static void
delete_target (struct file *file, const char *on_behalf_of)
  struct stat st;
  int e;

	if (file->precious || file->phony) {

  if (ar_name (file->name))
      time_t file_date = (file->last_mtime == NONEXISTENT_MTIME
			  ? (time_t) -1
			  : (time_t) FILE_TIMESTAMP_S (file->last_mtime));
      if (ar_member_date (file->name) != file_date)
		if (on_behalf_of) {
	    error (NILF, _("*** [%s] Archive member `%s' may be bogus; not deleted"),
		   on_behalf_of, file->name);
		} else {
	    error (NILF, _("*** Archive member `%s' may be bogus; not deleted"),
#endif	/* !NO_ARCHIVES.  */

  EINTRLOOP (e, stat (file->name, &st));
  if (e == 0
      && S_ISREG (st.st_mode)
      && FILE_TIMESTAMP_STAT_MODTIME (file->name, st) != file->last_mtime
#endif /* ST_MTIM_NSEC */
	  && e != 1)
		if (on_behalf_of) {
	error (NILF, _("*** [%s] Deleting file `%s'"), on_behalf_of, file->name);
		} else
	error (NILF, _("*** Deleting file `%s'"), file->name);
      if (unlink (file->name) < 0
	  && errno != ENOENT)	/* It disappeared; so what.  */
	perror_with_name ("unlink: ", file->name);
文件: remake.c 项目: mturk/gnumake
f_mtime (struct file *file, int search)

  /* File's mtime is not known; must get it from the system.  */

  if (ar_name (file->name))
      /* This file is an archive-member reference.  */

      char *arname, *memname;
      struct file *arfile;
      time_t member_date;

      /* Find the archive's name.  */
      ar_parse_name (file->name, &arname, &memname);

      /* Find the modification time of the archive itself.
	 Also allow for its name to be changed via VPATH search.  */
      arfile = lookup_file (arname);
      if (arfile == 0)
        arfile = enter_file (strcache_add (arname));
      mtime = f_mtime (arfile, search);
      check_renamed (arfile);
      if (search && strcmp (arfile->hname, arname))
	  /* The archive's name has changed.
	     Change the archive-member reference accordingly.  */

          char *name;
	  unsigned int arlen, memlen;

	  arlen = strlen (arfile->hname);
	  memlen = strlen (memname);

	  name = xmalloc (arlen + 1 + memlen + 2);
	  memcpy (name, arfile->hname, arlen);
	  name[arlen] = '(';
	  memcpy (name + arlen + 1, memname, memlen);
	  name[arlen + 1 + memlen] = ')';
	  name[arlen + 1 + memlen + 1] = '\0';

          /* If the archive was found with GPATH, make the change permanent;
             otherwise defer it until later.  */
          if (arfile->name == arfile->hname)
            rename_file (file, name);
            rehash_file (file, name);
          check_renamed (file);

      free (arname);

      file->low_resolution_time = 1;

      if (mtime == NONEXISTENT_MTIME)
	/* The archive doesn't exist, so its members don't exist either.  */

      member_date = ar_member_date (file->hname);
      mtime = (member_date == (time_t) -1
               ? NONEXISTENT_MTIME
               : file_timestamp_cons (file->hname, member_date, 0));
      mtime = name_mtime (file->name);

      if (mtime == NONEXISTENT_MTIME && search && !file->ignore_vpath)
	  /* If name_mtime failed, search VPATH.  */
	  const char *name = vpath_search (file->name, &mtime, NULL, NULL);
	  if (name
	      /* Last resort, is it a library (-lxxx)?  */
	      || (file->name[0] == '-' && file->name[1] == 'l'
		  && (name = library_search (file->name, &mtime)) != 0))
	      if (mtime != UNKNOWN_MTIME)
		/* vpath_search and library_search store UNKNOWN_MTIME
		   if they didn't need to do a stat call for their work.  */
		file->last_mtime = mtime;

              /* If we found it in VPATH, see if it's in GPATH too; if so,
                 change the name right now; if not, defer until after the
                 dependencies are updated. */
              if (gpath_search (name, strlen(name) - strlen(file->name) - 1))
                  rename_file (file, name);
                  check_renamed (file);
                  return file_mtime (file);

	      rehash_file (file, name);
	      check_renamed (file);
              /* If the result of a vpath search is -o or -W, preserve it.
                 Otherwise, find the mtime of the resulting file.  */
              if (mtime != OLD_MTIME && mtime != NEW_MTIME)
                mtime = name_mtime (name);

  /* Files can have bogus timestamps that nothing newly made will be
     "newer" than.  Updating their dependents could just result in loops.
     So notify the user of the anomaly with a warning.

     We only need to do this once, for now. */

  if (!clock_skew_detected
      && mtime != NONEXISTENT_MTIME && mtime != NEW_MTIME
      && !file->updated)
      static FILE_TIMESTAMP adjusted_now;

      FILE_TIMESTAMP adjusted_mtime = mtime;

#if defined(WINDOWS32) || defined(__MSDOS__)
      /* Experimentation has shown that FAT filesystems can set file times
         up to 3 seconds into the future!  Play it safe.  */


      if (ORDINARY_MTIME_MIN + adjustment <= adjusted_mtime)
        adjusted_mtime -= adjustment;
#elif defined(__EMX__)
      /* FAT filesystems round time to the nearest even second!
         Allow for any file (NTFS or FAT) to perhaps suffer from this
         brain damage.  */
      FILE_TIMESTAMP adjustment = (((FILE_TIMESTAMP_S (adjusted_mtime) & 1) == 0
                     && FILE_TIMESTAMP_NS (adjusted_mtime) == 0)
                    ? (FILE_TIMESTAMP) 1 << FILE_TIMESTAMP_LO_BITS
                    : 0);

      /* If the file's time appears to be in the future, update our
         concept of the present and try once more.  */
      if (adjusted_now < adjusted_mtime)
          int resolution;
          FILE_TIMESTAMP now = file_timestamp_now (&resolution);
          adjusted_now = now + (resolution - 1);
          if (adjusted_now < adjusted_mtime)
#ifdef NO_FLOAT
              error (NILF, _("Warning: File '%s' has modification time in the future"),
              double from_now =
                (FILE_TIMESTAMP_S (mtime) - FILE_TIMESTAMP_S (now)
                 + ((FILE_TIMESTAMP_NS (mtime) - FILE_TIMESTAMP_NS (now))
                    / 1e9));
              char from_now_string[100];

              if (from_now >= 99 && from_now <= ULONG_MAX)
                sprintf (from_now_string, "%lu", (unsigned long) from_now);
                sprintf (from_now_string, "%.2g", from_now);
              error (NILF, _("Warning: File '%s' has modification time %s s in the future"),
                     file->name, from_now_string);
              clock_skew_detected = 1;

  /* Store the mtime into all the entries for this file.  */
  if (file->double_colon)
    file = file->double_colon;

      /* If this file is not implicit but it is intermediate then it was
	 made so by the .INTERMEDIATE target.  If this file has never
	 been built by us but was found now, it existed before make
	 started.  So, turn off the intermediate bit so make doesn't
	 delete it, since it didn't create it.  */
      if (mtime != NONEXISTENT_MTIME && file->command_state == cs_not_started
	  && file->command_state == cs_not_started
	  && !file->tried_implicit && file->intermediate)
	file->intermediate = 0;

      file->last_mtime = mtime;
      file = file->prev;
  while (file != 0);

  return mtime;