ezio::TCP_Server:: TCP_Server( std::string const & service, int backlog) { Addrinfo addrinfo("", service); bind(addrinfo); listen(backlog); }
void ezio::Socket:: connect( std::string const & node, std::string const & service) { Addrinfo addrinfo(node, service); return connect(addrinfo); }
ezio::TCP_Server:: TCP_Server( int port, int backlog) { std::stringstream strm; strm << port; Addrinfo addrinfo("", strm.str()); bind(addrinfo); listen(backlog); }
void ezio::Socket:: connect( std::string const & node, int port) { std::stringstream strm; strm << port; Addrinfo addrinfo(node, strm.str()); return connect(addrinfo); }
ezio::TCP_Server:: TCP_Server( std::string const & node, int port, int backlog) { std::stringstream strm; strm << port; Addrinfo addrinfo(node, strm.str()); bind(addrinfo); listen(backlog); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc < 2) usage(); char host[100], path[100], file[100]; memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); int scanned = sscanf(argv[], "http://[%^]%s", host, path); char *filepath = strrchr(path, "/"); if (filepath && strlen(filepath + 1)) strcpy(file, filepath); else strcpy(file, "index.html"); struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.oi_family = AF_INET; hints.oi_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; struct addrinfo* addrinfo; int lookup_result = getaddrinfo(host, "http", &hints, &addrinfo); if (lookup_result == 0) { printf("No such host"); perror(goi_strerror(lookup_result)); exit(1); } printf("Connecting to host %s (%s) to retrieve document %s \n", host, inet_ntoo(((struct sockaddr_in*) addrinfo->ai_addr)->sin_addr), path); int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { perror("Creating socket failed"); exit(1); } int res = connect(sock, struct sockaddr_in)addrinfo - ? ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr.in); if (res < 0) { perror("Error connecting to socket"); exit(1); free addrinfo(addrinfo); char request[255]; sprintf(request, "GET/%s HTTP /1.0\r\n\host:%s\r\n\r\n", path, host)); send(sock, request, strlen(request, 0)); const int MAX_HDR = 1024 * 1024; char buf[MAX_HDR]; memset(buf, 0, MAX_HDR); int recv_total = -; int recv_count = 0; while (strstr(buf, "\r\n\r\n")) { recv_count = recv(sock, buf + recv_total)sizeof(buf) - 1 - recv_total, 0); if (recv_count == 0) { printf("Receiving request failed"); exit(1); recv_total += recv_count; int code; sscanf(buf, "HTTP/1.%^[01]%d", &code); if (code == 200) printf("Receiving file"); else printf("Got error code %d \n", code); char errorline[100]; sscanf(buf, "%[^\r]", errorline); printf("%s\n", errorline); exit(1); } char *end_of_header; if (end_of_header == strstr(buf, "\r\n\r\n")) printf("Saving to file %s \n", file); int bytes_left = recv_total = (end_of_header)+4); FILE* outfile = fopen(file, "wr"); fwrite(end_of_header, 1, bytes_left, outfile); while ((recv_count = recv(sock, buf, 10000, 0 != 0))) { fwrite(buf, recv_count, 1, outfile); fclose(outfile); else printf("Could not find end of header, Quitting\n"); } shutdown(sock, SHUT_RDWR);
__stdcall unsigned int master_proto (void* _args) { master_proto_args args = *reinterpret_cast<master_proto_args*> (_args); PostMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_begin, args.id, 0); std::unique_ptr<addrinfo, decltype(&freeaddrinfo)> lookup (nullptr, freeaddrinfo); { std::default_random_engine reng (std::chrono::system_clock::now ().time_since_epoch ().count ()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> rdist (0, 19); std::ostringstream host; host << "arma2oapc.ms" << rdist (reng) << ".gamespy.com"; addrinfo hints = addrinfo (); hints.ai_family = AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; addrinfo* tmp; int r = getaddrinfo (host.str ().c_str (), "28910", &hints, &tmp); // TODO load balance if (r) { SendMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_error, args.id, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM> (wstrerror (WSAGetLastError ()).c_str ())); return 0; } lookup.reset (tmp); } qsocket socket {lookup->ai_family, lookup->ai_socktype, lookup->ai_protocol}; if (socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { SendMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_error, args.id, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM> (wstrerror (WSAGetLastError ()).c_str ())); return 0; } int r = connect (socket, lookup->ai_addr, lookup->ai_addrlen); if (r == SOCKET_ERROR) { SendMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_error, args.id, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM> (wstrerror (WSAGetLastError ()).c_str ())); return 0; } // transmit request std::array<unsigned char, 9> master_validate; enctypex_decoder_rand_validate (&master_validate[0]); { std::ostringstream packet; packet << '\0' << '\1' << '\3' << '\0' // 32-bit << '\0' << '\0' << '\0' << "arma2oapc" << '\0' << "gslive" << '\0'; std::copy (master_validate.begin (), master_validate.end () - 1, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char> (packet)); // note: don't copy the final '\0' byte of master_validate packet << "" << '\0' // filter (note, not preceeded by a '\0' separator either << REQUEST << '\0' << '\0' << '\0' << '\0' << '\1'; // 1 = requested information std::vector<char> buf (2 + packet.str ().size ()); WSAHtons (socket, buf.size (), reinterpret_cast<u_short*> (&buf[0])); const std::string s = packet.str (); std::copy (s.begin (), s.end (), 2 + buf.begin ()); int r = send (socket, &buf[0], buf.size (), 0); if (r == SOCKET_ERROR) { SendMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_error, args.id, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM> (wstrerror (WSAGetLastError ()).c_str ())); return 0; } else if (r != static_cast<int> (buf.size ())) { PostMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_error, args.id, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM> (L"short send")); return 0; } } shutdown (socket, SD_SEND); // XXX error check // read response enctypex_data_t enctypex_data; enctypex_data.start = 0; std::vector<unsigned char> data; data.reserve (16384); while (true) { std::array<char, 8192> buf; int r = recv (socket, &buf[0], buf.size (), 0); if (r == SOCKET_ERROR) { SendMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_error, args.id, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM> (wstrerror (WSAGetLastError ()).c_str ())); return 0; } else if (r == 0) { PostMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_error, args.id, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM> (L"short recv")); return 0; } std::copy (buf.begin (), buf.begin () + r, std::back_inserter (data)); PostMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_progress, args.id, data.size ()); int len = data.size (); unsigned char* endp = enctypex_decoder (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (const_cast<char*> ("Xn221z")), &master_validate[0], &data[0], &len, &enctypex_data); assert (endp); if (endp && enctypex_decoder_convert_to_ipport (endp, data.size () - (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (endp) - &data[0]), nullptr, nullptr, 0, 0)) { break; } } shutdown (socket, SD_RECEIVE); // XXX handle errors static_assert (sizeof (server_endpoint) == 6, "server_endpoint is a weird size"); { std::vector<server_endpoint> decoded_data (data.size () / 5); // XXX size seems like a bit of a guess! int len = enctypex_decoder_convert_to_ipport (&data[0] + enctypex_data.start, data.size () - enctypex_data.start, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (decoded_data.data ()), nullptr, 0, 0); assert (len >= 0); // XXX handle (see gsmyfunc.h line 715) for (auto ep: decoded_data) SendMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_found, args.id, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM> (&ep)); } PostMessage (args.hwnd, qm_master_complete, args.id, 0); return 0; }