double ajClockSeconds(void) { double x; ajlong lv = ajClockNow(); x = (double) lv; return x/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { EmbPBtreeEntry entry = NULL; AjPStr dbname = NULL; AjPStr dbrs = NULL; AjPStr release = NULL; AjPStr datestr = NULL; AjBool statistics; AjBool compressed; AjPStr directory; AjPStr indexdir; AjPStr filename; AjPStr exclude; AjPStr dbtype = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; AjPStr *fieldarray = NULL; ajint nfields; ajint nfiles; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr thysfile = NULL; ajint i; AjPFile inf = NULL; AjPStr word = NULL; AjPBtId idobj = NULL; AjPBtPri priobj = NULL; AjPBtHybrid hyb = NULL; ajulong nentries = 0L; ajulong ientries = 0L; AjPTime starttime = NULL; AjPTime begintime = NULL; AjPTime nowtime = NULL; ajlong startclock = 0; ajlong beginclock = 0; ajlong nowclock = 0; ajulong idcache=0L, idread = 0L, idwrite = 0L, idsize= 0L; ajulong accache=0L, acread = 0L, acwrite = 0L, acsize= 0L; ajulong svcache=0L, svread = 0L, svwrite = 0L, svsize= 0L; ajulong kwcache=0L, kwread = 0L, kwwrite = 0L, kwsize= 0L; ajulong decache=0L, deread = 0L, dewrite = 0L, desize= 0L; ajulong txcache=0L, txread = 0L, txwrite = 0L, txsize= 0L; double tdiff = 0.0; ajint days = 0; ajint hours = 0; ajint mins = 0; embInit("dbxflat", argc, argv); dbtype = ajAcdGetListSingle("idformat"); fieldarray = ajAcdGetList("fields"); directory = ajAcdGetDirectoryName("directory"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); indexdir = ajAcdGetOutdirName("indexoutdir"); filename = ajAcdGetString("filenames"); exclude = ajAcdGetString("exclude"); dbname = ajAcdGetString("dbname"); dbrs = ajAcdGetString("dbresource"); release = ajAcdGetString("release"); datestr = ajAcdGetString("date"); statistics = ajAcdGetBoolean("statistics"); compressed = ajAcdGetBoolean("compressed"); entry = embBtreeEntryNew(); if(compressed) embBtreeEntrySetCompressed(entry); tmpstr = ajStrNew(); idobj = ajBtreeIdNew(); priobj = ajBtreePriNew(); hyb = ajBtreeHybNew(); nfields = embBtreeSetFields(entry,fieldarray); embBtreeSetDbInfo(entry,dbname,dbrs,datestr,release,dbtype,directory, indexdir); for(i=0; i< nfields; i++) { if(ajStrMatchC(fieldarray[i], "acc")) { accfield = embBtreeGetFieldS(entry, fieldarray[i]); if(compressed) embBtreeFieldSetCompressed(accfield); } else if(ajStrMatchC(fieldarray[i], "sv")) { svfield = embBtreeGetFieldS(entry, fieldarray[i]); if(compressed) embBtreeFieldSetCompressed(svfield); } else if(ajStrMatchC(fieldarray[i], "des")) { desfield = embBtreeGetFieldS(entry, fieldarray[i]); if(compressed) embBtreeFieldSetCompressed(desfield); } else if(ajStrMatchC(fieldarray[i], "key")) { keyfield = embBtreeGetFieldS(entry, fieldarray[i]); if(compressed) embBtreeFieldSetCompressed(keyfield); } else if(ajStrMatchC(fieldarray[i], "org")) { orgfield = embBtreeGetFieldS(entry, fieldarray[i]); if(compressed) embBtreeFieldSetCompressed(orgfield); } else if(!ajStrMatchC(fieldarray[i], "id")) ajErr("Unknown field '%S' specified for indexing", fieldarray[i]); } embBtreeGetRsInfo(entry); nfiles = embBtreeGetFiles(entry,directory,filename,exclude); if(!nfiles) ajDie("No input files in '%S' matched filename '%S'", directory, filename); embBtreeWriteEntryFile(entry); embBtreeOpenCaches(entry); starttime = ajTimeNewToday(); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Processing directory: %S\n", directory); for(i=0;i<nfiles;++i) { begintime = ajTimeNewToday(); beginclock = ajClockNow(); ajListPop(entry->files,(void **)&thysfile); ajListPushAppend(entry->files,(void *)thysfile); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr,"%S%S",entry->directory,thysfile); if(!(inf=ajFileNewInNameS(tmpstr))) ajFatal("Cannot open input file %S\n",tmpstr); ajFilenameTrimPath(&tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"Processing file: %S",tmpstr); ientries = 0L; while(dbxflat_NextEntry(entry,inf)) { ++ientries; if(entry->do_id) { if(ajStrGetLen(entry->id) > entry->idlen) { if(ajStrGetLen(entry->id) > maxidlen) { ajWarn("id '%S' too long, truncating to idlen %d", entry->id, entry->idlen); maxidlen = ajStrGetLen(entry->id); } idtrunc++; ajStrKeepRange(&entry->id,0,entry->idlen-1); } ajStrFmtLower(&entry->id); ajStrAssignS(&hyb->key1,entry->id); hyb->dbno = i; hyb->offset = entry->fpos; hyb->dups = 0; ajBtreeHybInsertId(entry->idcache,hyb); ++idtot; } if(accfield) { while(ajListPop(accfield->data,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&hyb->key1,word); hyb->dbno = i; hyb->offset = entry->fpos; hyb->dups = 0; ajBtreeHybInsertId(accfield->cache,hyb); ++acctot; ajStrDel(&word); } } if(svfield) { while(ajListPop(svfield->data,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&hyb->key1,word); hyb->dbno = i; hyb->offset = entry->fpos; hyb->dups = 0; ajBtreeHybInsertId(svfield->cache,hyb); ++svtot; ajStrDel(&word); } } if(keyfield) { while(ajListPop(keyfield->data,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->id,entry->id); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->keyword,word); priobj->treeblock = 0; ajBtreeInsertKeyword(keyfield->cache, priobj); ++keytot; ajStrDel(&word); } } if(desfield) { while(ajListPop(desfield->data,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->id,entry->id); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->keyword,word); priobj->treeblock = 0; if(ajBtreeInsertKeyword(desfield->cache, priobj)) ++destot; ajStrDel(&word); } } if(orgfield) { while(ajListPop(orgfield->data,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->id,entry->id); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->keyword,word); priobj->treeblock = 0; ajBtreeInsertKeyword(orgfield->cache, priobj); ++orgtot; ajStrDel(&word); } } } ajFileClose(&inf); nentries += ientries; nowtime = ajTimeNewToday(); nowclock = ajClockNow(); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " entries: %Lu (%Lu) time: %.1f/%.1fs (%.1f/%.1fs)\n", nentries, ientries, ajClockDiff(startclock,nowclock), ajTimeDiff(starttime, nowtime), ajClockDiff(beginclock,nowclock), ajTimeDiff(begintime, nowtime)); if(statistics) { if(entry->do_id) ajBtreeCacheStatsOut(outf, entry->idcache, &idcache, &idread, &idwrite, &idsize); if(accfield) ajBtreeCacheStatsOut(outf, accfield->cache, &accache, &acread, &acwrite, &acsize); if(svfield) ajBtreeCacheStatsOut(outf, svfield->cache, &svcache, &svread, &svwrite, &svsize); if(keyfield) ajBtreeCacheStatsOut(outf, keyfield->cache, &kwcache, &kwread, &kwwrite, &kwsize); if(desfield) ajBtreeCacheStatsOut(outf, desfield->cache, &decache, &deread, &dewrite, &desize); if(orgfield) ajBtreeCacheStatsOut(outf, orgfield->cache, &txcache, &txread, &txwrite, &txsize); } ajTimeDel(&begintime); ajTimeDel(&nowtime); } embBtreeDumpParameters(entry); embBtreeCloseCaches(entry); nowtime = ajTimeNewToday(); tdiff = ajTimeDiff(starttime, nowtime); days = (ajint) (tdiff/(24.0*3600.0)); tdiff -= (24.0*3600.0)*(double)days; hours = (ajint) (tdiff/3600.0); tdiff -= 3600.0*(double)hours; mins = (ajint) (tdiff/60.0); tdiff -= 60.0 * (double) mins; if(days) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Total time: %d %02d:%02d:%04.1f\n", days, hours, mins, tdiff); else if (hours) ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Total time: %d:%02d:%04.1f\n", hours, mins, tdiff); else ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Total time: %d:%04.1f\n", mins, tdiff); ajTimeDel(&nowtime); ajTimeDel(&starttime); if(maxidlen) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Resource idlen truncated %u IDs. " "Maximum ID length was %u.", idtrunc, maxidlen); ajWarn("Resource idlen truncated %u IDs. Maximum ID length was %u.", idtrunc, maxidlen); } ajFileClose(&outf); embBtreeEntryDel(&entry); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&filename); ajStrDel(&exclude); ajStrDel(&dbname); ajStrDel(&dbrs); ajStrDel(&release); ajStrDel(&datestr); ajStrDel(&directory); ajStrDel(&indexdir); ajStrDel(&dbtype); nfields = 0; while(fieldarray[nfields]) ajStrDel(&fieldarray[nfields++]); AJFREE(fieldarray); ajBtreeIdDel(&idobj); ajBtreePriDel(&priobj); ajBtreeHybDel(&hyb); ajRegFree(&dbxflat_wrdexp); embExit(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { EmbPBtreeEntry entry = NULL; AjPStr dbname = NULL; AjPStr dbrs = NULL; AjPStr release = NULL; AjPStr datestr = NULL; AjPStr directory; AjPStr indexdir; AjPStr filename; AjPStr exclude; AjPStr dbtype = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; AjPStr *fieldarray = NULL; ajint nfields; ajint nfiles; AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; AjPStr thysfile = NULL; ajint i; AjPFile inf = NULL; AjPStr word = NULL; AjPBtId idobj = NULL; AjPBtPri priobj = NULL; AjPBtHybrid hyb = NULL; ajulong nentries = 0L; ajulong ientries = 0L; AjPTime starttime = NULL; AjPTime begintime = NULL; AjPTime nowtime = NULL; ajlong startclock = 0; ajlong beginclock = 0; ajlong nowclock = 0; embInit("dbxflat", argc, argv); dbtype = ajAcdGetListSingle("idformat"); fieldarray = ajAcdGetList("fields"); directory = ajAcdGetDirectoryName("directory"); outf = ajAcdGetOutfile("outfile"); indexdir = ajAcdGetOutdirName("indexoutdir"); filename = ajAcdGetString("filenames"); exclude = ajAcdGetString("exclude"); dbname = ajAcdGetString("dbname"); dbrs = ajAcdGetString("dbresource"); release = ajAcdGetString("release"); datestr = ajAcdGetString("date"); entry = embBtreeEntryNew(); tmpstr = ajStrNew(); idobj = ajBtreeIdNew(); priobj = ajBtreePriNew(); hyb = ajBtreeHybNew(); nfields = embBtreeSetFields(entry,fieldarray); embBtreeSetDbInfo(entry,dbname,dbrs,datestr,release,dbtype,directory, indexdir); embBtreeGetRsInfo(entry); nfiles = embBtreeGetFiles(entry,directory,filename,exclude); embBtreeWriteEntryFile(entry); embBtreeOpenCaches(entry); starttime = ajTimeNewToday(); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Processing directory: %S\n", directory); for(i=0;i<nfiles;++i) { begintime = ajTimeNewToday(); beginclock = ajClockNow(); ajListPop(entry->files,(void **)&thysfile); ajListPushAppend(entry->files,(void *)thysfile); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr,"%S%S",entry->directory,thysfile); if(!(inf=ajFileNewInNameS(tmpstr))) ajFatal("Cannot open input file %S\n",tmpstr); ajFilenameTrimPath(&tmpstr); ajFmtPrintF(outf,"Processing file: %S",tmpstr); ientries = 0L; while(dbxflat_NextEntry(entry,inf)) { ++ientries; if(entry->do_id) { if(ajStrGetLen(entry->id) > entry->idlen) { if(ajStrGetLen(entry->id) > maxidlen) { ajWarn("id '%S' too long, truncating to idlen %d", entry->id, entry->idlen); maxidlen = ajStrGetLen(entry->id); } idtrunc++; ajStrKeepRange(&entry->id,0,entry->idlen-1); } ajStrFmtLower(&entry->id); ajStrAssignS(&hyb->key1,entry->id); hyb->dbno = i; hyb->offset = entry->fpos; hyb->dups = 0; ajBtreeHybInsertId(entry->idcache,hyb); } if(entry->do_accession) { while(ajListPop(entry->ac,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&hyb->key1,word); hyb->dbno = i; hyb->offset = entry->fpos; hyb->dups = 0; ajBtreeHybInsertId(entry->accache,hyb); ajStrDel(&word); } } if(entry->do_sv) { while(ajListPop(entry->sv,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&hyb->key1,word); hyb->dbno = i; hyb->offset = entry->fpos; hyb->dups = 0; ajBtreeHybInsertId(entry->svcache,hyb); ajStrDel(&word); } } if(entry->do_keyword) { while(ajListPop(entry->kw,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->id,entry->id); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->keyword,word); priobj->treeblock = 0; ajBtreeInsertKeyword(entry->kwcache, priobj); ajStrDel(&word); } } if(entry->do_description) { while(ajListPop(entry->de,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->id,entry->id); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->keyword,word); priobj->treeblock = 0; ajBtreeInsertKeyword(entry->decache, priobj); ajStrDel(&word); } } if(entry->do_taxonomy) { while(ajListPop(entry->tx,(void **)&word)) { ajStrFmtLower(&word); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->id,entry->id); ajStrAssignS(&priobj->keyword,word); priobj->treeblock = 0; ajBtreeInsertKeyword(entry->txcache, priobj); ajStrDel(&word); } } } ajFileClose(&inf); nentries += ientries; nowtime = ajTimeNewToday(); nowclock = ajClockNow(); ajFmtPrintF(outf, " entries: %Lu (%Lu) time: %.1f/%.1fs (%.1f/%.1fs)\n", nentries, ientries, ajClockDiff(startclock,nowclock), ajTimeDiff(starttime, nowtime), ajClockDiff(beginclock,nowclock), ajTimeDiff(begintime, nowtime)); ajTimeDel(&begintime); ajTimeDel(&nowtime); } embBtreeDumpParameters(entry); embBtreeCloseCaches(entry); nowtime = ajTimeNewToday(); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Total time: %.1fs\n", ajTimeDiff(starttime, nowtime)); ajTimeDel(&nowtime); ajTimeDel(&starttime); if(maxidlen) { ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Resource idlen truncated %u IDs. " "Maximum ID length was %u.", idtrunc, maxidlen); ajWarn("Resource idlen truncated %u IDs. Maximum ID length was %u.", idtrunc, maxidlen); } ajFileClose(&outf); embBtreeEntryDel(&entry); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&filename); ajStrDel(&exclude); ajStrDel(&dbname); ajStrDel(&dbrs); ajStrDel(&release); ajStrDel(&datestr); ajStrDel(&directory); ajStrDel(&indexdir); ajStrDel(&dbtype); nfields = 0; while(fieldarray[nfields]) ajStrDel(&fieldarray[nfields++]); AJFREE(fieldarray); ajBtreeIdDel(&idobj); ajBtreePriDel(&priobj); ajBtreeHybDel(&hyb); ajRegFree(&dbxflat_wrdexp); embExit(); return 0; }