static char *builtin_function_checkmd5(struct ast_channel *chan, char *cmd, char *data, char *buf, size_t len) { int argc; char *argv[2]; char *args; char newmd5[33]; if (!data || ast_strlen_zero(data)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Syntax: CHECK_MD5(<digest>,<data>) - missing argument!\n"); return NULL; } args = ast_strdupa(data); argc = ast_app_separate_args(args, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])); if (argc < 2) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Syntax: CHECK_MD5(<digest>,<data>) - missing argument!\n"); return NULL; } ast_md5_hash(newmd5, argv[1]); if (!strcasecmp(newmd5, argv[0])) /* they match */ ast_copy_string(buf, "1", len); else ast_copy_string(buf, "0", len); return buf; }
/*! \brief SpeechLoadGrammar(Grammar Name|Path) Dialplan Application */ static int speech_load(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { int res = 0, argc = 0; struct ast_module_user *u = NULL; struct ast_speech *speech = find_speech(chan); char *argv[2], *args = NULL, *name = NULL, *path = NULL; args = ast_strdupa(data); u = ast_module_user_add(chan); if (speech == NULL) { ast_module_user_remove(u); return -1; } /* Parse out arguments */ argc = ast_app_separate_args(args, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])); if (argc != 2) { ast_module_user_remove(u); return -1; } name = argv[0]; path = argv[1]; /* Load the grammar locally on the object */ res = ast_speech_grammar_load(speech, name, path); ast_module_user_remove(u); return res; }
static int app_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { int res = 0; struct ast_flags flags; struct localuser *u; char *options=NULL; char *dummy = NULL; char *args; int argc = 0; char *opts[2]; char *argv[2]; if (ast_strlen_zero(data)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s requires an argument (dummy|[options])\n",app); return -1; } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); /* Do our thing here */ /* We need to make a copy of the input string if we are going to modify it! */ args = ast_strdupa(data); if (!args) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory!\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } if ((argc = ast_app_separate_args(args, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])))) { dummy = argv[0]; options = argv[1]; ast_app_parse_options(app_opts, &flags, opts, options); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(dummy)) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Dummy value is : %s\n", dummy); if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_A)) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Option A is set\n"); if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_B)) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"Option B is set with : %s\n", opts[0] ? opts[0] : "<unspecified>"); if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_C)) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE,"Option C is set with : %s\n", opts[1] ? opts[1] : "<unspecified>"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return res; }
static int common_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_flags *flags, int volfactor, const int fd, struct spy_dtmf_options *user_options, const char *mygroup, const char *myenforced, const char *spec, const char *exten, const char *context, const char *mailbox, const char *name_context) { char nameprefix[AST_NAME_STRLEN]; char peer_name[AST_NAME_STRLEN + 5]; char exitcontext[AST_MAX_CONTEXT] = ""; signed char zero_volume = 0; int waitms; int res; char *ptr; int num; int num_spyed_upon = 1; struct ast_channel_iterator *iter = NULL; if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_EXIT)) { const char *c; ast_channel_lock(chan); if ((c = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "SPY_EXIT_CONTEXT"))) { ast_copy_string(exitcontext, c, sizeof(exitcontext)); } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext)) { ast_copy_string(exitcontext, chan->macrocontext, sizeof(exitcontext)); } else { ast_copy_string(exitcontext, chan->context, sizeof(exitcontext)); } ast_channel_unlock(chan); } if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) ast_answer(chan); ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); /* so nobody can spy on us while we are spying */ waitms = 100; for (;;) { struct ast_autochan *autochan = NULL, *next_autochan = NULL; struct ast_channel *prev = NULL; if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET) && num_spyed_upon) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); else if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(exitcontext)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = res; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (!ast_goto_if_exists(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1)) goto exit; else ast_debug(2, "Exit by single digit did not work in chanspy. Extension %s does not exist in context %s\n", tmp, exitcontext); } } /* Set up the iterator we'll be using during this call */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(spec)) { iter = ast_channel_iterator_by_name_new(spec, strlen(spec)); } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(exten)) { iter = ast_channel_iterator_by_exten_new(exten, context); } else { iter = ast_channel_iterator_all_new(); } if (!iter) { return -1; } res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, waitms); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(exitcontext)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = res; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (!ast_goto_if_exists(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1)) goto exit; else ast_debug(2, "Exit by single digit did not work in chanspy. Extension %s does not exist in context %s\n", tmp, exitcontext); } /* reset for the next loop around, unless overridden later */ waitms = 100; num_spyed_upon = 0; for (autochan = next_channel(iter, autochan, chan); autochan; prev = autochan->chan, ast_autochan_destroy(autochan), autochan = next_autochan ? next_autochan : next_channel(iter, autochan, chan), next_autochan = NULL) { int igrp = !mygroup; int ienf = !myenforced; char *s; if (autochan->chan == prev) { ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); break; } if (ast_check_hangup(chan)) { ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); break; } if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_BRIDGED) && !ast_bridged_channel(autochan->chan)) { continue; } if (ast_check_hangup(autochan->chan) || ast_test_flag(autochan->chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING)) { continue; } if (mygroup) { int num_groups = 0; int num_mygroups = 0; char dup_group[512]; char dup_mygroup[512]; char *groups[NUM_SPYGROUPS]; char *mygroups[NUM_SPYGROUPS]; const char *group = NULL; int x; int y; ast_copy_string(dup_mygroup, mygroup, sizeof(dup_mygroup)); num_mygroups = ast_app_separate_args(dup_mygroup, ':', mygroups, ARRAY_LEN(mygroups)); /* Before dahdi scan was part of chanspy, it would use the "GROUP" variable * rather than "SPYGROUP", this check is done to preserve expected behavior */ if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_DAHDI_SCAN)) { group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(autochan->chan, "GROUP"); } else { group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(autochan->chan, "SPYGROUP"); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(group)) { ast_copy_string(dup_group, group, sizeof(dup_group)); num_groups = ast_app_separate_args(dup_group, ':', groups, ARRAY_LEN(groups)); } for (y = 0; y < num_mygroups; y++) { for (x = 0; x < num_groups; x++) { if (!strcmp(mygroups[y], groups[x])) { igrp = 1; break; } } } } if (!igrp) { continue; } if (myenforced) { char ext[AST_CHANNEL_NAME + 3]; char buffer[512]; char *end; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, ":%s:", myenforced); ast_copy_string(ext + 1, autochan->chan->name, sizeof(ext) - 1); if ((end = strchr(ext, '-'))) { *end++ = ':'; *end = '\0'; } ext[0] = ':'; if (strcasestr(buffer, ext)) { ienf = 1; } } if (!ienf) { continue; } strcpy(peer_name, "spy-"); strncat(peer_name, autochan->chan->name, AST_NAME_STRLEN - 4 - 1); ptr = strchr(peer_name, '/'); *ptr++ = '\0'; ptr = strsep(&ptr, "-"); for (s = peer_name; s < ptr; s++) *s = tolower(*s); if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET)) { if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_NAME)) { const char *local_context = S_OR(name_context, "default"); const char *local_mailbox = S_OR(mailbox, ptr); res = ast_app_sayname(chan, local_mailbox, local_context); } if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_NAME) || res < 0) { if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_NOTECH)) { if (ast_fileexists(peer_name, NULL, NULL) > 0) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, peer_name, chan->language); if (!res) { res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } if (res) { ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); break; } } else { res = ast_say_character_str(chan, peer_name, "", chan->language); } } if ((num = atoi(ptr))) ast_say_digits(chan, atoi(ptr), "", chan->language); } } res = channel_spy(chan, autochan, &volfactor, fd, user_options, flags, exitcontext); num_spyed_upon++; if (res == -1) { ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); goto exit; } else if (res == -2) { res = 0; ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); goto exit; } else if (res > 1 && spec) { struct ast_channel *next; snprintf(nameprefix, AST_NAME_STRLEN, "%s/%d", spec, res); if ((next = ast_channel_get_by_name_prefix(nameprefix, strlen(nameprefix)))) { next_autochan = ast_autochan_setup(next); next = ast_channel_unref(next); } else { /* stay on this channel, if it is still valid */ if (!ast_check_hangup(autochan->chan)) { next_autochan = ast_autochan_setup(autochan->chan); } else { /* the channel is gone */ next_autochan = NULL; } } } else if (res == 0 && ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_EXITONHANGUP)) { goto exit; } } iter = ast_channel_iterator_destroy(iter); if (res == -1 || ast_check_hangup(chan)) break; if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_STOP) && !next_autochan) { break; } } exit: ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &zero_volume, sizeof(zero_volume), 0); return res; }
/*! * \brief Parameter parsing callback for /bridges/{bridgeId}/removeChannel. * \param get_params GET parameters in the HTTP request. * \param path_vars Path variables extracted from the request. * \param headers HTTP headers. * \param[out] response Response to the HTTP request. */ static void ast_ari_bridges_remove_channel_cb( struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, struct ast_variable *get_params, struct ast_variable *path_vars, struct ast_variable *headers, struct ast_ari_response *response) { struct ast_ari_bridges_remove_channel_args args = {}; struct ast_variable *i; RAII_VAR(struct ast_json *, body, NULL, ast_json_unref); #if defined(AST_DEVMODE) int is_valid; int code; #endif /* AST_DEVMODE */ for (i = get_params; i; i = i->next) { if (strcmp(i->name, "channel") == 0) { /* Parse comma separated list */ char *vals[MAX_VALS]; size_t j; args.channel_parse = ast_strdup(i->value); if (!args.channel_parse) { ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(response); goto fin; } if (strlen(args.channel_parse) == 0) { /* ast_app_separate_args can't handle "" */ args.channel_count = 1; vals[0] = args.channel_parse; } else { args.channel_count = ast_app_separate_args( args.channel_parse, ',', vals, ARRAY_LEN(vals)); } if (args.channel_count == 0) { ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(response); goto fin; } if (args.channel_count >= MAX_VALS) { ast_ari_response_error(response, 400, "Bad Request", "Too many values for channel"); goto fin; } = ast_malloc(sizeof(* * args.channel_count); if (! { ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(response); goto fin; } for (j = 0; j < args.channel_count; ++j) {[j] = (vals[j]); } } else {} } for (i = path_vars; i; i = i->next) { if (strcmp(i->name, "bridgeId") == 0) { args.bridge_id = (i->value); } else {} } /* Look for a JSON request entity */ body = ast_http_get_json(ser, headers); if (!body) { switch (errno) { case EFBIG: ast_ari_response_error(response, 413, "Request Entity Too Large", "Request body too large"); goto fin; case ENOMEM: ast_ari_response_error(response, 500, "Internal Server Error", "Error processing request"); goto fin; case EIO: ast_ari_response_error(response, 400, "Bad Request", "Error parsing request body"); goto fin; } } if (ast_ari_bridges_remove_channel_parse_body(body, &args)) { ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(response); goto fin; } ast_ari_bridges_remove_channel(headers, &args, response); #if defined(AST_DEVMODE) code = response->response_code; switch (code) { case 0: /* Implementation is still a stub, or the code wasn't set */ is_valid = response->message == NULL; break; case 500: /* Internal Server Error */ case 501: /* Not Implemented */ case 400: /* Channel not found */ case 404: /* Bridge not found */ case 409: /* Bridge not in Stasis application */ case 422: /* Channel not in this bridge */ is_valid = 1; break; default: if (200 <= code && code <= 299) { is_valid = ast_ari_validate_void( response->message); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Invalid error response %d for /bridges/{bridgeId}/removeChannel\n", code); is_valid = 0; } } if (!is_valid) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Response validation failed for /bridges/{bridgeId}/removeChannel\n"); ast_ari_response_error(response, 500, "Internal Server Error", "Response validation failed"); } #endif /* AST_DEVMODE */ fin: __attribute__((unused)) ast_free(args.channel_parse); ast_free(; return; }
static int app_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct ast_module_user *lu; struct playlist_entry *entry; const char *args = data; int child_stdin[2] = { 0,0 }; int child_stdout[2] = { 0,0 }; int child_stderr[2] = { 0,0 }; int res = -1; int test_available_fd = -1; int gen_active = 0; int pid; char *argv[32]; int argc = 1; char *buf, *command; FILE *child_commands = NULL; FILE *child_errors = NULL; FILE *child_events = NULL; struct ivr_localuser foo = { .playlist = AST_LIST_HEAD_INIT_VALUE, .finishlist = AST_LIST_HEAD_INIT_VALUE, }; struct ivr_localuser *u = &foo; sigset_t fullset, oldset; lu = ast_module_user_add(chan); sigfillset(&fullset); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &fullset, &oldset); u->abort_current_sound = 0; u->chan = chan; if (ast_strlen_zero(args)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ExternalIVR requires a command to execute\n"); ast_module_user_remove(lu); return -1; } buf = ast_strdupa(data); argc = ast_app_separate_args(buf, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])); if (pipe(child_stdin)) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Could not create pipe for child input: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto exit; } if (pipe(child_stdout)) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Could not create pipe for child output: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto exit; } if (pipe(child_stderr)) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Could not create pipe for child errors: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto exit; } if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) { ast_answer(chan); } if (ast_activate_generator(chan, &gen, u) < 0) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Failed to activate generator\n"); goto exit; } else gen_active = 1; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to fork(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto exit; } if (!pid) { /* child process */ int i; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &fullset, NULL); if (ast_opt_high_priority) ast_set_priority(0); dup2(child_stdin[0], STDIN_FILENO); dup2(child_stdout[1], STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(child_stderr[1], STDERR_FILENO); for (i = STDERR_FILENO + 1; i < 1024; i++) close(i); execv(argv[0], argv); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to execute '%s': %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno)); _exit(1); } else { /* parent process */ int child_events_fd = child_stdin[1]; int child_commands_fd = child_stdout[0]; int child_errors_fd = child_stderr[0]; struct ast_frame *f; int ms; int exception; int ready_fd; int waitfds[2] = { child_errors_fd, child_commands_fd }; struct ast_channel *rchan; pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, NULL); close(child_stdin[0]); child_stdin[0] = 0; close(child_stdout[1]); child_stdout[1] = 0; close(child_stderr[1]); child_stderr[1] = 0; if (!(child_events = fdopen(child_events_fd, "w"))) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Could not open stream for child events\n"); goto exit; } if (!(child_commands = fdopen(child_commands_fd, "r"))) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Could not open stream for child commands\n"); goto exit; } if (!(child_errors = fdopen(child_errors_fd, "r"))) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Could not open stream for child errors\n"); goto exit; } test_available_fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); setvbuf(child_events, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(child_commands, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(child_errors, NULL, _IONBF, 0); res = 0; while (1) { if (ast_test_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_ZOMBIE)) { ast_chan_log(LOG_NOTICE, chan, "Is a zombie\n"); res = -1; break; } if (ast_check_hangup(chan)) { ast_chan_log(LOG_NOTICE, chan, "Got check_hangup\n"); send_child_event(child_events, 'H', NULL, chan); res = -1; break; } ready_fd = 0; ms = 100; errno = 0; exception = 0; rchan = ast_waitfor_nandfds(&chan, 1, waitfds, 2, &exception, &ready_fd, &ms); if (!AST_LIST_EMPTY(&u->finishlist)) { AST_LIST_LOCK(&u->finishlist); while ((entry = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&u->finishlist, list))) { send_child_event(child_events, 'F', entry->filename, chan); free(entry); } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&u->finishlist); } if (rchan) { /* the channel has something */ f = ast_read(chan); if (!f) { ast_chan_log(LOG_NOTICE, chan, "Returned no frame\n"); send_child_event(child_events, 'H', NULL, chan); res = -1; break; } if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) { send_child_event(child_events, f->subclass, NULL, chan); if (u->option_autoclear) { if (!u->abort_current_sound && !u->playing_silence) send_child_event(child_events, 'T', NULL, chan); AST_LIST_LOCK(&u->playlist); while ((entry = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&u->playlist, list))) { send_child_event(child_events, 'D', entry->filename, chan); free(entry); } if (!u->playing_silence) u->abort_current_sound = 1; AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&u->playlist); } } else if ((f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CONTROL) && (f->subclass == AST_CONTROL_HANGUP)) { ast_chan_log(LOG_NOTICE, chan, "Got AST_CONTROL_HANGUP\n"); send_child_event(child_events, 'H', NULL, chan); ast_frfree(f); res = -1; break; } ast_frfree(f); } else if (ready_fd == child_commands_fd) { char input[1024]; if (exception || feof(child_commands)) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Child process went away\n"); res = -1; break; } if (!fgets(input, sizeof(input), child_commands)) continue; command = ast_strip(input); ast_chan_log(LOG_DEBUG, chan, "got command '%s'\n", input); if (strlen(input) < 4) continue; if (input[0] == 'S') { if (ast_fileexists(&input[2], NULL, u->chan->language) == -1) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Unknown file requested '%s'\n", &input[2]); send_child_event(child_events, 'Z', NULL, chan); strcpy(&input[2], "exception"); } if (!u->abort_current_sound && !u->playing_silence) send_child_event(child_events, 'T', NULL, chan); AST_LIST_LOCK(&u->playlist); while ((entry = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&u->playlist, list))) { send_child_event(child_events, 'D', entry->filename, chan); free(entry); } if (!u->playing_silence) u->abort_current_sound = 1; entry = make_entry(&input[2]); if (entry) AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(&u->playlist, entry, list); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&u->playlist); } else if (input[0] == 'A') { if (ast_fileexists(&input[2], NULL, u->chan->language) == -1) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Unknown file requested '%s'\n", &input[2]); send_child_event(child_events, 'Z', NULL, chan); strcpy(&input[2], "exception"); } entry = make_entry(&input[2]); if (entry) { AST_LIST_LOCK(&u->playlist); AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(&u->playlist, entry, list); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&u->playlist); } } else if (input[0] == 'H') { ast_chan_log(LOG_NOTICE, chan, "Hanging up: %s\n", &input[2]); send_child_event(child_events, 'H', NULL, chan); break; } else if (input[0] == 'O') { if (!strcasecmp(&input[2], "autoclear")) u->option_autoclear = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(&input[2], "noautoclear")) u->option_autoclear = 0; else ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Unknown option requested '%s'\n", &input[2]); } } else if (ready_fd == child_errors_fd) { char input[1024]; if (exception || (dup2(child_commands_fd, test_available_fd) == -1) || feof(child_errors)) { ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Child process went away\n"); res = -1; break; } if (fgets(input, sizeof(input), child_errors)) { command = ast_strip(input); ast_chan_log(LOG_NOTICE, chan, "stderr: %s\n", command); } } else if ((ready_fd < 0) && ms) { if (errno == 0 || errno == EINTR) continue; ast_chan_log(LOG_WARNING, chan, "Wait failed (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); break; } } } exit: if (gen_active) ast_deactivate_generator(chan); if (child_events) fclose(child_events); if (child_commands) fclose(child_commands); if (child_errors) fclose(child_errors); if (test_available_fd > -1) { close(test_available_fd); } if (child_stdin[0]) close(child_stdin[0]); if (child_stdin[1]) close(child_stdin[1]); if (child_stdout[0]) close(child_stdout[0]); if (child_stdout[1]) close(child_stdout[1]); if (child_stderr[0]) close(child_stderr[0]); if (child_stderr[1]) close(child_stderr[1]); while ((entry = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&u->playlist, list))) free(entry); ast_module_user_remove(lu); return res; }
/*! \brief SpeechBackground(Sound File|Timeout) Dialplan Application */ static int speech_background(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { unsigned int timeout = 0; int res = 0, done = 0, argc = 0, started = 0, quieted = 0, max_dtmf_len = 0; struct ast_module_user *u = NULL; struct ast_speech *speech = find_speech(chan); struct ast_frame *f = NULL; int oldreadformat = AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR; char dtmf[AST_MAX_EXTENSION] = ""; time_t start, current; struct ast_datastore *datastore = NULL; char *argv[2], *args = NULL, *filename_tmp = NULL, *filename = NULL, tmp[2] = "", dtmf_terminator = '#'; const char *tmp2 = NULL; args = ast_strdupa(data); u = ast_module_user_add(chan); if (speech == NULL) { ast_module_user_remove(u); return -1; } /* If channel is not already answered, then answer it */ if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP && ast_answer(chan)) { ast_module_user_remove(u); return -1; } /* Record old read format */ oldreadformat = chan->readformat; /* Change read format to be signed linear */ if (ast_set_read_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR)) { ast_module_user_remove(u); return -1; } /* Parse out options */ argc = ast_app_separate_args(args, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])); if (argc > 0) { /* Yay sound file */ filename_tmp = ast_strdupa(argv[0]); if (!ast_strlen_zero(argv[1])) { if ((timeout = atoi(argv[1])) == 0) timeout = -1; } else timeout = 0; } /* See if the maximum DTMF length variable is set... we use a variable in case they want to carry it through their entire dialplan */ if ((tmp2 = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "SPEECH_DTMF_MAXLEN")) && !ast_strlen_zero(tmp2)) max_dtmf_len = atoi(tmp2); /* See if a terminator is specified */ if ((tmp2 = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "SPEECH_DTMF_TERMINATOR"))) { if (ast_strlen_zero(tmp2)) dtmf_terminator = '\0'; else dtmf_terminator = tmp2[0]; } /* Before we go into waiting for stuff... make sure the structure is ready, if not - start it again */ if (speech->state == AST_SPEECH_STATE_NOT_READY || speech->state == AST_SPEECH_STATE_DONE) { ast_speech_change_state(speech, AST_SPEECH_STATE_NOT_READY); ast_speech_start(speech); } /* Ensure no streams are currently running */ ast_stopstream(chan); /* Okay it's streaming so go into a loop grabbing frames! */ while (done == 0) { /* If the filename is null and stream is not running, start up a new sound file */ if (!quieted && (chan->streamid == -1 && chan->timingfunc == NULL) && (filename = strsep(&filename_tmp, "&"))) { /* Discard old stream information */ ast_stopstream(chan); /* Start new stream */ speech_streamfile(chan, filename, chan->language); } /* Run scheduled stuff */ ast_sched_runq(chan->sched); /* Yay scheduling */ res = ast_sched_wait(chan->sched); if (res < 0) { res = 1000; } /* If there is a frame waiting, get it - if not - oh well */ if (ast_waitfor(chan, res) > 0) { f = ast_read(chan); if (f == NULL) { /* The channel has hung up most likely */ done = 3; break; } } /* Do timeout check (shared between audio/dtmf) */ if ((!quieted || strlen(dtmf)) && started == 1) { time(¤t); if ((current-start) >= timeout) { done = 1; if (f) ast_frfree(f); break; } } /* Do checks on speech structure to see if it's changed */ ast_mutex_lock(&speech->lock); if (ast_test_flag(speech, AST_SPEECH_QUIET)) { if (chan->stream) ast_stopstream(chan); ast_clear_flag(speech, AST_SPEECH_QUIET); quieted = 1; } /* Check state so we can see what to do */ switch (speech->state) { case AST_SPEECH_STATE_READY: /* If audio playback has stopped do a check for timeout purposes */ if (chan->streamid == -1 && chan->timingfunc == NULL) ast_stopstream(chan); if (!quieted && chan->stream == NULL && timeout && started == 0 && !filename_tmp) { if (timeout == -1) { done = 1; if (f) ast_frfree(f); break; } time(&start); started = 1; } /* Write audio frame out to speech engine if no DTMF has been received */ if (!strlen(dtmf) && f != NULL && f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE) { ast_speech_write(speech, f->data, f->datalen); } break; case AST_SPEECH_STATE_WAIT: /* Cue up waiting sound if not already playing */ if (!strlen(dtmf)) { if (chan->stream == NULL) { if (speech->processing_sound != NULL) { if (strlen(speech->processing_sound) > 0 && strcasecmp(speech->processing_sound,"none")) { speech_streamfile(chan, speech->processing_sound, chan->language); } } } else if (chan->streamid == -1 && chan->timingfunc == NULL) { ast_stopstream(chan); if (speech->processing_sound != NULL) { if (strlen(speech->processing_sound) > 0 && strcasecmp(speech->processing_sound,"none")) { speech_streamfile(chan, speech->processing_sound, chan->language); } } } } break; case AST_SPEECH_STATE_DONE: /* Now that we are done... let's switch back to not ready state */ ast_speech_change_state(speech, AST_SPEECH_STATE_NOT_READY); if (!strlen(dtmf)) { /* Copy to speech structure the results, if available */ speech->results = ast_speech_results_get(speech); /* Break out of our background too */ done = 1; /* Stop audio playback */ if (chan->stream != NULL) { ast_stopstream(chan); } } break; default: break; } ast_mutex_unlock(&speech->lock); /* Deal with other frame types */ if (f != NULL) { /* Free the frame we received */ switch (f->frametype) { case AST_FRAME_DTMF: if (dtmf_terminator != '\0' && f->subclass == dtmf_terminator) { done = 1; } else { if (chan->stream != NULL) { ast_stopstream(chan); } if (!started) { /* Change timeout to be 5 seconds for DTMF input */ timeout = (chan->pbx && chan->pbx->dtimeout) ? chan->pbx->dtimeout : 5; started = 1; } time(&start); snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%c", f->subclass); strncat(dtmf, tmp, sizeof(dtmf) - strlen(dtmf) - 1); /* If the maximum length of the DTMF has been reached, stop now */ if (max_dtmf_len && strlen(dtmf) == max_dtmf_len) done = 1; } break; case AST_FRAME_CONTROL: switch (f->subclass) { case AST_CONTROL_HANGUP: /* Since they hung up we should destroy the speech structure */ done = 3; default: break; } default: break; } ast_frfree(f); f = NULL; } } if (strlen(dtmf)) { /* We sort of make a results entry */ speech->results = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*speech->results)); if (speech->results != NULL) { ast_speech_dtmf(speech, dtmf); speech->results->score = 1000; speech->results->text = strdup(dtmf); speech->results->grammar = strdup("dtmf"); } ast_speech_change_state(speech, AST_SPEECH_STATE_NOT_READY); } /* See if it was because they hung up */ if (done == 3) { /* Destroy speech structure */ ast_speech_destroy(speech); datastore = ast_channel_datastore_find(chan, &speech_datastore, NULL); if (datastore != NULL) { ast_channel_datastore_remove(chan, datastore); } } else { /* Channel is okay so restore read format */ ast_set_read_format(chan, oldreadformat); } ast_module_user_remove(u); return 0; }
static int app_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { int res = 0, argc = 0, max_digits = 0, timeout = 0, alreadyran = 0, old_writeformat = 0; int ms, len, availatend; char *argv[3], *parse = NULL, *text = NULL, *rc = NULL; char tmp_exten[2], results[20]; struct ast_module_user *u; struct ast_frame *f; struct timeval next; struct stuff *ps; struct myframe { struct ast_frame f; unsigned char offset[AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET]; unsigned char frdata[framesize]; } myf; swift_engine *engine; swift_port *port = NULL; swift_voice *voice; swift_params *params; swift_result_t sresult; swift_background_t tts_stream; unsigned int event_mask; memset(results, 0 ,20); memset(tmp_exten, 0, 2); memset(argv, 0, 3); parse = ast_strdupa(data); u = ast_module_user_add(chan); argc = ast_app_separate_args(parse, ',', argv, 3); text = argv[0]; if (!ast_strlen_zero(argv[1])) { timeout = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(argv[2])) { max_digits = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0); } if (ast_strlen_zero(text)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s requires text to speak!\n", app); return -1; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(text)) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Text to Speak : %s\n", text); } if (timeout > 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Timeout : %d\n", timeout); } if (max_digits > 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Max Digits : %d\n", max_digits); } ps = malloc(sizeof(struct stuff)); swift_init_stuff(ps); /* Setup synthesis */ if ((engine = swift_engine_open(NULL)) == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to open Swift Engine.\n"); goto exception; } params = swift_params_new(NULL); swift_params_set_string(params, "audio/encoding", "ulaw"); swift_params_set_string(params, "audio/sampling-rate", "8000"); swift_params_set_string(params, "audio/output-format", "raw"); swift_params_set_string(params, "tts/text-encoding", "utf-8"); /* Additional swift parameters * * swift_params_set_float(params, "speech/pitch/shift", 1.0); * swift_params_set_int(params, "speech/rate", 150); * swift_params_set_int(params, "audio/volume", 110); * swift_params_set_int(params, "audio/deadair", 0); */ if ((port = swift_port_open(engine, params)) == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to open Swift Port.\n"); goto exception; } if ((voice = swift_port_set_voice_by_name(port, cfg_voice)) == NULL) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set voice.\n"); goto exception; } event_mask = SWIFT_EVENT_AUDIO | SWIFT_EVENT_END; swift_port_set_callback(port, &swift_cb, event_mask, ps); if (SWIFT_FAILED(swift_port_speak_text(port, text, 0, NULL, &tts_stream, NULL))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to speak.\n"); goto exception; } if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) { ast_answer(chan); } ast_stopstream(chan); old_writeformat = chan->writeformat; if (ast_set_write_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_ULAW) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set write format.\n"); goto exception; } res = 0; /* Wait 100ms first for synthesis to start crankin'; if that's not * enough the */ next = ast_tvadd(ast_tvnow(), ast_tv(0, 100000)); while (swift_generator_running(ps)) { ms = ast_tvdiff_ms(next, ast_tvnow()); if (ms <= 0) { if (swift_bytes_available(ps) > 0) { ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(ps); len = fmin(framesize, ps->qc); availatend = cfg_buffer_size - (ps->pq_r - ps->q); if (len > availatend) { /* read #1: to end of q buf */ memcpy(myf.frdata, ps->pq_r, availatend); ps->qc -= availatend; /* read #2: reset to start of q buf and get rest */ ps->pq_r = ps->q; memcpy(myf.frdata + availatend, ps->pq_r, len - availatend); ps->qc -= len - availatend; ps->pq_r += len - availatend; } else { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Easy read; %d bytes and %d at end, %d free\n", len, availatend, cfg_buffer_size - ps->qc); memcpy(myf.frdata, ps->pq_r, len); ps->qc -= len; ps->pq_r += len; } myf.f.frametype = AST_FRAME_VOICE; myf.f.subclass = AST_FORMAT_ULAW; myf.f.datalen = len; myf.f.samples = len; = myf.frdata; myf.f.mallocd = 0; myf.f.offset = AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET; myf.f.src = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; = 0; = 0; if (ast_write(chan, &myf.f) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "ast_write failed\n"); } ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "wrote a frame of %d\n", len); if (ps->qc < 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "queue claims to contain negative bytes. Huh? qc < 0\n"); } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(ps); next = ast_tvadd(next, ast_samp2tv(myf.f.samples, samplerate)); } else { next = ast_tvadd(next, ast_samp2tv(framesize / 2, samplerate)); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Whoops, writer starved for audio\n"); } } else { ms = ast_waitfor(chan, ms); if (ms < 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Hangup detected\n"); res = -1; ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(ps); ps->immediate_exit = 1; ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(ps); } else if (ms) { f = ast_read(chan); if (!f) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Null frame == hangup() detected\n"); res = -1; ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(ps); ps->immediate_exit = 1; ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(ps); } else if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF && timeout > 0 && max_digits > 0) { char originDTMF = f->subclass; alreadyran = 1; res = 0; ASTOBJ_WRLOCK(ps); ps->immediate_exit = 1; ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(ps); if (max_digits > 1) { rc = listen_for_dtmf(chan, timeout, max_digits - 1); } if (rc) { sprintf(results, "%c%s", originDTMF, rc); } else { sprintf(results, "%c", originDTMF); } ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "DTMF = %s\n", results); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "SWIFT_DTMF", results); } ast_frfree(f); } } ASTOBJ_RDLOCK(ps); if (ps->immediate_exit && !ps->generating_done) { if (SWIFT_FAILED(sresult = swift_port_stop(port, tts_stream, SWIFT_EVENT_NOW))) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Early top of swift port failed\n"); } } ASTOBJ_UNLOCK(ps); } if (alreadyran == 0 && timeout > 0 && max_digits > 0) { rc = listen_for_dtmf(chan, timeout, max_digits); if (rc != NULL) { sprintf(results, "%s", rc); ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "DTMF = %s\n", results); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "SWIFT_DTMF", results); } } if (max_digits >= 1 && results != NULL) { if (cfg_goto_exten) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "GoTo(%s|%s|%d) : ", chan->context, results, 1); if (ast_exists_extension (chan, chan->context, results, 1, chan->cid.cid_num)) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "OK\n"); ast_copy_string(chan->exten, results, sizeof(chan->exten) - 1); chan->priority = 0; } else { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "FAILED\n"); } } } exception: if (port != NULL) { swift_port_close(port); } if (engine != NULL) { swift_engine_close(engine); } if (ps && ps->q) { ast_free(ps->q); ps->q = NULL; } if (ps) { ast_free(ps); ps = NULL; } if (!res && old_writeformat) { ast_set_write_format(chan, old_writeformat); } ast_module_user_remove(u); return res; }
/*! * \brief Parameter parsing callback for /applications/{applicationName}/subscription. * \param get_params GET parameters in the HTTP request. * \param path_vars Path variables extracted from the request. * \param headers HTTP headers. * \param[out] response Response to the HTTP request. */ static void ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe_cb( struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser, struct ast_variable *get_params, struct ast_variable *path_vars, struct ast_variable *headers, struct ast_json *body, struct ast_ari_response *response) { struct ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe_args args = {}; struct ast_variable *i; #if defined(AST_DEVMODE) int is_valid; int code; #endif /* AST_DEVMODE */ for (i = get_params; i; i = i->next) { if (strcmp(i->name, "eventSource") == 0) { /* Parse comma separated list */ char *vals[MAX_VALS]; size_t j; args.event_source_parse = ast_strdup(i->value); if (!args.event_source_parse) { ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(response); goto fin; } if (strlen(args.event_source_parse) == 0) { /* ast_app_separate_args can't handle "" */ args.event_source_count = 1; vals[0] = args.event_source_parse; } else { args.event_source_count = ast_app_separate_args( args.event_source_parse, ',', vals, ARRAY_LEN(vals)); } if (args.event_source_count == 0) { ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(response); goto fin; } if (args.event_source_count >= MAX_VALS) { ast_ari_response_error(response, 400, "Bad Request", "Too many values for event_source"); goto fin; } args.event_source = ast_malloc(sizeof(*args.event_source) * args.event_source_count); if (!args.event_source) { ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(response); goto fin; } for (j = 0; j < args.event_source_count; ++j) { args.event_source[j] = (vals[j]); } } else {} } for (i = path_vars; i; i = i->next) { if (strcmp(i->name, "applicationName") == 0) { args.application_name = (i->value); } else {} } if (ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe_parse_body(body, &args)) { ast_ari_response_alloc_failed(response); goto fin; } ast_ari_applications_unsubscribe(headers, &args, response); #if defined(AST_DEVMODE) code = response->response_code; switch (code) { case 0: /* Implementation is still a stub, or the code wasn't set */ is_valid = response->message == NULL; break; case 500: /* Internal Server Error */ case 501: /* Not Implemented */ case 400: /* Missing parameter; event source scheme not recognized. */ case 404: /* Application does not exist. */ case 409: /* Application not subscribed to event source. */ case 422: /* Event source does not exist. */ is_valid = 1; break; default: if (200 <= code && code <= 299) { is_valid = ast_ari_validate_application( response->message); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Invalid error response %d for /applications/{applicationName}/subscription\n", code); is_valid = 0; } } if (!is_valid) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Response validation failed for /applications/{applicationName}/subscription\n"); ast_ari_response_error(response, 500, "Internal Server Error", "Response validation failed"); } #endif /* AST_DEVMODE */ fin: __attribute__((unused)) ast_free(args.event_source_parse); ast_free(args.event_source); return; }
static int read_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { int res = 0; struct localuser *u; char tmp[256]; char *timeout = NULL; char *varname = NULL; char *filename = NULL; char *loops; char *maxdigitstr=NULL; char *options=NULL; int option_skip = 0; int option_noanswer = 0; int maxdigits=255; int tries = 1; int to = 0; int x = 0; char *argcopy = NULL; char *args[8]; if (ast_strlen_zero(data)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Read requires an argument (variable)\n"); return -1; } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); argcopy = ast_strdupa(data); if (!argcopy) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } if (ast_app_separate_args(argcopy, '|', args, sizeof(args) / sizeof(args[0])) < 1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot Parse Arguments.\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } varname = args[x++]; filename = args[x++]; maxdigitstr = args[x++]; options = args[x++]; loops = args[x++]; timeout = args[x++]; if (options) { if (!strcasecmp(options, "skip")) option_skip = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(options, "noanswer")) option_noanswer = 1; else { if (strchr(options, 's')) option_skip = 1; if (strchr(options, 'n')) option_noanswer = 1; } } if(loops) { tries = atoi(loops); if(tries <= 0) tries = 1; } if(timeout) { to = atoi(timeout); if (to <= 0) to = 0; else to *= 1000; } if (ast_strlen_zero(filename)) filename = NULL; if (maxdigitstr) { maxdigits = atoi(maxdigitstr); if ((maxdigits<1) || (maxdigits>255)) { maxdigits = 255; } else if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Accepting a maximum of %d digits.\n", maxdigits); } if (ast_strlen_zero(varname)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid! Usage: Read(variable[|filename][|maxdigits][|option][|attempts][|timeout])\n\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) { if (option_skip) { /* At the user's option, skip if the line is not up */ pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, varname, "\0"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return 0; } else if (!option_noanswer) { /* Otherwise answer unless we're supposed to read while on-hook */ res = ast_answer(chan); } } if (!res) { while(tries && !res) { ast_stopstream(chan); res = ast_app_getdata(chan, filename, tmp, maxdigits, to); if (res > -1) { pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, varname, tmp); if (!ast_strlen_zero(tmp)) { if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "User entered '%s'\n", tmp); tries = 0; } else { tries--; if (option_verbose > 2) { if (tries) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "User entered nothing, %d chance%s left\n", tries, (tries != 1) ? "s" : ""); else ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "User entered nothing.\n"); } } res = 0; } else { if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "User disconnected\n"); } } } LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return res; }
static int controlplayback_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { int res = 0, priority_jump = 0; int skipms = 0; struct localuser *u; char *tmp; int argc; char *argv[8]; enum arg_ids { arg_file = 0, arg_skip = 1, arg_fwd = 2, arg_rev = 3, arg_stop = 4, arg_pause = 5, arg_restart = 6, options = 7, }; if (ast_strlen_zero(data)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ControlPlayback requires an argument (filename)\n"); return -1; } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); tmp = ast_strdupa(data); memset(argv, 0, sizeof(argv)); argc = ast_app_separate_args(tmp, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])); if (argc < 1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ControlPlayback requires an argument (filename)\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } skipms = argv[arg_skip] ? atoi(argv[arg_skip]) : 3000; if (!skipms) skipms = 3000; if (!argv[arg_fwd] || !is_on_phonepad(*argv[arg_fwd])) argv[arg_fwd] = "#"; if (!argv[arg_rev] || !is_on_phonepad(*argv[arg_rev])) argv[arg_rev] = "*"; if (argv[arg_stop] && !is_on_phonepad(*argv[arg_stop])) argv[arg_stop] = NULL; if (argv[arg_pause] && !is_on_phonepad(*argv[arg_pause])) argv[arg_pause] = NULL; if (argv[arg_restart] && !is_on_phonepad(*argv[arg_restart])) argv[arg_restart] = NULL; if (argv[options]) { if (strchr(argv[options], 'j')) priority_jump = 1; } res = ast_control_streamfile(chan, argv[arg_file], argv[arg_fwd], argv[arg_rev], argv[arg_stop], argv[arg_pause], argv[arg_restart], skipms); /* If we stopped on one of our stop keys, return 0 */ if (argv[arg_stop] && strchr(argv[arg_stop], res)) { res = 0; pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "CPLAYBACKSTATUS", "USERSTOPPED"); } else { if (res < 0) { if (priority_jump || ast_opt_priority_jumping) { if (ast_goto_if_exists(chan, chan->context, chan->exten, chan->priority + 101)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "ControlPlayback tried to jump to priority n+101 as requested, but priority didn't exist\n"); } } res = 0; pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "CPLAYBACKSTATUS", "ERROR"); } else pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "CPLAYBACKSTATUS", "SUCCESS"); } LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return res; }
static int common_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, const struct ast_flags *flags, int volfactor, const int fd, const char *mygroup, const char *myenforced, const char *spec, const char *exten, const char *context) { char nameprefix[AST_NAME_STRLEN]; char peer_name[AST_NAME_STRLEN + 5]; char exitcontext[AST_MAX_CONTEXT] = ""; signed char zero_volume = 0; int waitms; int res; char *ptr; int num; int num_spyed_upon = 1; struct chanspy_ds chanspy_ds; if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_EXIT)) { const char *c; if ((c = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "SPY_EXIT_CONTEXT"))) ast_copy_string(exitcontext, c, sizeof(exitcontext)); else if (!ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext)) ast_copy_string(exitcontext, chan->macrocontext, sizeof(exitcontext)); else ast_copy_string(exitcontext, chan->context, sizeof(exitcontext)); } ast_mutex_init(&chanspy_ds.lock); snprintf(chanspy_ds.unique_id, sizeof(chanspy_ds.unique_id), "%d", ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&next_unique_id_to_use, +1)); if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) ast_answer(chan); ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); /* so nobody can spy on us while we are spying */ waitms = 100; for (;;) { struct chanspy_ds *peer_chanspy_ds = NULL, *next_chanspy_ds = NULL; struct ast_channel *prev = NULL, *peer = NULL; if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET) && num_spyed_upon) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); else if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(exitcontext)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = res; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (!ast_goto_if_exists(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1)) goto exit; else ast_debug(2, "Exit by single digit did not work in chanspy. Extension %s does not exist in context %s\n", tmp, exitcontext); } } res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, waitms); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(exitcontext)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = res; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (!ast_goto_if_exists(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1)) goto exit; else ast_debug(2, "Exit by single digit did not work in chanspy. Extension %s does not exist in context %s\n", tmp, exitcontext); } /* reset for the next loop around, unless overridden later */ waitms = 100; num_spyed_upon = 0; for (peer_chanspy_ds = next_channel(chan, prev, spec, exten, context, &chanspy_ds); peer_chanspy_ds; chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds), prev = peer, peer_chanspy_ds = next_chanspy_ds ? next_chanspy_ds : next_channel(chan, prev, spec, exten, context, &chanspy_ds), next_chanspy_ds = NULL) { const char *group; int igrp = !mygroup; char *groups[25]; int num_groups = 0; char dup_group[512]; int x; char *s; char *buffer; char *end; char *ext; char *form_enforced; int ienf = !myenforced; peer = peer_chanspy_ds->chan; ast_mutex_unlock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); if (peer == prev) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } if (ast_check_hangup(chan)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_BRIDGED) && !ast_bridged_channel(peer)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (ast_check_hangup(peer) || ast_test_flag(peer, AST_FLAG_SPYING)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (mygroup) { if ((group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(peer, "SPYGROUP"))) { ast_copy_string(dup_group, group, sizeof(dup_group)); num_groups = ast_app_separate_args(dup_group, ':', groups, ARRAY_LEN(groups)); } for (x = 0; x < num_groups; x++) { if (!strcmp(mygroup, groups[x])) { igrp = 1; break; } } } if (!igrp) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (myenforced) { /* We don't need to allocate more space than just the length of (peer->name) for ext as we will cut the channel name's ending before copying into ext */ ext = alloca(strlen(peer->name)); form_enforced = alloca(strlen(myenforced) + 3); strcpy(form_enforced, ":"); strcat(form_enforced, myenforced); strcat(form_enforced, ":"); buffer = ast_strdupa(peer->name); if ((end = strchr(buffer, '-'))) { *end++ = ':'; *end = '\0'; } strcpy(ext, ":"); strcat(ext, buffer); if (strcasestr(form_enforced, ext)) ienf = 1; } if (!ienf) continue; strcpy(peer_name, "spy-"); strncat(peer_name, peer->name, AST_NAME_STRLEN - 4 - 1); ptr = strchr(peer_name, '/'); *ptr++ = '\0'; for (s = peer_name; s < ptr; s++) *s = tolower(*s); /* We have to unlock the peer channel here to avoid a deadlock. * So, when we need to dereference it again, we have to lock the * datastore and get the pointer from there to see if the channel * is still valid. */ ast_channel_unlock(peer); if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET)) { if (ast_fileexists(peer_name, NULL, NULL) != -1) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, peer_name, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); if (res) { chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } } else res = ast_say_character_str(chan, peer_name, "", chan->language); if ((num = atoi(ptr))) ast_say_digits(chan, atoi(ptr), "", chan->language); } res = channel_spy(chan, peer_chanspy_ds, &volfactor, fd, flags, exitcontext); num_spyed_upon++; if (res == -1) { chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); goto exit; } else if (res == -2) { res = 0; chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); goto exit; } else if (res > 1 && spec) { struct ast_channel *next; snprintf(nameprefix, AST_NAME_STRLEN, "%s/%d", spec, res); if ((next = ast_get_channel_by_name_prefix_locked(nameprefix, strlen(nameprefix)))) { peer_chanspy_ds = chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); next_chanspy_ds = setup_chanspy_ds(next, &chanspy_ds); } else { /* stay on this channel, if it is still valid */ ast_mutex_lock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); if (peer_chanspy_ds->chan) { ast_channel_lock(peer_chanspy_ds->chan); next_chanspy_ds = peer_chanspy_ds; peer_chanspy_ds = NULL; } else { /* the channel is gone */ ast_mutex_unlock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); next_chanspy_ds = NULL; } } peer = NULL; } } if (res == -1 || ast_check_hangup(chan)) break; } exit: ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &zero_volume, sizeof(zero_volume), 0); ast_mutex_lock(&chanspy_ds.lock); ast_mutex_unlock(&chanspy_ds.lock); ast_mutex_destroy(&chanspy_ds.lock); return res; }
static int cut_internal(struct ast_channel *chan, char *data, char *buffer, size_t buflen) { char *s, *args[3], *varname=NULL, *delimiter=NULL, *field=NULL; int args_okay = 0; memset(buffer, 0, buflen); /* Check and parse arguments */ if (data) { s = ast_strdupa((char *)data); if (s) { ast_app_separate_args(s, '|', args, 3); varname = args[0]; delimiter = args[1]; field = args[2]; if (field) { args_okay = 1; } } else { return ERROR_NOMEM; } } if (args_okay) { char d, ds[2]; char *tmp = alloca(strlen(varname) + 4); char varvalue[MAXRESULT], *tmp2=varvalue; if (tmp) { snprintf(tmp, strlen(varname) + 4, "${%s}", varname); memset(varvalue, 0, sizeof(varvalue)); } else { return ERROR_NOMEM; } if (delimiter[0]) d = delimiter[0]; else d = '-'; /* String form of the delimiter, for use with strsep(3) */ snprintf(ds, sizeof(ds), "%c", d); pbx_substitute_variables_helper(chan, tmp, tmp2, MAXRESULT - 1); if (tmp2) { int curfieldnum = 1; while ((tmp2 != NULL) && (field != NULL)) { char *nextgroup = strsep(&field, "&"); int num1 = 0, num2 = MAXRESULT; char trashchar; if (sscanf(nextgroup, "%d-%d", &num1, &num2) == 2) { /* range with both start and end */ } else if (sscanf(nextgroup, "-%d", &num2) == 1) { /* range with end */ num1 = 0; } else if ((sscanf(nextgroup, "%d%c", &num1, &trashchar) == 2) && (trashchar == '-')) { /* range with start */ num2 = MAXRESULT; } else if (sscanf(nextgroup, "%d", &num1) == 1) { /* single number */ num2 = num1; } else { return ERROR_USAGE; } /* Get to start, if any */ if (num1 > 0) { while ((tmp2 != (char *)NULL + 1) && (curfieldnum < num1)) { tmp2 = index(tmp2, d) + 1; curfieldnum++; } } /* Most frequent problem is the expectation of reordering fields */ if ((num1 > 0) && (curfieldnum > num1)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "We're already past the field you wanted?\n"); } /* Re-null tmp2 if we added 1 to NULL */ if (tmp2 == (char *)NULL + 1) tmp2 = NULL; /* Output fields until we either run out of fields or num2 is reached */ while ((tmp2 != NULL) && (curfieldnum <= num2)) { char *tmp3 = strsep(&tmp2, ds); int curlen = strlen(buffer); if (curlen) { snprintf(buffer + curlen, buflen - curlen, "%c%s", d, tmp3); } else { snprintf(buffer, buflen, "%s", tmp3); } curfieldnum++; } } } } else { return ERROR_NOARG; } return 0; }
static int chanspy_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct localuser *u; struct ast_channel *peer=NULL, *prev=NULL; char name[AST_NAME_STRLEN], peer_name[AST_NAME_STRLEN + 5], *args, *ptr = NULL, *options = NULL, *spec = NULL, *argv[5], *mygroup = NULL, *recbase = NULL; int res = -1, volfactor = 0, silent = 0, argc = 0, bronly = 0, chosen = 0, count=0, waitms = 100, num = 0, oldrf = 0, oldwf = 0, fd = 0; struct ast_flags flags; signed char zero_volume = 0; if (!(args = ast_strdupa((char *)data))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory!\n"); return -1; } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); oldrf = chan->readformat; oldwf = chan->writeformat; if (ast_set_read_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Read Format.\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } if (ast_set_write_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Write Format.\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } ast_answer(chan); ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); /* so nobody can spy on us while we are spying */ if ((argc = ast_app_separate_args(args, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])))) { spec = argv[0]; if ( argc > 1) { options = argv[1]; } if (ast_strlen_zero(spec) || !strcmp(spec, "all")) { spec = NULL; } } if (options) { char *opts[OPT_ARG_ARRAY_SIZE]; ast_app_parse_options(chanspy_opts, &flags, opts, options); if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_GROUP)) { mygroup = opts[OPT_ARG_GROUP]; } if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_RECORD)) { if (!(recbase = opts[OPT_ARG_RECORD])) { recbase = "chanspy"; } } silent = ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_QUIET); bronly = ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_BRIDGED); if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_VOLUME) && opts[OPT_ARG_VOLUME]) { int vol; if ((sscanf(opts[OPT_ARG_VOLUME], "%d", &vol) != 1) || (vol > 4) || (vol < -4)) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Volume factor must be a number between -4 and 4\n"); else volfactor = vol; } } else ast_clear_flag(&flags, AST_FLAGS_ALL); if (recbase) { char filename[512]; snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/%s.%d.raw",ast_config_AST_MONITOR_DIR, recbase, (int)time(NULL)); if ((fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, O_TRUNC, 0644)) <= 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot open %s for recording\n", filename); fd = 0; } } for(;;) { if (!silent) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } } count = 0; res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, waitms); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } peer = local_channel_walk(NULL); prev=NULL; while(peer) { if (peer != chan) { char *group = NULL; int igrp = 1; if (peer == prev && !chosen) { break; } chosen = 0; group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(peer, "SPYGROUP"); if (mygroup) { if (!group || strcmp(mygroup, group)) { igrp = 0; } } if (igrp && (!spec || ((strlen(spec) <= strlen(peer->name) && !strncasecmp(peer->name, spec, strlen(spec)))))) { if (peer && (!bronly || ast_bridged_channel(peer)) && !ast_check_hangup(peer) && !ast_test_flag(peer, AST_FLAG_SPYING)) { int x = 0; strncpy(peer_name, "spy-", 5); strncpy(peer_name + strlen(peer_name), peer->name, AST_NAME_STRLEN); ptr = strchr(peer_name, '/'); *ptr = '\0'; ptr++; for (x = 0 ; x < strlen(peer_name) ; x++) { if (peer_name[x] == '/') { break; } peer_name[x] = tolower(peer_name[x]); } if (!silent) { if (ast_fileexists(peer_name, NULL, NULL) != -1) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, peer_name, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); if (res) break; } else res = ast_say_character_str(chan, peer_name, "", chan->language); if ((num=atoi(ptr))) ast_say_digits(chan, atoi(ptr), "", chan->language); } count++; prev = peer; res = channel_spy(chan, peer, &volfactor, fd); if (res == -1) { break; } else if (res > 1 && spec) { snprintf(name, AST_NAME_STRLEN, "%s/%d", spec, res); if ((peer = local_get_channel_begin_name(name))) { chosen = 1; } continue; } } } } if ((peer = local_channel_walk(peer)) == NULL) { break; } } waitms = count ? 100 : 5000; } if (fd > 0) { close(fd); } if (oldrf && ast_set_read_format(chan, oldrf) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Read Format.\n"); } if (oldwf && ast_set_write_format(chan, oldwf) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Write Format.\n"); } ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &zero_volume, sizeof(zero_volume), 0); ALL_DONE(u, res); }
static int extenspy_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct ast_module_user *u; char *options = NULL; char *exten = NULL; char *context = NULL; char *argv[2]; char *mygroup = NULL; char *recbase = NULL; int fd = 0; struct ast_flags flags; int oldwf = 0; int argc = 0; int volfactor = 0; int res; data = ast_strdupa(data); u = ast_module_user_add(chan); if ((argc = ast_app_separate_args(data, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])))) { context = argv[0]; if (!ast_strlen_zero(argv[0])) exten = strsep(&context, "@"); if (ast_strlen_zero(context)) context = ast_strdupa(chan->context); if (argc > 1) options = argv[1]; } if (options) { char *opts[OPT_ARG_ARRAY_SIZE]; ast_app_parse_options(spy_opts, &flags, opts, options); if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_GROUP)) mygroup = opts[OPT_ARG_GROUP]; if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_RECORD) && !(recbase = opts[OPT_ARG_RECORD])) recbase = "chanspy"; if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_VOLUME) && opts[OPT_ARG_VOLUME]) { int vol; if ((sscanf(opts[OPT_ARG_VOLUME], "%30d", &vol) != 1) || (vol > 4) || (vol < -4)) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Volume factor must be a number between -4 and 4\n"); else volfactor = vol; } if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_PRIVATE)) ast_set_flag(&flags, OPTION_WHISPER); } else ast_clear_flag(&flags, AST_FLAGS_ALL); oldwf = chan->writeformat; if (ast_set_write_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Write Format.\n"); ast_module_user_remove(u); return -1; } if (recbase) { char filename[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%s.%d.raw", ast_config_AST_MONITOR_DIR, recbase, (int) time(NULL)); if ((fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644)) <= 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot open '%s' for recording\n", filename); fd = 0; } } res = common_exec(chan, &flags, volfactor, fd, mygroup, NULL, exten, context); if (fd) close(fd); if (oldwf && ast_set_write_format(chan, oldwf) < 0) ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Write Format.\n"); ast_module_user_remove(u); return res; }
static int common_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, const struct ast_flags *flags, int volfactor, const int fd, const char *mygroup, const char *spec, const char *exten, const char *context) { char nameprefix[AST_NAME_STRLEN]; char peer_name[AST_NAME_STRLEN + 5]; signed char zero_volume = 0; int waitms; int res; char *ptr; int num; int num_spyed_upon = 1; struct chanspy_ds chanspy_ds = { 0, }; ast_mutex_init(&chanspy_ds.lock); snprintf(chanspy_ds.unique_id, sizeof(chanspy_ds.unique_id), "%d", ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&next_unique_id_to_use, +1)); if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) ast_answer(chan); ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); /* so nobody can spy on us while we are spying */ waitms = 100; for (;;) { struct chanspy_ds *peer_chanspy_ds = NULL, *next_chanspy_ds = NULL; struct ast_channel *prev = NULL, *peer = NULL; if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET) && num_spyed_upon) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); else if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } } res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, waitms); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } /* reset for the next loop around, unless overridden later */ waitms = 100; num_spyed_upon = 0; for (peer_chanspy_ds = next_channel(chan, prev, spec, exten, context, &chanspy_ds); peer_chanspy_ds; chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds), prev = peer, peer_chanspy_ds = next_chanspy_ds ? next_chanspy_ds : next_channel(chan, prev, spec, exten, context, &chanspy_ds), next_chanspy_ds = NULL) { const char *group; int igrp = !mygroup; char *groups[25]; int num_groups = 0; char dup_group[512]; int x; char *s; peer = peer_chanspy_ds->chan; ast_mutex_unlock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); if (peer == prev) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } if (ast_check_hangup(chan)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_BRIDGED) && !ast_bridged_channel(peer)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (ast_check_hangup(peer) || ast_test_flag(peer, AST_FLAG_SPYING)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (mygroup) { if ((group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(peer, "SPYGROUP"))) { ast_copy_string(dup_group, group, sizeof(dup_group)); num_groups = ast_app_separate_args(dup_group, ':', groups, sizeof(groups) / sizeof(groups[0])); } for (x = 0; x < num_groups; x++) { if (!strcmp(mygroup, groups[x])) { igrp = 1; break; } } } if (!igrp) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } strcpy(peer_name, "spy-"); strncat(peer_name, peer->name, AST_NAME_STRLEN - 4 - 1); ptr = strchr(peer_name, '/'); *ptr++ = '\0'; for (s = peer_name; s < ptr; s++) *s = tolower(*s); /* We have to unlock the peer channel here to avoid a deadlock. * So, when we need to dereference it again, we have to lock the * datastore and get the pointer from there to see if the channel * is still valid. */ ast_channel_unlock(peer); if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET)) { if (ast_fileexists(peer_name, NULL, NULL) != -1) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, peer_name, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); if (res) { chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } } else res = ast_say_character_str(chan, peer_name, "", chan->language); if ((num = atoi(ptr))) ast_say_digits(chan, atoi(ptr), "", chan->language); } res = channel_spy(chan, peer_chanspy_ds, &volfactor, fd, flags); num_spyed_upon++; if (res == -1) { chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } else if (res > 1 && spec) { struct ast_channel *next; snprintf(nameprefix, AST_NAME_STRLEN, "%s/%d", spec, res); if ((next = ast_get_channel_by_name_prefix_locked(nameprefix, strlen(nameprefix)))) { peer_chanspy_ds = chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); next_chanspy_ds = setup_chanspy_ds(next, &chanspy_ds); } else { /* stay on this channel, if it is still valid */ ast_mutex_lock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); if (peer_chanspy_ds->chan) { ast_channel_lock(peer_chanspy_ds->chan); next_chanspy_ds = peer_chanspy_ds; peer_chanspy_ds = NULL; } else { /* the channel is gone */ ast_mutex_unlock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); next_chanspy_ds = NULL; } } peer = NULL; } } if (res == -1 || ast_check_hangup(chan)) break; } ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &zero_volume, sizeof(zero_volume), 0); ast_mutex_lock(&chanspy_ds.lock); ast_mutex_unlock(&chanspy_ds.lock); ast_mutex_destroy(&chanspy_ds.lock); return res; }