bool ofxArtool5::setupCamera(string pthCamParam, ofVec2f _camSize, ofVec2f _viewportSize, ofPixelFormat pf){ ARParam cParam; AR_PIXEL_FORMAT pixFormat = toAR(pf); const char * cPathCamParam = ofToDataPath(pthCamParam).c_str(); camSize=_camSize; viewportSize=_viewportSize; if(arParamLoad(cPathCamParam, 1, &cParam)){ ofLogError("ofxArtool5::setupCamera()", "error loading param file"); return false; } if(cParam.xsize!=camSize.x||cParam.ysize!=camSize.y){ ofLogWarning("ofxArtool5::setupCamera()","camera param needs resizing"); arParamChangeSize(&cParam, camSize.x, camSize.y, &cParam); } if((gCparamLT = arParamLTCreate(&cParam, AR_PARAM_LT_DEFAULT_OFFSET))==NULL){ ofLogError("ofxArtool5::setupCamera()","Error: arParamLTCreate"); return false; } if(artMode==ART_PATTERN){ if((gARHandle = arCreateHandle(gCparamLT))==NULL){ ofLogError("ofxArtool5::setupCamera()","Error: arCreateHandle"); return false; } if(arSetPixelFormat(gARHandle, pixFormat)<0){ ofLogError("ofxArtool5::setupCamera()","Error arSetPixelFormat"); return false; } if(arSetDebugMode(gARHandle, AR_DEBUG_DISABLE)<0){ ofLogError("ofxArtool5::setupCamera()","Error arSetDebugMode"); return false; } if((gAR3DHandle = ar3DCreateHandle(&cParam))==NULL){ ofLogError("ofxArtool5::setupCamera()","Error ar3DCreateHandle"); return false; } }else if(artMode==ART_NFT){ arglCameraFrustumRH(&(gCparamLT->param), getMinDistance(), getMaxDistance(), cameraLens); } cvColorFrame.allocate(camSize.x, camSize.y); cvGrayFrame.allocate(camSize.x, camSize.y); return true; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { char glutGamemode[32] = ""; char *vconf = NULL; char cparaDefault[] = "../share/artoolkit-examples/Data/camera_para.dat"; char *cpara = NULL; int i; int gotTwoPartOption; const char markerConfigDataFilename[] = "../share/artoolkit-examples/Data/markers.dat"; const char objectDataFilename[] = "../share/artoolkit-examples/Data/objects.dat"; // // Process command-line options. // glutInit(&argc, argv); i = 1; // argv[0] is name of app, so start at 1. while (i < argc) { gotTwoPartOption = FALSE; // Look for two-part options first. if ((i + 1) < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "--vconf") == 0) { i++; vconf = argv[i]; gotTwoPartOption = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--cpara") == 0) { i++; cpara = argv[i]; gotTwoPartOption = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--width") == 0) { i++; // Get width from second field. if (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &prefWidth) != 1) { ARLOGe("Error: --width option must be followed by desired width.\n"); } gotTwoPartOption = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--height") == 0) { i++; // Get height from second field. if (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &prefHeight) != 1) { ARLOGe("Error: --height option must be followed by desired height.\n"); } gotTwoPartOption = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--refresh") == 0) { i++; // Get refresh rate from second field. if (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &prefRefresh) != 1) { ARLOGe("Error: --refresh option must be followed by desired refresh rate.\n"); } gotTwoPartOption = TRUE; } } if (!gotTwoPartOption) { // Look for single-part options. if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) { usage(argv[0]); } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-cpara=", 7) == 0) { cpara = &(argv[i][7]); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) { ARLOG("%s version %s\n", argv[0], AR_HEADER_VERSION_STRING); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--windowed") == 0) { prefWindowed = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--fullscreen") == 0) { prefWindowed = FALSE; } else { ARLOGe("Error: invalid command line argument '%s'.\n", argv[i]); usage(argv[0]); } } i++; } // // Video setup. // if (!setupCamera((cpara ? cpara : cparaDefault), vconf, &gCparamLT)) { ARLOGe("main(): Unable to set up AR camera.\n"); exit(-1); } // // AR init. // // Init AR. gARPattHandle = arPattCreateHandle(); if (!gARPattHandle) { ARLOGe("Error creating pattern handle.\n"); exit(-1); } gARHandle = arCreateHandle(gCparamLT); if (!gARHandle) { ARLOGe("Error creating AR handle.\n"); exit(-1); } arPattAttach(gARHandle, gARPattHandle); if (arSetPixelFormat(gARHandle, arVideoGetPixelFormat()) < 0) { ARLOGe("Error setting pixel format.\n"); exit(-1); } gAR3DHandle = ar3DCreateHandle(&gCparamLT->param); if (!gAR3DHandle) { ARLOGe("Error creating 3D handle.\n"); exit(-1); } // // Markers setup. // // Load marker(s). newMarkers(markerConfigDataFilename, gARPattHandle, &markersSquare, &markersSquareCount, &gARPattDetectionMode); ARLOGi("Marker count = %d\n", markersSquareCount); // // Other ARToolKit setup. // arSetMarkerExtractionMode(gARHandle, AR_USE_TRACKING_HISTORY_V2); //arSetMarkerExtractionMode(gARHandle, AR_NOUSE_TRACKING_HISTORY); //arSetLabelingThreshMode(gARHandle, AR_LABELING_THRESH_MODE_MANUAL); // Uncomment to force manual thresholding. // Set the pattern detection mode (template (pictorial) vs. matrix (barcode) based on // the marker types as defined in the marker config. file. arSetPatternDetectionMode(gARHandle, gARPattDetectionMode); // Default = AR_TEMPLATE_MATCHING_COLOR // Other application-wide marker options. Once set, these apply to all markers in use in the application. // If you are using standard ARToolKit picture (template) markers, leave commented to use the defaults. // If you are usign a different marker design (see ) // then uncomment and edit as instructed by the marker design application. //arSetLabelingMode(gARHandle, AR_LABELING_BLACK_REGION); // Default = AR_LABELING_BLACK_REGION //arSetBorderSize(gARHandle, 0.25f); // Default = 0.25f //arSetMatrixCodeType(gARHandle, AR_MATRIX_CODE_3x3); // Default = AR_MATRIX_CODE_3x3 // // Graphics setup. // // Set up GL context(s) for OpenGL to draw into. glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH); if (prefWindowed) { if (prefWidth > 0 && prefHeight > 0) glutInitWindowSize(prefWidth, prefHeight); else glutInitWindowSize(gCparamLT->param.xsize, gCparamLT->param.ysize); glutCreateWindow(argv[0]); } else { if (glutGameModeGet(GLUT_GAME_MODE_POSSIBLE)) { if (prefWidth && prefHeight) { if (prefDepth) { if (prefRefresh) snprintf(glutGamemode, sizeof(glutGamemode), "%ix%i:%i@%i", prefWidth, prefHeight, prefDepth, prefRefresh); else snprintf(glutGamemode, sizeof(glutGamemode), "%ix%i:%i", prefWidth, prefHeight, prefDepth); } else { if (prefRefresh) snprintf(glutGamemode, sizeof(glutGamemode), "%ix%i@%i", prefWidth, prefHeight, prefRefresh); else snprintf(glutGamemode, sizeof(glutGamemode), "%ix%i", prefWidth, prefHeight); } } else { prefWidth = glutGameModeGet(GLUT_GAME_MODE_WIDTH); prefHeight = glutGameModeGet(GLUT_GAME_MODE_HEIGHT); snprintf(glutGamemode, sizeof(glutGamemode), "%ix%i", prefWidth, prefHeight); } glutGameModeString(glutGamemode); glutEnterGameMode(); } else { if (prefWidth > 0 && prefHeight > 0) glutInitWindowSize(prefWidth, prefHeight); glutCreateWindow(argv[0]); glutFullScreen(); } } // Create the OpenGL projection from the calibrated camera parameters. arglCameraFrustumRH(&(gCparamLT->param), VIEW_DISTANCE_MIN, VIEW_DISTANCE_MAX, cameraLens); cameraPoseValid = FALSE; // Setup ARgsub_lite library for current OpenGL context. if ((gArglSettings = arglSetupForCurrentContext(&(gCparamLT->param), arVideoGetPixelFormat())) == NULL) { ARLOGe("main(): arglSetupForCurrentContext() returned error.\n"); cleanup(); exit(-1); } arglSetupDebugMode(gArglSettings, gARHandle); // Load objects (i.e. OSG models). VirtualEnvironmentInit(objectDataFilename); VirtualEnvironmentHandleARViewUpdatedCameraLens(cameraLens); // // Setup complete. Start tracking. // // Start the video. if (arVideoCapStart() != 0) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Unable to begin camera data capture.\n"); return (FALSE); } arUtilTimerReset(); // Register GLUT event-handling callbacks. // NB: mainLoop() is registered by Visibility. glutDisplayFunc(Display); glutReshapeFunc(Reshape); glutVisibilityFunc(Visibility); glutKeyboardFunc(Keyboard); glutMainLoop(); return (0); }
static void nativeVideoGetCparamCallback(const ARParam *cparam_p, void *userdata) { // Load the camera parameters, resize for the window and init. ARParam cparam; if (cparam_p) cparam = *cparam_p; else { LOGE("Unable to automatically determine camera parameters. Using default.\n"); if (arParamLoad(cparaName, 1, &cparam) < 0) { LOGE("Error: Unable to load parameter file %s for camera.\n", cparaName); return; } } if (cparam.xsize != videoWidth || cparam.ysize != videoHeight) { #ifdef DEBUG LOGI("*** Camera Parameter resized from %d, %d. ***\n", cparam.xsize, cparam.ysize); #endif arParamChangeSize(&cparam, videoWidth, videoHeight, &cparam); } #ifdef DEBUG LOGI("*** Camera Parameter ***\n"); arParamDisp(&cparam); #endif if ((gCparamLT = arParamLTCreate(&cparam, AR_PARAM_LT_DEFAULT_OFFSET)) == NULL) { LOGE("Error: arParamLTCreate.\n"); return; } videoInited = true; // // AR init. // // Create the OpenGL projection from the calibrated camera parameters. arglCameraFrustumRHf(&gCparamLT->param, NEAR_PLANE, FAR_PLANE, cameraLens); cameraPoseValid = FALSE; // Init AR. arHandle = arCreateHandle(gCparamLT); if (arHandle == NULL) { LOGE("Error creating AR handle"); return; } arPattAttach(arHandle, arPattHandle); if (arSetPixelFormat(arHandle, gPixFormat) < 0) { LOGE("Error setting pixel format"); return; } ar3DHandle = ar3DCreateHandle(&gCparamLT->param); if (ar3DHandle == NULL) { LOGE("Error creating 3D handle"); return; } // Other ARToolKit setup. arSetMarkerExtractionMode(arHandle, AR_USE_TRACKING_HISTORY_V2); //arSetMarkerExtractionMode(arHandle, AR_NOUSE_TRACKING_HISTORY); //arSetLabelingThreshMode(arHandle, AR_LABELING_THRESH_MODE_MANUAL); // Uncomment to use manual thresholding. // Set the pattern detection mode (template (pictorial) vs. matrix (barcode) based on // the marker types as defined in the marker config. file. arSetPatternDetectionMode(arHandle, arPattDetectionMode); // Default = AR_TEMPLATE_MATCHING_COLOR // Other application-wide marker options. Once set, these apply to all markers in use in the application. // If you are using standard ARToolKit picture (template) markers, leave commented to use the defaults. // If you are usign a different marker design (see ) // then uncomment and edit as instructed by the marker design application. //arSetLabelingMode(arHandle, AR_LABELING_BLACK_REGION); // Default = AR_LABELING_BLACK_REGION //arSetBorderSize(arHandle, 0.25f); // Default = 0.25f //arSetMatrixCodeType(arHandle, AR_MATRIX_CODE_3x3); // Default = AR_MATRIX_CODE_3x3 }
static int setupCamera(const char *cparam_name, char *vconf, ARParamLT **cparamLT_p, ARHandle **arhandle, AR3DHandle **ar3dhandle) { ARParam cparam; int xsize, ysize; AR_PIXEL_FORMAT pixFormat; // Open the video path. if (arVideoOpen(vconf) < 0) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Unable to open connection to camera.\n"); return (FALSE); } // Find the size of the window. if (arVideoGetSize(&xsize, &ysize) < 0) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Unable to determine camera frame size.\n"); arVideoClose(); return (FALSE); } ARLOGi("Camera image size (x,y) = (%d,%d)\n", xsize, ysize); // Get the format in which the camera is returning pixels. pixFormat = arVideoGetPixelFormat(); if (pixFormat == AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_INVALID) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Camera is using unsupported pixel format.\n"); arVideoClose(); return (FALSE); } // Load the camera parameters, resize for the window and init. if (arParamLoad(cparam_name, 1, &cparam) < 0) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Error loading parameter file %s for camera.\n", cparam_name); arVideoClose(); return (FALSE); } if (cparam.xsize != xsize || cparam.ysize != ysize) { ARLOGw("*** Camera Parameter resized from %d, %d. ***\n", cparam.xsize, cparam.ysize); arParamChangeSize(&cparam, xsize, ysize, &cparam); } #ifdef DEBUG ARLOG("*** Camera Parameter ***\n"); arParamDisp(&cparam); #endif if ((*cparamLT_p = arParamLTCreate(&cparam, AR_PARAM_LT_DEFAULT_OFFSET)) == NULL) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Error: arParamLTCreate.\n"); arVideoClose(); return (FALSE); } if ((*arhandle = arCreateHandle(*cparamLT_p)) == NULL) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Error: arCreateHandle.\n"); return (FALSE); } if (arSetPixelFormat(*arhandle, pixFormat) < 0) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Error: arSetPixelFormat.\n"); return (FALSE); } if (arSetDebugMode(*arhandle, AR_DEBUG_DISABLE) < 0) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Error: arSetDebugMode.\n"); return (FALSE); } if ((*ar3dhandle = ar3DCreateHandle(&cparam)) == NULL) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Error: ar3DCreateHandle.\n"); return (FALSE); } if (arVideoCapStart() != 0) { ARLOGe("setupCamera(): Unable to begin camera data capture.\n"); return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); }
static void init(int argc, char *argv[]) { ARParam cparam; ARGViewport viewport; ARPattHandle *arPattHandle; char vconf[512]; AR_PIXEL_FORMAT pixFormat; ARUint32 id0, id1; int i; if (argc == 1) vconf[0] = '\0'; else { strcpy(vconf, argv[1]); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { strcat(vconf, " "); strcat(vconf, argv[i]); } } /* open the video path */ if (arVideoOpen(vconf) < 0) exit(0); if (arVideoGetSize(&xsize, &ysize) < 0) exit(0); ARLOG("Image size (x,y) = (%d,%d)\n", xsize, ysize); if ((pixFormat = arVideoGetPixelFormat()) < 0) exit(0); if (arVideoGetId(&id0, &id1) == 0) { ARLOG("Camera ID = (%08x, %08x)\n", id1, id0); sprintf(vconf, VPARA_NAME, id1, id0); if (arVideoLoadParam(vconf) < 0) { ARLOGe("No camera setting data!!\n"); } } /* set the initial camera parameters */ if (arParamLoad(CPARA_NAME, 1, &cparam) < 0) { ARLOGe("Camera parameter load error !!\n"); exit(0); } arParamChangeSize(&cparam, xsize, ysize, &cparam); ARLOG("*** Camera Parameter ***\n"); arParamDisp(&cparam); if ((gCparamLT = arParamLTCreate(&cparam, AR_PARAM_LT_DEFAULT_OFFSET)) == NULL) { ARLOGe("Error: arParamLTCreate.\n"); exit(-1); } if ((arHandle = arCreateHandle(gCparamLT)) == NULL) { ARLOGe("Error: arCreateHandle.\n"); exit(0); } if (arSetPixelFormat(arHandle, pixFormat) < 0) { ARLOGe("Error: arSetPixelFormat.\n"); exit(0); } if ((ar3DHandle = ar3DCreateHandle(&cparam)) == NULL) { ARLOGe("Error: ar3DCreateHandle.\n"); exit(0); } if ((arPattHandle = arPattCreateHandle()) == NULL) { ARLOGe("Error: arPattCreateHandle.\n"); exit(0); } if ((patt_id = arPattLoad(arPattHandle, PATT_NAME)) < 0) { ARLOGe("pattern load error !!\n"); exit(0); } arPattAttach(arHandle, arPattHandle); /* open the graphics window */ w1 = argCreateWindow(xsize, ysize); = 0; = 0; viewport.xsize = xsize; viewport.ysize = ysize; if ((vp1 = argCreateViewport(&viewport)) == NULL) exit(0); argViewportSetCparam(vp1, &cparam); argViewportSetPixFormat(vp1, pixFormat); argViewportSetDispMethod(vp1, AR_GL_DISP_METHOD_TEXTURE_MAPPING_FRAME); argViewportSetDispMode(vp1, AR_GL_DISP_MODE_FIT_TO_VIEWPORT); argViewportSetDistortionMode(vp1, AR_GL_DISTORTION_COMPENSATE_ENABLE); w2 = argCreateWindow(xsize, ysize); = 0; = 0; viewport.xsize = xsize; viewport.ysize = ysize; if ((vp2 = argCreateViewport(&viewport)) == NULL) exit(0); argViewportSetCparam(vp2, &cparam); argViewportSetPixFormat(vp2, pixFormat); argViewportSetDispMethod(vp2, AR_GL_DISP_METHOD_TEXTURE_MAPPING_FRAME); argViewportSetDispMode(vp2, AR_GL_DISP_MODE_FIT_TO_VIEWPORT); argViewportSetDistortionMode(vp2, AR_GL_DISTORTION_COMPENSATE_DISABLE); return; }
static void init( void ) { ARParam cparam; ARParamLT *cparamLT; ARGViewport viewport; xsize = 640; ysize = 480; ARLOGi("Image size (x,y) = (%d,%d)\n", xsize, ysize); /* set the initial camera parameters */ arParamClear(&cparam, xsize, ysize, AR_DIST_FUNCTION_VERSION_DEFAULT); ARLOG("*** Camera Parameter ***\n"); arParamDisp( &cparam ); //COVHI10445 ignored as false positive, i.e. cparam->m[3][4] uninitialized. cparamLT = arParamLTCreate(&cparam, AR_PARAM_LT_DEFAULT_OFFSET); arHandle = arCreateHandle(cparamLT); if( arHandle == NULL ) { ARLOGe("Error: arCreateHandle.\n"); exit(0); } arSetPixelFormat( arHandle, PIXEL_FORMAT ); arSetLabelingMode( arHandle, AR_LABELING_BLACK_REGION ); arSetImageProcMode( arHandle, AR_IMAGE_PROC_FRAME_IMAGE ); ar3DHandle = ar3DCreateHandle( &cparam ); if( ar3DHandle == NULL ) { ARLOGe("Error: ar3DCreateHandle.\n"); exit(0); } /* open the graphics window */ = 0; = 0; viewport.xsize = xsize; viewport.ysize = ysize; vp = argCreateViewport( &viewport ); if( vp == NULL ) exit(0); argViewportSetCparam( vp, &cparam ); argViewportSetPixFormat( vp, PIXEL_FORMAT ); argViewportSetDispMode( vp, AR_GL_DISP_MODE_FIT_TO_VIEWPORT ); argViewportSetDispMethod( vp, AR_GL_DISP_METHOD_GL_DRAW_PIXELS ); //argViewportSetDispMethod( vp, AR_GL_DISP_METHOD_TEXTURE_MAPPING_FRAME ); //argViewportSetDispMethod( vp, AR_GL_DISP_METHOD_TEXTURE_MAPPING_FIELD ); argViewportSetDistortionMode( vp, AR_GL_DISTORTION_COMPENSATE_DISABLE ); //argViewportSetDistortionMode( vp, AR_GL_DISTORTION_COMPENSATE_ENABLE ); #if 0 if( argSetFullScreenConfig("1024x768") == 0 ) { ARLOGe("Full screen is not possible.\n"); exit(0); } //argGetWindowSizeFullScreen( &viewport.xsize, &viewport.ysize ); = 0; = 0; viewport.xsize = 1024; viewport.ysize = 768; argViewportSetViewportFullScreen( vpL, &viewport ); = 1024; argViewportSetViewportFullScreen( vpR, &viewport ); #endif }
bool ARToolKit4NFTTracker::init(int xsize,int ysize, const std::string& pattlist_name,const std::string& camera_name) { ARParam wparam; // Set the initial camera parameters. if(arParamLoad((char*)camera_name.c_str(), 1, &wparam) < 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Camera parameter load error." << std::endl; return false; } arParamChangeSize(&wparam, xsize, ysize, &cparam); std::cout << "*** Camera Parameter ***" << std::endl; arParamDisp( &cparam ); if( (arHandle = arCreateHandle(&cparam)) == NULL ) { std::cerr << "ERROR: arCreateHandle." << std::endl; return false; } int pixFormat = AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA; if( arSetPixelFormat(arHandle, pixFormat) < 0 ) { std::cerr << "Error: arSetPixelFormat." << std::endl; return false; } if( arSetDebugMode(arHandle, AR_DEBUG_DISABLE) < 0 ) { std::cerr << "Error: arSetDebugMode." << std::endl; return false; } if( arSetLabelingThresh(arHandle,threshold) < 0 ) { std::cerr << "Error: arSetLabelingThresh." << std::endl; return false; } arSetMarkerExtractionMode( arHandle, AR_NOUSE_TRACKING_HISTORY ); if( (ar3DHandle=ar3DCreateHandle(&cparam)) == NULL ) { std::cerr << "Error: ar3DCreateHandle." << std::endl; return false; } if( (arPattHandle=arPattCreateHandle()) == NULL ) { std::cerr << "Error: arPattCreateHandle." << std::endl; return false; } setProjection(10.0f, 10000.0f); //INIT NFT int matchingImageMode = AR2_MATCHING_FRAME_IMAGE; int matchingMethod = AR2_MATCHING_FINE; int debugMode = 0; ar2Handle = ar2CreateHandle( &cparam, pixFormat ); ar2ChangeMacthingImageMode( ar2Handle, matchingImageMode ); ar2ChangeMacthingMethod( ar2Handle, matchingMethod ); ar2ChangeDebugMode( ar2Handle, debugMode ); //arFittingMode = AR_FITTING_TO_IDEAL; //arImageProcMode = AR_IMAGE_PROC_IN_FULL; if (!setupMarkers(pattlist_name)) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Marker setup failed." << std::endl; return false; } return true; }