 /** Explode time to human readable form. */
 log4cxx_status_t explode( apr_time_exp_t * result, log4cxx_time_t input ) const
   apr_status_t stat;
   //  APR 1.1 and early mishandles microseconds on dates
   //   before 1970, APR bug 32520
   if (LOG4CXX_UNLIKELY(input < 0 && apr_time_usec(input) < 0)) {
      apr_time_t floorTime = (apr_time_sec(input) -1) * APR_USEC_PER_SEC;
      stat = apr_time_exp_tz(result, floorTime, offset);
      result->tm_usec = (int) (input - floorTime);
   } else {
      stat = apr_time_exp_tz( result, input, offset );
   return stat;
文件: time.c 项目: LuaDist/lua-apr
int lua_apr_time_explode(lua_State *L)
  apr_time_exp_t components;
  apr_status_t status;
  apr_time_t time;
  char *field;
  int i;

  time = time_check(L, 1);
  if (!lua_toboolean(L, 2))
    /* Explode the time according to the local timezone by default. */
    status = apr_time_exp_lt(&components, time);
    /* Or explode the time according to (an offset from) GMT instead. */
    status = apr_time_exp_tz(&components, time,
        lua_isboolean(L, 2) ? 0 : (apr_int32_t) luaL_checkinteger(L, 2));
  if (status != APR_SUCCESS)
    return push_error_status(L, status);

  /* Copy numeric fields of exploded time to Lua table. */
  lua_createtable(L, 0, count(fields) + 1);
  for (i = 0; i < count(fields); i++) {
    field = (char*)&components + fields[i].byte_offset;
    lua_pushinteger(L, *(apr_int32_t*)field + fields[i].value_offset);
    lua_setfield(L, -2, fields[i].name);

  /* Copy boolean `isdst' field. */
  lua_pushboolean(L, components.tm_isdst);
  lua_setfield(L, -2, "isdst");

  return 1;
文件: time.c 项目: Ga-vin/apache
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_time_exp_lt(apr_time_exp_t *result,
                                                apr_time_t input)
#if defined(__EMX__)
    /* EMX gcc (OS/2) has a timezone global we can use */
    return apr_time_exp_tz(result, input, -timezone);
    explode_time(result, input, 0, 1);
    return APR_SUCCESS;
#endif /* __EMX__ */
static void test_strftimeoffset(CuTest *tc)
    apr_status_t rv;
    apr_time_exp_t xt;
    char str[STR_SIZE];
    apr_size_t sz;
    apr_int32_t hr_off = -5 * 3600; /* 5 hours in seconds */

    apr_time_exp_tz(&xt, now, hr_off);
    rv = apr_strftime(str, &sz, STR_SIZE, "%T", &xt);
    if (rv == APR_ENOTIMPL) {
        CuNotImpl(tc, "apr_strftime");
    CuAssertTrue(tc, rv == APR_SUCCESS);
文件: html.c 项目: monnerat/mod_badge
static void
badge_emit_timestamp(request_rec * r, const char * fromto, time_t value,
	int rdonly, badge_timestamp * ts, int errflags, int yearerr,
	int montherr, int dayerr, int hourerr, int minerr, int secerr)

	apr_time_exp_t exptime;
	apr_time_t aprtime;
	apr_size_t len;
	char buf[100];

	***	Emit a timestamp in an html table row, either as normal text
	***		from `value' or as input fields with values from `*ts'
	***		according to the `rdonly' flag.

	ap_rvputs(r, "<tr><td>Valid ", fromto, "</td><td>", NULL);

	if (rdonly) {
		apr_time_ansi_put(&aprtime, value);
		apr_time_exp_tz(&exptime, aprtime, 0);
		apr_strftime(buf, &len, sizeof buf - 1, "%c", &exptime);
		buf[len] = '\0';
		ap_rvputs(r, ap_escape_html(r->pool, buf), NULL);
	else {
		ap_rvputs(r, "Y<input type=\"text\" name=\"", fromto,
		    "-year\" value=\"",
		    ts->year? ap_escape_html(r->pool, ts->year): "",
		    "\"", badge_arg_err(errflags & yearerr), " />", NULL);
		badge_emit_range_select(r, "M", fromto,
		    "month", 1, 12, ts->month, errflags & montherr);
		badge_emit_range_select(r, "D", fromto,
		    "day", 1, 31, ts->day, errflags & dayerr);
		badge_emit_range_select(r, "H", fromto,
		    "hour", 0, 23, ts->hour, errflags & hourerr);
		badge_emit_range_select(r, "M", fromto,
		    "min", 0, 59, ts->min, errflags & minerr);
		badge_emit_range_select(r, "S", fromto,
		    "sec", 0, 59, ts->sec, errflags & secerr);

	ap_rvputs(r, "</td></tr>\n", NULL);
static void test_exp_tz(CuTest *tc)
    apr_status_t rv;
    apr_time_exp_t xt;
    apr_int32_t hr_off = -5 * 3600; /* 5 hours in seconds */

    rv = apr_time_exp_tz(&xt, now, hr_off);
    if (rv == APR_ENOTIMPL) {
        CuNotImpl(tc, "apr_time_exp_tz");
    CuAssertTrue(tc, rv == APR_SUCCESS);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, (xt.tm_usec == 186711) && 
                     (xt.tm_sec == 36) &&
                     (xt.tm_min == 5) && 
                     (xt.tm_hour == 14) &&
                     (xt.tm_mday == 14) &&
                     (xt.tm_mon == 8) &&
                     (xt.tm_year == 102) &&
                     (xt.tm_wday == 6) &&
                     (xt.tm_yday == 256));
文件: switch_apr.c 项目: gujun/sscore
SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_time_exp_tz(switch_time_exp_t *result, switch_time_t input, switch_int32_t offs)
	return apr_time_exp_tz((apr_time_exp_t *) result, input, (apr_int32_t) offs);
文件: time.c 项目: Ga-vin/apache
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_time_exp_gmt(apr_time_exp_t *result,
                                           apr_time_t input)
    return apr_time_exp_tz(result, input, 0);
文件: time.c 项目: kheradmand/Break
/* Deprecated */
APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_explode_time(apr_time_exp_t *result,
                                          apr_time_t input,
                                          apr_int32_t offs)
    return apr_time_exp_tz(result, input, offs);