static void jaspscan_GetFileList(const AjPStr dir, const AjPStr jaspdir, const char *wild, AjPList list) { AjPList tlist = NULL; AjPStr jdir = NULL; AjPStr wstr = NULL; AjPStr str = NULL; tlist = ajListNew(); jdir = ajStrNew(); wstr = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&jdir,"%S%S",dir,jaspdir); if(!ajDirnameFixExists(&jdir)) ajFatal("EMBOSS_DATA undefined or 'jaspextract' needs to be run"); ajFmtPrintS(&wstr,"%s%s",wild,J_EXT); ajFilelistAddPathWild(tlist,jdir,wstr); if(!ajListGetLength(tlist)) ajWarn("Matrix file(s) %S not found",wstr); while(ajListPop(tlist,(void **)&str)) ajListPushAppend(list,(void *)str); ajStrDel(&wstr); ajStrDel(&jdir); ajListFree(&tlist); return; }
static void eprimer3_send_range2(FILE * stream, const char * tag, const AjPRange value) { AjPStr str; ajuint n; ajuint start; ajuint end; str=ajStrNew(); if(ajRangeGetSize(value)) { ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=", tag); eprimer3_write(str, stream); ajStrSetClear(&str); for(n=0; n < ajRangeGetSize(value); n++) { ajRangeElementGetValues(value, n, &start, &end); ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%d-%d ", start, end); eprimer3_write(str, stream); ajStrSetClear(&str); } ajFmtPrintS(&str, "\n"); eprimer3_write(str, stream); } ajStrDel(&str); return; }
static void tfscan_print_hits(AjPList *l, ajint hits, AjPReport outf, const AjPTable t, const AjPSeq seq, ajuint minlength, const AjPTable btable) { ajint i; EmbPMatMatch m; const AjPStr acc = NULL; const AjPStr bf = NULL; AjPFeattable ftable = NULL; AjPFeature gf = NULL; AjPStr type = ajStrNewC("SO:0000235"); AjPStr tmpstr = NULL; ftable = ajFeattableNewSeq(seq); /*ajFmtPrintF(outf,"TFSCAN of %s from %d to %d\n\n",ajStrGetPtr(name), begin,end);*/ for(i=0;i<hits;++i) { ajListPop(*l,(void **)&m); acc = ajTableFetchS(t, m->seqname); if(m->len >= minlength) { /*ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%-20s %-8s %-5d %-5d %s\n", ajStrGetPtr(m->seqname), ajStrGetPtr(acc),m->start, m->start+m->len-1,ajStrGetPtr(s));*/ if(m->forward) gf = ajFeatNew(ftable, ajUtilGetProgram(), type, m->start, m->start+m->len-1, (float) m->score, '+',0); else gf = ajFeatNew(ftable, ajUtilGetProgram(), type, m->start, m->start+m->len-1, (float) m->score, '-',0); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "*acc %S", acc); ajFeatTagAddSS(gf, NULL, tmpstr); bf = ajTableFetchS(btable, m->seqname); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpstr, "*factor %S", bf); ajFeatTagAddSS(gf, NULL, tmpstr); } embMatMatchDel(&m); } ajReportWrite(outf, ftable, seq); ajFeattableDel(&ftable); ajStrDel(&tmpstr); ajStrDel(&type); return; }
AjPPatternSeq ajPatternSeqNewList (AjPPatlistSeq plist, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr pat, ajuint mismatch) { AjPPatternSeq pthis; if (!ajStrGetLen(pat)) return NULL; AJNEW0(pthis); if(ajStrGetLen(name)) ajStrAssignS (&pthis->Name,name); else ajFmtPrintS(&pthis->Name, "pattern%d", 1+ajListGetLength(plist->Patlist)); ajStrAssignS(&pthis->Pattern,pat); pthis->Protein = plist->Protein; pthis->Mismatch = mismatch; ajPatlistAddSeq(plist,pthis); return pthis; }
AjPPatternRegex ajPatternRegexNewList(AjPPatlistRegex plist, const AjPStr name, const AjPStr pat) { AjPPatternRegex pthis; if (!ajStrGetLen(pat)) return NULL; AJNEW0(pthis); if(ajStrGetLen(name)) ajStrAssignS (&pthis->Name,name); else ajFmtPrintS(&pthis->Name, "regex%d", 1+ajListGetLength(plist->Patlist)); ajStrAssignS (&pthis->Pattern,pat); pthis->Type = plist->Type; pthis->Compiled = ajRegComp(pthis->Pattern); ajPatlistAddRegex (plist,pthis); return pthis; }
void ajDebug(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; static ajint debugset = 0; static ajint depth = 0; AjPStr bufstr = NULL; if(depth) { /* recursive call, get out quick */ if(messDebugFile) { va_start(args, fmt); ajFmtVPrintF(messDebugFile, fmt, args); va_end(args); } return; } depth++; if(!debugset && acdDebugSet) { messDebug = acdDebug; if(messDebug) { ajFmtPrintS(&messDebugName, "%s.dbg", ajStrGetPtr(acdProgram)); messDebugFile = ajFileNewOutNameS(messDebugName); if(!messDebugFile) ajFatal("Cannot open debug file %S",messDebugName); if(ajNamGetValueC("debugbuffer", &bufstr)) { ajStrToBool(bufstr, &acdDebugBuffer); } if(!acdDebugBuffer) ajFileSetUnbuffer(messDebugFile); ajFmtPrintF(messDebugFile, "Debug file %F buffered:%B\n", messDebugFile, acdDebugBuffer); ajStrDel(&bufstr); } debugset = 1; } if(messDebug) { va_start(args, fmt); ajFmtVPrintF(messDebugFile, fmt, args); va_end(args); } depth--; return; }
/* @funcstatic domainalign_tcoffee ******************************************** ** ** Call TCOFFEE and process files. ** ** @param [r] domain [AjPDomain] Domain being aligned ** @param [r] in [AjPStr] Name of TCOFFEE input file ** @param [r] align [AjPStr] Name of sequence alignment file for output ** @param [r] alignc [AjPStr] Name of structure alignment file for output ** @param [r] pdbnames [AjPStr] Names of pdb files to be passed to TCOFFEEE ** @param [r] noden [ajint] Node-level of alignment ** @param [r] logf [AjPFile] Log file. ** ** @return [void] True on success ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static void domainalign_tcoffee(AjPDomain domain, AjPStr in, AjPStr align, AjPStr alignc, AjPStr pdbnames, ajint noden, AjPFile logf) { AjPStr exec = NULL; /* The UNIX command line to be executed*/ exec = ajStrNew(); /* '-in' is indeed a file sepecifier. The 'pdb1 pdb2 pdb3' string contains the file (including the path) of the clean domain cordinate files (pdb format) for the structural alifnment e.g. d1vsc_2.ent. '-outfile' is the clustal format alignment output file. */ ajFmtPrintS(&exec,"t_coffee -in %S sap_pair", pdbnames); ajFmtPrint("%S > %S\n", exec, in); ajSysExecOutnameS(exec, in); /* Process tcoffee alignment file and generate alignment file for output. */ domainalign_ProcessTcoffeeFile(in, align, domain, noden, logf); ajStrDel(&exec); return; }
ajint gValID(AjPStr id){ AjPFilebuff buff = NULL; AjPStr url = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPRegexp pval = NULL; url = ajStrNewC(""); url = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&url, "", id); //ajStrAppendS(&url, id); if(!gFilebuffURLS(url, &buff)) { return ajFalse; } return ajTrue; ajBuffreadLine(buff, &line); pval = ajRegCompC("^0"); if(ajRegExec(pval, line)) return ajFalse; return ajTrue; }
static void infoalign_OutputStr(AjPFile outfile, const AjPStr str, AjBool html, AjBool after, ajuint minlength) { AjPStr marginfmt; marginfmt = ajStrNewRes(10); /* ajFmtPrintF doesn't seem to deal with formats like "%-*S" correctly */ ajFmtPrintS(&marginfmt, "%%-%dS", minlength); if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "<td>"); if(html || !after || minlength == NOLIMIT) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "%S", str); else /* ** Format: ** If this is the last item, don't put spaces or TABs after it. ** Try to fit the name in 'minlength' spaces, else just add a ** TAB after it */ ajFmtPrintF(outfile, ajStrGetPtr(marginfmt), str); if(html) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "</td>\n"); else if(after && ajStrGetLen(str) >= minlength) ajFmtPrintF(outfile, "\t"); ajStrDel(&marginfmt); return; }
void gAssignUniqueName(AjPStr *string) { static char ext[2] = "A"; ajFmtPrintS(string, "%08d%s", getpid(), ext); if( ++ext[0] > 'Z' ) { ext[0] = 'A'; } }
AjBool gHttpGetBinS(AjPStr url, AjPFile* outf) { AjPFile file = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr host = NULL; AjPStr path = NULL; AjPStr get = NULL; ajint port = 80; ajuint http = 0; FILE *fp; AjPRegexp crlf = NULL; char buf[8]; AjOSysSocket sock; get = ajStrNew(); ajHttpUrlDeconstruct(url, &port, &host, &path); while(file==NULL || gHttpRedirect(file, &host, &port, &path)) { if(ajStrGetCharFirst(path) != '/') ajStrInsertK(&path, 0, '/'); ajFmtPrintS(&get, "GET http://%S:%d%S HTTP/1.1\r\n", host, port, path); fp = ajHttpOpen(NULL, host, port, get, &sock); file = ajFileNewFromCfile(fp); if(!file) return ajFalse; } ajStrDel(&get); crlf = ajRegCompC("^\r?\n$"); while(ajReadline(file, &line)) { if(ajRegExec(crlf, line)) break; } while(ajReadbinBinary(file, 1, 1, buf)) { ajWritebinBinary(*outf, 1, 1, buf); } ajFileClose(outf); ajFileClose(&file); return ajTrue; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* ACD data item variables */ AjPFile database = NULL; /* Housekeeping variables */ AjPStr cmd = NULL; AjPStr tmp = NULL; /* ACD file processing */ embInitPV("ehmmindex",argc,argv,"HMMERNEW",VERSION); database = ajAcdGetInfile("database"); /* MAIN APPLICATION CODE */ /* 1. Housekeeping */ cmd = ajStrNew(); tmp = ajStrNew(); /* 2. Build hmmindex command line */ /* Command line is built in this order: i. Application name. ii. HMMER 'options' (in order they appear in ACD file) iii.HMMER 'options' (that don't appear in ACD file) iv. HMMER & new parameters. */ ajFmtPrintS(&cmd, "%S ", ajAcdGetpathC("hmmindex")); ajStrAppendC(&cmd, ajFileGetNameC(database)); /* 3. Close ACD files. */ ajFileClose(&database); /* 4. Call hmmindex */ ajFmtPrint("\n%S\n\n", cmd); system(ajStrGetPtr(cmd)); /* 5. Exit cleanly */ ajStrDel(&cmd); ajStrDel(&tmp); embExit(); return 0; }
static void jaspextract_writematrixfile(const AjPTable mtable, const AjPStr directory) { AjPStr wild = NULL; AjPList flist = NULL; AjPStr key = NULL; AjPStr fname = NULL; AjPStr dest = NULL; const AjPStr value = NULL; AjPFile outf = NULL; const char *p = NULL; char *q = NULL; wild = ajStrNewC("*.pfm"); flist = ajListNew(); key = ajStrNew(); dest = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&dest,"%S%c%s",directory,SLASH_CHAR,MATRIXFILE); outf = ajFileNewOutNameS(dest); if(!outf) ajFatal("Cannot open output file %S",dest); ajFilelistAddPathWild(flist, directory, wild); while(ajListPop(flist,(void**)&fname)) { ajFilenameTrimPath(&fname); p = ajStrGetPtr(fname); q = strrchr(p,(int)'.'); ajStrAssignSubC(&key,p,0,q-p-1); value = ajTableFetchS(mtable, key); if(value) ajFmtPrintF(outf,"%S",value); ajStrDel(&fname); } ajFileClose(&outf); ajStrDel(&wild); ajStrDel(&dest); ajStrDel(&key); ajListFree(&flist); return; }
static void jaspextract_readmatrixlist(AjPTable mtable, const AjPStr directory) { const AjPStr datadir = NULL; AjPStr matrixfile = NULL; AjPFile inf = NULL; AjPStr line = NULL; AjPStr key = NULL; AjPStr value = NULL; matrixfile = ajStrNew(); datadir = ajDatafileValuePath(); if(!datadir) ajFatal("jaspextract: Cannot determine the EMBOSS data directory"); ajFmtPrintS(&matrixfile,"%S%s",directory,MATRIXFILE); if(!ajFilenameExistsRead(matrixfile)) ajFatal("jaspextract: Directory (%S) doesn't appear to be a JASPAR " "one\nNo matrix_list.txt file found",directory); inf = ajFileNewInNameS(matrixfile); if(!inf) ajFatal("Cannot open input file: %S",matrixfile); while(ajReadline(inf,&line)) { key = ajStrNew(); if(ajFmtScanS(line,"%S",&key) != 1) { ajStrDel(&key); continue; } value = ajStrNew(); ajStrAssignS(&value,line); ajTablePut(mtable,(void *)key, (void *)value); } ajFileClose(&inf); ajStrDel(&matrixfile); ajStrDel(&line); return; }
static AjPStr getUniqueFileName(void) { static char ext[2] = "A"; AjPStr filename = NULL; ajFmtPrintS(&filename, "%08d%s",getpid(), ext); if( ++ext[0] > 'Z' ) { ext[0] = 'A'; } return filename; }
static void digest_report_hits(AjPFeattable TabRpt, AjPList l, ajint be, const char* s) { AjPFeature gf = NULL; EmbPPropFrag fr; AjPStr t; ajint len; AjPStr tmpStr = NULL; size_t stlen; t = ajStrNew(); stlen = strlen(s); len = (ajint) stlen; while(ajListPop(l,(void **)&fr)) { ajStrAssignSubC(&t,s,fr->start,fr->end); gf = ajFeatNewII(TabRpt,fr->start+be,fr->end+be); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpStr, "*molwt %.3f", fr->molwt); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmpStr); if(fr->start>0) { ajFmtPrintS(&tmpStr, "*cterm %c", *(s+(fr->start)-1)); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmpStr); } if(fr->end<len-1) { ajFmtPrintS(&tmpStr, "*nterm %c", *(s+(fr->end+1))); ajFeatTagAdd(gf, NULL, tmpStr); } AJFREE(fr); } ajStrDel(&t); ajStrDel(&tmpStr); return; }
/* @funcstatic domainalign_writelast ****************************************** ** ** House-keeping function. ** ** @param [r] domain [AjPDomain] Domain. ** @param [r] noden [ajint] Node number. ** @param [r] last_node [AjPStr *] Last node. ** @param [r] last_nodeid [ajint *] Id of last node. ** ** @return [void] ** ** @@ ****************************************************************************/ static void domainalign_writelast(AjPDomain domain, ajint noden, AjPStr *last_node, ajint *last_nodeid) { if(noden==1) { ajStrAssignS(last_node, domain->Scop->Class); *last_nodeid = domain->Scop->Sunid_Class; } else if (noden==2) { ajStrAssignS(last_node, domain->Scop->Fold); *last_nodeid = domain->Scop->Sunid_Fold; } else if (noden==3) { ajStrAssignS(last_node, domain->Scop->Superfamily); *last_nodeid = domain->Scop->Sunid_Superfamily; } else if (noden==4) { ajStrAssignS(last_node, domain->Scop->Family); *last_nodeid = domain->Scop->Sunid_Family; } else if (noden==5) { ajStrAssignS(last_node, domain->Cath->Class); *last_nodeid = domain->Cath->Class_Id ; } else if (noden==6) { ajStrAssignS(last_node, domain->Cath->Architecture); *last_nodeid = domain->Cath->Arch_Id; } else if (noden==7) { ajStrAssignS(last_node, domain->Cath->Topology); *last_nodeid = domain->Cath->Topology_Id; } else if (noden==8) { ajStrAssignS(last_node, domain->Cath->Superfamily); *last_nodeid = domain->Cath->Superfamily_Id; } else if (noden==9) { /* There is no text describing the CATH families. */ ajFmtPrintS(last_node, "%d", domain->Cath->Family_Id); *last_nodeid = domain->Cath->Family_Id; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { AjPSeqset seqset; AjPSeqall seqall; AjPSeq seq; ajint i = 0; AjPStr kimout = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; AjPFile obofile = NULL; AjPFile resfile = NULL; AjPDir taxdir = NULL; embInit("ajtest", argc, argv); seqall = ajAcdGetSeqall ("sequence"); seqset = ajAcdGetSeqset ("bsequence"); dir = ajAcdGetOutdirName("outdir"); obofile = ajAcdGetInfile ("obofile"); taxdir = ajAcdGetDirectory ("taxdir"); resfile = ajAcdGetInfile ("dbxreffile"); ajUser("Directory '%S'", dir); ajUser("Set of %d", ajSeqsetGetSize(seqset)); while(ajSeqallNext (seqall, &seq)) { ajUser ("%3d <%S>", i++, ajSeqGetUsaS(seq)); ajFmtPrintS(&kimout, "kim%d.out", i); ajtest_kim (kimout, seq); } ajSeqDel(&seq); ajSeqallDel(&seqall); ajSeqsetDel(&seqset); ajStrDel(&kimout); ajStrDel(&dir); if(taxdir) ajTaxLoad(taxdir); ajDirDel(&taxdir); if(obofile) ajOboParseObofile(obofile, ""); ajFileClose(&obofile); if(resfile) ajResourceParse(resfile, ""); ajFileClose(&resfile); embExit(); return 0; }
static void resourceMakeQry(const AjPResource thys, AjPStr* qry) { ajDebug("resourceMakeQry (Id <%S> Formatstr <%S> Db <%S> " "Filename <%S>)\n", thys->Id, thys->Formatstr, thys->Db, thys->Filename); /* ajResourceTrace(thys); */ if(ajStrGetLen(thys->Db)) ajFmtPrintS(qry, "%S-id:%S", thys->Db, thys->Id); else { ajFmtPrintS(qry, "%S::%S:%S", thys->Formatstr, thys->Filename,thys->Id); } ajDebug(" result: <%S>\n", *qry); return; }
static void eprimer3_send_float(FILE * stream, const char * tag, float value) { AjPStr str; str = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=%f\n", tag, value); eprimer3_write(str, stream); ajStrDel(&str); return; }
ajuint ajPatlistRegexDoc (AjPPatlistRegex plist, AjPStr* Pdoc) { AjPPatternRegex pat = NULL; ajFmtPrintS(Pdoc, "%-12S %S\n", "Pattern_name", "Pattern"); while (ajPatlistRegexGetNext(plist, &pat)) ajFmtPrintAppS(Pdoc, "%-12S %S\n", ajPatternRegexGetName(pat), ajPatternRegexGetPattern(pat)); return ajListGetLength(plist->Patlist); }
static void eprimer3_send_bool(FILE * stream, const char * tag, AjBool value) { AjPStr str; str = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=%d\n", tag, value?1:0); eprimer3_write(str, stream); ajStrDel(&str); return; }
ajuint ajPatlistSeqDoc (AjPPatlistSeq plist, AjPStr* Pdoc) { AjPPatternSeq pat = NULL; ajFmtPrintS(Pdoc, "%-12s %8s %s\n", "Pattern_name", "Mismatch", "Pattern"); while (ajPatlistSeqGetNext(plist, &pat)) { ajFmtPrintAppS(Pdoc, "%-12S %8d %S\n", ajPatternSeqGetName(pat), ajPatternSeqGetMismatch(pat), ajPatternSeqGetPattern(pat)); } return ajListGetLength(plist->Patlist); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Variable Declarations */ AjPSeqset seqset = NULL; AjPAlign align = NULL; AjPStr name = NULL; AjPStr comment = NULL; AjBool append = ajFalse; AjPStr header = NULL; /* ACD File Processing */ embInit("aligncopy", argc, argv); seqset = ajAcdGetSeqset("sequences"); align = ajAcdGetAlign("outfile"); name = ajAcdGetString("name"); comment = ajAcdGetString("comment"); append = ajAcdGetBoolean("append"); /* Application logic */ ajAlignDefine(align, seqset); if(ajStrGetLen(name)) ajFmtPrintS(&header, "Alignment: %S\n\n", name); ajStrAppendS(&header, comment); if(append) ajAlignSetHeaderApp(align, header); else ajAlignSetHeader(align, header); ajAlignWrite(align); ajAlignClose(align); /* Memory management and exit */ ajSeqsetDel(&seqset); ajAlignDel(&align); ajStrDel(&name); ajStrDel(&comment); ajStrDel(&header); embExit(); return 0; }
static void dastestSaveMappedFeatures(const AjPFeattable fttable, const AjPStr ffname, AjPFile outf, ajint maxfeatures) { AjPFeature feature = NULL; AjIList iterfts = NULL; AjPFeattabOut ftout = NULL; AjPFile ffile = NULL; AjPStr ffnamee = ajStrNew(); ajint i=0; if (fttable == NULL) { ajWarn("null feature table, %S", ffname); return; } ajFmtPrintS(&ffnamee, "%S.mapped.dasgff", ffname); ffile = ajFileNewOutNameS(ffnamee); iterfts = ajListIterNew(fttable->Features); ftout= ajFeattabOutNewCSF("gff3",NULL,"",ffile); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "Number of features %d\n", ajListGetLength(fttable->Features)); while(!ajListIterDone(iterfts) && i++ < maxfeatures) { feature = ajListIterGet(iterfts); ajFmtPrintF(outf, "feature id:%S orientation:%c start:%d stop:%d\n", feature->Label, feature->Strand, feature->Start, feature->End); } ajListIterDel(&iterfts); ajFeattableWriteDasgff(ftout, fttable); ajFeattabOutDel(&ftout); ajFileClose(&ffile); ajStrDel(&ffnamee); return; }
static void eprimer3_send_stringC(FILE *stream, const char *tag, const char *value) { AjPStr str; str = ajStrNew(); if(strlen(value)) { ajFmtPrintS(&str, "%s=%s\n", tag, value); eprimer3_write(str, stream); } ajStrDel(&str); return; }
static AjPStr emma_getUniqueFileName(void) { static char ext[2] = "A"; AjPStr filename = NULL; /* ** A kludge to make filenames greater than 5 characters. This ** sometimes, but by no means always, helped bypass a memory ** allocation bug in versions of clustalw before 1.83. ** You should update your clustalw. */ ajFmtPrintS(&filename, "%08d%s",getpid(), ext); if(++ext[0] > 'Z') ext[0] = 'A'; return filename; }
static void jaspextract_openoutdirs(void) { const AjPStr datadir = NULL; AjPStr dir = NULL; const char *p = NULL; ajuint i = 0; datadir = ajDatafileValuePath(); if(!datadir) ajFatal("jaspextract: Cannot determine the EMBOSS data directory"); dir = ajStrNew(); i = 0; while(Jprefix[i].Directory) { ajFmtPrintS(&dir,"%S%s",datadir,Jprefix[i].Directory); if(!ajFilenameExistsDir(dir)) { p = ajStrGetPtr(dir); #ifndef WIN32 mkdir(p,0644); #else _mkdir(p); #endif } if(!ajFilenameExistsDir(dir)) ajFatal("jaspextract: No such directory %S", dir); ++i; } ajStrDel(&dir); return; }
static void dastestSaveRawFeatures(AjPFilebuff buff, const AjPStr ffname) { AjPFile ffile = NULL; AjPStr line = ajStrNew(); AjPStr ffnamee = ajStrNew(); ajFmtPrintS(&ffnamee, "%S.raw.dasgff", ffname); ffile = ajFileNewOutNameS(ffnamee); while(!ajFilebuffIsEmpty(buff)) { ajBuffreadLine(buff,&line); ajDebug("ajDasQueryParse: line: %S", line); ajWriteline(ffile, line); ajStrDel(&line); } ajFileClose(&ffile); ajStrDel(&ffnamee); return; }
static void silent_fmt_hits(AjPList hits, AjPFeattable feat, AjBool silent, AjBool rev) { PSilent res; AjPFeature sf = NULL; AjPStr tmpFeatStr = NULL; ajListSort(hits,silent_basecompare); while(ajListPop(hits,(void **)&res)) { if (rev) sf = ajFeatNewIIRev(feat, res->match, res->match+ajStrGetLen(res->site)-1); else sf = ajFeatNewII(feat, res->match, res->match+ajStrGetLen(res->site)-1); if (silent) { ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*silent Yes"); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); } ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*enzyme %S", res->code); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*rspattern %S", res->site); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*baseposn %d", res->base); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*aa %S.%S", res->seqaa, res->reaa); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajFmtPrintS(&tmpFeatStr, "*mutation %c->%c", res->obase,res->nbase); ajFeatTagAdd (sf, NULL, tmpFeatStr); ajStrDel(&res->code); ajStrDel(&res->site); ajStrDel(&res->seqaa); ajStrDel(&res->reaa); AJFREE(res); } ajStrDel(&tmpFeatStr); return; }