int ompi_coll_libnbc_iallreduce_inter(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op,
                                      struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request,
                                      struct mca_coll_base_module_2_0_0_t *module)
  int rank, res, size, rsize;
  MPI_Aint ext;
  NBC_Schedule *schedule;
  NBC_Handle *handle;
  ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t **coll_req = (ompi_coll_libnbc_request_t**) request;
  ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module;

  res = NBC_Init_handle(comm, coll_req, libnbc_module);
  if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Init_handle(%i)\n", res); return res; }
  handle = (*coll_req);
  res = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_rank() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  res = MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm, &rsize);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Comm_remote_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  res = MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &ext);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)\n", res); return res; }
  res = MPI_Type_size(datatype, &size);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) { printf("MPI Error in MPI_Type_size() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  handle->tmpbuf = malloc(ext*count);
  if(handle->tmpbuf == NULL) { printf("Error in malloc() (%i)\n", res); return NBC_OOR; }

  schedule = (NBC_Schedule*)malloc(sizeof(NBC_Schedule));
  if (NULL == schedule) { printf("Error in malloc()\n"); return res; }

  res = NBC_Sched_create(schedule);
  if(res != NBC_OK) { printf("Error in NBC_Sched_create (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  res = allred_sched_linear(rank, rsize, sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, ext, size, schedule, handle);
  if (NBC_OK != res) { printf("Error in Schedule creation() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule);
  if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Sched_commit() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule);
  if(res != NBC_OK) { free(handle->tmpbuf); printf("Error in NBC_Start() (%i)\n", res); return res; }

  /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */
  return NBC_OK;
int ompi_coll_libnbc_iallreduce_inter(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op,
                                      struct ompi_communicator_t *comm, ompi_request_t ** request,
                                      struct mca_coll_base_module_2_1_0_t *module)
  int rank, res, size, rsize;
  MPI_Aint ext;
  NBC_Schedule *schedule;
  NBC_Handle *handle;
  ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t *libnbc_module = (ompi_coll_libnbc_module_t*) module;

  rank = ompi_comm_rank (comm);
  rsize = ompi_comm_remote_size (comm);

  res = MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &ext);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) {
    NBC_Error("MPI Error in MPI_Type_extent() (%i)", res);
    return res;

  res = MPI_Type_size(datatype, &size);
  if (MPI_SUCCESS != res) {
    NBC_Error("MPI Error in MPI_Type_size() (%i)", res);
    return res;

  res = NBC_Init_handle (comm, &handle, libnbc_module);
    return res;

  handle->tmpbuf = malloc (ext * count);
  if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == handle->tmpbuf)) {
    NBC_Return_handle (handle);

  schedule = OBJ_NEW(NBC_Schedule);
  if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == schedule)) {
    NBC_Return_handle (handle);

  /* ensure the schedule is released with the handle on error */
  handle->schedule = schedule;

  res = allred_sched_linear (rank, rsize, sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op,
                             ext, size, schedule, handle);
    NBC_Return_handle (handle);
    return res;

  res = NBC_Sched_commit(schedule);
    NBC_Return_handle (handle);
    return res;

  res = NBC_Start(handle, schedule);
    NBC_Return_handle (handle);
    return res;

  *request = (ompi_request_t *) handle;

  /* tmpbuf is freed with the handle */
  return OMPI_SUCCESS;