bool CvCaptureCAM_Aravis::open( int index )
    if(create(index)) {
        // fetch properties bounds
        pixelFormats = arv_camera_get_available_pixel_formats(camera, &pixelFormatsCnt);

        arv_camera_get_width_bounds(camera, &widthMin, &widthMax);
        arv_camera_get_height_bounds(camera, &heightMin, &heightMax);
        arv_camera_set_region(camera, 0, 0, widthMax, heightMax);

        if( (fpsAvailable = arv_camera_is_frame_rate_available(camera)) )
            arv_camera_get_frame_rate_bounds(camera, &fpsMin, &fpsMax);
        if( (gainAvailable = arv_camera_is_gain_available(camera)) )
            arv_camera_get_gain_bounds (camera, &gainMin, &gainMax);
        if( (exposureAvailable = arv_camera_is_exposure_time_available(camera)) )
            arv_camera_get_exposure_time_bounds (camera, &exposureMin, &exposureMax);

        // get initial values
        pixelFormat = arv_camera_get_pixel_format(camera);
        exposure = exposureAvailable ? arv_camera_get_exposure_time(camera) : 0;
        gain = gainAvailable ? arv_camera_get_gain(camera) : 0;
        fps = arv_camera_get_frame_rate(camera);

        return startCapture();
    return false;
    bool CameraGigeAravis::grabInitialization(){

        frameCounter = 0;

        payload = arv_camera_get_payload (camera);
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera payload : " << payload;

        pixFormat = arv_camera_get_pixel_format(camera);

        arv_camera_get_exposure_time_bounds (camera, &exposureMin, &exposureMax);
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera exposure bound min : " << exposureMin;
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera exposure bound max : " << exposureMax;

        arv_camera_get_gain_bounds (camera, &gainMin, &gainMax);
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera gain bound min : " << gainMin;
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera gain bound max : " << gainMax;

        arv_camera_set_frame_rate(camera, 30);

        fps = arv_camera_get_frame_rate(camera);
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera frame rate : " << fps;

        capsString = arv_pixel_format_to_gst_caps_string(pixFormat);
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera format : " << capsString;

        gain = arv_camera_get_gain(camera);
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera gain : " << gain;

        exp = arv_camera_get_exposure_time(camera);
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, notification) << "Camera exposure : " << exp;

        cout << endl;

        cout << "DEVICE SELECTED : " << arv_camera_get_device_id(camera)    << endl;
        cout << "DEVICE NAME     : " << arv_camera_get_model_name(camera)   << endl;
        cout << "DEVICE VENDOR   : " << arv_camera_get_vendor_name(camera)  << endl;
        cout << "PAYLOAD         : " << payload                             << endl;
        cout << "Width           : " << mWidth                               << endl
             << "Height          : " << mHeight                              << endl;
        cout << "Exp Range       : [" << exposureMin    << " - " << exposureMax   << "]"  << endl;
        cout << "Exp             : " << exp                                 << endl;
        cout << "Gain Range      : [" << gainMin        << " - " << gainMax       << "]"  << endl;
        cout << "Gain            : " << gain                                << endl;
        cout << "Fps             : " << fps                                 << endl;
        cout << "Type            : " << capsString                         << endl;

        cout << endl;

        // Create a new stream object. Open stream on Camera.
        stream = arv_camera_create_stream(camera, NULL, NULL);

        if(stream == NULL){

            BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, critical) << "Fail to create stream with arv_camera_create_stream()";
            return false;


        if (ARV_IS_GV_STREAM(stream)){

            bool            arv_option_auto_socket_buffer   = true;
            bool            arv_option_no_packet_resend     = true;
            unsigned int    arv_option_packet_timeout       = 20;
            unsigned int    arv_option_frame_retention      = 100;


                            // ARV_GV_STREAM_SOCKET_BUFFER_FIXED : socket buffer is set to a given fixed value.
                            // ARV_GV_STREAM_SOCKET_BUFFER_AUTO: socket buffer is set with respect to the payload size.
                            "socket-buffer", ARV_GV_STREAM_SOCKET_BUFFER_AUTO,
                            // Socket buffer size, in bytes.
                            // Allowed values: >= G_MAXULONG
                            // Default value: 0
                            "socket-buffer-size", 0, NULL);



                // # packet-resend : Enables or disables the packet resend mechanism

                // If packet resend is disabled and a packet has been lost during transmission,
                // the grab result for the returned buffer holding the image will indicate that
                // the grab failed and the image will be incomplete.
                // If packet resend is enabled and a packet has been lost during transmission,
                // a request is sent to the camera. If the camera still has the packet in its
                // buffer, it will resend the packet. If there are several lost packets in a
                // row, the resend requests will be combined.

                            // ARV_GV_STREAM_PACKET_RESEND_NEVER: never request a packet resend
                            // ARV_GV_STREAM_PACKET_RESEND_ALWAYS: request a packet resend if a packet was missing
                            // Default value: ARV_GV_STREAM_PACKET_RESEND_ALWAYS
                            "packet-resend", ARV_GV_STREAM_PACKET_RESEND_NEVER, NULL);


                        // # packet-timeout

                        // The Packet Timeout parameter defines how long (in milliseconds) we will wait for
                        // the next expected packet before it initiates a resend request.

                        // Packet timeout, in µs.
                        // Allowed values: [1000,10000000]
                        // Default value: 40000
                        "packet-timeout",/* (unsigned) arv_option_packet_timeout * 1000*/(unsigned)40000,
                        // # frame-retention

                        // The Frame Retention parameter sets the timeout (in milliseconds) for the
                        // frame retention timer. Whenever detection of the leader is made for a frame,
                        // the frame retention timer starts. The timer resets after each packet in the
                        // frame is received and will timeout after the last packet is received. If the
                        // timer times out at any time before the last packet is received, the buffer for
                        // the frame will be released and will be indicated as an unsuccessful grab.

                        // Packet retention, in µs.
                        // Allowed values: [1000,10000000]
                        // Default value: 200000
                        "frame-retention", /*(unsigned) arv_option_frame_retention * 1000*/(unsigned) 200000,NULL);

            return false;

        // Push 50 buffer in the stream input buffer queue.
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            arv_stream_push_buffer(stream, arv_buffer_new(payload, NULL));

        return true;

 * Initialize components for gtk window
static Win* create_ui () 
    Win* w = malloc(sizeof(Win));

    /* create a new window */
    w->main_window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    /* area that will display our stream */
    w->video_window = gtk_drawing_area_new ();

    /* ===== framerate settings ===== */
    w->framerate_field = gtk_entry_new();

    /* connect button event to callback function */
    w->framerate_send_button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Set FrameRate");
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (w->framerate_send_button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (framerate_value_changed), w);

    /* ===== exposure scale ===== */
    w->exposure_label = gtk_label_new("Exposure:");

    gdouble value;
    g_object_get (G_OBJECT (p.source), "exposure", &value, NULL);

    w->exposure_value_label = gtk_label_new("0.0");
    /* the label should give enough space to not rezise */
    gtk_label_set_width_chars (GTK_LABEL(w->exposure_value_label), 10);
    /* the scale will have a range from 0 to 100 to use the percentage to implement a log scale */
    double rmin = 0;
    double rmax = 100;

    double rangelen2 = log(rmax) - log(rmin);
    double exposure_value = (ABSVAL_SLIDER_TICKS) / rangelen2 * ( log(value) - log(rmin) );
    gdouble exposure_lower          = 0.0;       /* min value */
    gdouble exposure_upper          = 100.0;     /* max value */
    gdouble exposure_step_increment = 1.0;       /* step size */
    gdouble exposure_page_increment = -10.0;     /* negatic value, to make page up increase value */
    gdouble exposure_page_size      = 0.0;

    GtkObject* wat = gtk_adjustment_new ( exposure_value,

    w->exposure_hscale = gtk_hscale_new (GTK_ADJUSTMENT(wat));
    gtk_scale_set_draw_value(GTK_SCALE (w->exposure_hscale), FALSE);
    gtk_widget_set_usize (GTK_WIDGET (w->exposure_hscale), 400, 30);
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(wat), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (exposure_value_changed), w);
    set_slider_label (GTK_LABEL(w->exposure_value_label), value);

    /* ===== gain part ===== */

    w->gain_label = gtk_label_new("Gain:");

    double gain_value;
    gdouble gain_lower; /* min value */
    gdouble gain_upper; /* max value */    

    w->gain_value_label = gtk_label_new("0.0");

    g_object_get (G_OBJECT (p.source), "gain", &gain_value, NULL);
    arv_camera_get_gain_bounds (p.camera, &gain_lower, &gain_upper);

    set_slider_label (GTK_LABEL(w->gain_value_label), gain_value);

    gdouble gain_step_increment = 0.1;       /* step size */
    gdouble gain_page_increment = -1.0;
    gdouble gain_page_size      = 0.0;

    GtkObject* range_gain = gtk_adjustment_new (gain_value,

    w->gain_hscale = gtk_hscale_new (GTK_ADJUSTMENT(range_gain));
    gtk_scale_set_draw_value(GTK_SCALE (w->gain_hscale), FALSE);
    gtk_widget_set_usize (GTK_WIDGET (w->gain_hscale), 400, 50);
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(range_gain), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK (gain_value_changed), w);

    GtkWidget* toggle;
    toggle = gtk_button_new_with_label("Start/Stop");
    g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (toggle), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (togglePipelineState), NULL);

    /* ===== organize everything and place in window ===== */

    w->controls = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);

    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), toggle, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), w->framerate_field, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), w->framerate_send_button, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), w->exposure_label, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), w->exposure_value_label, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), w->exposure_hscale, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), w->gain_label, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), w->gain_value_label, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->controls), w->gain_hscale, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    w->main_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->main_hbox), w->video_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    w->main_box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->main_box), w->main_hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (w->main_box), w->controls, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (w->main_window), w->main_box);

    gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (w->main_window), HEIGHT, WIDTH);
    /* show all widgets we just added to out main window */
    gtk_widget_show_all (w->main_window);

    return w;
int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    char   		*pszGuid = NULL;
    char    	 szGuid[512];
    int			 nInterfaces = 0;
    int			 nDevices = 0;
    int 		 i = 0;
	const char	*pkeyAcquisitionFrameRate[2] = {"AcquisitionFrameRate", "AcquisitionFrameRateAbs"};
    ArvGcNode	*pGcNode;
	GError		*error=NULL;

    global.bCancel = FALSE;
    global.config = global.config.__getDefault__();
    global.idSoftwareTriggerTimer = 0;

    ros::init(argc, argv, "camera");
    global.phNode = new ros::NodeHandle();

    // Service callback for firing nuc's. 
	// Needed since we cannot open another connection to cameras while streaming.
	ros::NodeHandle nh;
	ros::ServiceServer NUCservice = nh.advertiseService("FireNUC", NUCService_callback);

    //g_type_init ();

    // Print out some useful info.
    ROS_INFO ("Attached cameras:");
    nInterfaces = arv_get_n_interfaces();
    ROS_INFO ("# Interfaces: %d", nInterfaces);

    nDevices = arv_get_n_devices();
    ROS_INFO ("# Devices: %d", nDevices);
    for (i=0; i<nDevices; i++)
    	ROS_INFO ("Device%d: %s", i, arv_get_device_id(i));
    if (nDevices>0)
		// Get the camera guid from either the command-line or as a parameter.
    	if (argc==2)
    		strcpy(szGuid, argv[1]);
    		pszGuid = szGuid;
    		if (global.phNode->hasParam(ros::this_node::getName()+"/guid"))
    			std::string		stGuid;
    			global.phNode->getParam(ros::this_node::getName()+"/guid", stGuid);
    			strcpy (szGuid, stGuid.c_str());
        		pszGuid = szGuid;
    			pszGuid = NULL;
    	// Open the camera, and set it up.
    	ROS_INFO("Opening: %s", pszGuid ? pszGuid : "(any)");
		while (TRUE)
			global.pCamera = arv_camera_new(pszGuid);
			if (global.pCamera)
				ROS_WARN ("Could not open camera %s.  Retrying...", pszGuid);

		global.pDevice = arv_camera_get_device(global.pCamera);
		ROS_INFO("Opened: %s-%s", arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "DeviceVendorName"), arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "DeviceID"));

		// See if some basic camera features exist.
		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "AcquisitionMode");
		global.isImplementedAcquisitionMode = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "GainRaw");
		global.isImplementedGain = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;
		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "Gain");
		global.isImplementedGain |= ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "ExposureTimeAbs");
		global.isImplementedExposureTimeAbs = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "ExposureAuto");
		global.isImplementedExposureAuto = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "GainAuto");
		global.isImplementedGainAuto = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "TriggerSelector");
		global.isImplementedTriggerSelector = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "TriggerSource");
		global.isImplementedTriggerSource = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "TriggerMode");
		global.isImplementedTriggerMode = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "FocusPos");
		global.isImplementedFocusPos = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "GevSCPSPacketSize");
		global.isImplementedMtu = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, "AcquisitionFrameRateEnable");
		global.isImplementedAcquisitionFrameRateEnable = ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode) ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;

		// Find the key name for framerate.
		global.keyAcquisitionFrameRate = NULL;
		for (i=0; i<2; i++)
			pGcNode = arv_device_get_feature (global.pDevice, pkeyAcquisitionFrameRate[i]);
			global.isImplementedAcquisitionFrameRate = pGcNode ? arv_gc_feature_node_is_implemented (ARV_GC_FEATURE_NODE (pGcNode), &error) : FALSE;
			if (global.isImplementedAcquisitionFrameRate)
				global.keyAcquisitionFrameRate = pkeyAcquisitionFrameRate[i];

		// Get parameter bounds.
		arv_camera_get_exposure_time_bounds	(global.pCamera, &global.configMin.ExposureTimeAbs, &global.configMax.ExposureTimeAbs);
		arv_camera_get_gain_bounds			(global.pCamera, &global.configMin.Gain, &global.configMax.Gain);
		arv_camera_get_sensor_size			(global.pCamera, &global.widthSensor, &global.heightSensor);
		arv_camera_get_width_bounds			(global.pCamera, &global.widthRoiMin, &global.widthRoiMax);
		arv_camera_get_height_bounds		(global.pCamera, &global.heightRoiMin, &global.heightRoiMax);

		if (global.isImplementedFocusPos)
			gint64 focusMin64, focusMax64;
			arv_device_get_integer_feature_bounds (global.pDevice, "FocusPos", &focusMin64, &focusMax64);
			global.configMin.FocusPos = focusMin64;
			global.configMax.FocusPos = focusMax64;
			global.configMin.FocusPos = 0;
			global.configMax.FocusPos = 0;

		global.configMin.AcquisitionFrameRate =    0.0;
		global.configMax.AcquisitionFrameRate = 1000.0;

		// Initial camera settings.
		if (global.isImplementedExposureTimeAbs)
			arv_device_set_float_feature_value(global.pDevice, "ExposureTimeAbs", global.config.ExposureTimeAbs);
		if (global.isImplementedGain)
			arv_camera_set_gain(global.pCamera, global.config.Gain);
			//arv_device_set_integer_feature_value(global.pDevice, "GainRaw", global.config.GainRaw);
		if (global.isImplementedAcquisitionFrameRateEnable)
			arv_device_set_integer_feature_value(global.pDevice, "AcquisitionFrameRateEnable", 1);
		if (global.isImplementedAcquisitionFrameRate)
			arv_device_set_float_feature_value(global.pDevice, global.keyAcquisitionFrameRate, global.config.AcquisitionFrameRate);

		// Set up the triggering.
		if (global.isImplementedTriggerMode)
			if (global.isImplementedTriggerSelector && global.isImplementedTriggerMode)
				arv_device_set_string_feature_value(global.pDevice, "TriggerSelector", "AcquisitionStart");
				arv_device_set_string_feature_value(global.pDevice, "TriggerMode", "Off");
				arv_device_set_string_feature_value(global.pDevice, "TriggerSelector", "FrameStart");
				arv_device_set_string_feature_value(global.pDevice, "TriggerMode", "Off");

		WriteCameraFeaturesFromRosparam ();

#ifdef TUNING			
		ros::Publisher pubInt64 = global.phNode->advertise<std_msgs::Int64>(ros::this_node::getName()+"/dt", 100);
		global.ppubInt64 = &pubInt64;
    // Grab the calibration file url from the param server if exists
    std::string calibrationURL = ""; // Default looks in .ros/camera_info
		if (!(ros::param::get(std::string("calibrationURL").append(arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "DeviceID")), calibrationURL)))
			ROS_ERROR("ERROR: Could not read calibrationURL from parameter server");

		// Start the camerainfo manager.
		global.pCameraInfoManager = new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(ros::NodeHandle(ros::this_node::getName()), arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "DeviceID"), calibrationURL);

		// Start the dynamic_reconfigure server.
		dynamic_reconfigure::Server<Config> 				reconfigureServer;
		dynamic_reconfigure::Server<Config>::CallbackType 	reconfigureCallback;

		reconfigureCallback = boost::bind(&RosReconfigure_callback, _1, _2);

		// Get parameter current values.
		global.xRoi=0; global.yRoi=0; global.widthRoi=0; global.heightRoi=0;
		arv_camera_get_region (global.pCamera, &global.xRoi, &global.yRoi, &global.widthRoi, &global.heightRoi);
		global.config.ExposureTimeAbs 	= global.isImplementedExposureTimeAbs ? arv_device_get_float_feature_value (global.pDevice, "ExposureTimeAbs") : 0;
		global.config.Gain      		= global.isImplementedGain ? arv_camera_get_gain (global.pCamera) : 0.0;
		global.pszPixelformat   		= g_string_ascii_down(g_string_new(arv_device_get_string_feature_value(global.pDevice, "PixelFormat")))->str;
		global.nBytesPixel      		= ARV_PIXEL_FORMAT_BYTE_PER_PIXEL(arv_device_get_integer_feature_value(global.pDevice, "PixelFormat"));
		global.config.FocusPos  		= global.isImplementedFocusPos ? arv_device_get_integer_feature_value (global.pDevice, "FocusPos") : 0;
		// Print information.
		ROS_INFO ("    Using Camera Configuration:");
		ROS_INFO ("    ---------------------------");
		ROS_INFO ("    Vendor name          = %s", arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "DeviceVendorName"));
		ROS_INFO ("    Model name           = %s", arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "DeviceModelName"));
		ROS_INFO ("    Device id            = %s", arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "DeviceID"));
		ROS_INFO ("    Sensor width         = %d", global.widthSensor);
		ROS_INFO ("    Sensor height        = %d", global.heightSensor);
		ROS_INFO ("    ROI x,y,w,h          = %d, %d, %d, %d", global.xRoi, global.yRoi, global.widthRoi, global.heightRoi);
		ROS_INFO ("    Pixel format         = %s", global.pszPixelformat);
		ROS_INFO ("    BytesPerPixel        = %d", global.nBytesPixel);
		ROS_INFO ("    Acquisition Mode     = %s", global.isImplementedAcquisitionMode ? arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "AcquisitionMode") : "(not implemented in camera)");
		ROS_INFO ("    Trigger Mode         = %s", global.isImplementedTriggerMode ? arv_device_get_string_feature_value (global.pDevice, "TriggerMode") : "(not implemented in camera)");
		ROS_INFO ("    Trigger Source       = %s", global.isImplementedTriggerSource ? arv_device_get_string_feature_value(global.pDevice, "TriggerSource") : "(not implemented in camera)");
		ROS_INFO ("    Can set FrameRate:     %s", global.isImplementedAcquisitionFrameRate ? "True" : "False");
		if (global.isImplementedAcquisitionFrameRate)
			global.config.AcquisitionFrameRate = arv_device_get_float_feature_value (global.pDevice, global.keyAcquisitionFrameRate);
			ROS_INFO ("    AcquisitionFrameRate = %g hz", global.config.AcquisitionFrameRate);

		ROS_INFO ("    Can set Exposure:      %s", global.isImplementedExposureTimeAbs ? "True" : "False");
		if (global.isImplementedExposureTimeAbs)
			ROS_INFO ("    Can set ExposureAuto:  %s", global.isImplementedExposureAuto ? "True" : "False");
			ROS_INFO ("    Exposure             = %g us in range [%g,%g]", global.config.ExposureTimeAbs, global.configMin.ExposureTimeAbs, global.configMax.ExposureTimeAbs);

		ROS_INFO ("    Can set Gain:          %s", global.isImplementedGain ? "True" : "False");
		if (global.isImplementedGain)
			ROS_INFO ("    Can set GainAuto:      %s", global.isImplementedGainAuto ? "True" : "False");
			ROS_INFO ("    Gain                 = %f %% in range [%f,%f]", global.config.Gain, global.configMin.Gain, global.configMax.Gain);

		ROS_INFO ("    Can set FocusPos:      %s", global.isImplementedFocusPos ? "True" : "False");

		if (global.isImplementedMtu)
			ROS_INFO ("    Network mtu          = %lu", arv_device_get_integer_feature_value(global.pDevice, "GevSCPSPacketSize"));

		ROS_INFO ("    ---------------------------");

//		// Print the tree of camera features, with their values.
//		ROS_INFO ("    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
//		NODEEX		 nodeex;
//		ArvGc	*pGenicam=0;
//		pGenicam = arv_device_get_genicam(global.pDevice);
//		nodeex.szName = "Root";
//		nodeex.pNode = (ArvDomNode	*)arv_gc_get_node(pGenicam, nodeex.szName);
//		nodeex.pNodeSibling = NULL;
//		PrintDOMTree(pGenicam, nodeex, 0);
//		ROS_INFO ("    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------");

		ArvGvStream *pStream = NULL;
		while (TRUE)
			pStream = CreateStream();
			if (pStream)
				ROS_WARN("Could not create image stream for %s.  Retrying...", pszGuid);

		ApplicationData applicationdata;
		applicationdata.main_loop = 0;

		// Set up image_raw.
		image_transport::ImageTransport		*pTransport = new image_transport::ImageTransport(*global.phNode);
		global.publisher = pTransport->advertiseCamera(ros::this_node::getName()+"/image_raw", 1);

		// Connect signals with callbacks.
		g_signal_connect (pStream,        "new-buffer",   G_CALLBACK (NewBuffer_callback),   &applicationdata);
		g_signal_connect (global.pDevice, "control-lost", G_CALLBACK (ControlLost_callback), NULL);
		g_timeout_add_seconds (1, PeriodicTask_callback, &applicationdata);
		arv_stream_set_emit_signals ((ArvStream *)pStream, TRUE);

		void (*pSigintHandlerOld)(int);
		pSigintHandlerOld = signal (SIGINT, set_cancel);

		arv_device_execute_command (global.pDevice, "AcquisitionStart");

		applicationdata.main_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
		g_main_loop_run (applicationdata.main_loop);

		if (global.idSoftwareTriggerTimer)
			global.idSoftwareTriggerTimer = 0;

		signal (SIGINT, pSigintHandlerOld);

		g_main_loop_unref (applicationdata.main_loop);

		guint64 n_completed_buffers;
		guint64 n_failures;
		guint64 n_underruns;
		guint64 n_resent;
		guint64 n_missing;
		arv_stream_get_statistics ((ArvStream *)pStream, &n_completed_buffers, &n_failures, &n_underruns);
		ROS_INFO ("Completed buffers = %Lu", (unsigned long long) n_completed_buffers);
		ROS_INFO ("Failures          = %Lu", (unsigned long long) n_failures);
		ROS_INFO ("Underruns         = %Lu", (unsigned long long) n_underruns);
		arv_gv_stream_get_statistics (pStream, &n_resent, &n_missing);
		ROS_INFO ("Resent buffers    = %Lu", (unsigned long long) n_resent);
		ROS_INFO ("Missing           = %Lu", (unsigned long long) n_missing);

		arv_device_execute_command (global.pDevice, "AcquisitionStop");

		g_object_unref (pStream);

    	ROS_ERROR ("No cameras detected.");
    delete global.phNode;
    return 0;
} // main()