static void
refresh (PsppireDialog *dialog, const struct comment_dialog *cd)
    gint i;
    GtkWidget *tv = get_widget_assert (cd->xml, "comments-textview1");
    GtkTextBuffer *buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (tv));

    gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, "", 0);

    for ( i = 0 ; i < dict_get_document_line_cnt (cd->dict->dict); ++i )
        add_line_to_buffer (buffer, dict_get_document_line (cd->dict->dict, i));
/* Reads any base64-encoded certificates present in fp and adds them to store.
 * Returns TRUE if any certificates were successfully imported.
static BOOL import_base64_certs_from_fp(FILE *fp, HCERTSTORE store)
    char line[1024];
    BOOL in_cert = FALSE;
    struct DynamicBuffer saved_cert = { 0, 0, NULL };
    int num_certs = 0;

    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
        static const char header[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----";
        static const char trailer[] = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";

        if (!strncmp(line, header, strlen(header)))
            TRACE("begin new certificate\n");
            in_cert = TRUE;
        else if (!strncmp(line, trailer, strlen(trailer)))
            DWORD size;

            TRACE("end of certificate, adding cert\n");
            in_cert = FALSE;
            if (CryptStringToBinaryA((char *)saved_cert.data, saved_cert.used,
             CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, NULL, &size, NULL, NULL))
                LPBYTE buf = CryptMemAlloc(size);

                if (buf)
                    CryptStringToBinaryA((char *)saved_cert.data,
                     saved_cert.used, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, buf, &size, NULL,
                    if (CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore(store,
                     X509_ASN_ENCODING, buf, size, CERT_STORE_ADD_NEW, NULL))
        else if (in_cert)
            add_line_to_buffer(&saved_cert, line);
    TRACE("Read %d certs\n", num_certs);
    return num_certs > 0;
// returns the 35 points associated to the test chart in [x1,y1,x2,y2] 
// format if there are more than 35 points will return NULL
matd_t* build_homography(image_u32_t* im, vx_buffer_t* buf, metrics_t met)
    frame_t frame = {{0,0}, {im->width-1, im->height-1},
                        {0,0}, {1,1}};
    int good_size = 0;
    zarray_t* blobs = zarray_create(sizeof(node_t));
    hsv_find_balls_blob_detector(im, frame, met, blobs, buf);

    // remove unqualified blobs
    if(met.qualify) {
        for(int i = 0; i < zarray_size(blobs); i++) {
            node_t n;
            zarray_get(blobs, i, &n);

            if(!blob_qualifies(im, &n, met, buf))
                zarray_remove_index(blobs, i, 0);
    if(zarray_size(blobs) == NUM_TARGETS ||zarray_size(blobs) == NUM_CHART_BLOBS) good_size = 1;

    zarray_sort(blobs, compare);
    int pix_array[zarray_size(blobs)*2];

    // iterate through
    int idx = 0;
    double size = 2.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < zarray_size(blobs); i++) {
        node_t n;
        zarray_get(blobs, i, &n);
        loc_t center = {    .x = n.ave_loc.x/n.num_children,
                            .y = n.ave_loc.y/n.num_children};
        loc_t parent = {    .x = n.id % im->stride,
                            .y = n.id / im->stride};

        if(buf != NULL) {
            add_circle_to_buffer(buf, size, center, vx_maroon);
            // add_circle_to_buffer(buf, size, parent, vx_olive);

            // add_sides_to_buffer(im, buf, 1.0, &n, vx_orange, met);
            loc_t* lp = fit_lines(im, &n, buf, met, NULL);
            if(lp != NULL) {
                // printf("(%d, %d) (%d, %d) (%d, %d) (%d, %d) \n",
                //         lp[0].x, lp[0].y, lp[1].x, lp[1].y, lp[2].x, lp[2].y, lp[3].x, lp[3].y);
                loc_t intersect = get_line_intersection(lp[0], lp[1], lp[2], lp[3]);
                if(in_range(im, intersect.x, intersect.y)) {
                    loc_t ext_lines[2];
                    extend_lines_to_edge_of_image(im, intersect, center, ext_lines);
                    add_line_to_buffer(im, buf, 2.0, ext_lines[0], ext_lines[1], vx_blue);                
                for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    pix_array[i*2] = lp[i].x;
                    pix_array[i*2+1] = lp[i].y;
                    add_circle_to_buffer(buf, 3.0, lp[i], vx_orange);


            // loc_t corners[4] = {{n.box.right, n.box.top},
            //                     {n.box.right, n.box.bottom},
            //                     {n.box.left, n.box.bottom},
            //                     {n.box.left, n.box.top}};
            // print extremes of box
            // if(1) {
            //     add_circle_to_buffer(buf, size, corners[0], vx_green);
            //     add_circle_to_buffer(buf, size, corners[1], vx_yellow);
            //     add_circle_to_buffer(buf, size, corners[2], vx_red);
            //     add_circle_to_buffer(buf, size, corners[3], vx_blue);
            //     for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            //         // add_circle_to_buffer(buf, size, corners[j], vx_maroon);
            //     }
            // }

    matd_t* H;
    H = dist_homography(pix_array, NUM_TARGETS);

    // if(0) {//zarray_size(blobs) == NUM_CHART_BLOBS){
    //     H = dist_homography(pix_array, NUM_CHART_BLOBS);
    // }
    // else if(zarray_size(blobs) == NUM_TARGETS){
    //     H = dist_homography(pix_array, NUM_TARGETS);
    //     if(met.add_lines) connect_lines(blobs, buf);
    // }
    // else {
    //     if(met.dothis)
    //         printf("num figures: %d\n", zarray_size(blobs));
    //     return(NULL);
    // }

    // make projected points
    // project_measurements_through_homography(H, buf, blobs, zarray_size(blobs));


{ R00, R01, R02, TX,
   R10, R11, R12, TY,
   R20, R21, R22, TZ,
    0, 0, 0, 1 });
double get_rotation(const char* axis, matd_t* H)
    double cosine, sine, theta;

    if(strncmp(axis,"x", 1)) {
        cosine = MATD_EL(H, 1, 1);
        sine = MATD_EL(H, 2, 1);
    else if(strncmp(axis,"y", 1)) {
        cosine = MATD_EL(H, 0, 0);
        sine = MATD_EL(H, 0, 2);
    else if(strncmp(axis,"z", 1)) {
        cosine = MATD_EL(H, 0, 0);
        sine = MATD_EL(H, 1, 0);
    else assert(0);

    theta = atan2(sine, cosine);

// if buf is NULL, will not fill with points of the homography
void take_measurements(image_u32_t* im, vx_buffer_t* buf, metrics_t met)
    // form homography
    matd_t* H = build_homography(im, buf, met);
    if(H == NULL) return;

    // get model view from homography
    matd_t* Model = homography_to_pose(H, 654, 655, 334, 224);
    // printf("\n");
    // matd_print(H, matrix_format);
    // printf("\n\n");
    // printf("model:\n");
    // matd_print(Model, "%15f");
    // printf("\n\n");
    // matd_print(matd_op("M^-1",Model), matrix_format);
    // printf("\n");
    // extrapolate metrics from model view
    double TX = MATD_EL(Model, 0, 3);
    double TY = MATD_EL(Model, 1, 3);
    double TZ = MATD_EL(Model, 2, 3);

    // double rot_x = get_rotation("x", H);
    // double rot_y = get_rotation("y", H);
    // double rot_z = get_rotation("z", H);

    double cosine = MATD_EL(Model, 0, 0);

    double rot_z = acos(cosine) * 180/1.5 - 180;

    cosine = MATD_EL(Model, 2, 2);
    double rot_x = asin(cosine) * 90/1.3 + 90;

    cosine = MATD_EL(Model, 1, 1);
    double rot_y = asin(cosine);

    char str[200];
    sprintf(str, "<<#00ffff,serif-30>> DIST:%lf  Offset:(%lf, %lf)\n rot: (%lf, %lf, %lf)\n", 
                TZ, TX, TY, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z);
    vx_object_t *text = vxo_text_create(VXO_TEXT_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT, str); 
    vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vxo_pix_coords(VX_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT, text));

    // printf("dist: %lf   cos:%lf  angle: %lf\n", TZ, cosine, theta);
loc_t* fit_lines(image_u32_t* im, node_t* n, vx_buffer_t* buf, metrics_t met, loc_t* out)
    // usleep(2000000);
    // isolate valid entries 
    zarray_t* loc_arr = zarray_create(sizeof(loc_t*));
    for(int i = 0; i < im->height; i++) {
        if(n->sides[i].leftmost.x == im->width) continue;        // not apart of blob

        loc_t* loc = malloc(sizeof(loc_t));
        loc->x = n->sides[i].leftmost.x;
        loc->y = n->sides[i].leftmost.y;
        loc->valid = 0;
        zarray_add(loc_arr, &loc);
    for(int i = 0; i < im->height; i++) {
        if(n->sides[i].rightmost.x == -1) continue;

        loc_t* loc = malloc(sizeof(loc_t));
        loc->x = n->sides[i].rightmost.x;
        loc->y = n->sides[i].rightmost.y;
        loc->valid = 0;
        zarray_add(loc_arr, &loc);

    // printf("\n\nall\n");
    // for(int i = 0; i < zarray_size(loc_arr); i++)
    // {
    //     loc_t* p1;
    //     zarray_get(loc_arr, i, &p1);
    //     printf("(%d, %d)\n", p1->x, p1->y);
    // }
    // printf("\n\n");
    int iterations = 0;
    int best_score = 0;
    int lines_found = 0;
    loc_t line_match[8];
    int max_iterations = 500;
    while(lines_found < 2  && zarray_size(loc_arr) > met.num_outliers)      // still a lot of points left 
        if(iterations > max_iterations) break;
        // reset image and array
        // vx_object_t *vim = vxo_image_from_u32(im, 0, 0);
        // vx_buffer_add_back(buf, vxo_pix_coords(VX_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT, vim));
        add_arr_of_locs_to_buffer(loc_arr, buf, 1.0, vx_black, met);

        int num_outliers = met.num_outliers/met.consensus_accuracy;

        while(best_score < ((zarray_size(loc_arr) - num_outliers)/(4 - lines_found)))
            // pick random sample (2 points)
            loc_t* p1;
            loc_t* p2;
            zarray_get(loc_arr, (rand()%zarray_size(loc_arr)), &p1);
            p2 = p1;
            while(p1 == p2)
                zarray_get(loc_arr, (rand()%zarray_size(loc_arr)), &p2);    // don't get same point

            // find consensus score of line from other points 
            // if inside consensus range add 1
            int tmp_score = 0;
            for(int j = 0; j < zarray_size(loc_arr); j++) {
                loc_t* tmp;
                zarray_get(loc_arr, j, &tmp);
                if(fabs(dist_from_point_to_line(p1, p2, tmp)) < (double)met.consensus_accuracy) 

                    tmp->valid = 1;
                    // printf("dist: (%d, %d, %d)  %lf\n", tmp->x, tmp->y, tmp->valid,
                    //         fabs(dist_from_point_to_line(p1, p2, tmp)));
            // keep best line so far 
            if(tmp_score > best_score) {
                if(lines_found != 0) {      // if 2nd line intersects, throw it out and find another 
                    loc_t intersect = get_line_intersection(line_match[0], line_match[1], *p1, *p2);
                        if(in_range(im, intersect.x, intersect.y)) continue;
                best_score = tmp_score;
                // printf("      score:%d,  %d,  %d  %lf\n", best_score, ((zarray_size(loc_arr)-1)/(4-lines_found)), 
                //                                     zarray_size(loc_arr), 10/met.std_dev_from_square);
                line_match[lines_found*2] = *p1;
                line_match[lines_found*2+1] = *p2;
            if(iterations > max_iterations) break;
        // loc_t ext_lines[2];
        // extend_lines_to_edge_of_image(im, line_match[lines_found*2], line_match[lines_found*2+1], ext_lines);
        // add_line_to_buffer(im, buf, 2.0, ext_lines[0], ext_lines[1], vx_yellow);
        // delete all points associated with the found line
        zarray_t* endpoints_arr = zarray_create(sizeof(loc_t*));
        for(int i = 0; i < zarray_size(loc_arr); i++) {
            loc_t* tmp;
            zarray_get(loc_arr, i, &tmp);
            // printf("removed: (%d, %d, %d) \n", tmp->x, tmp->y, tmp->valid);
                // add_circle_to_buffer(buf,  1.0, *tmp, vx_red);
                zarray_add(endpoints_arr, &tmp);
                zarray_remove_index(loc_arr, i, 0);
        // find endpoints of line 
        loc_t ext_lines[2];
        extend_lines_to_edge_of_image(im, line_match[lines_found*2], line_match[lines_found*2+1], ext_lines);
        line_t endpoints = find_line_endpoints(endpoints_arr, &ext_lines[0], &ext_lines[1]);
        add_circle_to_buffer(buf,  2.0, endpoints.start, vx_red);
        add_circle_to_buffer(buf,  2.0, endpoints.end, vx_red);
        line_match[lines_found*2] = endpoints.start;
        line_match[lines_found*2+1] = endpoints.end;

        best_score = 0;
        // vx_buffer_swap(buf);
        // usleep(500000);

    loc_t* ret = calloc(lines_found*2, sizeof(loc_t));
    for(int i = 0; i < lines_found; i++) {
        ret[i*2] = line_match[i*2];
        ret[i*2+1] = line_match[i*2+1]; 
        loc_t ext_lines[2];
        extend_lines_to_edge_of_image(im, line_match[i*2], line_match[i*2+1], ext_lines);
        add_line_to_buffer(im, buf, 2.0, ext_lines[0], ext_lines[1], vx_blue);

    zarray_vmap(loc_arr, free);

    // int corners_found = 0;
    // loc_t corners[4];
    // find_corners_from_lines(im,line_match, 4, &corners_found, corners);
    // for(int i = 0; i < corners_found; i++) {
    //     printf("(%d, %d)\n", corners[i].x, corners[i].y);
    //     add_circle_to_buffer(buf, 3.0, corners[i], vx_blue);
    // }

    // printf("(%d, %d) (%d, %d)   %lf\n", line_match[0].x, line_match[0].y, 
    //                                     line_match[1].x, line_match[1].y, 
    //                                     (double)best_score/N);
