of the th%^RED%^ro%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ne. "); 
    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^This room is made completely of silver.  %^RESET%^%^ORANGE%^Gargoyles %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^and %^RESET%^%^MAGENTA%^vampires%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ have been carved out of the walls and %^RESET%^%^RED%^b%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^oo%^RED%^d%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ trickles out of their mouthes like a fountain.  There is a throne in the centre of the room on an elevated pentagram.  A rim forms around the room but in between it and the pentagram, %^RED%^b%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^o%^RED%^%^BOLD%^o%^RESET%^%^RED%^d %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^flows %^RED%^cri%^RESET%^%^RED%^m%^BOLD%^son%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^.  Suspended from the ceiling is a man made of some %^BLACK%^sh%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^im%^RESET%^me%^BOLD%^r%^BLACK%^ing%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ rock that seems less silver but more beautiful. %^RESET%^%^RED%^B%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^o%^BOLD%^%^RED%^o%^RESET%^%^RED%^d%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ pours out of it's mouth and into a small, cylindrical hole in the centre of the pentagram, a couple of inches away from the base of the th%^RED%^ro%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ne. "); 
          "grargoyles" : "The gargoyles all seem to grin as blood slowly trickles out of their mouthes ",
          "vampires" : "They're only stone... ",
          "throne" : "This is the throne of a powerful vampire indeed. It is jet black, the only thing that doesn't seem silver in this room, with a plush, crimson backing to it.  The top of the throne is shaped like fire.",
          "pentagram" : "All the blood from the ceiling gathers and pours down a hole in the centre of it ",
          "rim" : "A place to stand on so you don't fall into the swirling blood. ",
          "man" : "He eyes are widened and it looks like the blood is being sucked down his throat. ",
          "blood" : "It is everywhere, but in a very orderly, seductively beautiful way. ",
          "hole" : "The blood from the ceiling makes it's way into this. ",
        "indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
    set_exits(([ "out" : ROOMS "vtower4.c",
void create() {
    set_short("A glass path");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Silence joins forces with the darkness and the two become one fearsome sight.  Rotting houses that are all shut up are all over the place and the tiles on the ground are mostly busted or shifted upward.  ");

    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Silence joins forces with the darkness and the two become one fearsome sight.  Rotting houses that are all shut up are all over the place and the tiles on the ground are mostly busted or shifted upward.  ");

                   "path" : "The tiles on the path have been smashed by time.",
                   "houses" : "They rott and smell of decay.",
                   "mansion" : "The blinding shimmer of the mansion stuns your eyes.  You can barely make out the sound of music within the doorway.",
                   "tower" : "The tower stands lonely, seeming to humm of warning to itself.  It is rather small, but shadows leap all across it and you can definately make out humanoid shapes.",

                        "outdoors" : 1,
                        "light" : 1,
                        "night light" : 0,
                        "no teleport" : 1,
                   "east" : ROOMS "dtown1.c",
                   "west" : ROOMS "dtown3.c",

void create() {
    set_exits( ([
"south" : BLUE "c59",
    ]) );
void create() {
    set_exits( ([
"east" : BLUE "c28",
    ]) );
void create() {
    set_exits( ([
"southeast" : BLUE "c55",
"southwest" : BLUE "c54",
    ]) );
void create() {
    set_short("A dead end.");
    set_day_long("%^MAGENTA%^Directly north of here lies a huge, stone door with "
               "blood dripping down from cracks in the design on it. "
               "To the east and west of this massive door lie two others, "
               "one gold and one silver.  There are names written in a "
               "language that is past your comprehension.  The floor is "
               "tiled with bone marrow and the walls surrounding the doors "
               "are jet black.  ");
    set_night_long("%^MAGENTA%^Directly north of here lies a huge, stone door with "
               "blood dripping down from cracks in the design on it. "
               "To the east and west of this massive door lie two others, "
               "one gold and one silver.  There are names written in a "
               "language that is past your comprehension.  The floor is "
               "tiled with bone marrow and the walls surrounding the doors "
               "are jet black.  ");
	  "names" : "You cannot understand them",
          "stone door" : "It is huge. ",
          "gold door" : "This is a golden door, nothing more, nothing less. ",
          "silver door" : "This is a silver door, nothing more, nothing less. ",
	"indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
	"night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
	"south" : ROOMS "vtower3.c",
        "east" : ROOMS "balra1.c",
        "west" : ROOMS "vamp1.c",
        "north" : ROOMS "vtower5.c",
void create() {
    set_short("Stone Path");
    set_properties( (["light" : 2, "night light" : 2]) );
    set_property("indoors", 1);
    set_property("no teleport", 1);
    set_listen("default", "Silence is overwhelming here.");
    set_long("The path here splits into three different hallways.  There is the head of a dragon above each one, each a different color.  Nothing can be seen down any path except complete darkness.");
    set_exits( (["northwest" : "/d/quests/dragon/white", "north" : "/d/quests/dragon/red", "northeast" : "/d/quests/dragon/black", "up" : "/d/quests/dragon/blue"]) );
    add_pre_exit_function("northwest", "go_northwest");
    add_pre_exit_function("north", "go_north");
    add_pre_exit_function("northeast", "go_northeast");
    add_pre_exit_function("up", "go_up");
    set_items( ([ ({"dragon","head","heads"}) : "%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^The dragon head above the northwest path appears to be smiling.\n%^RESET%^%^RED%^The dragon head above the north path looks down objectively.\n%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^The dragon head above the northeast path is snarling."]) );
文件: dragnorth05.c 项目: ehershey/pd
void create() {
    set_properties((["light" : 2, "night light" : 1, "no teleport" : 1, "mountain" : 1   ]));
    set_short("Dragon Lands North");
    set_day_long("The mountain-top path has been trampled firmly into place, there is not a bump or shrub near it to be seen. The mountain ridge below extends off to the east and the south along with the path, which bends off the side of the ridge to the northwest into a smoothly rounded edge. The mountain ridge also extends to the west, but it is too rocky to traverse. The mountain ridge drops off steeply to the southeast. The view to the northwest is magnificent, overlooking the beach and ocean below. Far along the mountain to the southeast there seems to be an intricate path along the ridges of the mountain, which twist and dodge between great gaping chasms.");
    set_night_long("The mountain-top path has been trampled firmly into place, there is not a bump or shrub near it to be seen. The mountain ridge below extends off to the east and the south along with the path, which smoothly drops off the ridge to the northwest into the darkness below. The mountain ridge to the west is covered with dark colossal shapes which seem to impede passage. The mountain ridge drops off steeply to the southeast into darkness. The view to the northwest in the night sky is magnificent yet daunting, overlooking the dark path below. Far along the mountain to the southeast the moonlight mountain ridges twist and dodge between great gaping chasms.");
    set_exits( ([
	"northwest" : DRAG_ROOMS"dragnorth04.c",
	"east" : DRAG_ROOMS"dragnorth06.c",
	"south" : DRAG_ROOMS"dragnorth08.c",
	"pathing_mob_fly" : DRAG_ROOMS"dragnorth04.c",
      ]) );
    set_items( ([
      "path" : "It is below you.",
      ]) );
    add_pre_exit_function("pathing_mob_fly", "mob_path_fly");
void create() {
    set_short("A glass path");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^The light is complete.  The mansion shimmers "
"an almost blinding beauty, while south a small, quiet town slumbers. "
"A huge, glass doorway to the north is open and a %^RED%^red%^RESET%^"
"%^BOLD%^ carpet has been rolled down the steps leading up to it.  ");
    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^The light is complete.  The mansion shimmer"
"s an almost blinding beauty, while south a small, quiet town slumbers. "
"A huge, glass doorway to the north is open and a %^RED%^red%^RESET%^%"
"^BOLD%^ carpet has been rolled down the steps leading up to it.  ");

          "path" : "The path has been lit by a blue light produced under"
	"neath the glass.",
          "light" : "It is complete.",
          "mansion" : "The blinding shimmer of the mansion stuns your eyes. " 
	"You can barely make out the sound of music within the doorway.",
          "tower" : "The tower stands lonely, seeming to humm of warning to "
	"itself.  It is rather small, but shadows leap all across it and you "
	"can definately make out humanoid shapes.",
        "outdoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "south" : ROOMS "dtownmp2.c",