int main()
  const int N=10000;

  CGAL::Random rnd = CGAL::get_default_random();
  std::cout << "seed: " << rnd.get_seed() << std::endl;

  // generator for random data points in the square ( (-1,-1), (1,1) )
  Random_points_iterator rpit(1.0, rnd);

  // construct list containing N random points
  std::list<Point> all_points(N_Random_points_iterator(rpit,0),

  // add some interesting points
  all_points.push_back(Point(0., 0.));
  all_points.push_back(Point(-CGAL_PI/10.+0.1, -CGAL_PI/10.+0.1));
  all_points.push_back(Point(1., 1.));
  all_points.push_back(Point(0., 1.));
  all_points.push_back(Point(0.3, 0.4));
  all_points.push_back(Point(0.2, 0.3));
  all_points.push_back(Point(0., 0.1));

  run<Traits>(all_points, rnd);
  run<Traits_with_info>(all_points, rnd);

  return 0;
void view::points_changed()
    points_ = all_points();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < points_.size(); ++i)
        size_t anchor =get_anchor(i);
        if (anchor_points()[anchor].speed > 0)
		speed_.back() = 0;

    length_ = 0;

        dist_[0] = 0;

        FIXME(Не нуачо классный код (unsigned))
        for (size_t i = 0; i < points_.size() - 1; ++i)
            double dst = cg::distance2d(points_[i], points_[i+1]);
            length_ += dst;

            dist_[i + 1] = length_;
void ctrl::reset_points()
    std::vector<ani::point_pos> points = std::move(all_points());

    //for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
    //    if (!is_anchor(i))
    //        polyline_chart_t::set_point_image(i, ":/images/track-point.bmp");
MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer::bboxMinDistance(Point p, MeshTools::BoundingBox bbox)
  std::vector<Point> source_points = {bbox.first, bbox.second};

  std::vector<Point> all_points(8);
  for (unsigned int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
      for (unsigned int z = 0; z < 2; z++)
        all_points[x + 2*y + 4*z] = Point(source_points[x](0), source_points[y](1), source_points[z](2));

  Real min_distance = 0.;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    Real distance = (p - all_points[i]).norm();
    if (distance < min_distance)
      min_distance = distance;
  return min_distance;
void compute_projections(const Particles& all_particles,
                         const Particles& lig_particles,
                         unsigned int projection_number,
                         double pixel_size, double resolution,
                         boost::ptr_vector<Projection>& projections,
                         int image_size) {

  // get coordinates, radius and mass
  IMP::algebra::Vector3Ds all_points(all_particles.size());
  std::vector<double> all_radii(all_particles.size());
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < all_particles.size(); i++) {
    all_points[i] = core::XYZ(all_particles[i]).get_coordinates();
    all_radii[i] = core::XYZR(all_particles[i]).get_radius();

  IMP::algebra::Vector3Ds lig_points(lig_particles.size());
  std::vector<double> lig_radii(lig_particles.size());
  std::vector<double> lig_mass(lig_particles.size());
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lig_particles.size(); i++) {
    lig_points[i] = core::XYZ(lig_particles[i]).get_coordinates();
    lig_radii[i] = core::XYZR(lig_particles[i]).get_radius();
    lig_mass[i] = atom::Mass(lig_particles[i]).get_mass();

  int axis_size = image_size;
  // use image_size if given
  if (!(image_size > 0)) {
    double max_dist = compute_max_distance(all_points);
    static IMP::em::KernelParameters kp(resolution);
    double radius = 3.0;
    const IMP::em::RadiusDependentKernelParameters& params =
    double wrap_length = 2 * params.get_kdist() + 1.0;
    axis_size =
        (int)((max_dist + 2 * wrap_length + 2 * pixel_size) / pixel_size + 2);
    if (axis_size <= image_size) axis_size = image_size;

  // storage for rotated points
  IMP::algebra::Vector3Ds rotated_points(all_points.size());
  IMP::algebra::Vector3Ds rotated_ligand_points(lig_points.size());
  // points on a sphere
  IMP::algebra::SphericalVector3Ds spherical_coords;
  quasi_evenly_spherical_distribution(projection_number, spherical_coords, 1.0);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < spherical_coords.size(); i++) {
    // convert sphere coordinate to rotation
    IMP::algebra::SphericalVector3D v = spherical_coords[i];
    double cy = cos(v[1] / 2.0);
    double cz = cos(v[2] / 2.0);
    double sy = sin(v[1] / 2.0);
    double sz = sin(v[2] / 2.0);
    // this is a rotation about z axis by an angle v[2]
    // followed by rotation about y axis by an angle v[1]
    IMP::algebra::Rotation3D r(cy * cz, sy * sz, sy * cz, cy * sz);

    // rotate points
    for (unsigned int p_index = 0; p_index < all_points.size(); p_index++)
      rotated_points[p_index] = r * all_points[p_index];
    for (unsigned int p_index = 0; p_index < lig_points.size(); p_index++)
      rotated_ligand_points[p_index] = r * lig_points[p_index];

    // project
    std::auto_ptr<Projection> p(
        new Projection(rotated_points, rotated_ligand_points, lig_radii,
                       lig_mass, pixel_size, resolution, axis_size));
    // rasmol
    // std::cout << "#projection " << i+1 <<"\nreset\nrotate Z "
    //<< IMP_RAD_2_DEG(v[2]);
    // std::cout << "\nrotate Y -" << IMP_RAD_2_DEG(v[1]) << std::endl;
    // chimera
    // std::cout << "#projection " << i+1
    //<<"\nreset;turn x 180; turn z -" << IMP_RAD_2_DEG(v[2]);
    // std::cout << ";turn y -" << IMP_RAD_2_DEG(v[1])
    //<< ";wait;sleep 3;"<< std::endl;
    // string file_name = "projection_" +
    //   string(boost::lexical_cast<string>(i+1)) + ".pgm";
    // p.write_PGM(file_name);