/* * adfFreeDirList * */ void adfFreeDirList(struct List* list) { struct List *root, *cell; root = cell = list; while(cell!=NULL) { adfFreeEntry(cell->content); if (cell->subdir!=NULL) adfFreeDirList(cell->subdir); cell = cell->next; } freeList(root); }
/* * adfGetDirEntCache * * replace 'adfGetDirEnt'. returns a the dir contents based on the dircache list */ struct List* adfGetDirEntCache(struct Volume *vol, SECTNUM dir, BOOL recurs) { struct bEntryBlock parent; struct bDirCacheBlock dirc; int offset, n; struct List *cell, *head; struct CacheEntry caEntry; struct Entry *entry; SECTNUM nSect; if (adfReadEntryBlock(vol,dir,&parent)!=RC_OK) return NULL; nSect = parent.extension; cell = head = NULL; do { /* one loop per cache block */ n = offset = 0; if (adfReadDirCBlock(vol, nSect, &dirc)!=RC_OK) return NULL; while (n<dirc.recordsNb) { /* one loop per record */ entry = (struct Entry*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct Entry)); if (!entry) { adfFreeDirList(head); return NULL; } adfGetCacheEntry(&dirc, &offset, &caEntry); /* converts a cache entry into a dir entry */ entry->type = (int)caEntry.type; #if defined (WIN32) entry->name = _strdup(caEntry.name); #else entry->name = strdup(caEntry.name); #endif if (entry->name==NULL) { free(entry); adfFreeDirList(head); return NULL; } entry->sector = caEntry.header; #if defined (WIN32) entry->comment = _strdup(caEntry.comm); #else entry->comment = strdup(caEntry.comm); #endif if (entry->comment==NULL) { free(entry->name); adfFreeDirList(head); return NULL; } entry->size = caEntry.size; entry->access = caEntry.protect; adfDays2Date( caEntry.days, &(entry->year), &(entry->month), &(entry->days) ); entry->hour = caEntry.mins/60; entry->mins = caEntry.mins%60; entry->secs = caEntry.ticks/50; /* add it into the linked list */ if (head==NULL) head = cell = newCell(NULL, (void*)entry); else cell = newCell(cell, (void*)entry); if (cell==NULL) { adfFreeEntry(entry); adfFreeDirList(head); return NULL; } if (recurs && entry->type==ST_DIR) cell->subdir = adfGetDirEntCache(vol,entry->sector,recurs); n++; } nSect = dirc.nextDirC; }while (nSect!=0); return head; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Device *hd; struct Volume *vol; struct List *list; SECTNUM nSect; adfEnvInitDefault(); /* mount existing device */ hd = adfMountDev( argv[1], FALSE ); if (!hd) { fprintf(stderr, "can't mount device\n"); adfEnvCleanUp(); exit(1); } vol = adfMount(hd, 0, FALSE); if (!vol) { adfUnMountDev(hd); fprintf(stderr, "can't mount volume\n"); adfEnvCleanUp(); exit(1); } adfVolumeInfo(vol); list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); putchar('\n'); adfCreateDir(vol,vol->curDirPtr,"newdir"); /* cd dir_2 */ nSect = adfChangeDir(vol, "same_hash"); list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); putchar('\n'); /* not empty */ adfRemoveEntry(vol, vol->curDirPtr, "mon.paradox"); /* first in same hash linked list */ adfRemoveEntry(vol, vol->curDirPtr, "file_3a"); /* second */ adfRemoveEntry(vol, vol->curDirPtr, "dir_3"); /* last */ adfRemoveEntry(vol, vol->curDirPtr, "dir_1a"); list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); putchar('\n'); adfParentDir(vol); adfRemoveEntry(vol, vol->curDirPtr, "mod.And.DistantCall"); list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); putchar('\n'); adfVolumeInfo(vol); adfUnMount(vol); adfUnMountDev(hd); adfEnvCleanUp(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Device *hd; struct Volume *vol; struct File *file; unsigned char buf[600]; long n; FILE *out; long len; struct List *list; adfEnvInitDefault(); /* create and mount one device */ hd = adfCreateDumpDevice("newdev", 80, 11, 2); if (!hd) { fprintf(stderr, "can't mount device\n"); adfEnvCleanUp(); exit(1); } adfCreateFlop( hd, "empty", FSMASK_FFS|FSMASK_DIRCACHE ); vol = adfMount(hd, 0, FALSE); if (!vol) { adfUnMountDev(hd); fprintf(stderr, "can't mount volume\n"); adfEnvCleanUp(); exit(1); } adfVolumeInfo(vol); /* the directory */ list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); /* write one file */ file = adfOpenFile(vol, "moon_gif","w"); if (!file) return 1; out = fopen("Check/MOON.GIF","rb"); if (!out) return 1; len = 600; n = fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned char),len,out); while(!feof(out)) { adfWriteFile(file, n, buf); n = fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned char),len,out); } if (n>0) adfWriteFile(file, n, buf); fclose(out); adfCloseFile(file); /* the directory */ list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); adfUnMount(vol); adfUnMountDev(hd); adfEnvCleanUp(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Device *hd; struct Volume *vol; struct List *list, *cell; SECTNUM nSect; adfEnvInitDefault(); // adfSetEnvFct(0,0,MyVer,0); /* mount existing device */ /* testffs.adf */ hd = adfMountDev( argv[1],FALSE ); if (!hd) { fprintf(stderr, "can't mount device\n"); adfEnvCleanUp(); exit(1); } vol = adfMount(hd, 0, FALSE); if (!vol) { adfUnMountDev(hd); fprintf(stderr, "can't mount volume\n"); adfEnvCleanUp(); exit(1); } adfVolumeInfo(vol); cell = list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(cell) { printEntry(cell->content); cell = cell->next; } adfFreeDirList(list); putchar('\n'); /* cd dir_2 */ nSect = adfChangeDir(vol, "dir_2"); cell = list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(cell) { printEntry(cell->content); cell = cell->next; } adfFreeDirList(list); putchar('\n'); /* cd .. */ adfParentDir(vol); list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); adfUnMount(vol); adfUnMountDev(hd); adfEnvCleanUp(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Device *hd; struct Volume *vol; struct File *file; unsigned char buf[600]; long n; FILE *in; long len; struct List *list; adfEnvInitDefault(); // adfSetEnvFct(0,0,MyVer,0); /* mount existing device : FFS */ hd = adfMountDev( "testffs.bak",FALSE ); if (!hd) { fprintf(stderr, "can't mount device\n"); adfEnvCleanUp(); exit(1); } vol = adfMount(hd, 0, FALSE); if (!vol) { adfUnMountDev(hd); fprintf(stderr, "can't mount volume\n"); adfEnvCleanUp(); exit(1); } adfVolumeInfo(vol); list = adfGetDirEnt(vol, vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); // adfCreateDir(vol,vol->curDirPtr,"dir_1a"); adfCreateDir(vol,vol->curDirPtr,"dir_1b"); file = adfOpenFile(vol, "newfile","w"); adfCloseFile(file); file = adfOpenFile(vol, "moon_gif","w"); if (!file) return 1; in = fopen("Check/MOON.GIF","rb"); if (!in) return 1; len = 600; n = fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned char),len,in); while(!feof(in)) { adfWriteFile(file, n, buf); n = fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned char),len,in); } if (n>0) adfWriteFile(file, n, buf); // adfFlushFile(file); adfCloseFile(file); fclose(in); adfRemoveEntry(vol,vol->curDirPtr, "dir_1b"); list = adfGetDirEnt(vol, vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); adfUnMount(vol); adfUnMountDev(hd); adfEnvCleanUp(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Device *hd; struct Volume *vol; struct File *file; unsigned char buf[600]; long n; FILE *out; long len; struct List *list; adfEnvInitDefault(); // adfSetEnvFct(0,0,MyVer,0); /* mount existing device : OFS */ hd = adfMountDev( argv[1],FALSE ); vol = adfMount(hd, 0, FALSE); adfVolumeInfo(vol); /* write one file */ file = adfOpenFile(vol, "moon_gif","w"); if (!file) return 1; out = fopen( argv[2],"rb"); if (!out) return 1; len = 600; n = fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned char),len,out); while(!feof(out)) { adfWriteFile(file, n, buf); n = fread(buf,sizeof(unsigned char),len,out); } if (n>0) adfWriteFile(file, n, buf); fclose(out); adfCloseFile(file); /* the directory */ list = adfGetDirEnt(vol,vol->curDirPtr); while(list) { printEntry(list->content); adfFreeEntry(list->content); list = list->next; } freeList(list); /* re read this file */ file = adfOpenFile(vol, "moon_gif","r"); if (!file) return 1; out = fopen("moon__gif","wb"); if (!out) return 1; len = 300; n = adfReadFile(file, len, buf); while(!adfEndOfFile(file)) { fwrite(buf,sizeof(unsigned char),n,out); n = adfReadFile(file, len, buf); } if (n>0) fwrite(buf,sizeof(unsigned char),n,out); fclose(out); adfCloseFile(file); adfUnMount(vol); adfUnMountDev(hd); adfEnvCleanUp(); return 0; }