static GstFlowReturn
gst_aravis_create (GstPushSrc * push_src, GstBuffer ** buffer)
	GstAravis *gst_aravis;
	ArvBuffer *arv_buffer;
	int arv_row_stride;
	int width, height;
	char *buffer_data;
	size_t buffer_size;
	guint64 timestamp_ns;

	gst_aravis = GST_ARAVIS (push_src);

	do {
		arv_buffer = arv_stream_timeout_pop_buffer (gst_aravis->stream, gst_aravis->buffer_timeout_us);
		if (arv_buffer != NULL && arv_buffer_get_status (arv_buffer) != ARV_BUFFER_STATUS_SUCCESS)
			arv_stream_push_buffer (gst_aravis->stream, arv_buffer);
	} while (arv_buffer != NULL && arv_buffer_get_status (arv_buffer) != ARV_BUFFER_STATUS_SUCCESS);

	if (arv_buffer == NULL)
		return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

	*buffer = gst_buffer_new ();

	buffer_data = (char *) arv_buffer_get_data (arv_buffer, &buffer_size);
	arv_buffer_get_image_region (arv_buffer, NULL, NULL, &width, &height);
	arv_row_stride = width * ARV_PIXEL_FORMAT_BIT_PER_PIXEL (arv_buffer_get_image_pixel_format (arv_buffer)) / 8;
	timestamp_ns = arv_buffer_get_timestamp (arv_buffer);

	/* Gstreamer requires row stride to be a multiple of 4 */
	if ((arv_row_stride & 0x3) != 0) {
		int gst_row_stride;
		size_t size;
		void *data;
		int i;

		gst_row_stride = (arv_row_stride & ~(0x3)) + 4;

		size = height * gst_row_stride;
		data = g_malloc (size);

		for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
			memcpy (((char *) data) + i * gst_row_stride, buffer_data + i * arv_row_stride, arv_row_stride);

		GST_BUFFER_DATA (buffer) = data;
		GST_BUFFER_MALLOCDATA (buffer) = data;
		GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buffer) = size;
	} else {
		GST_BUFFER_DATA (*buffer) = buffer_data;
		GST_BUFFER_SIZE (*buffer) = buffer_size;

	if (!gst_base_src_get_do_timestamp(GST_BASE_SRC(push_src))) {
		if (gst_aravis->timestamp_offset == 0) {
			gst_aravis->timestamp_offset = timestamp_ns;
			gst_aravis->last_timestamp = timestamp_ns;

		GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP (*buffer) = timestamp_ns - gst_aravis->timestamp_offset;
		GST_BUFFER_DURATION (*buffer) = timestamp_ns - gst_aravis->last_timestamp;

		gst_aravis->last_timestamp = timestamp_ns;

	arv_stream_push_buffer (gst_aravis->stream, arv_buffer);

	gst_buffer_set_caps (*buffer, gst_aravis->fixed_caps);

	return GST_FLOW_OK;
static void NewBuffer_callback (ArvStream *pStream, ApplicationData *pApplicationdata)
	static uint64_t  cm = 0L;	// Camera time prev
	uint64_t  		 cn = 0L;	// Camera time now

#ifdef TUNING			
	static uint64_t  rm = 0L;	// ROS time prev
	uint64_t  		 rn = 0L;	// ROS time now

	static uint64_t	 tm = 0L;	// Calculated image time prev
	uint64_t		 tn = 0L;	// Calculated image time now
	static int64_t   em = 0L;	// Error prev.
	int64_t  		 en = 0L;	// Error now between calculated image time and ROS time.
	int64_t  		 de = 0L;	// derivative.
	int64_t  		 ie = 0L;	// integral.
	int64_t			 u = 0L;	// Output of controller.
	int64_t			 kp1 = 0L;		// Fractional gains in integer form.
	int64_t			 kp2 = 1024L;
	int64_t			 kd1 = 0L;
	int64_t			 kd2 = 1024L;
	int64_t			 ki1 = -1L;		// A gentle pull toward zero.
	int64_t			 ki2 = 1024L;

	static uint32_t	 iFrame = 0;	// Frame counter.
	ArvBuffer		*pBuffer;

#ifdef TUNING			
	std_msgs::Int64  msgInt64;
	int 			 kp = 0;
	int 			 kd = 0;
	int 			 ki = 0;
	if (global.phNode->hasParam(ros::this_node::getName()+"/kp"))
		global.phNode->getParam(ros::this_node::getName()+"/kp", kp);
		kp1 = kp;
	if (global.phNode->hasParam(ros::this_node::getName()+"/kd"))
		global.phNode->getParam(ros::this_node::getName()+"/kd", kd);
		kd1 = kd;
	if (global.phNode->hasParam(ros::this_node::getName()+"/ki"))
		global.phNode->getParam(ros::this_node::getName()+"/ki", ki);
		ki1 = ki;
    pBuffer = arv_stream_try_pop_buffer (pStream);
    if (pBuffer != NULL) 
        if (arv_buffer_get_status(pBuffer) == ARV_BUFFER_STATUS_SUCCESS) 
			sensor_msgs::Image msg;
      size_t currSize = arv_buffer_get_image_width(pBuffer) * arv_buffer_get_image_height(pBuffer) * global.nBytesPixel;
			std::vector<uint8_t> this_data(currSize);
			memcpy(&this_data[0], arv_buffer_get_data(pBuffer, &currSize), currSize);

			// Camera/ROS Timestamp coordination.
			cn				= (uint64_t)arv_buffer_get_timestamp(pBuffer);				// Camera now
			rn	 			= ros::Time::now().toNSec();					// ROS now
			if (iFrame < 10)
				cm = cn;
				tm  = rn;
			// Control the error between the computed image timestamp and the ROS timestamp.
			en = (int64_t)tm + (int64_t)cn - (int64_t)cm - (int64_t)rn; // i.e. tn-rn, but calced from prior values.
			de = en-em;
			ie += en;
			u = kp1*(en/kp2) + ki1*(ie/ki2) + kd1*(de/kd2);  // kp<0, ki<0, kd>0
			// Compute the new timestamp.
			tn = (uint64_t)((int64_t)tm + (int64_t)cn-(int64_t)cm + u);

#ifdef TUNING			
			ROS_WARN("en=%16ld, ie=%16ld, de=%16ld, u=%16ld + %16ld + %16ld = %16ld", en, ie, de, kp1*(en/kp2), ki1*(ie/ki2), kd1*(de/kd2), u);
			ROS_WARN("cn=%16lu, rn=%16lu, cn-cm=%8ld, rn-rm=%8ld, tn-tm=%8ld, tn-rn=%ld", cn, rn, cn-cm, rn-rm, (int64_t)tn-(int64_t)tm, tn-rn);
			msgInt64.data = tn-rn; //cn-cm+tn-tm; //
			rm = rn;
			// Save prior values.
			cm = cn;
			tm = tn;
			em = en;
			// Construct the image message.
			msg.header.seq = arv_buffer_get_frame_id(pBuffer);
			msg.header.frame_id = global.config.frame_id;
			msg.width = global.widthRoi;
			msg.height = global.heightRoi;
			msg.encoding = global.pszPixelformat;
			msg.step = msg.width * global.nBytesPixel;
			msg.data = this_data;

			// get current CameraInfo data
			global.camerainfo = global.pCameraInfoManager->getCameraInfo();
			global.camerainfo.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp;
			global.camerainfo.header.seq = msg.header.seq;
			global.camerainfo.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id;
			global.camerainfo.width = global.widthRoi;
			global.camerainfo.height = global.heightRoi;

			global.publisher.publish(msg, global.camerainfo);
        	ROS_WARN ("Frame error: %s", szBufferStatusFromInt[arv_buffer_get_status(pBuffer)]);
	 			arv_stream_push_buffer (pStream, pBuffer);
} // NewBuffer_callback()