int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *device_param = default_pcm_device; char *prefsdir; char thefile[1024]; char str[1024]; float start_vol = 1.0; int ap_result = 0; int use_fragsize = -1; // Initialized int use_fragcount = -1; // later int do_loopsong = 0; int do_looplist = 0; int do_enqueue = 0; int do_replace = 0; int do_realtime = 0; int do_remote_control = 0; int do_shuffle = 0; int do_start = 0; int do_stop = 0; int do_prev = 0; int do_next = 0; int do_pause = 0; int do_jump = -1; int do_clear = 0; int do_seek = -1; int do_relative = 0; int do_setvol = 0; int do_quit = 0; int do_status = 0; int do_speed = 0; float speed_val = 0.0; int do_onebyone = 0; int use_freq = OUTPUT_RATE; float use_vol = 1.0; int use_session = 0; int do_crossfade = 0; int do_save = 1; int bool_val = 0; const char *use_output = NULL; char *use_interface = NULL; char *use_config = NULL; char *use_loopsong = NULL; char *use_onebyone = NULL; char *use_looplist = NULL; int opt; int option_index; const char *options = "Cc:d:eEf:F:g:hi:J:I:l:n:NMp:qrs:vRSQVxo:"; struct option long_options[] = { /* { "long_option", take_argument, 0, 'short_option' }, */ { "config", 1, 0, 'c' }, { "device", 1, 0, 'd' }, { "enqueue", 0, 0, 'e' }, { "replace", 0, 0, 'E' }, { "fragsize", 1, 0, 'f' }, { "frequency", 1, 0, 'F' }, { "fragcount", 1, 0, 'g' }, { "help", 0, 0, 'h' }, { "interface", 1, 0, 'i' }, { "volume", 1, 0, 'Y' }, { "session", 1, 0, 'n' }, { "nosave", 0, 0, 'N' }, { "path", 1, 0, 'p' }, { "quiet", 0, 0, 'q' }, { "realtime", 0, 0, 'r' }, { "script", 1, 0, 'I'}, { "session-name", 1, 0, 's' }, { "version", 0, 0, 'v' }, { "verbose", 0, 0, 'V' }, { "reverb", 0, 0, 'R' }, { "loopsong", 1, 0, 'L' }, { "looplist", 1, 0, 'P' }, { "crossfade", 0, 0, 'x' }, { "output", 1, 0, 'o' }, { "stop", 0, 0, 'U' }, { "pause", 0, 0, 'O' }, { "start", 0, 0, 'T' }, { "shuffle", 0, 0, 'S' }, { "prev", 0, 0, 'Q' }, { "next", 0, 0, 'M' }, { "jump", 1, 0, 'J' }, { "seek", 1, 0, 'X' }, { "relative", 1, 0, 'Z' }, { "speed", 1, 0, 'H' }, { "clear", 0, 0, 'C' }, { "startvolume", 1, 0, 'l' }, { "quit", 0, 0, 'A' }, { "status", 0, 0, 'B' }, { "onebyone", 1, 0, 't' }, // Options that we want to be able to pass on to gtk_init(). See man // gtk-options(7). // Give all of these an option number of 128 because we're going to // ignore them option switch statement anyway. { "gtk-module", 1, 0, 128 }, { "gtk-debug", 1, 0, 128 }, { "gtk-no-debug", 1, 0, 128 }, { "g-fatal-warnings", 0, 0, 128 }, { "display", 1, 0, 128 }, { "screen", 1, 0, 128 }, { "sync", 0, 0, 128 }, { "no-xshm", 0, 0, 128 }, { "name", 1, 0, 128 }, { "class", 1, 0, 128 }, { "gxid_host", 1, 0, 128 }, { "gxid_port", 1, 0, 128 }, { "xim-preedit", 0, 0, 128 }, { "xim-status", 0, 0, 128 }, { "gdk-debug", 1, 0, 128 }, { "gdk-no-debug", 1, 0, 128 }, // End of list marker. { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; // First setup signal handler signal(SIGPIPE, nonfatal_sighandler); // PIPE (socket control) signal(SIGTERM, exit_sighandler); // kill signal(SIGHUP, exit_sighandler); // kill -HUP / xterm closed signal(SIGINT, exit_sighandler); // Interrupt from keyboard signal(SIGQUIT, exit_sighandler); // Quit from keyboard // fatal errors signal(SIGBUS, exit_sighandler); // bus error //signal(SIGSEGV, exit_sighandler); // segfault signal(SIGILL, exit_sighandler); // illegal instruction signal(SIGFPE, exit_sighandler); // floating point exc. signal(SIGABRT, exit_sighandler); // abort() // Enable locale support #ifdef ENABLE_NLS setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); #endif // Init global mutexes pthread_mutex_init(&playlist_sort_seq_mutex, NULL); #if !defined(EMBEDDED) init_effects(); #endif while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, options, long_options, &option_index)) != EOF) { switch(opt) { case 'A': do_remote_control = 1; do_quit = 1; break; case 'B': do_remote_control = 1; do_status = 1; break; case 'c': if (strlen(optarg) < 1023) { use_config = optarg; } else { alsaplayer_error("config file path too long"); return 1; } break; case 'd': device_param = optarg; break; case 'E': do_replace = 1; case 'e': do_enqueue = 1; break; case 'f': use_fragsize = atoi(optarg); if (!use_fragsize) { alsaplayer_error("invalid fragment size"); return 1; } if (use_fragsize > 32768) { alsaplayer_error("fragment size (%d) out of range (0-32768)", use_fragsize); return 1; } break; case 'F': use_freq = atoi(optarg); if (use_freq < 8000 || use_freq > 48000) { alsaplayer_error("frequency (%d) out of range (8000-48000)", use_freq); return 1; } break; case 'g': use_fragcount = atoi(optarg); if (use_fragcount < 2 || use_fragcount > 128) { alsaplayer_error("fragcount (%d) out of range (2-128)", use_fragcount); return 1; } break; case 'h': help(); return 0; case 'H': if ((sscanf(optarg, "%f", &speed_val))) { do_remote_control = 1; do_speed = 1; } break; case 'i': use_interface = optarg; break; case 'l': start_vol = atof(optarg); if (start_vol < 0.0 || start_vol > 1.0) { alsaplayer_error("volume (%.3f) out of range: using 1.0", start_vol); start_vol = 1.0; } break; case 'L': do_remote_control = 1; do_loopsong = 1; use_loopsong = optarg; break; case 'Y': do_remote_control = 1; do_setvol = 1; use_vol = atof(optarg); if (use_vol < 0.0 || use_vol > 1.0) { alsaplayer_error("volume (%.3f) out of range: using 1.0", use_vol); use_vol = 1.0; } break; case 'n': use_session = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': do_save = 0; break; case 'O': do_remote_control = 1; do_pause = 1; break; case 'p': global_pluginroot = optarg; break; case 'q': global_quiet = 1; break; case 'r': do_realtime = 1; break; case 's': if (strlen(optarg) < 32) { global_session_name = strdup(optarg); } else { alsaplayer_error("max 32 char session name, ignoring"); } break; case 'v': version(); return 0; case 'V': global_verbose = 1; break; case 'R': break; case 'P': do_remote_control = 1; do_looplist = 1; use_looplist = optarg; break; case 'x': do_crossfade = 1; break; case 'o': use_output = optarg; break; case '?': return 1; case 'I': global_interface_script = optarg; break; case 'U': do_remote_control = 1; do_stop = 1; break; case 'T': do_remote_control = 1; do_start = 1; break; case 'S': do_remote_control = 1; do_shuffle = 1; break; case 'Q': do_remote_control = 1; do_prev = 1; break; case 'M': do_remote_control = 1; do_next = 1; break; case 'J': do_remote_control = 1; do_jump = atoi(optarg); break; case 'C': do_remote_control = 1; do_clear = 1; break; case 'X': do_remote_control = 1; do_seek = atoi(optarg); break; case 'Z': do_remote_control = 1; do_relative = 1; do_seek = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': do_remote_control = 1; do_onebyone = 1; use_onebyone = optarg; break; case 128: // Gtk-option which we ignore. break; default: alsaplayer_error("Unknown option '%c'", opt); break; } } prefsdir = get_prefsdir(); mkdir(prefsdir, 0700); /* XXX We don't do any error checking here */ snprintf(thefile, sizeof(thefile)-21, "%s/config", prefsdir); if (use_config) ap_prefs = prefs_load(use_config); else ap_prefs = prefs_load(thefile); if (!ap_prefs) { alsaplayer_error("Invalid config file %s\n", use_config ? use_config : thefile); return 1; } /* Initialize some settings (and populate the prefs system if needed */ if (use_fragsize < 0) use_fragsize = prefs_get_int(ap_prefs, "main", "period_size", 4096); if (use_fragcount < 0) use_fragcount = prefs_get_int(ap_prefs, "main", "period_count", 8); if (global_verbose) puts(copyright_string); if (!global_pluginroot) { global_pluginroot = strdup (ADDON_DIR); } if (use_session == 0) { for (; use_session < MAX_REMOTE_SESSIONS+1; use_session++) { ap_result = ap_session_running(use_session); if (ap_result) break; } if (use_session == (MAX_REMOTE_SESSIONS+1)) { //alsaplayer_error("No remote session found"); if (do_remote_control) { alsaplayer_error("No active sessions"); return 1; } do_enqueue = 0; } else { //alsaplayer_error("Found session %d", use_session); if (prefs_get_bool(ap_prefs, "main", "multiopen", 1) == 0) { // We should not spawn another alsaplayer //alsaplayer_error("Using session %d, not doing multiopen", use_session); do_enqueue = 1; do_replace = 1; } } } // Check if we're in remote control mode if (do_remote_control) { if (do_quit) { ap_quit(use_session); return 0; } else if (do_status) { char res[1024]; float fres; int ires; fprintf(stdout, "---------------- Session ----------------\n"); if (ap_get_session_name(use_session, res) && strlen(res)) fprintf(stdout, "name: %s\n", res); if (ap_get_playlist_length(use_session, &ires)) fprintf(stdout, "playlist_length: %d\n", ires); if (ap_get_volume(use_session, &fres)) fprintf(stdout, "volume: %.2f\n", fres); if (ap_get_speed(use_session, &fres)) fprintf(stdout, "speed: %d%%\n", (int)(fres * 100)); fprintf(stdout, "-------------- Current Track ------------\n"); if (ap_get_artist(use_session, res) && strlen(res)) fprintf(stdout, "artist: %s\n", res); if (ap_get_title(use_session, res) && strlen(res)) fprintf(stdout, "title: %s\n", res); if (ap_get_album(use_session, res) && strlen(res)) fprintf(stdout, "album: %s\n", res); if (ap_get_genre(use_session, res) && strlen(res)) fprintf(stdout, "genre: %s\n", res); if (ap_get_file_path(use_session, res) && strlen(res)) fprintf(stdout, "path: %s\n", res); if (ap_get_blocks(use_session, &ires)) fprintf(stdout, "blocks: %d\n", ires); if (ap_get_length(use_session, &ires)) fprintf(stdout, "length: %d second%s\n", ires, (ires == 1) ? "": "s"); if (ap_get_position(use_session, &ires)) fprintf(stdout, "position: %d\n", ires); fprintf(stdout, "-----------------------------------------\n"); return 0; } else if (do_setvol) { ap_set_volume(use_session, use_vol); return 0; } else if (do_shuffle) { ap_shuffle_playlist(use_session); return 0; } else if (do_start) { ap_play(use_session); return 0; } else if (do_stop) { ap_stop(use_session); return 0; } else if (do_pause) { if (ap_is_paused(use_session, &bool_val)) { if (bool_val) ap_unpause(use_session); else ap_pause(use_session); } return 0; } else if (do_next) { ap_next(use_session); return 0; } else if (do_prev) { ap_prev(use_session); return 0; } else if (do_jump >= 0) { ap_jump_to(use_session, do_jump); return 0; } else if (do_clear) { ap_clear_playlist(use_session); return 0; } else if (do_relative) { if (do_seek != 0) ap_set_position_relative(use_session, do_seek); return 0; } else if (do_speed) { if (speed_val < -10.0 || speed_val > 10.0) { alsaplayer_error("Speed out of range, must be between -10.00 and 10.00"); return 1; } ap_set_speed(use_session, speed_val); return 0; } else if (do_seek >= 0) { ap_set_position(use_session, do_seek); return 0; } else if (do_loopsong) { if (strcasecmp(use_loopsong, "on") != 0) { do_loopsong = false; } ap_set_looping(use_session, do_loopsong); return 0; } else if (do_onebyone) { if (strcasecmp(use_onebyone, "on") != 0) { do_onebyone = false; } ap_set_onebyone(use_session, do_onebyone); return 0; } else if (do_looplist) { if (strcasecmp(use_looplist, "on") != 0) { do_looplist = false; } ap_set_playlist_looping(use_session, do_looplist); return 0; } else alsaplayer_error("No remote control command executed."); } // Check if we need to enqueue the files if (do_enqueue) { char queue_name[2048]; int count = 0; int was_playing = 0; int playlist_length = 0; count = optind; ap_result = 1; if (do_replace && count < argc) { ap_is_playing(use_session, &was_playing); if (was_playing) { ap_stop(use_session); } ap_clear_playlist(use_session); } else { ap_get_playlist_length(use_session, &playlist_length); if (!playlist_length) { // Empty list so fire up after add was_playing = 1; } } while (count < argc && ap_result) { if (is_playlist(argv[count])) { ap_add_playlist(use_session, argv[count]); count++; continue; } if (argv[count][0] != '/' && strncmp(argv[count], "http://", 7) != 0 && strncmp(argv[count], "ftp://", 6) != 0) { // Not absolute so append cwd if (getcwd(queue_name, 1024) == NULL) { alsaplayer_error("error getting cwd"); return 1; } ap_strlcat(queue_name, "/", sizeof(queue_name)); ap_strlcat(queue_name, argv[count], sizeof(queue_name)); } else ap_strlcpy(queue_name, argv[count], sizeof(queue_name)); count++; //alsaplayer_error("Adding %s", queue_name); ap_result = ap_add_path(use_session, queue_name); //alsaplayer_error("ap_result = %d", ap_result); } if (was_playing) ap_jump_to(use_session, 1); if (ap_result) return 0; } AlsaNode *node; // Check if we want jack if (strcmp(argv[0], "jackplayer") == 0) { use_output = "jack"; } // Check the output option if (use_output == NULL) { use_output = prefs_get_string(ap_prefs, "main", "default_output", "alsa"); } // Else do the usual plugin based thing node = new AlsaNode(use_output, device_param, do_realtime); if (!node->RegisterPlugin(use_output)) { alsaplayer_error("Failed to load output plugin \"%s\". Trying defaults.", use_output); if (!node->RegisterPlugin()) return 1; } int output_is_ok = 0; int output_alternate = 0; do { if (!node || !node->ReadyToRun()) { alsaplayer_error ("failed to load output plugin (%s). exitting...", use_output ? use_output: "alsa,etc."); return 1; } if (!node->SetSamplingRate(use_freq) || !node->SetStreamBuffers(use_fragsize, use_fragcount, 2)) { alsaplayer_error ("failed to configure output device...trying OSS"); /* Special case for OSS, since it's easiest to get going, so try it */ if (!output_alternate) { output_alternate = 1; node->RegisterPlugin("oss"); continue; } else { return 1; } } output_is_ok = 1; /* output device initialized */ } while (!output_is_ok); // Initialise reader reader_init (); // Initialise playlist - must be done before things try to register with it playlist = new Playlist(node); if (!prefs_get_bool(ap_prefs, "main", "play_on_start", false)) playlist->Pause(); else playlist->UnPause(); if (!playlist) { alsaplayer_error("Failed to create Playlist object"); return 1; } // Add any command line arguments to the playlist if (optind < argc) { std::vector < std::string > newitems; while (optind < argc) { if (is_playlist(argv[optind])) { if (global_verbose) alsaplayer_error("Loading playlist (%s)", argv[optind]); playlist->Load(std::string(argv[optind++]), playlist->Length(), false); } else { newitems.push_back(std::string(argv[optind++])); } } playlist->Insert(newitems, playlist->Length()); } else { prefsdir = get_prefsdir(); snprintf(thefile, sizeof(thefile)-28, "%s/alsaplayer.m3u", prefsdir); playlist->Load(thefile, playlist->Length(), false); } // Loop song if (do_loopsong) { playlist->LoopSong(); } // Loop Playlist if (do_looplist) { playlist->LoopPlaylist(); } // Play songs one by one if (do_onebyone) { playlist->SetOneByOne(); } // Cross fading if (do_crossfade) { playlist->Crossfade(); } // Set start volume playlist->GetCorePlayer()->SetVolume(start_vol); interface_plugin_info_type interface_plugin_info; interface_plugin *ui; if (get_interface_from_argv0 (argv[0], str)) use_interface = str; if (use_interface && *use_interface) { if (!(interface_plugin_info = load_interface(use_interface))) { alsaplayer_error("Failed to load interface %s\n", use_interface); goto _fatal_err; } } else { const char *interface = prefs_get_string (ap_prefs, "main", "default_interface", "gtk2"); // if we're trying to use the old gtk-1 interface, use gtk-2 instead if (strcmp (interface, "gtk") == 0) interface = "gtk2"; // if we're trying to use the gtk interface, but we have no // $DISPLAY, use the text interface instead if (strcmp (interface, "gtk2") == 0 && !getenv("DISPLAY")) interface = "text"; if (!(interface_plugin_info = load_interface(interface))) { if (!(interface_plugin_info = load_interface(prefs_get_string (ap_prefs, "main", "fallback_interface", "text")))) { alsaplayer_error("Failed to load text interface. This is bad (%s,%s,%s)", interface, interface, global_pluginroot); goto _fatal_err; } } } if (interface_plugin_info) { ui = interface_plugin_info(); if (global_verbose) printf("Interface plugin: %s\n", ui->name); if (!ui->init()) { alsaplayer_error("Failed to load interface plugin. Should fall back to text\n"); } else { control_socket_start(playlist, ui); ui->start(playlist, argc, argv); ui->close(); // Unfortunately gtk+ is a pig when it comes to // cleaning up its resources; it doesn't! // so we can never safely dlclose gtk+ based // user interfaces, bah! //dlclose(ui->handle); control_socket_stop(); } } // Save playlist before exit prefsdir = get_prefsdir(); snprintf(thefile, sizeof(thefile)-25, "%s/alsaplayer", prefsdir); playlist->Save(thefile, PL_FORMAT_M3U); // Save preferences if (ap_prefs && do_save) { if (prefs_save(ap_prefs) < 0) { alsaplayer_error("failed to save preferences."); } } _fatal_err: delete playlist; //delete p; delete node; if (global_session_name) free(global_session_name); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int items = 0, c; char **playlist; if (argc < 2) usage(); if (!strcmp(argv[1], "play") && argc >= 3) { int i; for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) ap_add_path(0, argv[i]); return 0; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "playlist")) { int ret = 1; if (argc >= 3) { ret &= ap_clear_playlist(0); ret &= ap_add_playlist(0, argv[2]); return ret == 1; } if (ap_get_playlist(0, &items, &playlist)) { // printf("Found %d items on playlist\n", items); if (items) { for (c = 0; c < items; c++) { printf("%d. %s\n", c+1, playlist[c]); } // Memory cleanup for (c = 0; c < items; c++) { free(playlist[c]); } free(playlist); } } return 0; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "playlist-clear")) return ap_clear_playlist(0) == 1; #if 0 if (!strcmp(argv[1], "playlist-save") && argc == 3) return ap_save_playlist(0, argv[2]) == 1; #endif if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sort") && argc == 3) return ap_sort(0, argv[2]) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "seek") && argc == 3) return ap_set_position(0, atoi(argv[2])) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "stop")) return (ap_clear_playlist(0) && ap_stop(0)); if (!strcmp(argv[1], "prev")) return ap_prev(0) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "next")) return ap_next(0) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "pause")) return ap_pause(0) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "cont")) return ap_unpause(0) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "quit")) return ap_quit(0) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "loop-on")) return ap_set_playlist_looping(0, 1) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "loop-off")) return ap_set_playlist_looping(0, 0) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "shuffle")) return ap_shuffle_playlist(0) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "save")) return ap_save_playlist(0) == 1; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "query")) { int playing; if (ap_is_playing(0, &playing)) { puts(playing ? "playing" : "not playing"); return 0; } return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "position")) { int result; if (ap_get_playlist_position(0, &result)) { printf("%d\n", result); return 0; } return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "title")) { char result[AP_TITLE_MAX]; if (ap_get_title(0, result) && *result) { puts(result); return 0; } return 1; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "time")) { int pos_block, pos_sec; int length_block, length_sec; if (!ap_session_running(0)) return 1; // Totals ap_get_blocks(0, &length_block); ap_get_length(0, &length_sec); // Current position ap_get_block(0, &pos_block); ap_get_position(0, &pos_sec); printf("Block: %d/%d\n", pos_block, length_block); printf("Seconds: %d/%d\n", pos_sec, length_sec); return 0; } usage(); return 0; }
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR settings_apply( userSettings_t *settings ) { //Description if (!((settings->magic==0x42)&&(settings->version==SETTINGS_VERSION))) { os_printf("<ERROR: CAN NOT APPLY CORRUPT SETTINGS!>\n\r"); return; } if (settings->connection_successful) { ap_stop(); } else { ap_start(); } //Device information wifi_station_set_hostname(settings->name); //Network struct station_config stationConf; wifi_station_get_config( &stationConf ); stationConf.bssid_set = 0; os_memcpy( &stationConf.ssid, settings->ssid, 32 ); os_memcpy( &stationConf.password, settings->password, 64 ); wifi_station_set_config_current( &stationConf ); os_printf("########################## Wifi config set to SSID '%s' and PASSWORD '%s'.\n\r", settings->ssid, settings->password); if (settings->enable_dhcp) { wifi_station_dhcpc_start(); } else { wifi_station_dhcpc_stop(); struct ip_info dhcpc_ip_info; IP4_ADDR(&dhcpc_ip_info.ip, settings->static_ip_1, settings->static_ip_2, settings->static_ip_3, settings->static_ip_4); IP4_ADDR(&, settings->static_gateway_1, settings->static_gateway_2, settings->static_gateway_3, settings->static_gateway_4); IP4_ADDR(&dhcpc_ip_info.netmask, settings->static_netmask_1, settings->static_netmask_2, settings->static_netmask_3, settings->static_netmask_4); wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF, &dhcpc_ip_info); } wifi_station_disconnect(); //MDNS if (settings->enable_mdns) { /*wifi_set_broadcast_if(STATIONAP_MODE); struct mdns_info *info = (struct mdns_info *) os_zalloc(sizeof(struct mdns_info)); info->host_name = settings->mdns_hostname; info->ipAddr = station_ipconfig.ip.addr; //ESP8266 station IP info->server_name = "FirmwaRe MDNS"; info->server_port = 80; info->txt_data[0] = “version = now”; info->txt_data[1] = “user1 = data1”; info->txt_data[2] = “user2 = data2”; espconn_mdns_init(info);*/ } //NTP if (settings->enable_ntp) { //settings->ntpserver //settings->timezone //settings->enable_summertime } //Security /* settings->password; */ //Digital outputs #if OUTPUT1>-1 if (settings->bootstate&1){ board_setOutput(OUTPUT1, true); } else { board_setOutput(OUTPUT1, false); } #endif #if OUTPUT2>-1 if (settings->bootstate&2) { board_setOutput(OUTPUT2, true); } else { board_setOutput(OUTPUT2, false); } #endif #if OUTPUT3>-1 if (settings->bootstate&4) { board_setOutput(OUTPUT3, true); } else { board_setOutput(OUTPUT3, false); } #endif #if OUTPUT4>-1 if (settings->bootstate&8) { board_setOutput(OUTPUT4, true); } else { board_setOutput(OUTPUT4, false); } #endif #if OUTPUT5>-1 if (settings->bootstate&16) { board_setOutput(OUTPUT5, true); } else { board_setOutput(OUTPUT5, false); } #endif #if OUTPUT6>-1 if (settings->bootstate&32) { board_setOutput(OUTPUT6, true); } else { board_setOutput(OUTPUT6, false); } #endif #if OUTPUT7>-1 if (settings->bootstate&64) { board_setOutput(OUTPUT7, true); } else { board_setOutput(OUTPUT7, false); } #endif #if OUTPUT8>-1 if (settings->bootstate&128) { board_setOutput(OUTPUT8, true); } else { board_setOutput(OUTPUT8, false); } #endif //ESPLight setPWM(settings->bootstate_R, settings->bootstate_G, settings->bootstate_B); //settings->ledstrip_type; //settings->ledstrip_length; //PKA /* settings->pka_wb settings->pka_wb_time */ }