static int check_speling(request_rec *r)
    spconfig *cfg;
    char *good, *bad, *postgood, *url;
    int filoc, dotloc, urlen, pglen;
    DIR *dirp;
    struct DIR_TYPE *dir_entry;
    array_header *candidates = NULL;

    cfg = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &speling_module);
    if (!cfg->enabled) {
        return DECLINED;

    /* We only want to worry about GETs */
    if (r->method_number != M_GET) {
        return DECLINED;

    /* We've already got a file of some kind or another */
    if (r->proxyreq != NOT_PROXY || (r->finfo.st_mode != 0)) {
        return DECLINED;

    /* This is a sub request - don't mess with it */
    if (r->main) {
        return DECLINED;

     * The request should end up looking like this:
     * r->uri: /correct-url/mispelling/more
     * r->filename: /correct-file/mispelling r->path_info: /more
     * So we do this in steps. First break r->filename into two pieces

    filoc = ap_rind(r->filename, '/');
     * Don't do anything if the request doesn't contain a slash, or
     * requests "/" 
    if (filoc == -1 || strcmp(r->uri, "/") == 0) {
        return DECLINED;

    /* good = /correct-file */
    good = ap_pstrndup(r->pool, r->filename, filoc);
    /* bad = mispelling */
    bad = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, r->filename + filoc + 1);
    /* postgood = mispelling/more */
    postgood = ap_pstrcat(r->pool, bad, r->path_info, NULL);

    urlen = strlen(r->uri);
    pglen = strlen(postgood);

    /* Check to see if the URL pieces add up */
    if (strcmp(postgood, r->uri + (urlen - pglen))) {
        return DECLINED;

    /* url = /correct-url */
    url = ap_pstrndup(r->pool, r->uri, (urlen - pglen));

    /* Now open the directory and do ourselves a check... */
    dirp = ap_popendir(r->pool, good);
    if (dirp == NULL) {          /* Oops, not a directory... */
        return DECLINED;

    candidates = ap_make_array(r->pool, 2, sizeof(misspelled_file));

    dotloc = ap_ind(bad, '.');
    if (dotloc == -1) {
        dotloc = strlen(bad);

    while ((dir_entry = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
        sp_reason q;

         * If we end up with a "fixed" URL which is identical to the
         * requested one, we must have found a broken symlink or some such.
         * Do _not_ try to redirect this, it causes a loop!
        if (strcmp(bad, dir_entry->d_name) == 0) {
            ap_pclosedir(r->pool, dirp);
            return OK;
         * miscapitalization errors are checked first (like, e.g., lower case
         * file, upper case request)
        else if (strcasecmp(bad, dir_entry->d_name) == 0) {
            misspelled_file *sp_new;

	    sp_new = (misspelled_file *) ap_push_array(candidates);
            sp_new->name = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, dir_entry->d_name);
            sp_new->quality = SP_MISCAPITALIZED;
         * simple typing errors are checked next (like, e.g.,
         * missing/extra/transposed char)
        else if ((q = spdist(bad, dir_entry->d_name)) != SP_VERYDIFFERENT) {
            misspelled_file *sp_new;

	    sp_new = (misspelled_file *) ap_push_array(candidates);
            sp_new->name = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, dir_entry->d_name);
            sp_new->quality = q;
	 * The spdist() should have found the majority of the misspelled
	 * requests.  It is of questionable use to continue looking for
	 * files with the same base name, but potentially of totally wrong
	 * type (index.html <-> index.db).
	 * I would propose to not set the WANT_BASENAME_MATCH define.
         *      08-Aug-1997 <*****@*****.**>
         * However, Alexei replied giving some reasons to add it anyway:
         * > Oh, by the way, I remembered why having the
         * > extension-stripping-and-matching stuff is a good idea:
         * >
         * > If you're using MultiViews, and have a file named foobar.html,
	 * > which you refer to as "foobar", and someone tried to access
	 * > "Foobar", mod_speling won't find it, because it won't find
	 * > anything matching that spelling. With the extension-munging,
	 * > it would locate "foobar.html". Not perfect, but I ran into
	 * > that problem when I first wrote the module.
        else {
             * Okay... we didn't find anything. Now we take out the hard-core
             * power tools. There are several cases here. Someone might have
             * entered a wrong extension (.htm instead of .html or vice
             * versa) or the document could be negotiated. At any rate, now
             * we just compare stuff before the first dot. If it matches, we
             * figure we got us a match. This can result in wrong things if
             * there are files of different content types but the same prefix
             * (e.g. foo.gif and foo.html) This code will pick the first one
             * it finds. Better than a Not Found, though.
            int entloc = ap_ind(dir_entry->d_name, '.');
            if (entloc == -1) {
                entloc = strlen(dir_entry->d_name);

            if ((dotloc == entloc)
                && !strncasecmp(bad, dir_entry->d_name, dotloc)) {
                misspelled_file *sp_new;

		sp_new = (misspelled_file *) ap_push_array(candidates);
                sp_new->name = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, dir_entry->d_name);
                sp_new->quality = SP_VERYDIFFERENT;
    ap_pclosedir(r->pool, dirp);

    if (candidates->nelts != 0) {
        /* Wow... we found us a mispelling. Construct a fixed url */
        char *nuri;
	const char *ref;
        misspelled_file *variant = (misspelled_file *) candidates->elts;
        int i;

        ref = ap_table_get(r->headers_in, "Referer");

        qsort((void *) candidates->elts, candidates->nelts,
              sizeof(misspelled_file), sort_by_quality);

         * Conditions for immediate redirection: 
         *     a) the first candidate was not found by stripping the suffix 
         * AND b) there exists only one candidate OR the best match is not
	 *        ambiguous
         * then return a redirection right away.
        if (variant[0].quality != SP_VERYDIFFERENT
	    && (candidates->nelts == 1
		|| variant[0].quality != variant[1].quality)) {

            nuri = ap_escape_uri(r->pool, ap_pstrcat(r->pool, url,
						     r->path_info, NULL));
	    if (r->parsed_uri.query)
		nuri = ap_pstrcat(r->pool, nuri, "?", r->parsed_uri.query, NULL);

            ap_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Location",
			  ap_construct_url(r->pool, nuri, r));

            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO | APLOG_INFO, r,
			 ref ? "Fixed spelling: %s to %s from %s"
			     : "Fixed spelling: %s to %s",
			 r->uri, nuri, ref);

            return HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY;
         * Otherwise, a "[300] Multiple Choices" list with the variants is
         * returned.
        else {
            pool *p;
            table *notes;
	    pool *sub_pool;
	    array_header *t;
	    array_header *v;

            if (r->main == NULL) {
                p = r->pool;
                notes = r->notes;
            else {
                p = r->main->pool;
                notes = r->main->notes;

	    sub_pool = ap_make_sub_pool(p);
	    t = ap_make_array(sub_pool, candidates->nelts * 8 + 8,
			      sizeof(char *));
	    v = ap_make_array(sub_pool, candidates->nelts * 5,
			      sizeof(char *));

            /* Generate the response text. */

	    *(const char **)ap_push_array(t) =
			  "The document name you requested (<code>";
	    *(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = ap_escape_html(sub_pool, r->uri);
	    *(const char **)ap_push_array(t) =
			   "</code>) could not be found on this server.\n"
			   "However, we found documents with names similar "
			   "to the one you requested.<p>"
			   "Available documents:\n<ul>\n";

            for (i = 0; i < candidates->nelts; ++i) {
		char *vuri;
		const char *reason;

		reason = sp_reason_str[(int) (variant[i].quality)];
                /* The format isn't very neat... */
		vuri = ap_pstrcat(sub_pool, url, variant[i].name, r->path_info,
				  (r->parsed_uri.query != NULL) ? "?" : "",
				  (r->parsed_uri.query != NULL)
				      ? r->parsed_uri.query : "",
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(v) = "\"";
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(v) = ap_escape_uri(sub_pool, vuri);
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(v) = "\";\"";
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(v) = reason;
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(v) = "\"";

		*(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = "<li><a href=\"";
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = ap_escape_uri(sub_pool, vuri);
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = "\">";
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = ap_escape_html(sub_pool, vuri);
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = "</a> (";
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = reason;
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = ")\n";

                 * when we have printed the "close matches" and there are
                 * more "distant matches" (matched by stripping the suffix),
                 * then we insert an additional separator text to suggest
                 * that the user LOOK CLOSELY whether these are really the
                 * files she wanted.
                if (i > 0 && i < candidates->nelts - 1
                    && variant[i].quality != SP_VERYDIFFERENT
                    && variant[i + 1].quality == SP_VERYDIFFERENT) {
		    *(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = 
				   "</ul>\nFurthermore, the following related "
				   "documents were found:\n<ul>\n";
	    *(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = "</ul>\n";

            /* If we know there was a referring page, add a note: */
            if (ref != NULL) {
                *(const char **)ap_push_array(t) =
			       "Please consider informing the owner of the "
			       "<a href=\"";
		*(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = ap_escape_uri(sub_pool, ref);
                *(const char **)ap_push_array(t) = "\">referring page</a> "
			       "about the broken link.\n";

            /* Pass our table to http_protocol.c (see mod_negotiation): */
            ap_table_setn(notes, "variant-list", ap_array_pstrcat(p, t, 0));

	    ap_table_mergen(r->subprocess_env, "VARIANTS",
			    ap_array_pstrcat(p, v, ','));

            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO | APLOG_INFO, r,
			 ref ? "Spelling fix: %s: %d candidates from %s"
			     : "Spelling fix: %s: %d candidates",
			 r->uri, candidates->nelts, ref);

            return HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES;

    return OK;
const char *fcgi_config_make_dynamic_dir(pool *p, const int wax)
    const char *err;
    pool *tp;

    fcgi_dynamic_dir = ap_pstrcat(p, fcgi_socket_dir, "/dynamic", NULL);

    if ((err = fcgi_config_make_dir(p, fcgi_dynamic_dir)))
        return ap_psprintf(p, "can't create dynamic directory \"%s\": %s", fcgi_dynamic_dir, err);

    /* Don't step on a running server unless its OK. */
    if (!wax)
        return NULL;

#ifdef APACHE2
        apr_dir_t * dir;
        apr_finfo_t finfo;

        if (apr_pool_create(&tp, p))
            return "apr_pool_create() failed";

        if (apr_dir_open(&dir, fcgi_dynamic_dir, tp))
            return "apr_dir_open() failed";

        /* delete the contents */

        while (apr_dir_read(&finfo, APR_FINFO_NAME, dir) == APR_SUCCESS)
            if (strcmp(finfo.name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(finfo.name, "..") == 0)

            apr_file_remove(finfo.name, tp);

#else /* !APACHE2 */
        DIR *dp;
        struct dirent *dirp = NULL;

        tp = ap_make_sub_pool(p);

        dp = ap_popendir(tp, fcgi_dynamic_dir);
        if (dp == NULL) {
            return ap_psprintf(p, "can't open dynamic directory \"%s\": %s",
                fcgi_dynamic_dir, strerror(errno));

        /* delete the contents */

        while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) 
            if (strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..") == 0)

            unlink(ap_pstrcat(tp, fcgi_dynamic_dir, "/", dirp->d_name, NULL));

#endif /* !APACHE2 */


    return NULL;