void scfe_error(const char *error)
   char str[256];
   printf("why dis\n");
   strlcpy(str, error, sizeof(str));
   cm_msg(MERROR, "scfe_error", str);
   al_trigger_alarm("MSCB", str, "MSCB Alarm", "Communication Problem", AT_INTERNAL);
文件: alarm.c 项目: gm2-pisa/midas
Scan ODB for alarms.
@return AL_SUCCESS
INT al_check()
   if (rpc_is_remote())
      return rpc_call(RPC_AL_CHECK);

   INT i, status, size, semaphore;
   HNDLE hDB, hkeyroot, hkey;
   KEY key;
   ALARM a;
   char str[256], value[256];
   time_t now;
   PROGRAM_INFO program_info;
   BOOL flag;
   cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
   if (hDB == 0)
      return AL_SUCCESS;     /* called from server not yet connected */
   /* check online mode */
   flag = TRUE;
   size = sizeof(flag);
   db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/Online Mode", &flag, &size, TID_INT, TRUE);
   if (!flag)
      return AL_SUCCESS;
   /* check global alarm flag */
   flag = TRUE;
   size = sizeof(flag);
   db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Alarm system active", &flag, &size, TID_BOOL, TRUE);
   if (!flag)
      return AL_SUCCESS;
   /* request semaphore */
   cm_get_experiment_semaphore(&semaphore, NULL, NULL, NULL);
   status = ss_semaphore_wait_for(semaphore, 100);
   if (status == SS_TIMEOUT)
      return AL_SUCCESS;        /* someone else is doing alarm business */
   if (status != SS_SUCCESS) {
      printf("al_check: Something is wrong with our semaphore, ss_semaphore_wait_for() returned %d, aborting.\n", status);
      //abort(); // DOES NOT RETURN
      printf("al_check: Cannot abort - this will lock you out of odb. From this point, MIDAS will not work correctly. Please read the discussion at https://midas.triumf.ca/elog/Midas/945\n");
      // NOT REACHED
      return AL_SUCCESS;
   /* check ODB alarms */
   db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Alarms", &hkeyroot);
   if (!hkeyroot) {
      /* create default ODB alarm */
      status = db_create_record(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Alarms/Demo ODB", strcomb(alarm_odb_str));
      db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Alarms", &hkeyroot);
      if (!hkeyroot) {
         return AL_SUCCESS;
      status = db_create_record(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Alarms/Demo periodic", strcomb(alarm_periodic_str));
      db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Alarms", &hkeyroot);
      if (!hkeyroot) {
         return AL_SUCCESS;
      /* create default alarm classes */
      status = db_create_record(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Classes/Alarm", strcomb(alarm_class_str));
      status = db_create_record(hDB, 0, "/Alarms/Classes/Warning", strcomb(alarm_class_str));
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         return AL_SUCCESS;
   for (i = 0;; i++) {
      status = db_enum_key(hDB, hkeyroot, i, &hkey);
      if (status == DB_NO_MORE_SUBKEYS)
      db_get_key(hDB, hkey, &key);
      size = sizeof(a);
      status = db_get_record(hDB, hkey, &a, &size, 0);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS || a.type < 1 || a.type > AT_LAST) {
         /* make sure alarm record has right structure */
         db_check_record(hDB, hkey, "", strcomb(alarm_odb_str), TRUE);
         size = sizeof(a);
         status = db_get_record(hDB, hkey, &a, &size, 0);
         if (status != DB_SUCCESS || a.type < 1 || a.type > AT_LAST) {
            cm_msg(MERROR, "al_check", "Cannot get alarm record");
      /* check periodic alarm only when active */
      if (a.active &&
          a.type == AT_PERIODIC &&
          a.check_interval > 0 && (INT) ss_time() - (INT) a.checked_last > a.check_interval) {
         /* if checked_last has not been set, set it to current time */
         if (a.checked_last == 0) {
            a.checked_last = ss_time();
            db_set_record(hDB, hkey, &a, size, 0);
         } else
            al_trigger_alarm(key.name, a.alarm_message, a.alarm_class, "", AT_PERIODIC);
      /* check alarm only when active and not internal */
      if (a.active &&
          a.type == AT_EVALUATED &&
          a.check_interval > 0 && (INT) ss_time() - (INT) a.checked_last > a.check_interval) {
         /* if condition is true, trigger alarm */
         if (al_evaluate_condition(a.condition, value)) {
            sprintf(str, a.alarm_message, value);
            al_trigger_alarm(key.name, str, a.alarm_class, "", AT_EVALUATED);
         } else {
            a.checked_last = ss_time();
            status = db_set_value(hDB, hkey, "Checked last", &a.checked_last, sizeof(DWORD), 1, TID_DWORD);
            if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
               cm_msg(MERROR, "al_check", "Cannot change alarm record");
   /* check /programs alarms */
   db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Programs", &hkeyroot);
   if (hkeyroot) {
      for (i = 0;; i++) {
         status = db_enum_key(hDB, hkeyroot, i, &hkey);
         if (status == DB_NO_MORE_SUBKEYS)
         db_get_key(hDB, hkey, &key);
         /* don't check "execute on xxx" */
         if (key.type != TID_KEY)
         size = sizeof(program_info);
         status = db_get_record(hDB, hkey, &program_info, &size, 0);
         if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
            cm_msg(MERROR, "al_check", "Cannot get program info record");
         now = ss_time();
         str[strlen(key.name)] = 0;
         if (!equal_ustring(str, key.name) && cm_exist(key.name, FALSE) == CM_NO_CLIENT) {
            if (program_info.first_failed == 0) {
               program_info.first_failed = (DWORD) now;
               db_set_record(hDB, hkey, &program_info, sizeof(program_info), 0);
            /* fire alarm when not running for more than what specified in check interval */
            if (now - program_info.first_failed >= program_info.check_interval / 1000) {
               /* if not running and alarm calss defined, trigger alarm */
               if (program_info.alarm_class[0]) {
                  sprintf(str, "Program %s is not running", key.name);
                  al_trigger_alarm(key.name, str, program_info.alarm_class,
                                   "Program not running", AT_PROGRAM);
               /* auto restart program */
               if (program_info.auto_restart && program_info.start_command[0]) {
                  program_info.first_failed = 0;
                  cm_msg(MTALK, "al_check", "Program %s restarted", key.name);
         } else {
            if (program_info.first_failed != 0) {
               program_info.first_failed = 0;
               db_set_record(hDB, hkey, &program_info, sizeof(program_info), 0);
#endif                          /* LOCAL_COUTINES */

   return SUCCESS;
INT ge_ln2_read(char *pevent, INT off) {

  static INT    status, size;
  static DWORD  lastfilled, now, timelimit;
  static BOOL   justfilled;
  static DWORD  *timesincefill;

  timesincefill = NULL;

  // Get recent values
  size = sizeof(lastfilled);
  status = db_get_value(hDB, 0, sLastFilled, &lastfilled, &size, TID_DWORD, FALSE);
  if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
    cm_msg(MERROR, "ge_ln2_read", "Error getting last filled time");
    return 0;

  size = sizeof(justfilled);
  status = db_get_value(hDB, 0, sJustFilled, &justfilled, &size, TID_BOOL, FALSE);
  if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
    cm_msg(MERROR, "ge_ln2_read", "Error getting just filled status");
    return 0;

  size = sizeof(timelimit);
  status = db_get_value(hDB, 0, sTimeLimit, &timelimit, &size, TID_DWORD, FALSE);
  if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
    cm_msg(MERROR, "ge_ln2_read", "Error getting time limit between fills");
    return 0;

  // If just filled, write time to ODB
  if (justfilled == TRUE) {
    lastfilled = (DWORD)time(NULL);
    status = db_set_value(hDB, 0, sLastFilled, &lastfilled, sizeof(lastfilled), 1, TID_DWORD);
    if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "gn_ln2_read", "Error setting last filled time");
      return 0;
    justfilled = FALSE;
    status = db_set_value(hDB, 0, sJustFilled, &justfilled, sizeof(justfilled), 1, TID_BOOL);
    if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "gn_ln2_read", "Error setting just filled status");
      return 0;


    bk_create(pevent, "LN2F", TID_DWORD, &timesincefill);
    *timesincefill = 0;
    bk_close(pevent, ++timesincefill);

    return bk_size(pevent);

  // Check the status
  bk_create(pevent, "LN2F", TID_DWORD, &timesincefill);
  now = (DWORD) time(NULL);
  *timesincefill = now - lastfilled;
  if (*timesincefill > timelimit) {
    al_trigger_alarm(sAlarmName, "Germanium must be filled!", "Alarm", "", AT_INTERNAL);
  bk_close(pevent, ++timesincefill);

  return bk_size(pevent);