void VectorLocalization2D::predictParticle(Particle2D& p, float dx, float dy, float dtheta, const MotionModelParams &motionParams)
  static const bool debug = false;
  if(debug) printf("predict before: %7.2f,%7.2f %6.2f\u00b0 ",p.loc.x,p.loc.y,DEG(p.angle));
  //Motion model
  vector2f delta(dx,dy);
  float d_trans = delta.length();
  //Predict rotation
  dtheta += randn(motionParams.Alpha1*dtheta,0.0f)+randn(motionParams.Alpha2*d_trans,0.0f);
  p.angle = angle_mod(p.angle+dtheta);
  //Predict translation
    delta = delta.rotate(p.angle);
    delta = delta.norm(d_trans + randn(motionParams.Alpha3*d_trans,0.0f));
  if(debug) printf("delta: %f,%f %f\u00b0 ",V2COMP(delta),DEG(dtheta));
  p.loc += delta;
  if(debug) printf("after: %7.2f,%7.2f %6.2f\u00b0\n",p.loc.x,p.loc.y,DEG(p.angle));
void TPositionForKick::command(World &world, int me,
                               Robot::RobotCommand &command,
                               bool debug)

    MyVector2d ball_position = world.ball_position();
    MyVector2d robot_position = world.GetRobotPositionByID(me);
    MyVector2d robot_velocity = world.GetRobotVelocityByID(me);

	MyVector2d target;
	double angle_tolerance;
	if (!prev_target_set)
		prev_target = world.their_goal;
		prev_target_set = true;
	//# The amount we'd prefer to shoot at our previous angle.  If an another
	//#  at least this much bigger appears we'll switch to that.
	//SHOOT_AIM_PREF_AMOUNT = 0.01745 # 1 degree
	// (1) Try shooting on goal.
    if (!evaluation.aim(world, world.now, ball_position,
	                    prev_target, DVAR(SHOOT_AIM_PREF_AMOUNT),
	                    target, angle_tolerance))
        //back border of the goal lu_test
		MyVector2d downfield[2];
                downfield[0].set(ball_position.x + 180.0, -FIELD_WIDTH_H);
                downfield[1].set(ball_position.x + 180.0, FIELD_WIDTH_H);
		// (2) Try clearing the ball

        if (!evaluation.aim(world, world.now, ball_position,
		                    downfield[0], downfield[1],
		                    prev_target, DVAR(SHOOT_AIM_PREF_AMOUNT),
		                    target, angle_tolerance))

			// Guaranteed to return true and fill in the parameters when
			// obs_flags is empty.
			// (3) Just shoot downfield.
            evaluation.aim(world, world.now, ball_position,
			               downfield[0], downfield[1],
			               0, target, angle_tolerance);
            qDebug()<<"shoot downfield";
	if (debug)
                gui_debug_line(me, GDBG_TACTICS, ball_position, target);
                gui_debug_line(me, GDBG_TACTICS, ball_position,
                               (target - ball_position).rotate(angle_tolerance) + ball_position);
                gui_debug_line(me, GDBG_TACTICS, ball_position,
                               (target - ball_position).rotate(-angle_tolerance) + ball_position);
	prev_target = target;
        double ball_distance = (robot_position - ball_position).length();
    //question lu_test
    if (robot_velocity.length() < 20.0)
                ball_distance -= 20.0;
	// put this in config
	double closest = 85.0;
    //question lu_test constant setting
        ball_distance = bound(ball_distance, closest, 150.0);
        MyVector2d targetp = ball_position - (target - ball_position).norm(ball_distance);
        double angle = (ball_position - targetp).angle();
	int obs = OBS_EVERYTHING_BUT_ME(me);
    MyVector2d r2target = (targetp - robot_position);
	double d2target = r2target.sqlength();
    //question lu_test ???
	if ((d2target < 150.0 * 150.0) && (d2target > 20.0 * 20.0) &&
	        (fabs(angle_mod(angle - r2target.angle())) < M_PI_4))
		//    obs = OBS_WALLS;
		obs = 0;
		//    printf("turning off obstacle avoidance!!!\n");
		if (debug)
			gui_debug_printf(me, GDBG_TACTICS, "turning off obstacle avoidance!!!\n");
	command.cmd = Robot::CmdPosition;
	command.target = targetp;
	command.velocity = MyVector2d(0, 0);
	command.angle = angle;
    //command.obs = OBS_EVERYTHING_BUT_ME(me);
	command.observation_type = obs;
    command.goto_point_type = Robot::GotoPointMoveForw;