static void _adg_arrange(AdgEntity *entity) { AdgAlignmentPrivate *data; const CpmlExtents *extents; CpmlExtents new_extents; cairo_matrix_t ctm, ctm_inverted, old_map; if (_ADG_OLD_ENTITY_CLASS->arrange == NULL) return; data = adg_alignment_get_instance_private((AdgAlignment *) entity); extents = adg_entity_get_extents(entity); data->shift.x = 0; data->shift.y = 0; /* The shift is performed only when relevant */ if (data->factor.x != 0 || data->factor.y != 0) { /* Force the ctm to be the identity matrix */ adg_matrix_copy(&old_map, adg_entity_get_global_map(entity)); adg_matrix_copy(&ctm, adg_entity_get_global_map(entity)); adg_matrix_transform(&ctm, adg_entity_get_local_matrix(entity), ADG_TRANSFORM_AFTER); adg_matrix_copy(&ctm_inverted, &ctm); cairo_matrix_invert(&ctm_inverted); adg_entity_transform_global_map(entity, &ctm_inverted, ADG_TRANSFORM_AFTER); adg_entity_global_changed(entity); /* Calculating the shift */ _ADG_OLD_ENTITY_CLASS->arrange(entity); extents = adg_entity_get_extents(entity); if (extents->is_defined) { data->shift.x = -extents->size.x * data->factor.x; data->shift.y = -extents->size.y * data->factor.y; cpml_vector_transform(&data->shift, &ctm); } /* Restore the old global map */ adg_entity_set_global_map(entity, &old_map); adg_entity_global_changed(entity); } /* Add the shift to the extents */ _ADG_OLD_ENTITY_CLASS->arrange(entity); cpml_extents_copy(&new_extents, adg_entity_get_extents(entity)); += data->shift.x; += data->shift.y; adg_entity_set_extents(entity, &new_extents); }
/** * adg_table_cell_arrange: * @table_cell: an #AdgTableCell * @layout: the new extents to use * * Rearranges the underlying #AdgTableCell owned by @table_cell using * the new extents provided in @layout. If the x or y size component * of @layout is negative, the value holded by the internal extents * struct is not overriden. * * <note><para> * table_cell->extents must be up to date if @layout->size.x or * @layout->size.y is negative in order to have a valid size. * </para></note> * * Returns: the extents of @table_cell or <constant>NULL</constant> on errors. * * Since: 1.0 **/ const CpmlExtents * adg_table_cell_arrange(AdgTableCell *table_cell, const CpmlExtents *layout) { CpmlExtents *extents; AdgAlignment *alignment; cairo_matrix_t map; /* Set the new extents */ extents = &table_cell->extents; extents->org = layout->org; if (layout->size.x > 0) extents->size.x = layout->size.x; if (layout->size.y > 0) extents->size.y = layout->size.y; extents->is_defined = TRUE; if (table_cell->title) { alignment = (AdgAlignment *) adg_entity_get_parent(table_cell->title); cairo_matrix_init_translate(&map, extents->org.x, extents->org.y); adg_entity_set_global_map((AdgEntity *) alignment, &map); } if (table_cell->value) { CpmlPair to; alignment = (AdgAlignment *) adg_entity_get_parent(table_cell->value); to.x = extents->size.x * table_cell->value_factor.x + extents->org.x; to.y = extents->size.y * table_cell->value_factor.y + extents->org.y; cairo_matrix_init_translate(&map, to.x, to.y); adg_entity_set_global_map((AdgEntity *) alignment, &map); } return extents; }
/** * adg_table_cell_set_text_title: * @table_cell: a valid #AdgTableCell * @title: a text string * * Convenient function to set a the title of a cell using an #AdgToyText * entity with the font dress picked from #AdgTable:table-dress with * a call to adg_table_style_get_title_dress(). * * Since: 1.0 **/ void adg_table_cell_set_text_title(AdgTableCell *table_cell, const gchar *title) { AdgTable *table; AdgEntity *entity; AdgTableStyle *table_style; const CpmlPair *padding; AdgDress table_dress, font_dress; cairo_matrix_t map; g_return_if_fail(table_cell != NULL); if (title == NULL) adg_table_cell_set_title(table_cell, NULL); if (table_cell->title) { gchar *old_title; gboolean unchanged; if (ADG_IS_TEXTUAL(table_cell->title)) old_title = adg_textual_dup_text((AdgTextual *) table_cell->title); else old_title = NULL; unchanged = g_strcmp0(title, old_title) == 0; g_free(old_title); if (unchanged) return; } table = adg_table_cell_get_table(table_cell); table_dress = adg_table_get_table_dress(table); table_style = (AdgTableStyle *) adg_entity_style((AdgEntity *) table, table_dress); padding = adg_table_style_get_cell_padding(table_style); font_dress = adg_table_style_get_title_dress(table_style); entity = g_object_new(ADG_TYPE_BEST_TEXT, "text", title, "font-dress", font_dress, NULL); cairo_matrix_init_translate(&map, padding->x, padding->y); adg_entity_set_global_map(entity, &map); adg_table_cell_set_title(table_cell, entity); }
static void _adg_arrange(AdgEntity *entity) { AdgDim *dim; AdgDimPrivate *data; AdgEntity *quote_entity; AdgContainer *quote_container; AdgEntity *value_entity; AdgEntity *min_entity; AdgEntity *max_entity; const CpmlPair *shift; cairo_matrix_t map; dim = (AdgDim *) entity; data = dim->data; /* Resolve the dim style */ if (data->dim_style == NULL) data->dim_style = (AdgDimStyle *) adg_entity_style(entity, data->dim_dress); if (data->quote.entity == NULL) data->quote.entity = g_object_new(ADG_TYPE_ALIGNMENT, "local-mix", ADG_MIX_NONE, "parent", dim, NULL); quote_entity = (AdgEntity *) data->quote.entity; quote_container = (AdgContainer *) data->quote.entity; if (data->quote.value == NULL) { AdgDimClass *klass; AdgDress dress; const gchar *tag; gchar *value; gchar *text; klass = ADG_DIM_GET_CLASS(dim); dress = adg_dim_style_get_value_dress(data->dim_style); tag = adg_dim_style_get_number_tag(data->dim_style); value = klass->default_value ? klass->default_value(dim) : NULL; data->quote.value = g_object_new(ADG_TYPE_BEST_TEXT, "local-mix", ADG_MIX_PARENT, "font-dress", dress, NULL); adg_container_add(quote_container, (AdgEntity *) data->quote.value); if (data->value) text = adg_string_replace(data->value, tag, value); else text = g_strdup(value); g_free(value); adg_textual_set_text(data->quote.value, text); g_free(text); } if (data->quote.min == NULL && data->min != NULL) { AdgDress dress = adg_dim_style_get_min_dress(data->dim_style); data->quote.min = g_object_new(ADG_TYPE_BEST_TEXT, "local-mix", ADG_MIX_PARENT, "font-dress", dress, NULL); adg_container_add(quote_container, (AdgEntity *) data->quote.min); adg_textual_set_text(data->quote.min, data->min); } if (data->quote.max == NULL && data->max != NULL) { AdgDress dress = adg_dim_style_get_max_dress(data->dim_style); data->quote.max = g_object_new(ADG_TYPE_BEST_TEXT, "local-mix", ADG_MIX_PARENT, "font-dress", dress, NULL); adg_container_add(quote_container, (AdgEntity *) data->quote.max); adg_textual_set_text(data->quote.max, data->max); } value_entity = (AdgEntity *) data->quote.value; min_entity = (AdgEntity *) data->quote.min; max_entity = (AdgEntity *) data->quote.max; shift = adg_dim_style_get_quote_shift(data->dim_style); adg_entity_set_global_map(quote_entity, adg_matrix_identity()); adg_entity_global_changed(quote_entity); cairo_matrix_init_translate(&map, 0, shift->y); adg_entity_set_global_map(value_entity, &map); adg_entity_arrange(value_entity); /* Limit values (min and max) */ if (min_entity != NULL || max_entity != NULL) { const CpmlPair *limits_shift; gdouble spacing; CpmlPair size; CpmlPair org_min, org_max; limits_shift = adg_dim_style_get_limits_shift(data->dim_style); spacing = adg_dim_style_get_limits_spacing(data->dim_style); size = adg_entity_get_extents(value_entity)->size; org_min.x = size.x + limits_shift->x; org_min.y = -size.y / 2 + limits_shift->y; org_max = org_min; if (min_entity && max_entity) { /* Prearrange the min entity to get its extents */ adg_entity_arrange(min_entity); size = adg_entity_get_extents(min_entity)->size; org_min.y += spacing / 2; org_max.y = org_min.y - size.y - spacing / 2; } if (min_entity != NULL) { cairo_matrix_init_translate(&map, org_min.x, org_min.y); adg_entity_set_global_map(min_entity, &map); adg_entity_arrange(min_entity); } if (max_entity != NULL) { cairo_matrix_init_translate(&map, org_max.x, org_max.y); adg_entity_set_global_map(max_entity, &map); adg_entity_arrange(max_entity); } } }
static void _adg_arrange(AdgEntity *entity) { AdgADim *adim; AdgDim *dim; AdgADimPrivate *data; AdgAlignment *quote; const cairo_matrix_t *global, *local; CpmlPair ref1, ref2, base1, base12, base2; CpmlPair pair; CpmlExtents extents; AdgEntity *marker_entity; if (_ADG_OLD_ENTITY_CLASS->arrange) _ADG_OLD_ENTITY_CLASS->arrange(entity); adim = (AdgADim *) entity; if (! _adg_update_geometry(adim)) return; dim = (AdgDim *) adim; data = adim->data; quote = adg_dim_get_quote(dim); _adg_update_entities(adim); if (data->cairo.path.status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { AdgEntity *quote_entity = (AdgEntity *) quote; adg_entity_set_global_map(quote_entity, &data->quote.global_map); return; } global = adg_entity_get_global_matrix(entity); local = adg_entity_get_local_matrix(entity); extents.is_defined = FALSE; cpml_pair_copy(&ref1, (CpmlPair *) adg_dim_get_ref1(dim)); cpml_pair_copy(&ref2, (CpmlPair *) adg_dim_get_ref2(dim)); cpml_pair_copy(&base1, &data->point.base1); cpml_pair_copy(&base12, &data->point.base12); cpml_pair_copy(&base2, &data->point.base2); /* Apply the local matrix to the relevant points */ cpml_pair_transform(&ref1, local); cpml_pair_transform(&ref2, local); cpml_pair_transform(&base1, local); cpml_pair_transform(&base12, local); cpml_pair_transform(&base2, local); /* Combine points and global shifts to build the path */ pair.x = ref1.x + data->shift.from1.x; pair.y = ref1.y + data->shift.from1.y; cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->[6]); pair.x = base1.x + data->shift.base1.x; pair.y = base1.y + data->shift.base1.y; cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->[1]); pair.x += data->shift.to1.x; pair.y += data->shift.to1.y; cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->[8]); pair.x = base12.x + data->shift.base12.x; pair.y = base12.y + data->shift.base12.y; cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->[3]); pair.x = ref2.x + data->shift.from2.x; pair.y = ref2.y + data->shift.from2.y; cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->[10]); pair.x = base2.x + data->shift.base2.x; pair.y = base2.y + data->shift.base2.y; cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->[4]); pair.x += data->shift.to2.x; pair.y += data->shift.to2.y; cpml_pair_to_cairo(&pair, &data->[12]); /* Play with header lengths to show or hide the extension lines */ if (data->has_extension1) { data->[7].header.length = data->has_extension2 ? 2 : 6; } else { data->[2].header.length = data->has_extension2 ? 7 : 11; } data->cairo.path.status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Arrange the quote */ if (quote != NULL) { AdgEntity *quote_entity; gdouble angle; cairo_matrix_t map; quote_entity = (AdgEntity *) quote; angle = adg_dim_quote_angle(dim, (data->angle1 + data->angle2) / 2 + G_PI_2); cpml_pair_from_cairo(&pair, &data->[3]); adg_alignment_set_factor_explicit(quote, 0.5, 0); cairo_matrix_init_translate(&map, pair.x, pair.y); cairo_matrix_rotate(&map, angle); adg_entity_set_global_map(quote_entity, &map); adg_entity_arrange(quote_entity); cpml_extents_add(&extents, adg_entity_get_extents(quote_entity)); adg_matrix_copy(&data->quote.global_map, &map); } /* Arrange the trail */ if (data->trail != NULL) { CpmlExtents trail_extents; cpml_extents_copy(&trail_extents, adg_trail_get_extents(data->trail)); cpml_extents_transform(&trail_extents, global); cpml_extents_add(&extents, &trail_extents); } else { _adg_dispose_markers(adim); } /* Arrange the markers */ if (data->marker1 != NULL) { marker_entity = (AdgEntity *) data->marker1; adg_marker_set_segment(data->marker1, data->trail, 1); adg_entity_local_changed(marker_entity); adg_entity_arrange(marker_entity); cpml_extents_add(&extents, adg_entity_get_extents(marker_entity)); } if (data->marker2 != NULL) { marker_entity = (AdgEntity *) data->marker2; adg_marker_set_segment(data->marker2, data->trail, 1); adg_entity_local_changed(marker_entity); adg_entity_arrange(marker_entity); cpml_extents_add(&extents, adg_entity_get_extents(marker_entity)); } adg_entity_set_extents(entity, &extents); }