static int dash_mpd_onsegment(void* param, int /*track*/, const void* data, size_t bytes, int64_t /*pts*/, int64_t /*dts*/, int64_t /*duration*/, const char* name) { app_log(LOG_DEBUG, "dash_mpd_onsegment %s\n", name); FILE* fp = fopen(name, "wb"); fwrite(data, 1, bytes, fp); fclose(fp); dash_playlist_t* dash = (dash_playlist_t*)param; if(!strendswith(name, "-init.m4v") && !strendswith(name, "-init.m4a")) dash->files.push_back(name); while (dash->files.size() > 20) { app_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Delete %s\n", dash->files.front().c_str()); path_rmfile(dash->files.front().c_str()); dash->files.pop_front(); } AutoThreadLocker locker(s_locker); dash_mpd_playlist(dash->mpd, dash->playlist, sizeof(dash->playlist)); return 0; }
void SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize(MCWalkerConfiguration& w) { ostringstream o; if(WalkerController) { o << "===================================================="; o << "\n SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a DMC block" ; o << "\n QMC counter = " << iParam[B_COUNTER]; o << "\n time step = " << vParam[B_TAU]; o << "\n effective time step = " << vParam[B_TAUEFF]; o << "\n trial energy = " << vParam[B_ETRIAL]; o << "\n reference energy = " << vParam[B_EREF]; o << "\n reference variance = " << vParam[B_SIGMA]; o << "\n target walkers = " << iParam[B_TARGETWALKERS]; o << "\n branch cutoff = " << vParam[B_BRANCHCUTOFF] << " " << vParam[B_BRANCHMAX]; o << "\n Max and mimum walkers per node= " << iParam[B_MAXWALKERS] << " " << iParam[B_MINWALKERS]; o << "\n Feedback = " << vParam[B_FEEDBACK]; o << "\n QMC Status (BranchMode) = " << BranchMode; o << "\n===================================================="; } else {//running VMC RealType e, sigma2; //MyEstimator->getEnergyAndWeight(e,w,sigma2); MyEstimator->getCurrentStatistics(w,e,sigma2); vParam[B_ETRIAL]=vParam[B_EREF]=e; vParam[B_SIGMA]=std::sqrt(sigma2); //vParam[B_SIGMA]=std::sqrt(iParam[B_TARGETWALKERS]*sigma2); //vParam[B_ETRIAL]=vParam[B_EREF]=e/w; //vParam[B_SIGMA]=std::sqrt(sigma2); //this is just to avoid diving by n-1 == 0 EnergyHist(vParam[B_EREF]); //add Eref to the DMCEnergyHistory //DMCEnergyHist(vParam[B_EREF]); o << "===================================================="; o << "\n SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block" ; o << "\n QMC counter = " << iParam[B_COUNTER]; o << "\n time step = " << vParam[B_TAU]; o << "\n reference energy = " << vParam[B_EREF]; o << "\n reference variance = " << vParam[B_SIGMA]; o << "\n===================================================="; } app_log() << o.str() << endl; write(RootName,true); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(!REND_INIT()) return 1; rend_set_log_callback(&log_handler); app_log("Beginning tests..."); testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); rend_shutdown(); return ret; }
void DMCcuda::resetRun() { resetUpdateEngine(); SpeciesSet tspecies(W.getSpeciesSet()); int massind=tspecies.addAttribute("mass"); RealType mass = tspecies(massind,0); RealType oneovermass = 1.0/mass; RealType oneoversqrtmass = std::sqrt(oneovermass); m_oneover2tau = 0.5/Tau; m_sqrttau = std::sqrt(Tau/mass); m_tauovermass = Tau/mass; if (!myComm->rank()); // Compute the size of data needed for each walker on the GPU card PointerPool<Walker_t::cuda_Buffer_t > pool; Psi.reserve (pool); app_log() << "Each walker requires " << pool.getTotalSize() * sizeof(CudaRealType) << " bytes in GPU memory.\n"; app_log() << "Preparing to allocate " << W.WalkerList.size() << " walkers.\n"; // Now allocate memory on the GPU card for each walker int cudaSize = pool.getTotalSize(); for (int iw=0; iw<W.WalkerList.size(); iw++) { Walker_t &walker = *(W.WalkerList[iw]); walker.resizeCuda(cudaSize); //pool.allocate(walker.cuda_DataSet); } app_log() << "Successfully allocated walkers.\n"; W.copyWalkersToGPU(); W.updateLists_GPU(); vector<RealType> logPsi(W.WalkerList.size(), 0.0); //Psi.evaluateLog(W, logPsi); Psi.recompute(W, true); Estimators->start(nBlocks, true); }
QMCDriver* DMCFactory::create(MCWalkerConfiguration& w, TrialWaveFunction& psi , QMCHamiltonian& h, HamiltonianPool& hpool,WaveFunctionPool& ppool) { #ifdef QMC_CUDA if (GPU) return new DMCcuda (w, psi, h,ppool); #endif app_log() << "Creating DMCMP for the qmc driver" << endl; QMCDriver* qmc = new DMCOMP(w,psi,h,hpool,ppool); qmc->setUpdateMode(PbyPUpdate); qmc->put(myNode); return qmc; }
/** This should be moved to branch engine */ bool EstimatorManager::put(MCWalkerConfiguration& W, QMCHamiltonian& H, xmlNodePtr cur) { vector<string> extra; cur = cur->children; while(cur != NULL) { string cname((const char*)(cur->name)); if(cname == "estimator") { string est_name(MainEstimatorName); string use_hdf5("yes"); OhmmsAttributeSet hAttrib; hAttrib.add(est_name, "name"); hAttrib.add(use_hdf5, "hdf5"); hAttrib.put(cur); if( (est_name == MainEstimatorName) || (est_name=="elocal") ) { max4ascii=H.sizeOfObservables()+3; add(new LocalEnergyEstimator(H,use_hdf5=="yes"),MainEstimatorName); } else extra.push_back(est_name); } cur = cur->next; } if(Estimators.empty()) { app_log() << " Adding a default LocalEnergyEstimator for the MainEstimator " << endl; max4ascii=H.sizeOfObservables()+3; add(new LocalEnergyEstimator(H,true),MainEstimatorName); } //Collectables is special and should not be added to Estimators if(Collectables == 0 && H.sizeOfCollectables()) { app_log() << " Using CollectablesEstimator for collectables, e.g. sk, gofr, density " << endl; Collectables=new CollectablesEstimator(H); } return true; }
void QMCAppBase::saveXml() { if(!XmlDocStack.empty()) { string newxml(myProject.CurrentMainRoot()); //string newxml(myProject.CurrentRoot()); //myProject.PreviousRoot(newxml); //myProject.rewind(); newxml.append(".cont.xml"); app_log() << "\n=========================================================" << "\n A new xml input file : " << newxml << endl;>dump(newxml); } }
bool ParticleSetPool::putLattice(xmlNodePtr cur) { ReportEngine PRE("ParticleSetPool","putLattice"); OhmmsAttributeSet pAttrib; pAttrib.add(TileMatrix,"tilematrix"); pAttrib.put(cur); if(SimulationCell==0) { app_log() << " Create Global SuperCell " << endl; SimulationCell = new ParticleSet::ParticleLayout_t; } else { app_log() << " Overwrite Global SuperCell " << endl; } LatticeParser a(*SimulationCell); bool success=a.put(cur); SimulationCell->print(app_log()); return success; }
void CloneManager::makeClones(MCWalkerConfiguration& w, TrialWaveFunction& psi, QMCHamiltonian& ham) { if(wClones.size()) { app_log() << " Cannot make clones again. Use existing " << NumThreads << " clones" << endl; return; } wClones.resize(NumThreads,0); psiClones.resize(NumThreads,0); hClones.resize(NumThreads,0); wClones[0]=&w; psiClones[0]=ψ hClones[0]=&ham; if(NumThreads==1) return; app_log() << " CloneManager::makeClones makes " << NumThreads << " clones for W/Psi/H." <<endl; #if defined(ENABLE_CLONE_PSI_AND_H) app_log() << " Cloning methods for both Psi and H are used" << endl; OhmmsInfo::Log->turnoff(); OhmmsInfo::Warn->turnoff(); char pname[16]; for(int ip=1; ip<NumThreads; ++ip) { wClones[ip]=new MCWalkerConfiguration(w); psiClones[ip]=psi.makeClone(*wClones[ip]); hClones[ip]=ham.makeClone(*wClones[ip],*psiClones[ip]); } OhmmsInfo::Log->reset(); OhmmsInfo::Warn->reset(); #else app_log() << "Old parse method is used." << endl; cloneEngine.clone(w,psi,ham,wClones,psiClones,hClones); #endif }
bool FWSingle::put(xmlNodePtr q) { fname<<xmlrootName<<".storeConfig.h5"; c_file = H5Fopen(fname.str().c_str(),H5F_ACC_RDONLY,H5P_DEFAULT); hsize_t numGrps = 0; H5Gget_num_objs(c_file, &numGrps); numSteps = static_cast<int> (numGrps)-3; app_log()<<" Total number of steps in input file "<<numSteps<<endl; if (weightFreq<1) weightFreq=1; int numberDataPoints = weightLength/weightFreq; // pointsToCalculate.resize(numberDataPoints); // for(int i=0;i<numberDataPoints;i++) pointsToCalculate[i]=i*weightFreq; app_log()<<" "<<numberDataPoints<<" observables will be calculated each "<<weightFreq<<" steps"<<endl; app_log()<<" Config Generations skipped for thermalization: "<<startStep<<endl;//<<" steps. At: "; // for(int i=0;i<numberDataPoints;i++) app_log()<<pointsToCalculate[i]<<" "; app_log()<<endl; if (H5Fclose(c_file)>-1) c_file=-1; return true; }
void AGPDeterminant::resize(int nup, int ndown) { BasisSize=GeminalBasis->getBasisSetSize();//BasisSize=GeminalBasis->size(); app_log() << " AGPDetermiant::resize checking size nup, ndown, basis " << nup << " " << ndown << " " << BasisSize << endl; if(NumPtcls == 0) //use Numptcls to ensure resizing only once { Lambda.resize(BasisSize,BasisSize); if(nup>ndown) LambdaUP.resize(nup-ndown,BasisSize); Nup=nup; Ndown=ndown; NumPtcls=nup+ndown; psiM.resize(nup,nup); psiM_temp.resize(nup,nup); psiU.resize(nup); psiD.resize(ndown); phiT.resize(NumPtcls,BasisSize); phiTv.resize(BasisSize); WorkSpace.resize(nup); Pivot.resize(nup); dY.resize(NumPtcls,BasisSize); d2Y.resize(NumPtcls,BasisSize); dpsiU.resize(Nup,Nup); dpsiD.resize(Ndown,Nup); d2psiU.resize(Nup,Nup); d2psiD.resize(Ndown,Nup); dpsiUv.resize(Nup); d2psiUv.resize(Nup); dpsiDv.resize(Nup); d2psiDv.resize(Nup); FirstAddressOfdVU=&(dpsiU(0,0)[0]); LastAddressOfdVU=FirstAddressOfdVU+DIM*Nup*Nup; FirstAddressOfdVD=&(dpsiD(0,0)[0]); LastAddressOfdVD=FirstAddressOfdVD+DIM*Ndown*Nup; FirstAddressOfdY=&(dY(0,0)[0]); LastAddressOfdY=FirstAddressOfdY+DIM*NumPtcls*BasisSize; myG.resize(NumPtcls); myL.resize(NumPtcls); myG_temp.resize(NumPtcls); myL_temp.resize(NumPtcls); FirstAddressOfG = &myG[0][0]; LastAddressOfG = FirstAddressOfG + DIM*NumPtcls; } }
bool ReptationMC::run() { Estimators->reportHeader(AppendRun); initReptile(); IndexType block = 0; IndexType nAcceptTot = 0; IndexType nRejectTot = 0; PolymerEstimator pe(*Reptile); pe.resetReportSettings(RootName); //accumulate configuration: probably need to reorder HDFWalkerOutput WO(RootName); do { IndexType step = 0; NumTurns = 0; Estimators->startBlock(); do { moveReptile(); step++; CurrentStep++; W.copyWalkerRefs(Reptile->front(),Reptile->back()); Estimators->accumulate(W); pe.accumulate(); } while(step<nSteps); Estimators->stopBlock(static_cast<RealType>(nAccept)/static_cast<RealType>(nAccept+nReject)); nAcceptTot += nAccept; nRejectTot += nReject; Estimators->report(CurrentStep);; nAccept = 0; nReject = 0; block++; } while(block<nBlocks); //Need MPI-IO app_log() << "ratio = " << static_cast<double>(nAcceptTot)/static_cast<double>(nAcceptTot+nRejectTot) << endl; Estimators->finalize(); return true; }
void PWParameterSet::checkVersion(hid_t h) { if(is_manager()) { hid_t dataset=H5Dopen(h,"version"); hid_t datatype=H5Dget_type(dataset); H5T_class_t classtype = H5Tget_class(datatype); H5Tclose(datatype); H5Dclose(dataset); if(classtype == H5T_INTEGER) { HDFAttribIO<TinyVector<int,2> > hdfver(version);,"version"); } else if(classtype == H5T_FLOAT) { TinyVector<double,2> vt; HDFAttribIO<TinyVector<double,2> > hdfver(vt);,"version"); version[0]=int(vt[0]); version[1]=int(vt[1]); } //else //{ // APP_ABORT("PWParameterSet::checkVersion The type of version is not integer or double."); //} } myComm->bcast(version); app_log() << "\tWavefunction HDF version: " << version[0] << "." << version[1] << endl; if(version[0] == 0) { if(version[1] == 11) { hasSpin=false; paramTag="parameters_0"; basisTag="basis_1"; pwTag="planewaves"; pwMultTag="multipliers"; eigTag="eigenstates_3"; twistTag="twist_"; bandTag="band_"; } else if(version[1] == 10) { pwMultTag="planewaves"; pwTag="0"; } } }
/** Add walkers to the end of the ensemble of walkers. * @param nwalkers number of walkers to add */ void QMCDriver::addWalkers(int nwalkers) { if(nwalkers>0) { //add nwalkers walkers to the end of the ensemble int nold = W.getActiveWalkers(); app_log() << " Adding " << nwalkers << " walkers to " << nold << " existing sets" << endl; W.createWalkers(nwalkers); if(nold) { int iw=nold; for(MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it=W.begin()+nold; it != W.end(); ++it,++iw) (*it)->R=W[iw%nold]->R;//assign existing walker configurations when the number of walkers change } } else if(nwalkers<0) { W.destroyWalkers(-nwalkers); app_log() << " Removed " << -nwalkers << " walkers. Current number of walkers =" << W.getActiveWalkers() << endl; } else { app_log() << " Using the current " << W.getActiveWalkers() << " walkers." << endl; } //update the global number of walkers //int nw=W.getActiveWalkers(); //myComm->allreduce(nw); vector<int> nw(myComm->size(),0),nwoff(myComm->size()+1,0); nw[myComm->rank()]=W.getActiveWalkers(); myComm->allreduce(nw); for(int ip=0; ip<myComm->size(); ip++) nwoff[ip+1]=nwoff[ip]+nw[ip]; W.setGlobalNumWalkers(nwoff[myComm->size()]); W.setWalkerOffsets(nwoff); app_log() << " Total number of walkers: " << W.EnsembleProperty.NumSamples << endl; app_log() << " Total weight: " << W.EnsembleProperty.Weight << endl; }
ECPComponentBuilder::RadialPotentialType* ECPComponentBuilder::createVrWithBasisGroup(xmlNodePtr cur, GridType* agrid) { //todo rcut should be reset if necessary typedef GaussianTimesRN<RealType> InFuncType; InFuncType a; a.putBasisGroup(cur); bool ignore=true; const RealType eps=1e-4; RealType rout=agrid->rmax()*2; while(ignore&&rout>agrid->rmax()) { ignore=(abs(a.f(rout))<eps); rout-=0.01; } rout += 0.01; app_log() << " cutoff for non-local pseudopotential = " << agrid->rmax() << endl; app_log() << " calculated cutoff for " << eps << " = " << rout << endl; int ng = agrid->size(); if(agrid->GridTag != LINEAR_1DGRID)// || rout > agrid->rmax()) { RealType ri=0.0; RealType rf=std::max(rout,agrid->rmax()); delete agrid; agrid = new LinearGrid<RealType>; agrid->set(ri,rf,ng); app_log() << " Reset the grid for SemiLocal component to a LinearGrid. " << endl; } std::vector<RealType> v(ng); for(int ig=0; ig<ng; ig++) { v[ig]=a.f((*agrid)[ig]); } v[ng-1]=0.0; RadialPotentialType *app=new RadialPotentialType(agrid,v); app->spline(); return app; }
void MPC::init_gvecs() { TinyVector<int,OHMMS_DIM> maxIndex; PosType b[OHMMS_DIM]; for (int j=0; j < OHMMS_DIM; j++) { maxIndex[j] = 0; b[j] = 2.0*M_PI*PtclRef->Lattice.b(j); } int numG1 = PtclRef->Density_G.size(); int numG2 = PtclRef->DensityReducedGvecs.size(); assert (PtclRef->Density_G.size() == PtclRef->DensityReducedGvecs.size()); // Loop through all the G-vectors, and find the largest // indices in each direction with energy less than the cutoff for (int iG=0; iG < PtclRef->DensityReducedGvecs.size(); iG++) { TinyVector<int,OHMMS_DIM> gint = PtclRef->DensityReducedGvecs[iG]; PosType G = (double)gint[0] * b[0]; for (int j=1; j<OHMMS_DIM; j++) G += (double)gint[j]*b[j]; if (0.5*dot(G,G) < Ecut) { for (int j=0; j<OHMMS_DIM; j++) maxIndex[j] = max(maxIndex[j], abs(gint[j])); Gvecs.push_back(G); Gints.push_back(gint); Rho_G.push_back(PtclRef->Density_G[iG]); } } SplineDim = 4 * maxIndex; MaxDim = max(maxIndex[0], max(maxIndex[1], maxIndex[2])); app_log() << " Using " << Gvecs.size() << " G-vectors for MPC interaction.\n"; app_log() << " Using real-space box of size [" << SplineDim[0] << "," << SplineDim[1] << "," << SplineDim[2] << "] for MPC spline.\n"; }
void FWSingleOMP::transferParentsOneGeneration( ) { vector<vector<long> >::reverse_iterator stepIDIterator(IDs.rbegin()); vector<vector<long> >::reverse_iterator stepPIDIterator(PIDs.rbegin()), nextStepPIDIterator(realPIDs.rbegin()); stepIDIterator+=gensTransferred; nextStepPIDIterator+=gensTransferred; int i(0); do { vector<long>::iterator hereID( (*stepIDIterator).begin() ) ; vector<long>::iterator nextStepPID( (*nextStepPIDIterator).begin() ); vector<long>::iterator herePID( (*stepPIDIterator).begin() ); if (verbose>2) app_log()<<" calculating Parent IDs for gen:"<<gensTransferred<<" step:"<<i<<"/"<<PIDs.size()-gensTransferred<<endl; if (verbose>2) {printIDs((*nextStepPIDIterator));printIDs((*stepIDIterator));printIDs((*stepPIDIterator));} do { if ((*herePID)==(*hereID)) { (*herePID)=(*nextStepPID); herePID++; } else { hereID++; nextStepPID++; if (hereID==(*stepIDIterator).end()) { hereID=(*stepIDIterator).begin(); nextStepPID=(*nextStepPIDIterator).begin(); // if (verbose>2) app_log()<<"resetting to beginning of parents"<<endl; } } }while(herePID<(*stepPIDIterator).end()); stepIDIterator++;nextStepPIDIterator++;stepPIDIterator++;i++; }while(stepIDIterator<IDs.rend()); gensTransferred++; //number of gens backward to compare parents if (verbose>2) app_log()<<" Finished generation block"<<endl; }
uint8_t setLight(Light *light) { DictionaryIterator *iter = NULL; AppMessageResult result = app_message_outbox_begin(&iter); if (result != APP_MSG_OK) { app_log(APP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, ",unable to send request, status %d", result); return false; } DictionaryResult result2 = dict_write_data(iter, TAG_LIGHT, (uint8_t *)light, sizeof(Light)); if (result2 != DICT_OK) { app_log(APP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, ",unable to send data, status %d", result2); return false; } uint16_t r = REQUEST_SET; result2 = dict_write_data(iter, TAG_REQUEST_TYPE, (uint8_t *)&r, sizeof(uint16_t)); if (result2 != DICT_OK) { app_log(APP_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, ",unable to send request, status %d", result2); return false; } app_message_outbox_send(); return true; }
bool project_in_use (int p_num) { if (proj_time[p_num] != 0 || proj_start[p_num] || proj_running[p_num] || (proj_name[p_num] && *proj_name[p_num])) { /* This project is being used */ app_log(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "project %d is in use - proj_time=%d,proj_start=%d,proj_running=%d,proj_name=0x%x <%d>", p_num, (int)proj_time[p_num], (int)proj_start[p_num], (int)proj_running[p_num], (uint)proj_name[p_num], (int)*proj_name[p_num] ); return (true); } app_log(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "project %d is not use", p_num); return (false); }
void destroy_chrono_objects() { app_log(APP_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, "destroy_chrono_objects"); if (chrono_digital_window != NULL) { window_destroy(chrono_digital_window); chrono_digital_window = NULL; } hand_cache_destroy(&chrono_minute_cache); hand_cache_destroy(&chrono_second_cache); hand_cache_destroy(&chrono_tenth_cache); bwd_destroy(&chrono_dial_white); }
/** return the ratio * @param P current configuration * @param iat particle whose position is moved * @param dG differential Gradients * @param dL differential Laplacians * * Data member *_temp contain the data assuming that the move is accepted * and are used to evaluate differential Gradients and Laplacians. */ RNDiracDeterminantBaseAlternate::ValueType RNDiracDeterminantBaseAlternate::ratio(ParticleSet& P, int iat, ParticleSet::ParticleGradient_t& dG, ParticleSet::ParticleLaplacian_t& dL) { UpdateMode=ORB_PBYP_ALL; Phi->evaluate(P, iat, psiV, dpsiV, d2psiV); RatioTimer.start(); WorkingIndex = iat-FirstIndex; //psiM_temp = psiM; curRatio= DetRatioByRow(psiM_temp, psiV, WorkingIndex); RatioTimer.stop(); if (abs(curRatio)<numeric_limits<RealType>::epsilon()) { app_log()<<"stepped on node"<<endl; UpdateMode=ORB_PBYP_RATIO; //singularity! do not update inverse return 0.0; } RealType R = std::abs(curRatio); RealType logR = std::log(R); RealType bp = 1+std::exp(logepsilon-2.0*LogValue-2.0*logR); alternateCurRatio = R*std::sqrt(bp/(1+std::exp(logepsilon-2.0*LogValue))); bp = 1.0/bp; UpdateTimer.start(); //update psiM_temp with the row substituted InverseUpdateByRow(psiM_temp,psiV,workV1,workV2,WorkingIndex,curRatio); //update dpsiM_temp and d2psiM_temp std::copy(dpsiV.begin(),dpsiV.end(),dpsiM_temp[WorkingIndex]); std::copy(d2psiV.begin(),d2psiV.end(),d2psiM_temp[WorkingIndex]); UpdateTimer.stop(); RatioTimer.start(); for (int i=0,kat=FirstIndex; i<NumPtcls; i++,kat++) { //using inline dot functions GradType rv=dot(psiM_temp[i],dpsiM_temp[i],NumOrbitals); ValueType lap=dot(psiM_temp[i],d2psiM_temp[i],NumOrbitals); ValueType rv2 = dot(rv,rv); dG[kat] += rv - myG[kat]; myG_temp[kat]= rv; dL[kat] += (lap - rv2) -myL[kat]; myL_temp[kat]= (lap - rv2) ; } RatioTimer.stop(); return curRatio; }
void SimpleFixedNodeBranch::checkParameters(MCWalkerConfiguration& w) { if(!BranchMode[B_DMCSTAGE]) { RealType e, sigma2; MyEstimator->getCurrentStatistics(w,e,sigma2); vParam[B_ETRIAL]=vParam[B_EREF]=e; //vParam[B_SIGMA]=std::sqrt(iParam[B_TARGETWALKERS]*sigma2); vParam[B_SIGMA]=std::sqrt(sigma2); EnergyHist.clear(); VarianceHist.clear(); //DMCEnergyHist.clear(); EnergyHist(vParam[B_EREF]); VarianceHist(vParam[B_SIGMA]); //DMCEnergyHist(vParam[B_EREF]); app_log() << "SimpleFixedNodeBranch::checkParameters " << endl; app_log() << " Average Energy of a population = " << e << endl; app_log() << " Energy Variance = " << vParam[B_SIGMA] << endl; } }
bool MPC::put(xmlNodePtr cur) { Ecut = -1.0; OhmmsAttributeSet attribs; attribs.add (Ecut, "cutoff"); attribs.put (cur); if (Ecut < 0.0) { Ecut = 30.0; app_log() << " MPC cutoff not found. Set using \"cutoff\" attribute.\n" << " Setting to default value of " << Ecut << endl; } return true; }
///initialize polymers void ReptationMC::initReptile() { //overwrite the number of cuts for Bounce algorithm if(UseBounce) NumCuts = 1; app_log() << "Moving " << NumCuts << " for each reptation step" << endl; //Reptile is NOT allocated. Create one. if(Reptile == 0) { MCWalkerConfiguration::iterator it(W.begin()); Walker_t* cur(*it); cur->Weight=1.0; W.R = cur->R; //DistanceTable::update(W); W.update(); RealType logpsi(Psi.evaluateLog(W)); RealType eloc_cur = H.evaluate(W); cur->resetProperty(logpsi,Psi.getPhase(),eloc_cur); H.saveProperty(cur->getPropertyBase()); cur->Drift = W.G; Reptile = new PolymerChain(cur,PolymerLength,NumCuts); Reptile->resizeArrays(1); } //If ClonePolyer==false, generate configuration using diffusion //Not so useful if(!ClonePolymer) { Walker_t* cur((*Reptile)[0]); RealType g = std::sqrt(Tau); for(int i=0; i<NumCuts-1; i++ ) { //create a 3N-Dimensional Gaussian with variance=1 makeGaussRandom(deltaR); W.R = cur->R + g*deltaR + Tau*cur->Drift; //update the distance table associated with W //DistanceTable::update(W); W.update(); //evaluate wave function RealType logpsic(Psi.evaluateLog(W)); RealType e0=H.evaluate(W); cur = (*Reptile)[i+1]; cur->resetProperty(logpsic,Psi.getPhase(),e0); H.saveProperty(cur->getPropertyBase()); cur->R = W.R; cur->Drift = W.G; } } }
RNDiracDeterminantBase::ValueType RNDiracDeterminantBase::ratioGrad(ParticleSet& P, int iat, GradType& grad_iat) { Phi->evaluate(P, iat, psiV, dpsiV, d2psiV); RatioTimer.start(); WorkingIndex = iat-FirstIndex; UpdateMode=ORB_PBYP_PARTIAL; alternateCurRatio=simd::dot(psiM[WorkingIndex],,NumOrbitals); if (abs(alternateCurRatio)< numeric_limits<RealType>::epsilon()) { app_log()<<"stepped on node: ratioGrad"<<endl; RatioTimer.stop(); return 0.0; } RealType R = std::abs(alternateCurRatio); RealType logR = std::log(R); RealType bp = 1+std::exp(logepsilon-2.0*alternateLogValue-2.0*logR) ; curRatio=R*std::sqrt(bp/(1.0+std::exp(logepsilon-2.0*alternateLogValue))); // bp=std::sqrt(1.0/bp); bp = 1.0/bp; GradType rv=simd::dot(psiM[WorkingIndex],,NumOrbitals); grad_iat += (1.0/alternateCurRatio) *bp* rv; RatioTimer.stop(); return curRatio; //////////////////////////////////////// ////THIS WILL BE REMOVED. ONLY FOR DEBUG DUE TO WAVEFUNCTIONTEST //{ // int kat=FirstIndex; // for(int j=0; j<NumOrbitals; j++) { // dpsiM_temp(WorkingIndex,j)=dpsiV[j]; // d2psiM_temp(WorkingIndex,j)=d2psiV[j]; // } // const ValueType* restrict; // const ValueType* restrict; // const GradType* restrict; // for(int i=0; i<NumPtcls; i++,kat++) { // //This mimics gemm with loop optimization // GradType rv; // ValueType lap=0.0; // for(int j=0; j<NumOrbitals; j++,yptr++) { // rv += *yptr * *dyptr++; // lap += *yptr * *d2yptr++; // } // lap -= dot(rv,rv); // myG_temp[kat]=rv; // myL_temp[kat]=lap; // } //} //////////////////////////////////////// }
///** add a distance table to DistTables list // * @param d_table pointer to a DistanceTableData to be added // * // * DistTables is a list of DistanceTables which are updated by MC moves. // */ //void ParticleSet::addTable(DistanceTableData* d_table) { // int oid=d_table->origin().tag(); // int i=0; // int dsize=DistTables.size(); // while(i<dsize) { // if(oid == DistTables[i]->origin().tag()) //table already exists // return; // ++i; // } // DistTables.push_back(d_table); //} int ParticleSet::addTable(const ParticleSet& psrc) { if (DistTables.empty()) { DistTables.reserve(4); DistTables.push_back(createDistanceTable(*this)); //add this-this pair myDistTableMap.clear(); myDistTableMap[ObjectTag]=0; app_log() << " ... ParticleSet::addTable Create Table #0 " << DistTables[0]->Name << endl; DistTables[0]->ID=0; if (psrc.tag() == ObjectTag) return 0; } if (psrc.tag() == ObjectTag) { app_log() << " ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #" << 0 << " " << DistTables[0]->Name <<endl; return 0; } int tsize=DistTables.size(),tid; map<int,int>::iterator tit(myDistTableMap.find(psrc.tag())); if (tit == myDistTableMap.end()) { tid=DistTables.size(); DistTables.push_back(createDistanceTable(psrc,*this)); myDistTableMap[psrc.tag()]=tid; DistTables[tid]->ID=tid; app_log() << " ... ParticleSet::addTable Create Table #" << tid << " " << DistTables[tid]->Name <<endl; } else { tid = (*tit).second; app_log() << " ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #" << tid << " " << DistTables[tid]->Name << endl; } app_log().flush(); return tid; }
/** Advance the walkers nblocks*nsteps timesteps. * * For each block: * <ul> * <li> Advance walkers for nsteps * For each timestep: * <ul> * <li> Move all the particles of a walker. * <li> Calculate the properties for the new walker configuration. * <li> Accept/reject the new configuration. * <li> Accumulate the estimators. * <li> Update the trial energy \f$ E_T \f$ * <li> Branch the population of walkers (birth/death algorithm). * </ul> * <li> Flush the estimators and print to file. * <li> Update the estimate of the local energy. * <li> (Optional) Print the ensemble of walker configurations. * </ul> * Default mode: Print the ensemble of walker configurations * at the end of the run. */ bool DMCMoveAll::run() { bool fixW = (Reconfiguration == "yes"); branchEngine->initWalkerController(Tau,fixW); KillNodeCrossing = (KillWalker == "yes"); if(Mover ==0) { if(NonLocalMove == "yes") { app_log() << " Non-local update is used." << endl; DMCNonLocalUpdate* nlocMover= new DMCNonLocalUpdate(W,Psi,H,Random); nlocMover->put(qmcNode); Mover=nlocMover; NonLocalMoveIndex=Estimators->addColumn("NonLocalMove"); } else { if(KillNodeCrossing) { app_log() << " Walkers will be killed if a node crossing is detected." << endl; Mover = new DMCUpdateAllWithKill(W,Psi,H,Random); } else { app_log() << " Walkers will be kept even if a node crossing is detected." << endl; Mover = new DMCUpdateAllWithRejection(W,Psi,H,Random); } } } Estimators->reportHeader(AppendRun); Mover->resetRun(branchEngine); bool success=false; if(fixW) { if(BranchInterval<0) { BranchInterval=nSteps; nSteps=1; } app_log() << " DMC all-ptcl update with reconfigurations " << endl; app_log() << " BranchInterval=" << BranchInterval << endl; app_log() << " Steps =" << nSteps << endl; app_log() << " Blocks =" << nBlocks << endl; success = dmcWithReconfiguration(); } else { app_log() << " DMC all-ptcl update with a fluctuating population" << endl; success = dmcWithBranching(); } return success; }
bool eeI_JastrowBuilder::putkids (xmlNodePtr kids, J3type &J3) { SpeciesSet &iSet = sourcePtcl->getSpeciesSet(); SpeciesSet &eSet = targetPtcl.getSpeciesSet(); int numiSpecies = iSet.getTotalNum(); bool success=false; while (kids != NULL) { std::string kidsname = (char*)kids->name; if (kidsname == "correlation") { RealType ee_cusp=0.0; RealType eI_cusp=0.0; string iSpecies, eSpecies1("u"), eSpecies2("u"); OhmmsAttributeSet rAttrib; rAttrib.add(iSpecies,"ispecies"); rAttrib.add(eSpecies1,"especies1"); rAttrib.add(eSpecies2,"especies2"); rAttrib.add(ee_cusp,"ecusp"); rAttrib.add(eI_cusp,"icusp"); rAttrib.put(kids); typedef typename J3type::FuncType FT; FT *functor = new FT(ee_cusp, eI_cusp); functor->iSpecies = iSpecies; functor->eSpecies1 = eSpecies1; functor->eSpecies2 = eSpecies2; int iNum = iSet.findSpecies (iSpecies); int eNum1 = eSet.findSpecies (eSpecies1); int eNum2 = eSet.findSpecies (eSpecies2); functor->put (kids); if (functor->cutoff_radius < 1.0e-6) { app_log() << " eeI functor rcut is currently zero.\n" << " Setting to Wigner-Seitz radius = " << sourcePtcl->Lattice.WignerSeitzRadius << endl; functor->cutoff_radius = sourcePtcl->Lattice.WignerSeitzRadius; functor->reset(); } strstream aname; aname << iSpecies << "_" << eSpecies1 << "_" << eSpecies2; J3.addFunc(aname.str(), iNum, eNum1, eNum2, functor); } kids = kids->next; } targetPsi.addOrbital(&J3,"eeI"); J3.setOptimizable(true); return true; }
bool DMCMoveAll::dmcWithReconfiguration() { Mover->MaxAge=0; IndexType block = 0; IndexType nAcceptTot = 0; IndexType nRejectTot = 0; bool checkNonLocalMove=(NonLocalMoveIndex>0); //Mover->resetRun(branchEngine); do { IndexType step = 0; Mover->startBlock(); Estimators->startBlock(); do { int interval=0; Mover->NonLocalMoveAccepted=0; do { Mover->advanceWalkers(W.begin(), W.end()); ++interval; ++step; ++CurrentStep; } while(interval<BranchInterval); if(checkNonLocalMove) { Estimators->setColumn(NonLocalMoveIndex, static_cast<RealType>(Mover->NonLocalMoveAccepted)/ static_cast<RealType>(W.getActiveWalkers()*BranchInterval)); } Estimators->accumulate(W); branchEngine->branch(CurrentStep,W); } while(step<nSteps); nAccept = Mover->nAccept; nReject = Mover->nReject; Estimators->stopBlock(static_cast<RealType>(nAccept)/static_cast<RealType>(nAccept+nReject)); nAcceptTot += nAccept; nRejectTot += nReject; nAccept = 0; nReject = 0; block++; recordBlock(block); W.reset(); } while(block<nBlocks); //Need MPI-IO app_log() << "\t ratio = " << static_cast<double>(nAcceptTot)/static_cast<double>(nAcceptTot+nRejectTot) << endl; return finalize(block); }
/** process xml node for each element * @param cur xmlnode <element name="string" alpha="double" rb="double"/> */ bool LocalCorePolPotential::CPP_Param::put(xmlNodePtr cur) { OhmmsAttributeSet att; att.add(alpha,"alpha"); att.add(r_b,"rb"); att.put(cur); //const xmlChar* a_ptr = xmlGetProp(cur,(const xmlChar *)"alpha"); //const xmlChar* b_ptr = xmlGetProp(cur,(const xmlChar *)"rb"); //if(a_ptr) alpha = atof((const char*)a_ptr); //if(b_ptr) r_b = atof((const char*)b_ptr); C = -0.5*alpha; one_over_rr = 1.0/r_b/r_b; app_log() << "\talpha = " << alpha << " rb = " << r_b <<endl; return true; }