void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "darkling_trooper",2);
    add_monster(MONSTER + "darkling_dung_keeper",2);
    foreach(object ob: all_inventory())
        if(ob->id("darkling")) ob->set_aggressive(1);
void Model::init_monsters(){
    QJsonObject json_obj= read_json_file(":/map/monster_1.json");
    QJsonArray goomba_array = json_obj.value(QString("monster")).toObject()["goomba"].toArray();
    QJsonArray koopa_array = json_obj.value(QString("monster")).toObject()["koopa"].toArray();
    QJsonArray flower_array = json_obj.value(QString("monster")).toObject()["bad_flower"].toArray();
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Cellaria's dungeon, entrance to storage" );
  set_long(wrap("In the north part of the dungeon, the air is a bit warmer, "+
  "but that only makes the humidity worse. Here you can see some signs of "+
  "life, as the flawless walls from earlier devolve into merely packed dirt, "+
  "with an occasional tree root poking out. There is an iron cell door to "+
  "the north, and slumped against it is a recently-deceased body. The body's "+
  "hand reaches towards the door's keyhole, as if its last action was to "+
  "try to pick it.\n"));
  ({"walls", "dirt", "tree root", "root"}) : "Since you have gone in a ways, "+
  "you are probably right beneath the forest floor now, so it is only "+
  "natural that it would be harder to make a good tunnel.\n", 
  "body" : "The body seems fresh, as it is still leaking some blood. It has "+
  "not yet started to decompose; you don't feel like staying around to watch "+
  "that happen. Its hand reaches towards the door in a plaintive gesture. "+
  "Perhaps whoever it was tried in vain to open the door and flee from "+
  "assailants by locking themself inside. You notice with some curiosity that "+
  "the body seems to be somewhat frozen. But it certainly isn't that cold "+
  "keyhole" : "Upon closer examination, you find that the door's keyhole is "+
  "very strange. The tumbler is long and thin - you have never before seen "+
  "a key of such a shape.\n"]));            
文件: hallwaynw.c 项目: cfong57/mud
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Northwestern hallway of the Bastion" );
  set_long(wrap("This hallway is rather plain. There are no decorations to "+
  "adorn the stone walls, the floor is bare, and nothing hangs from the "+
  "ceiling. The room is very clean, however; you can't find any dust at all. "+
  "To the east is a spacious room that looks like the audience chamber. "+
  "At the northern wall is a window looking outside, fitted with an iron "+
  "grill. "));
  longdesc = this_object()->query_long();
  ({"stone walls", "walls", "floor", "ceiling"}) : "The whole room is just "+
  "barren stone. There are not even any interesting stains to break the "+
文件: tomb.c 项目: cfong57/mud
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Grave of a ranger" );
  set_long( wrap("The smell of rot and decay is overpowering in this room. You sense "+
  "that the source is a large, ornate tomb in the center of the room. It looks like "+
  "it has recently been ransacked by graverobbers, or maybe goblins. The huge lid "+
  "is splintered and dented, and all the embedded finery has been removed. Somehow "+
  "you get the sense that whoever was buried here, is clearly not happy to have their "+
  "final resting place disturbed.\n"));
  set_item_desc(([({ "large tomb", "ornate tomb", "tomb"}) : "You think that it must have looked "+
                  "really impressive before being looted. All the gilding has been "+
                  "stripped, and no jewel was left behind. Small text on the tomb "+
                  "says: 'May the ashes herein remain forever undisturbed'. The name "+
                  "below the text has been worn away...you suppose you will never know "+
                  "the identity of the remains.\n", 
文件: noblesroom.c 项目: cfong57/mud
void extra_create()
  seteuid( getuid() );
  set_short( "Nobles room of the Bastion" );
  set_long(wrap("This is the castle's room where nobles and other important "+
  "people would stay. It is richly decorated - every possible surface has "+
  "been painted, covered in silk, laminated with gold, or otherwise "+
  "made attractive. You notice that the room seems to have an aversion to "+
  "right angles, as everything is smooth and rounded, including the "+
  "four-poster beds for sleeping. Even the typical dressers or lockers next "+
  "to each bed have been replaced with spherical chests that open like clam "+
  "shells. Some windows to the south and west look out onto the courtyard. "+
  "There is a large painting hung on the east wall.\n"));
  ({"four-poster beds", "beds"}) : "The beds are made of oak, and each one is "+
  "furnished with silky sheets and fluffy pillows.\n",
void extra_create()
  set_light( (: query_ambient_light :) );
  set_short( "A barren clearing in the middle of the forest" );
  set_long( wrap("The ground here is badly blackened, seemingly from an old "+
  "explosion. The blast area stretches for at least 20 feet in both "+
  "directions. The gutted, fire-charred remains of a laboratory, now almost "+
  "destroyed by the forces of nature, stands in the middle. Curious slime "+
  "trails and puddles of sickly ooze dot the clearing, giving off a strong, "+
  "pungent odor. A large, forbidding-looking hole with a ladder leads "+
  "downwards. Pale green fog billows out of it, making it difficult to "+

                  "ground" : "It's scorched pretty badly.\n",
                  ({ "remains", "laboratory"}) : "The remains look like they could collapse any "+
                  "day now.\n",
文件: pool2.c 项目: cfong57/mud
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Deep in the caves, next to a pool of ooze" );
  set_long( wrap("You are standing next to an enormous pool of luminescent "+
  "green ooze. It burbles and squelches quite loudly, and huge bubbles rise "+
  "and pop on the surface occasionally. You see that the fog comes from the "+
  "pool. Some skeletal limbs can be spotted sticking out of the ooze, and you "+
  "keep a wary distance from the edge of the pool. A large crack in the wall "+
  "leads back to the room you came from.\n"));
  set_item_desc((["bubbles" : "They splatter ooze whenever they pop, but "+
                  "you don't really care, you're dirty enough as it is.\n",
                  "limbs" : "The remains of those poor unlucky fools who "+
                  "drowned in the pool.\n",
                  ({ "large crack", "crack" }) : "You can fit back through it.\n",
                  "fog" : "The fog is pale green, and seems to float around at"+
                  " random. It's difficult to breathe it and you wonder if "+
                  "it's possibly toxic.\n",
                  "pool": "The pool is full of noxious slime and looks really "+
                          "non-inviting",]) );
文件: in_tree.c 项目: cfong57/mud
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Inside a massive tree" );
  set_long(wrap("You are standing inside of a massive tree. The interior "+
  "is even bigger than it looks from the outside. A softly pulsating green "+
  "light seems to emit from the walls of the tree, which are covered in "+
  "ancient arcane symbols. Lush green moss seems to grow everywhere on the "+
  "floor of the tree, providing a living carpet. All said, the tree strikes "+
  "you with a deep sense of the spirit of life and the vitality of nature. An "+
  "incredibly long ladder, made of vines, reaches down from a platform high "+
  "up in the tree.\n"));
  "walls" : "The walls seem to pulse with soft green light, which is easy on "+
  "the eyes and quite bright enough to see. Arcane symbols are painted "+
  "everywhere on the walls, as far as you can see.\n",
  ({"ancient arcane symbols", "ancient symbols", "arcane symbols", "symbols"}) :
  "Symbols have been painted over every square inch of the wall. They are all "+
  "undecipherable to you.\n",
文件: guardroom.c 项目: cfong57/mud
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Royal Guard's barracks in the Bastion" );
  set_long(wrap("You have come to a heavily fortified barracks. The way "+
  "north leads to a strongly reinforced door, and is obstructed by a number "+
  "of defensive mechanisms such as crossbow traps pointed at the south "+
  "entrance. There are some wooden beds along the walls; each of them has "+
  "a sword scabbard bolted right to the bed, providing easy access to "+
  "whatever weapons might once have been stored there. There is evidence that "+
  "this room has seem some fierce combat in ages past; ancient bloodstains "+
  "have never been cleaned off the stones, and there are numerous dents and "+
  "scratches along the floor and walls that look to have been made by "+
  "weaponry of various sorts.\n"));
  ({"defensive mechanisms", "crossbow traps", "traps"}) : "There are a "+
  "variety of devices in this room meant to hinder or stop progress to "+
  "the north. Some of them are crossbow traps, although the quarrels have "+
  "long since rotted away. Others are odd, tubular canisters with dragon's "+
  "heads on the ends. These have soot on the inside, but you are not sure "+
  "what they were used for. In any case, they have rusted badly and are "+
  "no longer functional.\n",
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "madman",1);
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "darkling_officer",1)->set_walking();
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "darkling_chef",1);
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "darkling_highguard",2);
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "cow",6);
    add_monster(MONSTER + "bull");
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "gargan");
void reset(int arg)
    fisherman = add_monster(NMONSTER+"fisherman",1);
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "darkling_officer",1)->set_aggressive(1);
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "sarah",1);
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "lamin",1);
    add_monster(MONSTER + "cara",1);
void reset(int arg)
    add_monster(MONSTER + "giron",1);
    add_monster(MONSTER + "laira",1);