int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    entropy_context entropy;
    // initialize our AES context

    //int ret;

    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("usage: %s client\n", argv[0]);
        return 0;

    if(__init()) {
        printf("  * Exiting \n");
        goto exit;

    if(kvstore_dhm(pfd, &aes, argv[1], enckey, KVSTORE_AESKEY_LEN)) {
        printf("\n  ! DHM failed... Exiting");
        goto exit;

    // to derive the IV, we just hash the key
    // assumed safe, the key IV is updated on each encryption
    entropy_func(&entropy, iv, KVSTORE_AESIV_LEN);

    return 0;
 * \brief Function to encrypt or decrypt bytes.
 * \param[in] enc_mode Set whether to encrypt or decrypt
 * \param[in] aes_key The bytes to encrypt
 * \param[in] plain_txt The bytes to encrypt
 * \param[in] plain_txt_size The number of bytes to encrypt
 * \param[in] cypher_txt The encryption of plain_text
 * \param[in] iv The initialization vector 
 * \return Status of execution.  Return 0 for success.
uint8_t cademo_aes_crypt(uint8_t enc_mode, uint8_t* aes_key, uint8_t* plain_txt, uint16_t* plain_txt_size, uint8_t* cypher_txt, uint8_t* iv)
	uint8_t ret = ATCA_SUCCESS;
	uint16_t keysize = AES_KEY_SIZE;
	aes_context aes_ctx;

	/* Initialize the AES context */

	/* Set the encryption key */
	if (enc_mode == MODE_ENCRYPT)	ret = aes_setkey_enc(&aes_ctx, aes_key, keysize * 8);

	/* Set the decryption key */
	if (enc_mode == MODE_DECRYPT)	ret = aes_setkey_dec(&aes_ctx, aes_key, keysize * 8);

	/* Call the AES function to encrypt or decrypt */
	ret = aes_crypt_cbc(&aes_ctx, enc_mode, *plain_txt_size, iv, plain_txt, cypher_txt);


	return ret;
static void aes_ctx_free( void *ctx )
    aes_free( (aes_context *) ctx );
    polarssl_free( ctx );
void sender(char *enc_key, char *hmac_key, char *msg, unsigned int msg_len)
/*@ requires [_]public_invar(enc_then_hmac_pub) &*&
             principal(?sender, _) &*&
             [?f1]cryptogram(enc_key, KEY_SIZE, ?enc_key_ccs, ?enc_key_cg) &*&
             [?f2]cryptogram(hmac_key, KEY_SIZE, ?hmac_key_ccs, ?hmac_key_cg) &*&
               enc_key_cg == cg_symmetric_key(sender, ?enc_id) &*&
               hmac_key_cg == cg_symmetric_key(sender, ?hmac_id) &*&
                 cg_info(hmac_key_cg) == enc_id &*&
               shared_with(sender, enc_id) == shared_with(sender, hmac_id) &*&
             [?f3]crypto_chars(secret, msg, msg_len, ?msg_ccs) &*&
               MAX_SIZE >= msg_len &*& msg_len >= MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE &*&
               bad(sender) || bad(shared_with(sender, enc_id)) ?
                 true == send(sender, shared_with(sender, enc_id), msg_ccs); @*/
/*@ ensures  principal(sender, _) &*&
             [f1]cryptogram(enc_key, KEY_SIZE, enc_key_ccs, enc_key_cg) &*&
             [f2]cryptogram(hmac_key, KEY_SIZE, hmac_key_ccs, hmac_key_cg) &*&
             [f3]crypto_chars(secret, msg, msg_len, msg_ccs); @*/
  //@ open principal(sender, _);
  int socket;
  havege_state havege_state;

  char iv[16];
  unsigned int iv_off = 0;
  char hmac[64];
  aes_context aes_context;
  if(net_connect(&socket, NULL, SERVER_PORT) != 0)
  if(net_set_block(socket) != 0)
    int message_len = 16 + (int) msg_len + 64;
    char* message = malloc(message_len);
    if (message == 0) abort();

    // IV stuff
    //@ close havege_state(&havege_state);
    //@ close random_request(sender, 0, false);
    if (havege_random(&havege_state, iv, 16) != 0) abort();
    //@ open cryptogram(iv, 16, ?iv_ccs, ?iv_cg);
    //@ close enc_then_hmac_pub(iv_cg);
    //@ leak enc_then_hmac_pub(iv_cg);
    memcpy(message, iv, 16);
    //@ close cryptogram(message, 16, iv_ccs, iv_cg);
    //@ public_cryptogram(message, iv_cg);
    //@ assert chars(message, 16, ?iv_cs);
    //@ public_chars(message, 16);
    //@ open havege_state(&havege_state);

    // encrypt
    //@ close aes_context(&aes_context);
    if (aes_setkey_enc(&aes_context, enc_key,
                        (unsigned int) (KEY_SIZE * 8)) != 0)
    if (aes_crypt_cfb128(&aes_context, AES_ENCRYPT, msg_len,
                         &iv_off, iv, msg, message + 16) != 0)
    //@ open cryptogram(message + 16, msg_len, ?enc_ccs, ?enc_cg);
    //@ close cryptogram(message + 16, msg_len, enc_ccs, enc_cg);
    //@ close enc_then_hmac_pub(enc_cg);
    //@ leak enc_then_hmac_pub(enc_cg);
    //@ public_cryptogram(message + 16, enc_cg);
    //@ assert chars(message + 16, msg_len, ?enc_cs);
    //@ public_chars(message + 16, msg_len);
    //@ assert chars(message, 16 + msg_len, append(iv_cs, enc_cs));
    //@ assert enc_cg == cg_encrypted(sender, enc_id, msg_ccs, iv_ccs);
    zeroize(iv, 16);
    //@ open aes_context(&aes_context);
    // hmac
    //@ chars_to_crypto_chars(message, 16 + msg_len);
    //@ HASH_PUB_PAYLOAD(append(iv_cs, enc_cs))
    sha512_hmac(hmac_key, KEY_SIZE, message,
                (unsigned int) (16 + (int) msg_len),
                message + 16 + (int) msg_len, 0);
    //@ assert cryptogram(message + 16 + msg_len, 64, ?hmac_ccs, ?hmac_cg);
    //@ cs_to_ccs_append(iv_cs, enc_cs);
    //@ assert hmac_cg == cg_hmac(sender, hmac_id, append(iv_ccs, enc_ccs));
    /*@ if (!col && !enc_then_hmac_public_key(sender, enc_id, true))
          close enc_then_hmac_pub_1(enc_id, msg_ccs, iv_ccs); @*/
    /*@ if (col || enc_then_hmac_public_key(sender, enc_id, true))
          assert [_]public_ccs(iv_ccs);
          assert [_]public_ccs(enc_ccs);
          public_ccs_join(iv_ccs, enc_ccs);
    //@ close enc_then_hmac_pub(hmac_cg);
    //@ leak enc_then_hmac_pub(hmac_cg);
    //@ public_cryptogram(message + 16 + msg_len, hmac_cg);
    //@ assert chars(message + 16 + msg_len, 64, ?hmac_cs);
    //@ append_assoc(iv_ccs, enc_ccs, hmac_ccs);
    //@ append_assoc(iv_cs, enc_cs, hmac_cs);
    //@ cs_to_ccs_crypto_chars(message, append(iv_cs, enc_cs));
    /*@ assert chars(message, message_len,
                     append(iv_cs, append(enc_cs, hmac_cs))); @*/
    net_send(&socket, message, (unsigned int) message_len);
  //@ close principal(sender, _);
int receiver(char *enc_key, char *hmac_key, char *msg)
/*@ requires [_]public_invar(enc_then_hmac_pub) &*&
             [_]decryption_key_classifier(enc_then_hmac_public_key) &*&
             principal(?receiver, _) &*&
             [?f1]cryptogram(enc_key, KEY_SIZE, ?enc_key_ccs, ?enc_key_cg) &*&
             [?f2]cryptogram(hmac_key, KEY_SIZE, ?hmac_key_ccs, ?hmac_key_cg) &*&
               enc_key_cg == cg_symmetric_key(?sender, ?enc_id) &*&
               hmac_key_cg == cg_symmetric_key(sender, ?hmac_id) &*&
                 cg_info(hmac_key_cg) == enc_id &*&
               receiver == shared_with(sender, enc_id) &*&
               receiver == shared_with(sender, hmac_id) &*&
             chars(msg, MAX_SIZE, _); @*/
/*@ ensures  principal(receiver, _) &*&
             [f1]cryptogram(enc_key, KEY_SIZE, enc_key_ccs, enc_key_cg) &*&
             [f2]cryptogram(hmac_key, KEY_SIZE, hmac_key_ccs, hmac_key_cg) &*&
             chars(msg + result, MAX_SIZE - result, _) &*&
             crypto_chars(?kind, msg, result, ?msg_ccs) &*&
             col || bad(sender) || bad(receiver) ||
               (kind == secret && send(sender, receiver, msg_ccs)); @*/
  //@ open principal(receiver, _);
  int socket1;
  int socket2;

  int size;
  int enc_size;
  char iv[16];
  unsigned int iv_off = 0;
  char hmac[64];
  aes_context aes_context;

  if(net_bind(&socket1, NULL, SERVER_PORT) != 0)
  if(net_accept(socket1, &socket2, NULL) != 0)
  if(net_set_block(socket2) != 0)

    int max_size = 16 + MAX_SIZE + 64;
    char *buffer = malloc (max_size); if (buffer == 0) abort();
    size = net_recv(&socket2, buffer, (unsigned int) max_size);
    if (size <= 16 + 64) abort();
    enc_size = size - 16 - 64;
    if (enc_size < MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE) abort();
    //@ chars_split(buffer, size);
    //@ assert chars(buffer, size, ?all_cs);
    //@ close hide_chars((void*) buffer + size, max_size - size, _);

    //Verify the hmac
    //@ chars_split(buffer, size - 64);
    //@ public_chars(buffer + size - 64, 64);
    //@ assert chars(buffer + size - 64, 64, ?hmac_cs);
    //@ assert chars(buffer, size - 64, ?pay_cs);
    //@ chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer, size - 64);
    //@ HASH_PUB_PAYLOAD(pay_cs)
    sha512_hmac(hmac_key, KEY_SIZE, buffer,
                (unsigned int) (size - 64), hmac, 0);
    //@ open cryptogram(hmac, 64, ?hmac_ccs, ?hmac_cg);
    //@ chars_to_crypto_chars((void*) buffer + size - 64, 64);
    //@ close memcmp_secret(hmac, 64, hmac_ccs, hmac_cg);
    if (memcmp((void*) buffer + size - 64, hmac, 64) != 0) abort();
    /*@ if (!col) 
          public_crypto_chars(hmac, 64);
          crypto_chars_to_chars(hmac, 64);
    //@ assert all_cs == append(pay_cs, hmac_cs);

    // IV stuff
    //@ cs_to_ccs_crypto_chars(buffer, pay_cs);
    //@ chars_split(buffer, 16);
    //@ assert chars(buffer, 16, ?iv_cs);
    //@ chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer, 16);
    //@ assert crypto_chars(normal, buffer, 16, ?iv_ccs);
    memcpy(iv, buffer, 16);
    //@ cs_to_ccs_crypto_chars(iv, iv_cs);
    //@ interpret_nonce(iv, 16);
    //@ open cryptogram(iv, 16, iv_ccs, ?iv_cg);

    //@ assert chars(buffer + 16, enc_size, ?enc_cs);
    //@ interpret_encrypted(buffer + 16, enc_size);
    //@ open cryptogram(buffer + 16, enc_size, ?enc_ccs, ?enc_cg);
    //@ close cryptogram(buffer + 16, enc_size, enc_ccs, enc_cg);
    //@ assert enc_cg == cg_encrypted(?p2, ?c2, ?dec_ccs2, ?iv_ccs2);
    //@ close aes_context(&aes_context);
    if (aes_setkey_enc(&aes_context, enc_key,
                        (unsigned int) (KEY_SIZE * 8)) != 0)
    //@ structure s = known_value(0, dec_ccs2);
    //@ close decryption_pre(true, false, receiver, s, enc_ccs);
    if (aes_crypt_cfb128(&aes_context, AES_DECRYPT, (unsigned int) enc_size,
                         &iv_off, iv, buffer + 16, msg) != 0)
    //@ assert pay_cs == append(iv_cs, enc_cs);
    //@ cs_to_ccs_append(iv_cs, enc_cs);
    zeroize(iv, 16);
    //@ open aes_context(&aes_context);
    //@ public_cg_ccs(enc_cg);
    //@ public_cryptogram(buffer + 16, enc_cg);
    /*@ open decryption_post(true, ?garbage, receiver,
                             s, sender, enc_id, ?dec_ccs); @*/
    /*@ if (!col)
          open [_]enc_then_hmac_pub(hmac_cg);
          open [_]enc_then_hmac_pub(enc_cg);
          if (!enc_then_hmac_public_key(sender, enc_id, true))
            assert [_]enc_then_hmac_pub_1(?id, ?dec_ccs3, ?ent);
            cryptogram enc_cg3 = cg_encrypted(sender, id, dec_ccs3, ent);
            take_append(16, iv_ccs, ccs_for_cg(enc_cg));
            take_append(16, ent, ccs_for_cg(enc_cg3));
            assert ent == iv_ccs;
            drop_append(16, iv_ccs, ccs_for_cg(enc_cg));
            drop_append(16, ent, ccs_for_cg(enc_cg3));
            assert ccs_for_cg(enc_cg) == ccs_for_cg(enc_cg3);
            ccs_for_cg_inj(enc_cg, enc_cg3);
            assert dec_ccs2 == dec_ccs3;
            close exists(pair(nil, nil));
            close has_structure(dec_ccs2, s);
            leak has_structure(dec_ccs2, s);
          crypto_chars_to_chars(msg, enc_size);
          chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(msg, enc_size);
    //@ if (garbage) decryption_garbage(msg, enc_size, s);
    //@ open hide_chars((void*) buffer + size, max_size - size, _);
    //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer, 16);
    //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer + size - 64, 64);
    //@ chars_join(buffer);
    //@ chars_join(buffer);
  return enc_size;
  //@ close principal(receiver, _);
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int keysize, i;
    unsigned char tmp[200];
    char title[TITLE_LEN];
    todo_list todo;

    if( argc == 1 )
        memset( &todo, 1, sizeof( todo ) );
        memset( &todo, 0, sizeof( todo ) );

        for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
            if( strcmp( argv[i], "md4" ) == 0 )
                todo.md4 = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "md5" ) == 0 )
                todo.md5 = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "ripemd160" ) == 0 )
                todo.ripemd160 = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "sha1" ) == 0 )
                todo.sha1 = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "sha256" ) == 0 )
                todo.sha256 = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "sha512" ) == 0 )
                todo.sha512 = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "arc4" ) == 0 )
                todo.arc4 = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "des3" ) == 0 )
                todo.des3 = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "des" ) == 0 )
                todo.des = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "aes_cbc" ) == 0 )
                todo.aes_cbc = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "aes_gcm" ) == 0 )
                todo.aes_gcm = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "aes_ccm" ) == 0 )
                todo.aes_ccm = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "camellia" ) == 0 )
                todo.camellia = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "blowfish" ) == 0 )
                todo.blowfish = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "havege" ) == 0 )
                todo.havege = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "ctr_drbg" ) == 0 )
                todo.ctr_drbg = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "hmac_drbg" ) == 0 )
                todo.hmac_drbg = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "rsa" ) == 0 )
                todo.rsa = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "dhm" ) == 0 )
                todo.dhm = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "ecdsa" ) == 0 )
                todo.ecdsa = 1;
            else if( strcmp( argv[i], "ecdh" ) == 0 )
                todo.ecdh = 1;
                polarssl_printf( "Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i] );
                polarssl_printf( "Available options: " OPTIONS );

    polarssl_printf( "\n" );

    memset( buf, 0xAA, sizeof( buf ) );
    memset( tmp, 0xBB, sizeof( tmp ) );

#if defined(POLARSSL_MD4_C)
    if( todo.md4 )
        TIME_AND_TSC( "MD4", md4( buf, BUFSIZE, tmp ) );

#if defined(POLARSSL_MD5_C)
    if( todo.md5 )
        TIME_AND_TSC( "MD5", md5( buf, BUFSIZE, tmp ) );

#if defined(POLARSSL_RIPEMD160_C)
    if( todo.ripemd160 )
        TIME_AND_TSC( "RIPEMD160", ripemd160( buf, BUFSIZE, tmp ) );

#if defined(POLARSSL_SHA1_C)
    if( todo.sha1 )
        TIME_AND_TSC( "SHA-1", sha1( buf, BUFSIZE, tmp ) );

#if defined(POLARSSL_SHA256_C)
    if( todo.sha256 )
        TIME_AND_TSC( "SHA-256", sha256( buf, BUFSIZE, tmp, 0 ) );

#if defined(POLARSSL_SHA512_C)
    if( todo.sha512 )
        TIME_AND_TSC( "SHA-512", sha512( buf, BUFSIZE, tmp, 0 ) );

#if defined(POLARSSL_ARC4_C)
    if( todo.arc4 )
        arc4_context arc4;
        arc4_init( &arc4 );
        arc4_setup( &arc4, tmp, 32 );
        TIME_AND_TSC( "ARC4", arc4_crypt( &arc4, BUFSIZE, buf, buf ) );
        arc4_free( &arc4 );

    if( todo.des3 )
        des3_context des3;
        des3_init( &des3 );
        des3_set3key_enc( &des3, tmp );
        TIME_AND_TSC( "3DES",
                des3_crypt_cbc( &des3, DES_ENCRYPT, BUFSIZE, tmp, buf, buf ) );
        des3_free( &des3 );

    if( todo.des )
        des_context des;
        des_init( &des );
        des_setkey_enc( &des, tmp );
        TIME_AND_TSC( "DES",
                des_crypt_cbc( &des, DES_ENCRYPT, BUFSIZE, tmp, buf, buf ) );
        des_free( &des );

#if defined(POLARSSL_AES_C)
    if( todo.aes_cbc )
        aes_context aes;
        aes_init( &aes );
        for( keysize = 128; keysize <= 256; keysize += 64 )
            snprintf( title, sizeof( title ), "AES-CBC-%d", keysize );

            memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
            memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
            aes_setkey_enc( &aes, tmp, keysize );

            TIME_AND_TSC( title,
                aes_crypt_cbc( &aes, AES_ENCRYPT, BUFSIZE, tmp, buf, buf ) );
        aes_free( &aes );
#if defined(POLARSSL_GCM_C)
    if( todo.aes_gcm )
        gcm_context gcm;
        for( keysize = 128; keysize <= 256; keysize += 64 )
            snprintf( title, sizeof( title ), "AES-GCM-%d", keysize );

            memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
            memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
            gcm_init( &gcm, POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_AES, tmp, keysize );

            TIME_AND_TSC( title,
                    gcm_crypt_and_tag( &gcm, GCM_ENCRYPT, BUFSIZE, tmp,
                        12, NULL, 0, buf, buf, 16, tmp ) );

            gcm_free( &gcm );
#if defined(POLARSSL_CCM_C)
    if( todo.aes_ccm )
        ccm_context ccm;
        for( keysize = 128; keysize <= 256; keysize += 64 )
            snprintf( title, sizeof( title ), "AES-CCM-%d", keysize );

            memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
            memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
            ccm_init( &ccm, POLARSSL_CIPHER_ID_AES, tmp, keysize );

            TIME_AND_TSC( title,
                    ccm_encrypt_and_tag( &ccm, BUFSIZE, tmp,
                        12, NULL, 0, buf, buf, tmp, 16 ) );

            ccm_free( &ccm );

    if( todo.camellia )
        camellia_context camellia;
        camellia_init( &camellia );
        for( keysize = 128; keysize <= 256; keysize += 64 )
            snprintf( title, sizeof( title ), "CAMELLIA-CBC-%d", keysize );

            memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
            memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
            camellia_setkey_enc( &camellia, tmp, keysize );

            TIME_AND_TSC( title,
                    camellia_crypt_cbc( &camellia, CAMELLIA_ENCRYPT,
                        BUFSIZE, tmp, buf, buf ) );
        camellia_free( &camellia );

    if( todo.blowfish )
        blowfish_context blowfish;
        blowfish_init( &blowfish );

        for( keysize = 128; keysize <= 256; keysize += 64 )
            snprintf( title, sizeof( title ), "BLOWFISH-CBC-%d", keysize );

            memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );
            memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
            blowfish_setkey( &blowfish, tmp, keysize );

            TIME_AND_TSC( title,
                    blowfish_crypt_cbc( &blowfish, BLOWFISH_ENCRYPT, BUFSIZE,
                        tmp, buf, buf ) );

        blowfish_free( &blowfish );

#if defined(POLARSSL_HAVEGE_C)
    if( todo.havege )
        havege_state hs;
        havege_init( &hs );
        TIME_AND_TSC( "HAVEGE", havege_random( &hs, buf, BUFSIZE ) );
        havege_free( &hs );

#if defined(POLARSSL_CTR_DRBG_C)
    if( todo.ctr_drbg )
        ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;

        if( ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, myrand, NULL, NULL, 0 ) != 0 )
                if( ctr_drbg_random( &ctr_drbg, buf, BUFSIZE ) != 0 )
                exit(1) );

        if( ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, myrand, NULL, NULL, 0 ) != 0 )
        ctr_drbg_set_prediction_resistance( &ctr_drbg, CTR_DRBG_PR_ON );
        TIME_AND_TSC( "CTR_DRBG (PR)",
                if( ctr_drbg_random( &ctr_drbg, buf, BUFSIZE ) != 0 )
                exit(1) );
        ctr_drbg_free( &ctr_drbg );
void attacker_send_decrypted(havege_state *havege_state, void* socket)
  //@ requires attacker_invariant(?pub, ?pred, ?kc, havege_state, socket, ?attacker);
  //@ ensures  attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);
  int temp;
  int size1;
  int size2;
  char buffer1[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
  char buffer2[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
  char buffer3[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
  aes_context aes_context;
  char iv[16];
  size_t iv_off = 0;

  //@ open attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);

  size1 = net_recv(socket, buffer1, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
  size2 = net_recv(socket, buffer2, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
  if (size1 <= 0 || size2 < MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE ||
       (size1 != 16 && size1 != 24 && size1 != 32))
    //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);

  //@ close aes_context(&aes_context);
  //@ interpret_symmetric_key(buffer1, size1);
  //@ assert cryptogram(buffer1, size1, ?ccs1, ?cg_key);
  //@ assert cg_key == cg_symmetric_key(?p, ?c);
  if (aes_setkey_enc(&aes_context, buffer1, (unsigned int) size1 * 8) == 0)
    if (get_iv(havege_state, iv) == 0)
      //@ assert crypto_chars(normal, iv, 16, ?ccs_iv);
      //@ interpret_encrypted(buffer2, size2);
      //@ open cryptogram(buffer2, size2, ?ccs2, ?cg_enc);
      //@ close cryptogram(buffer2, size2, ccs2, cg_enc);
      //@ assert cg_enc == cg_encrypted(?p2, ?c2, ?ccs_output2, ?ccs_iv2);
      //@ structure s = known_value(0, nil);
      //@ close decryption_pre(true, false, attacker, s, ccs2);
      int success = aes_crypt_cfb128(&aes_context, AES_DECRYPT,
                                     (unsigned int) size2, &iv_off, iv,
                                     buffer2, buffer3);
      if (success == 0) zeroize(iv, 16); 
      //@ if (success == 0) chars_to_crypto_chars(iv, 16);
      //@ open decryption_post(true, ?garbage, attacker, s, p, c, ?ccs_output);
      /*@ if (garbage)
            assert is_public_key_classifier(?proof, _, _, _);
            proof(cg_key, p, c, true);
            decryption_garbage(buffer3, size2, s);
          else if (success == 0)
            assert crypto_chars(secret, buffer3, size2, ccs_output);
            assert ccs_output == ccs_output2;
            assert ccs_iv == ccs_iv2;
            assert ccs2 == ccs_for_cg(cg_enc);
            assert [_]pub(cg_enc);
            assert is_public_decryption_is_public(?proof2, pub, pred);
            proof2(cg_key, cg_enc);
            public_crypto_chars(buffer3, size2);
            chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer3, size2);
      //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer3, size2);
      net_send(socket, buffer3, (unsigned int) size2);
      //@ public_cryptogram(buffer2, cg_enc);
    //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(iv, 16);
  //@ open aes_context(&aes_context);
  //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);
  //@ public_cryptogram(buffer1, cg_key);
void attacker_send_encrypted(havege_state *havege_state, void* socket)
  //@ requires attacker_invariant(?pub, ?pred, ?kc, havege_state, socket, ?attacker);
  //@ ensures  attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);
  int temp;
  int size1;
  int size2;
  char buffer1[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
  char buffer2[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
  char buffer3[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE];
  aes_context aes_context;
  size_t iv_off = 0;
  char iv[16];

  //@ open attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);

  size1 = net_recv(socket, buffer1, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
  size2 = net_recv(socket, buffer2, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE);
  if (size1 <= 0 || size2 < MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE ||
      (size1 != 16 && size1 != 24 && size1 != 32))
    //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);

  //@ close aes_context(&aes_context);
  //@ interpret_symmetric_key(buffer1, size1);
  //@ assert cryptogram(buffer1, size1, ?ccs1, ?cg_key);
  //@ assert cg_key == cg_symmetric_key(?p, ?c);
  if (aes_setkey_enc(&aes_context, buffer1, (unsigned int) size1 * 8) == 0)
    if (get_iv(havege_state, iv) == 0)
      //@ assert crypto_chars(normal, iv, 16, ?ccs_iv);
      //@ chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer2, size2);
      if (aes_crypt_cfb128(&aes_context, AES_ENCRYPT,
                            (unsigned int) size2, &iv_off, iv, buffer2,
                            buffer3) == 0)
            assert cryptogram(buffer3, size2, ?ccs_enc, ?cg_enc);
            assert cg_enc == cg_encrypted(p, c, ?cs2, ccs_iv);
            assert [_]pub(cg_key);
            assert is_public_encryption_is_public(?proof2, pub, pred);
            crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer2, size2);
            public_chars(buffer2, size2);
            public_cryptogram(buffer3, cg_enc);
            chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer2, size2);
        net_send(socket, buffer3, (unsigned int) size2);
      //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(buffer2, size2);
    //@ open aes_context(&aes_context);
    //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);
    //@ public_cryptogram(buffer1, cg_symmetric_key(p, c));
    //@ crypto_chars_to_chars(iv, 16);

  //@ open aes_context(&aes_context);
  //@ close attacker_invariant(pub, pred, kc, havege_state, socket, attacker);
  //@ public_cryptogram(buffer1, cg_symmetric_key(p, c));