static struct annoRow *aswNextRow(struct annoStreamer *vSelf, char *minChrom, uint minEnd,
				  struct lm *callerLm)
/* Return an annoRow encoding the next chunk of wiggle data, or NULL if there are no more items. */
struct annoStreamWig *self = (struct annoStreamWig *)vSelf;
struct annoRow *rowOut = NULL;
boolean done = FALSE;
while (!done)
    struct annoRow *wigRow = self->wigStr->nextRow(self->wigStr, minChrom, minEnd, callerLm);
    if (wigRow == NULL)
	return NULL;
    struct wiggle wiggle;
    wiggleStaticLoad((char **)wigRow->data, &wiggle);
    checkWibFile(self, wiggle.file);
    // translate wigRow + bytes to float vector
    boolean rightFail = FALSE;
    int validCount = 0;
    int bpLen = wiggle.chromEnd - wiggle.chromStart;
    float vector[bpLen];
    getFloatArray(self, &wiggle, &rightFail, &validCount, vector);
    if (rightFail || validCount > 0)
	rowOut = annoRowWigVecNew(wigRow->chrom, wigRow->start, wigRow->end, rightFail, vector,
	done = TRUE;
return rowOut;
static struct annoRow *annoRowFromContigBbiIntervals(char *name, char *chrom,
				struct bbiInterval *startIv, struct bbiInterval *endIv,
				boolean rightJoinFail, struct lm *callerLm)
/* Given a range of non-NULL contiguous bbiIntervals (i.e. no gaps between intervals),
 * translate into annoRow with annoVector as data. */
float *vals;
int baseCount = endIv->end - startIv->start;
AllocArray(vals, baseCount);
int vecOff = 0;
struct bbiInterval *iv;
for (iv = startIv;  iv != endIv->next;  iv = iv->next)
    int i;
    for (i = 0;  i < (iv->end - iv->start);  i++)
	vals[vecOff++] = iv->val;
    if (vecOff > baseCount)
	errAbort("annoStreamBigWig %s: overflowed baseCount (%s:%d-%d)",
		 name, chrom, startIv->start, endIv->end);
return annoRowWigVecNew(chrom, startIv->start, endIv->end, rightJoinFail, vals, callerLm);