/* attempt to set the desired gain adjustment via the channel driver; if successful, clear it out of the csth structure so the generator will not attempt to do the adjustment itself */ static void set_volume(struct ast_channel *chan, struct chanspy_translation_helper *csth) { signed char volume_adjust = volfactor_map[csth->volfactor + 4]; if (!ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &volume_adjust, sizeof(volume_adjust), 0)) csth->volfactor = 0; }
int set_talk_volume(struct ast_conf_member *member, struct ast_frame *f, int is_talk) { int ret=0; signed char gain_adjust; int volume = member->talk_volume; gain_adjust = gain_map[volume + 5]; if (is_talk) { /* * attempt to make the adjustment in the channel driver first */ if ( !member->talk_volume_adjust) { ret=ast_channel_setoption(member->chan, AST_OPTION_RXGAIN, &gain_adjust, sizeof(gain_adjust), 0); if (ret) member->talk_volume_adjust=1; } if (member->talk_volume_adjust && f) { ret=ast_frame_adjust_volume(f, gain_adjust); } } else { // Listen volume ret=ast_frame_adjust_volume(f, gain_adjust); } return ret; }
static int func_channel_write(struct ast_channel *chan, char *function, char *data, const char *value) { int ret = 0; signed char gainset; if (!strcasecmp(data, "language")) locked_string_field_set(chan, language, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "musicclass")) locked_string_field_set(chan, musicclass, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "tonezone")) { struct tone_zone *new_zone; if (!(new_zone = ast_get_indication_zone(value))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown country code '%s' for tonezone. Check indications.conf for available country codes.\n", value); ret = -1; } else chan->zone = new_zone; } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "callgroup")) chan->callgroup = ast_get_group(value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "txgain")) { sscanf(value, "%hhd", &gainset); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &gainset, sizeof(gainset), 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "rxgain")) { sscanf(value, "%hhd", &gainset); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_RXGAIN, &gainset, sizeof(gainset), 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "transfercapability")) { unsigned short i; for (i = 0; i < 0x20; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(transfercapability_table[i], value) && strcmp(value, "UNK")) { chan->transfercapability = i; break; } } } else if (!chan->tech->func_channel_write || chan->tech->func_channel_write(chan, function, data, value)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown or unavailable item requested: '%s'\n", data); ret = -1; } return ret; }
static int func_channel_write(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *function, char *data, const char *value) { int res; ast_chan_write_info_t write_info = { .version = AST_CHAN_WRITE_INFO_T_VERSION, .write_fn = func_channel_write_real, .chan = chan, .function = function, .data = data, .value = value, }; res = func_channel_write_real(chan, function, data, value); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_CHANNEL_WRITE, &write_info, sizeof(write_info), 0); return res; }
static int func_channel_write(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *function, char *data, const char *value) { int res; ast_chan_write_info_t write_info = { .version = AST_CHAN_WRITE_INFO_T_VERSION, .write_fn = func_channel_write_real, .chan = chan, .function = function, .data = data, .value = value, }; if (!chan) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No channel was provided to %s function.\n", function); return -1; } res = func_channel_write_real(chan, function, data, value); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_CHANNEL_WRITE, &write_info, sizeof(write_info), 0); return res; }
static int common_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_flags *flags, int volfactor, const int fd, struct spy_dtmf_options *user_options, const char *mygroup, const char *myenforced, const char *spec, const char *exten, const char *context, const char *mailbox, const char *name_context) { char nameprefix[AST_NAME_STRLEN]; char peer_name[AST_NAME_STRLEN + 5]; char exitcontext[AST_MAX_CONTEXT] = ""; signed char zero_volume = 0; int waitms; int res; char *ptr; int num; int num_spyed_upon = 1; struct ast_channel_iterator *iter = NULL; if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_EXIT)) { const char *c; ast_channel_lock(chan); if ((c = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "SPY_EXIT_CONTEXT"))) { ast_copy_string(exitcontext, c, sizeof(exitcontext)); } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext)) { ast_copy_string(exitcontext, chan->macrocontext, sizeof(exitcontext)); } else { ast_copy_string(exitcontext, chan->context, sizeof(exitcontext)); } ast_channel_unlock(chan); } if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) ast_answer(chan); ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); /* so nobody can spy on us while we are spying */ waitms = 100; for (;;) { struct ast_autochan *autochan = NULL, *next_autochan = NULL; struct ast_channel *prev = NULL; if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET) && num_spyed_upon) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); else if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(exitcontext)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = res; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (!ast_goto_if_exists(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1)) goto exit; else ast_debug(2, "Exit by single digit did not work in chanspy. Extension %s does not exist in context %s\n", tmp, exitcontext); } } /* Set up the iterator we'll be using during this call */ if (!ast_strlen_zero(spec)) { iter = ast_channel_iterator_by_name_new(spec, strlen(spec)); } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(exten)) { iter = ast_channel_iterator_by_exten_new(exten, context); } else { iter = ast_channel_iterator_all_new(); } if (!iter) { return -1; } res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, waitms); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(exitcontext)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = res; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (!ast_goto_if_exists(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1)) goto exit; else ast_debug(2, "Exit by single digit did not work in chanspy. Extension %s does not exist in context %s\n", tmp, exitcontext); } /* reset for the next loop around, unless overridden later */ waitms = 100; num_spyed_upon = 0; for (autochan = next_channel(iter, autochan, chan); autochan; prev = autochan->chan, ast_autochan_destroy(autochan), autochan = next_autochan ? next_autochan : next_channel(iter, autochan, chan), next_autochan = NULL) { int igrp = !mygroup; int ienf = !myenforced; char *s; if (autochan->chan == prev) { ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); break; } if (ast_check_hangup(chan)) { ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); break; } if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_BRIDGED) && !ast_bridged_channel(autochan->chan)) { continue; } if (ast_check_hangup(autochan->chan) || ast_test_flag(autochan->chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING)) { continue; } if (mygroup) { int num_groups = 0; int num_mygroups = 0; char dup_group[512]; char dup_mygroup[512]; char *groups[NUM_SPYGROUPS]; char *mygroups[NUM_SPYGROUPS]; const char *group = NULL; int x; int y; ast_copy_string(dup_mygroup, mygroup, sizeof(dup_mygroup)); num_mygroups = ast_app_separate_args(dup_mygroup, ':', mygroups, ARRAY_LEN(mygroups)); /* Before dahdi scan was part of chanspy, it would use the "GROUP" variable * rather than "SPYGROUP", this check is done to preserve expected behavior */ if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_DAHDI_SCAN)) { group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(autochan->chan, "GROUP"); } else { group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(autochan->chan, "SPYGROUP"); } if (!ast_strlen_zero(group)) { ast_copy_string(dup_group, group, sizeof(dup_group)); num_groups = ast_app_separate_args(dup_group, ':', groups, ARRAY_LEN(groups)); } for (y = 0; y < num_mygroups; y++) { for (x = 0; x < num_groups; x++) { if (!strcmp(mygroups[y], groups[x])) { igrp = 1; break; } } } } if (!igrp) { continue; } if (myenforced) { char ext[AST_CHANNEL_NAME + 3]; char buffer[512]; char *end; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, ":%s:", myenforced); ast_copy_string(ext + 1, autochan->chan->name, sizeof(ext) - 1); if ((end = strchr(ext, '-'))) { *end++ = ':'; *end = '\0'; } ext[0] = ':'; if (strcasestr(buffer, ext)) { ienf = 1; } } if (!ienf) { continue; } strcpy(peer_name, "spy-"); strncat(peer_name, autochan->chan->name, AST_NAME_STRLEN - 4 - 1); ptr = strchr(peer_name, '/'); *ptr++ = '\0'; ptr = strsep(&ptr, "-"); for (s = peer_name; s < ptr; s++) *s = tolower(*s); if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET)) { if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_NAME)) { const char *local_context = S_OR(name_context, "default"); const char *local_mailbox = S_OR(mailbox, ptr); res = ast_app_sayname(chan, local_mailbox, local_context); } if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_NAME) || res < 0) { if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_NOTECH)) { if (ast_fileexists(peer_name, NULL, NULL) > 0) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, peer_name, chan->language); if (!res) { res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } if (res) { ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); break; } } else { res = ast_say_character_str(chan, peer_name, "", chan->language); } } if ((num = atoi(ptr))) ast_say_digits(chan, atoi(ptr), "", chan->language); } } res = channel_spy(chan, autochan, &volfactor, fd, user_options, flags, exitcontext); num_spyed_upon++; if (res == -1) { ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); goto exit; } else if (res == -2) { res = 0; ast_autochan_destroy(autochan); goto exit; } else if (res > 1 && spec) { struct ast_channel *next; snprintf(nameprefix, AST_NAME_STRLEN, "%s/%d", spec, res); if ((next = ast_channel_get_by_name_prefix(nameprefix, strlen(nameprefix)))) { next_autochan = ast_autochan_setup(next); next = ast_channel_unref(next); } else { /* stay on this channel, if it is still valid */ if (!ast_check_hangup(autochan->chan)) { next_autochan = ast_autochan_setup(autochan->chan); } else { /* the channel is gone */ next_autochan = NULL; } } } else if (res == 0 && ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_EXITONHANGUP)) { goto exit; } } iter = ast_channel_iterator_destroy(iter); if (res == -1 || ast_check_hangup(chan)) break; if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_STOP) && !next_autochan) { break; } } exit: ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &zero_volume, sizeof(zero_volume), 0); return res; }
static int conf_run(struct ast_channel *chan, struct ast_conference *conf, int confflags) { struct ast_conference *prev=NULL, *cur; struct ast_conf_user *user = malloc(sizeof(struct ast_conf_user)); int fd; struct zt_confinfo ztc; struct ast_frame *f; struct ast_channel *c; struct ast_frame fr; int outfd; int ms; int nfds; int res; int flags; int retryzap; int origfd; int musiconhold = 0; int firstpass = 0; int origquiet; int ret = -1; int x; int menu_active = 0; int using_pseudo = 0; struct ast_app *app; char *agifile; char *agifiledefault = "conf-background.agi"; char meetmesecs[30] = ""; char exitcontext[AST_MAX_EXTENSION] = ""; int dtmf; ZT_BUFFERINFO bi; char __buf[CONF_SIZE + AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET]; char *buf = __buf + AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET; if (!user) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); return(ret); } memset(user, 0, sizeof(struct ast_conf_user)); user->user_no = 0; /* User number 0 means starting up user! (dead - not in the list!) */ time(&user->jointime); if (conf->locked) { /* Sorry, but this confernce is locked! */ if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-locked", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); goto outrun; } conf->users++; if (confflags & CONFFLAG_MARKEDUSER) conf->markedusers++; ast_mutex_lock(&conflock); if (conf->firstuser == NULL) { /* Fill the first new User struct */ user->user_no = 1; user->nextuser = NULL; user->prevuser = NULL; conf->firstuser = user; conf->lastuser = user; } else { /* Fill the new user struct */ user->user_no = conf->lastuser->user_no + 1; user->prevuser = conf->lastuser; user->nextuser = NULL; if (conf->lastuser->nextuser != NULL) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error in User Management!\n"); ast_mutex_unlock(&conflock); goto outrun; } else { conf->lastuser->nextuser = user; conf->lastuser = user; } } user->chan = chan; user->userflags = confflags; user->adminflags = 0; ast_mutex_unlock(&conflock); origquiet = confflags & CONFFLAG_QUIET; if (confflags & CONFFLAG_EXIT_CONTEXT) { if ((agifile = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT"))) strncpy(exitcontext, agifile, sizeof(exitcontext) - 1); else if (!ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext)) strncpy(exitcontext, chan->macrocontext, sizeof(exitcontext) - 1); else strncpy(exitcontext, chan->context, sizeof(exitcontext) - 1); } while((confflags & CONFFLAG_WAITMARKED) && (conf->markedusers == 0)) { confflags &= ~CONFFLAG_QUIET; confflags |= origquiet; /* XXX Announce that we're waiting on the conference lead to join */ if (!(confflags & CONFFLAG_QUIET)) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "vm-dialout", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } else res = 0; /* If we're waiting with hold music, set to silent mode */ if (!res) { confflags |= CONFFLAG_QUIET; ast_moh_start(chan, NULL); res = ast_safe_sleep_conditional(chan, 60000, confnonzero, conf); ast_moh_stop(chan); } if (res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Got hangup on '%s' already\n", chan->name); goto outrun; } } if (!(confflags & CONFFLAG_QUIET) && conf->users == 1) { if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-onlyperson", chan->language)) { if (ast_waitstream(chan, "") < 0) goto outrun; } else goto outrun; } /* Set it into linear mode (write) */ if (ast_set_write_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set '%s' to write linear mode\n", chan->name); goto outrun; } /* Set it into linear mode (read) */ if (ast_set_read_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set '%s' to read linear mode\n", chan->name); goto outrun; } ast_indicate(chan, -1); retryzap = strcasecmp(chan->type, "Zap"); zapretry: origfd = chan->fds[0]; if (retryzap) { fd = open("/dev/zap/pseudo", O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to open pseudo channel: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto outrun; } using_pseudo = 1; /* Make non-blocking */ flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL); if (flags < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to get flags: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); goto outrun; } if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set flags: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); goto outrun; } /* Setup buffering information */ memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(bi)); bi.bufsize = CONF_SIZE/2; bi.txbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE; bi.rxbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE; bi.numbufs = 4; if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SET_BUFINFO, &bi)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set buffering information: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); goto outrun; } x = 1; if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SETLINEAR, &x)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set linear mode: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); goto outrun; } nfds = 1; } else { /* XXX Make sure we're not running on a pseudo channel XXX */ fd = chan->fds[0]; nfds = 0; } memset(&ztc, 0, sizeof(ztc)); /* Check to see if we're in a conference... */ ztc.chan = 0; if (ioctl(fd, ZT_GETCONF, &ztc)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error getting conference\n"); close(fd); goto outrun; } if (ztc.confmode) { /* Whoa, already in a conference... Retry... */ if (!retryzap) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Zap channel is in a conference already, retrying with pseudo\n"); retryzap = 1; goto zapretry; } } memset(&ztc, 0, sizeof(ztc)); /* Add us to the conference */ ztc.chan = 0; ztc.confno = conf->zapconf; if (confflags & CONFFLAG_MONITOR) ztc.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONFMON | ZT_CONF_LISTENER; else if (confflags & CONFFLAG_TALKER) ztc.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_TALKER; else ztc.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_TALKER | ZT_CONF_LISTENER; if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SETCONF, &ztc)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error setting conference\n"); close(fd); goto outrun; } ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Placed channel %s in ZAP conf %d\n", chan->name, conf->zapconf); manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "MeetmeJoin", "Channel: %s\r\n" "Uniqueid: %s\r\n" "Meetme: %s\r\n" "Usernum: %i\r\n", chan->name, chan->uniqueid, conf->confno, user->user_no); if (!firstpass && !(confflags & CONFFLAG_MONITOR) && !(confflags & CONFFLAG_ADMIN)) { firstpass = 1; if (!(confflags & CONFFLAG_QUIET)) conf_play(conf, ENTER); } if (confflags & CONFFLAG_AGI) { /* Get name of AGI file to run from $(MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND) or use default filename of conf-background.agi */ agifile = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan,"MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND"); if (!agifile) agifile = agifiledefault; if (!strcasecmp(chan->type,"Zap")) { /* Set CONFMUTE mode on Zap channel to mute DTMF tones */ x = 1; ast_channel_setoption(chan,AST_OPTION_TONE_VERIFY,&x,sizeof(char),0); } /* Find a pointer to the agi app and execute the script */ app = pbx_findapp("agi"); if (app) { ret = pbx_exec(chan, app, agifile, 1); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not find application (agi)\n"); ret = -2; } if (!strcasecmp(chan->type,"Zap")) { /* Remove CONFMUTE mode on Zap channel */ x = 0; ast_channel_setoption(chan,AST_OPTION_TONE_VERIFY,&x,sizeof(char),0); } } else { if (!strcasecmp(chan->type,"Zap") && (confflags & CONFFLAG_STARMENU)) { /* Set CONFMUTE mode on Zap channel to mute DTMF tones when the menu is enabled */ x = 1; ast_channel_setoption(chan,AST_OPTION_TONE_VERIFY,&x,sizeof(char),0); } for(;;) { outfd = -1; ms = -1; c = ast_waitfor_nandfds(&chan, 1, &fd, nfds, NULL, &outfd, &ms); /* Update the struct with the actual confflags */ user->userflags = confflags; /* trying to add moh for single person conf */ if (confflags & CONFFLAG_MOH) { if (conf->users == 1) { if (musiconhold == 0) { ast_moh_start(chan, NULL); musiconhold = 1; } } else { if (musiconhold) { ast_moh_stop(chan); musiconhold = 0; } } } /* Leave if the last marked user left */ if (conf->markedusers == 0 && confflags & CONFFLAG_MARKEDEXIT) { ret = -1; break; } /* Check if the admin changed my modes */ if (user->adminflags) { /* Set the new modes */ if ((user->adminflags & ADMINFLAG_MUTED) && (ztc.confmode & ZT_CONF_TALKER)) { ztc.confmode ^= ZT_CONF_TALKER; if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SETCONF, &ztc)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error setting conference - Un/Mute \n"); ret = -1; break; } } if (!(user->adminflags & ADMINFLAG_MUTED) && !(confflags & CONFFLAG_MONITOR) && !(ztc.confmode & ZT_CONF_TALKER)) { ztc.confmode |= ZT_CONF_TALKER; if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SETCONF, &ztc)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error setting conference - Un/Mute \n"); ret = -1; break; } } if (user->adminflags & ADMINFLAG_KICKME) { //You have been kicked. if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-kicked", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); ret = 0; break; } } else if (!(confflags & CONFFLAG_MONITOR) && !(ztc.confmode & ZT_CONF_TALKER)) { ztc.confmode |= ZT_CONF_TALKER; if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SETCONF, &ztc)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error setting conference - Un/Mute \n"); ret = -1; break; } } if (c) { if (c->fds[0] != origfd) { if (using_pseudo) { /* Kill old pseudo */ close(fd); } ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Ooh, something swapped out under us, starting over\n"); retryzap = 0; using_pseudo = 0; goto zapretry; } f = ast_read(c); if (!f) break; if ((f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) && (confflags & CONFFLAG_EXIT_CONTEXT)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = f->subclass; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (ast_exists_extension(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1, chan->callerid)) { strncpy(chan->context, exitcontext, sizeof(chan->context) - 1); strncpy(chan->exten, tmp, sizeof(chan->exten) - 1); chan->priority = 0; ret = 0; break; } } else if ((f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) && (f->subclass == '#') && (confflags & CONFFLAG_POUNDEXIT)) { ret = 0; break; } else if (((f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) && (f->subclass == '*') && (confflags & CONFFLAG_STARMENU)) || ((f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) && menu_active)) { if (musiconhold) { ast_moh_stop(chan); } if ((confflags & CONFFLAG_ADMIN)) { /* Admin menu */ if (!menu_active) { menu_active = 1; /* Record this sound! */ if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-adminmenu", chan->language)) dtmf = ast_waitstream(chan, AST_DIGIT_ANY); else dtmf = 0; } else dtmf = f->subclass; if (dtmf) { switch(dtmf) { case '1': /* Un/Mute */ menu_active = 0; if (ztc.confmode & ZT_CONF_TALKER) { ztc.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_LISTENER; confflags |= CONFFLAG_MONITOR ^ CONFFLAG_TALKER; } else { ztc.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_TALKER | ZT_CONF_LISTENER; confflags ^= CONFFLAG_MONITOR | CONFFLAG_TALKER; } if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SETCONF, &ztc)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error setting conference - Un/Mute \n"); ret = -1; break; } if (ztc.confmode & ZT_CONF_TALKER) { if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-unmuted", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } else { if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-muted", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } break; case '2': /* Un/Lock the Conference */ menu_active = 0; if (conf->locked) { conf->locked = 0; if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-unlockednow", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } else { conf->locked = 1; if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-lockednow", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } break; default: menu_active = 0; /* Play an error message! */ if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-errormenu", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); break; } } } else { /* User menu */ if (!menu_active) { menu_active = 1; /* Record this sound! */ if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-usermenu", chan->language)) dtmf = ast_waitstream(chan, AST_DIGIT_ANY); else dtmf = 0; } else dtmf = f->subclass; if (dtmf) { switch(dtmf) { case '1': /* Un/Mute */ menu_active = 0; if (ztc.confmode & ZT_CONF_TALKER) { ztc.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_LISTENER; confflags |= CONFFLAG_MONITOR ^ CONFFLAG_TALKER; } else if (!(user->adminflags & ADMINFLAG_MUTED)) { ztc.confmode = ZT_CONF_CONF | ZT_CONF_TALKER | ZT_CONF_LISTENER; confflags ^= CONFFLAG_MONITOR | CONFFLAG_TALKER; } if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SETCONF, &ztc)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error setting conference - Un/Mute \n"); ret = -1; break; } if (ztc.confmode & ZT_CONF_TALKER) { if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-unmuted", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } else { if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-muted", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); } break; default: menu_active = 0; /* Play an error message! */ if (!ast_streamfile(chan, "conf-errormenu", chan->language)) ast_waitstream(chan, ""); break; } } } if (musiconhold) { ast_moh_start(chan, NULL); } } else if (using_pseudo) { if (f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE) { if (f->subclass == AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) { /* Carefully write */ careful_write(fd, f->data, f->datalen); } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Huh? Got a non-linear (%d) frame in the conference\n", f->subclass); } } ast_frfree(f); } else if (outfd > -1) { res = read(outfd, buf, CONF_SIZE); if (res > 0) { memset(&fr, 0, sizeof(fr)); fr.frametype = AST_FRAME_VOICE; fr.subclass = AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR; fr.datalen = res; fr.samples = res/2; fr.data = buf; fr.offset = AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET; if (ast_write(chan, &fr) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to write frame to channel: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* break; */ } } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to read frame: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } } if (using_pseudo) close(fd); else { /* Take out of conference */ /* Add us to the conference */ ztc.chan = 0; ztc.confno = 0; ztc.confmode = 0; if (ioctl(fd, ZT_SETCONF, &ztc)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error setting conference\n"); } } if (!(confflags & CONFFLAG_QUIET) && !(confflags & CONFFLAG_MONITOR) && !(confflags & CONFFLAG_ADMIN)) conf_play(conf, LEAVE); outrun: ast_mutex_lock(&conflock); if (user->user_no) { /* Only cleanup users who really joined! */ manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_CALL, "MeetmeLeave", "Channel: %s\r\n" "Uniqueid: %s\r\n" "Meetme: %s\r\n" "Usernum: %i\r\n", chan->name, chan->uniqueid, conf->confno, user->user_no); prev = NULL; conf->users--; if (confflags & CONFFLAG_MARKEDUSER) conf->markedusers--; cur = confs; if (!conf->users) { /* No more users -- close this one out */ while(cur) { if (cur == conf) { if (prev) prev->next = conf->next; else confs = conf->next; break; } prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } if (!cur) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Conference not found\n"); if (conf->chan) ast_hangup(conf->chan); else close(conf->fd); free(conf); } else { /* Remove the user struct */ if (user == conf->firstuser) { if (user->nextuser) { /* There is another entry */ user->nextuser->prevuser = NULL; } else { /* We are the only entry */ conf->lastuser = NULL; } /* In either case */ conf->firstuser = user->nextuser; } else if (user == conf->lastuser){ if (user->prevuser) user->prevuser->nextuser = NULL; else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Bad bad bad! We're the last, not the first, but nobody before us??\n"); conf->lastuser = user->prevuser; } else { if (user->nextuser) user->nextuser->prevuser = user->prevuser; else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Bad! Bad! Bad! user->nextuser is NULL but we're not the end!\n"); if (user->prevuser) user->prevuser->nextuser = user->nextuser; else ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Bad! Bad! Bad! user->prevuser is NULL but we're not the beginning!\n"); } } /* Return the number of seconds the user was in the conf */ snprintf(meetmesecs, sizeof(meetmesecs), "%i", (int) (time(NULL) - user->jointime)); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "MEETMESECS", meetmesecs); } free(user); ast_mutex_unlock(&conflock); return ret; }
static int func_channel_write_real(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *function, char *data, const char *value) { int ret = 0; signed char gainset; if (!strcasecmp(data, "language")) locked_string_field_set(chan, language, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "parkinglot")) locked_string_field_set(chan, parkinglot, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "musicclass")) locked_string_field_set(chan, musicclass, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "accountcode")) locked_string_field_set(chan, accountcode, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "userfield")) locked_string_field_set(chan, userfield, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "after_bridge_goto")) { if (ast_strlen_zero(value)) { ast_bridge_discard_after_goto(chan); } else { ast_bridge_set_after_go_on(chan, ast_channel_context(chan), ast_channel_exten(chan), ast_channel_priority(chan), value); } } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "amaflags")) { ast_channel_lock(chan); if (isdigit(*value)) { int amaflags; sscanf(value, "%30d", &amaflags); ast_channel_amaflags_set(chan, amaflags); } else if (!strcasecmp(value,"OMIT")){ ast_channel_amaflags_set(chan, 1); } else if (!strcasecmp(value,"BILLING")){ ast_channel_amaflags_set(chan, 2); } else if (!strcasecmp(value,"DOCUMENTATION")){ ast_channel_amaflags_set(chan, 3); } ast_channel_unlock(chan); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "peeraccount")) locked_string_field_set(chan, peeraccount, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "hangupsource")) /* XXX - should we be forcing this here? */ ast_set_hangupsource(chan, value, 0); #ifdef CHANNEL_TRACE else if (!strcasecmp(data, "trace")) { ast_channel_lock(chan); if (ast_true(value)) ret = ast_channel_trace_enable(chan); else if (ast_false(value)) ret = ast_channel_trace_disable(chan); else { ret = -1; ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid value for CHANNEL(trace).\n"); } ast_channel_unlock(chan); } #endif else if (!strcasecmp(data, "tonezone")) { struct ast_tone_zone *new_zone; if (!(new_zone = ast_get_indication_zone(value))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown country code '%s' for tonezone. Check indications.conf for available country codes.\n", value); ret = -1; } else { ast_channel_lock(chan); if (ast_channel_zone(chan)) { ast_channel_zone_set(chan, ast_tone_zone_unref(ast_channel_zone(chan))); } ast_channel_zone_set(chan, ast_tone_zone_ref(new_zone)); ast_channel_unlock(chan); new_zone = ast_tone_zone_unref(new_zone); } } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "dtmf_features")) { ret = ast_bridge_features_ds_set_string(chan, value); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "callgroup")) { ast_channel_lock(chan); ast_channel_callgroup_set(chan, ast_get_group(value)); ast_channel_unlock(chan); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "pickupgroup")) { ast_channel_lock(chan); ast_channel_pickupgroup_set(chan, ast_get_group(value)); ast_channel_unlock(chan); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "namedcallgroup")) { struct ast_namedgroups *groups = ast_get_namedgroups(value); ast_channel_lock(chan); ast_channel_named_callgroups_set(chan, groups); ast_channel_unlock(chan); ast_unref_namedgroups(groups); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "namedpickupgroup")) { struct ast_namedgroups *groups = ast_get_namedgroups(value); ast_channel_lock(chan); ast_channel_named_pickupgroups_set(chan, groups); ast_channel_unlock(chan); ast_unref_namedgroups(groups); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "txgain")) { sscanf(value, "%4hhd", &gainset); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &gainset, sizeof(gainset), 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "rxgain")) { sscanf(value, "%4hhd", &gainset); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_RXGAIN, &gainset, sizeof(gainset), 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "transfercapability")) { unsigned short i; ast_channel_lock(chan); for (i = 0; i < 0x20; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(transfercapability_table[i], value) && strcmp(value, "UNK")) { ast_channel_transfercapability_set(chan, i); break; } } ast_channel_unlock(chan); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "hangup_handler_pop")) { /* Pop one hangup handler before pushing the new handler. */ ast_pbx_hangup_handler_pop(chan); ast_pbx_hangup_handler_push(chan, value); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "hangup_handler_push")) { ast_pbx_hangup_handler_push(chan, value); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "hangup_handler_wipe")) { /* Pop all hangup handlers before pushing the new handler. */ while (ast_pbx_hangup_handler_pop(chan)) { } ast_pbx_hangup_handler_push(chan, value); } else if (!strncasecmp(data, "secure_bridge_", 14)) { struct ast_datastore *ds; struct ast_secure_call_store *store; if (!chan || !value) { return -1; } ast_channel_lock(chan); if (!(ds = ast_channel_datastore_find(chan, &secure_call_info, NULL))) { if (!(ds = ast_datastore_alloc(&secure_call_info, NULL))) { ast_channel_unlock(chan); return -1; } if (!(store = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*store)))) { ast_channel_unlock(chan); ast_free(ds); return -1; } ds->data = store; ast_channel_datastore_add(chan, ds); } else { store = ds->data; } if (!strcasecmp(data, "secure_bridge_signaling")) { store->signaling = ast_true(value) ? 1 : 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "secure_bridge_media")) { store->media = ast_true(value) ? 1 : 0; } ast_channel_unlock(chan); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "max_forwards")) { int max_forwards; if (sscanf(value, "%d", &max_forwards) != 1) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to set max forwards to '%s'\n", value); ret = -1; } else { ast_channel_lock(chan); ret = ast_max_forwards_set(chan, max_forwards); ast_channel_unlock(chan); } } else if (!ast_channel_tech(chan)->func_channel_write || ast_channel_tech(chan)->func_channel_write(chan, function, data, value)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown or unavailable item requested: '%s'\n", data); ret = -1; } return ret; }
static int func_channel_write_real(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *function, char *data, const char *value) { int ret = 0; signed char gainset; if (!strcasecmp(data, "language")) locked_string_field_set(chan, language, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "parkinglot")) locked_string_field_set(chan, parkinglot, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "musicclass")) locked_string_field_set(chan, musicclass, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "accountcode")) locked_string_field_set(chan, accountcode, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "userfield")) locked_string_field_set(chan, userfield, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "amaflags")) { ast_channel_lock(chan); if(isdigit(*value)) { sscanf(value, "%30d", &chan->amaflags); } else if (!strcasecmp(value,"OMIT")) { chan->amaflags = 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(value,"BILLING")) { chan->amaflags = 2; } else if (!strcasecmp(value,"DOCUMENTATION")) { chan->amaflags = 3; } ast_channel_unlock(chan); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "peeraccount")) locked_string_field_set(chan, peeraccount, value); else if (!strcasecmp(data, "hangupsource")) /* XXX - should we be forcing this here? */ ast_set_hangupsource(chan, value, 0); #ifdef CHANNEL_TRACE else if (!strcasecmp(data, "trace")) { ast_channel_lock(chan); if (ast_true(value)) ret = ast_channel_trace_enable(chan); else if (ast_false(value)) ret = ast_channel_trace_disable(chan); else { ret = -1; ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid value for CHANNEL(trace)."); } ast_channel_unlock(chan); } #endif else if (!strcasecmp(data, "tonezone")) { struct ast_tone_zone *new_zone; if (!(new_zone = ast_get_indication_zone(value))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown country code '%s' for tonezone. Check indications.conf for available country codes.\n", value); ret = -1; } else { ast_channel_lock(chan); if (chan->zone) { chan->zone = ast_tone_zone_unref(chan->zone); } chan->zone = ast_tone_zone_ref(new_zone); ast_channel_unlock(chan); new_zone = ast_tone_zone_unref(new_zone); } } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "callgroup")) { chan->callgroup = ast_get_group(value); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "pickupgroup")) { chan->pickupgroup = ast_get_group(value); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "txgain")) { sscanf(value, "%4hhd", &gainset); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &gainset, sizeof(gainset), 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "rxgain")) { sscanf(value, "%4hhd", &gainset); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_RXGAIN, &gainset, sizeof(gainset), 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "transfercapability")) { unsigned short i; for (i = 0; i < 0x20; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(transfercapability_table[i], value) && strcmp(value, "UNK")) { chan->transfercapability = i; break; } } } else if (!strncasecmp(data, "secure_bridge_", 14)) { struct ast_datastore *ds; struct ast_secure_call_store *store; if (!chan || !value) { return -1; } ast_channel_lock(chan); if (!(ds = ast_channel_datastore_find(chan, &secure_call_info, NULL))) { if (!(ds = ast_datastore_alloc(&secure_call_info, NULL))) { ast_channel_unlock(chan); return -1; } if (!(store = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*store)))) { ast_channel_unlock(chan); ast_free(ds); return -1; } ds->data = store; ast_channel_datastore_add(chan, ds); } else { store = ds->data; } ast_channel_unlock(chan); if (!strcasecmp(data, "secure_bridge_signaling")) { store->signaling = ast_true(value) ? 1 : 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(data, "secure_bridge_media")) { store->media = ast_true(value) ? 1 : 0; } } else if (!chan->tech->func_channel_write || chan->tech->func_channel_write(chan, function, data, value)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unknown or unavailable item requested: '%s'\n", data); ret = -1; } return ret; }
static int common_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, const struct ast_flags *flags, int volfactor, const int fd, const char *mygroup, const char *myenforced, const char *spec, const char *exten, const char *context) { char nameprefix[AST_NAME_STRLEN]; char peer_name[AST_NAME_STRLEN + 5]; char exitcontext[AST_MAX_CONTEXT] = ""; signed char zero_volume = 0; int waitms; int res; char *ptr; int num; int num_spyed_upon = 1; struct chanspy_ds chanspy_ds; if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_EXIT)) { const char *c; if ((c = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "SPY_EXIT_CONTEXT"))) ast_copy_string(exitcontext, c, sizeof(exitcontext)); else if (!ast_strlen_zero(chan->macrocontext)) ast_copy_string(exitcontext, chan->macrocontext, sizeof(exitcontext)); else ast_copy_string(exitcontext, chan->context, sizeof(exitcontext)); } ast_mutex_init(&chanspy_ds.lock); snprintf(chanspy_ds.unique_id, sizeof(chanspy_ds.unique_id), "%d", ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&next_unique_id_to_use, +1)); if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) ast_answer(chan); ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); /* so nobody can spy on us while we are spying */ waitms = 100; for (;;) { struct chanspy_ds *peer_chanspy_ds = NULL, *next_chanspy_ds = NULL; struct ast_channel *prev = NULL, *peer = NULL; if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET) && num_spyed_upon) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); else if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(exitcontext)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = res; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (!ast_goto_if_exists(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1)) goto exit; else ast_debug(2, "Exit by single digit did not work in chanspy. Extension %s does not exist in context %s\n", tmp, exitcontext); } } res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, waitms); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(exitcontext)) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = res; tmp[1] = '\0'; if (!ast_goto_if_exists(chan, exitcontext, tmp, 1)) goto exit; else ast_debug(2, "Exit by single digit did not work in chanspy. Extension %s does not exist in context %s\n", tmp, exitcontext); } /* reset for the next loop around, unless overridden later */ waitms = 100; num_spyed_upon = 0; for (peer_chanspy_ds = next_channel(chan, prev, spec, exten, context, &chanspy_ds); peer_chanspy_ds; chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds), prev = peer, peer_chanspy_ds = next_chanspy_ds ? next_chanspy_ds : next_channel(chan, prev, spec, exten, context, &chanspy_ds), next_chanspy_ds = NULL) { const char *group; int igrp = !mygroup; char *groups[25]; int num_groups = 0; char dup_group[512]; int x; char *s; char *buffer; char *end; char *ext; char *form_enforced; int ienf = !myenforced; peer = peer_chanspy_ds->chan; ast_mutex_unlock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); if (peer == prev) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } if (ast_check_hangup(chan)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_BRIDGED) && !ast_bridged_channel(peer)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (ast_check_hangup(peer) || ast_test_flag(peer, AST_FLAG_SPYING)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (mygroup) { if ((group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(peer, "SPYGROUP"))) { ast_copy_string(dup_group, group, sizeof(dup_group)); num_groups = ast_app_separate_args(dup_group, ':', groups, ARRAY_LEN(groups)); } for (x = 0; x < num_groups; x++) { if (!strcmp(mygroup, groups[x])) { igrp = 1; break; } } } if (!igrp) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (myenforced) { /* We don't need to allocate more space than just the length of (peer->name) for ext as we will cut the channel name's ending before copying into ext */ ext = alloca(strlen(peer->name)); form_enforced = alloca(strlen(myenforced) + 3); strcpy(form_enforced, ":"); strcat(form_enforced, myenforced); strcat(form_enforced, ":"); buffer = ast_strdupa(peer->name); if ((end = strchr(buffer, '-'))) { *end++ = ':'; *end = '\0'; } strcpy(ext, ":"); strcat(ext, buffer); if (strcasestr(form_enforced, ext)) ienf = 1; } if (!ienf) continue; strcpy(peer_name, "spy-"); strncat(peer_name, peer->name, AST_NAME_STRLEN - 4 - 1); ptr = strchr(peer_name, '/'); *ptr++ = '\0'; for (s = peer_name; s < ptr; s++) *s = tolower(*s); /* We have to unlock the peer channel here to avoid a deadlock. * So, when we need to dereference it again, we have to lock the * datastore and get the pointer from there to see if the channel * is still valid. */ ast_channel_unlock(peer); if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET)) { if (ast_fileexists(peer_name, NULL, NULL) != -1) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, peer_name, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); if (res) { chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } } else res = ast_say_character_str(chan, peer_name, "", chan->language); if ((num = atoi(ptr))) ast_say_digits(chan, atoi(ptr), "", chan->language); } res = channel_spy(chan, peer_chanspy_ds, &volfactor, fd, flags, exitcontext); num_spyed_upon++; if (res == -1) { chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); goto exit; } else if (res == -2) { res = 0; chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); goto exit; } else if (res > 1 && spec) { struct ast_channel *next; snprintf(nameprefix, AST_NAME_STRLEN, "%s/%d", spec, res); if ((next = ast_get_channel_by_name_prefix_locked(nameprefix, strlen(nameprefix)))) { peer_chanspy_ds = chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); next_chanspy_ds = setup_chanspy_ds(next, &chanspy_ds); } else { /* stay on this channel, if it is still valid */ ast_mutex_lock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); if (peer_chanspy_ds->chan) { ast_channel_lock(peer_chanspy_ds->chan); next_chanspy_ds = peer_chanspy_ds; peer_chanspy_ds = NULL; } else { /* the channel is gone */ ast_mutex_unlock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); next_chanspy_ds = NULL; } } peer = NULL; } } if (res == -1 || ast_check_hangup(chan)) break; } exit: ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &zero_volume, sizeof(zero_volume), 0); ast_mutex_lock(&chanspy_ds.lock); ast_mutex_unlock(&chanspy_ds.lock); ast_mutex_destroy(&chanspy_ds.lock); return res; }
static int chanspy_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) { struct localuser *u; struct ast_channel *peer=NULL, *prev=NULL; char name[AST_NAME_STRLEN], peer_name[AST_NAME_STRLEN + 5], *args, *ptr = NULL, *options = NULL, *spec = NULL, *argv[5], *mygroup = NULL, *recbase = NULL; int res = -1, volfactor = 0, silent = 0, argc = 0, bronly = 0, chosen = 0, count=0, waitms = 100, num = 0, oldrf = 0, oldwf = 0, fd = 0; struct ast_flags flags; signed char zero_volume = 0; if (!(args = ast_strdupa((char *)data))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory!\n"); return -1; } LOCAL_USER_ADD(u); oldrf = chan->readformat; oldwf = chan->writeformat; if (ast_set_read_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Read Format.\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } if (ast_set_write_format(chan, AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Write Format.\n"); LOCAL_USER_REMOVE(u); return -1; } ast_answer(chan); ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); /* so nobody can spy on us while we are spying */ if ((argc = ast_app_separate_args(args, '|', argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])))) { spec = argv[0]; if ( argc > 1) { options = argv[1]; } if (ast_strlen_zero(spec) || !strcmp(spec, "all")) { spec = NULL; } } if (options) { char *opts[OPT_ARG_ARRAY_SIZE]; ast_app_parse_options(chanspy_opts, &flags, opts, options); if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_GROUP)) { mygroup = opts[OPT_ARG_GROUP]; } if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_RECORD)) { if (!(recbase = opts[OPT_ARG_RECORD])) { recbase = "chanspy"; } } silent = ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_QUIET); bronly = ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_BRIDGED); if (ast_test_flag(&flags, OPTION_VOLUME) && opts[OPT_ARG_VOLUME]) { int vol; if ((sscanf(opts[OPT_ARG_VOLUME], "%d", &vol) != 1) || (vol > 4) || (vol < -4)) ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Volume factor must be a number between -4 and 4\n"); else volfactor = vol; } } else ast_clear_flag(&flags, AST_FLAGS_ALL); if (recbase) { char filename[512]; snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/%s.%d.raw",ast_config_AST_MONITOR_DIR, recbase, (int)time(NULL)); if ((fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, O_TRUNC, 0644)) <= 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot open %s for recording\n", filename); fd = 0; } } for(;;) { if (!silent) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } } count = 0; res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, waitms); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } peer = local_channel_walk(NULL); prev=NULL; while(peer) { if (peer != chan) { char *group = NULL; int igrp = 1; if (peer == prev && !chosen) { break; } chosen = 0; group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(peer, "SPYGROUP"); if (mygroup) { if (!group || strcmp(mygroup, group)) { igrp = 0; } } if (igrp && (!spec || ((strlen(spec) <= strlen(peer->name) && !strncasecmp(peer->name, spec, strlen(spec)))))) { if (peer && (!bronly || ast_bridged_channel(peer)) && !ast_check_hangup(peer) && !ast_test_flag(peer, AST_FLAG_SPYING)) { int x = 0; strncpy(peer_name, "spy-", 5); strncpy(peer_name + strlen(peer_name), peer->name, AST_NAME_STRLEN); ptr = strchr(peer_name, '/'); *ptr = '\0'; ptr++; for (x = 0 ; x < strlen(peer_name) ; x++) { if (peer_name[x] == '/') { break; } peer_name[x] = tolower(peer_name[x]); } if (!silent) { if (ast_fileexists(peer_name, NULL, NULL) != -1) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, peer_name, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); if (res) break; } else res = ast_say_character_str(chan, peer_name, "", chan->language); if ((num=atoi(ptr))) ast_say_digits(chan, atoi(ptr), "", chan->language); } count++; prev = peer; res = channel_spy(chan, peer, &volfactor, fd); if (res == -1) { break; } else if (res > 1 && spec) { snprintf(name, AST_NAME_STRLEN, "%s/%d", spec, res); if ((peer = local_get_channel_begin_name(name))) { chosen = 1; } continue; } } } } if ((peer = local_channel_walk(peer)) == NULL) { break; } } waitms = count ? 100 : 5000; } if (fd > 0) { close(fd); } if (oldrf && ast_set_read_format(chan, oldrf) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Read Format.\n"); } if (oldwf && ast_set_write_format(chan, oldwf) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Could Not Set Write Format.\n"); } ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &zero_volume, sizeof(zero_volume), 0); ALL_DONE(u, res); }
static int common_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, const struct ast_flags *flags, int volfactor, const int fd, const char *mygroup, const char *spec, const char *exten, const char *context) { char nameprefix[AST_NAME_STRLEN]; char peer_name[AST_NAME_STRLEN + 5]; signed char zero_volume = 0; int waitms; int res; char *ptr; int num; int num_spyed_upon = 1; struct chanspy_ds chanspy_ds = { 0, }; ast_mutex_init(&chanspy_ds.lock); snprintf(chanspy_ds.unique_id, sizeof(chanspy_ds.unique_id), "%d", ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&next_unique_id_to_use, +1)); if (chan->_state != AST_STATE_UP) ast_answer(chan); ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); /* so nobody can spy on us while we are spying */ waitms = 100; for (;;) { struct chanspy_ds *peer_chanspy_ds = NULL, *next_chanspy_ds = NULL; struct ast_channel *prev = NULL, *peer = NULL; if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET) && num_spyed_upon) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); else if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } } res = ast_waitfordigit(chan, waitms); if (res < 0) { ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); break; } /* reset for the next loop around, unless overridden later */ waitms = 100; num_spyed_upon = 0; for (peer_chanspy_ds = next_channel(chan, prev, spec, exten, context, &chanspy_ds); peer_chanspy_ds; chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds), prev = peer, peer_chanspy_ds = next_chanspy_ds ? next_chanspy_ds : next_channel(chan, prev, spec, exten, context, &chanspy_ds), next_chanspy_ds = NULL) { const char *group; int igrp = !mygroup; char *groups[25]; int num_groups = 0; char dup_group[512]; int x; char *s; peer = peer_chanspy_ds->chan; ast_mutex_unlock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); if (peer == prev) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } if (ast_check_hangup(chan)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } if (ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_BRIDGED) && !ast_bridged_channel(peer)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (ast_check_hangup(peer) || ast_test_flag(peer, AST_FLAG_SPYING)) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } if (mygroup) { if ((group = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(peer, "SPYGROUP"))) { ast_copy_string(dup_group, group, sizeof(dup_group)); num_groups = ast_app_separate_args(dup_group, ':', groups, sizeof(groups) / sizeof(groups[0])); } for (x = 0; x < num_groups; x++) { if (!strcmp(mygroup, groups[x])) { igrp = 1; break; } } } if (!igrp) { ast_channel_unlock(peer); continue; } strcpy(peer_name, "spy-"); strncat(peer_name, peer->name, AST_NAME_STRLEN - 4 - 1); ptr = strchr(peer_name, '/'); *ptr++ = '\0'; for (s = peer_name; s < ptr; s++) *s = tolower(*s); /* We have to unlock the peer channel here to avoid a deadlock. * So, when we need to dereference it again, we have to lock the * datastore and get the pointer from there to see if the channel * is still valid. */ ast_channel_unlock(peer); if (!ast_test_flag(flags, OPTION_QUIET)) { if (ast_fileexists(peer_name, NULL, NULL) != -1) { res = ast_streamfile(chan, peer_name, chan->language); if (!res) res = ast_waitstream(chan, ""); if (res) { chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } } else res = ast_say_character_str(chan, peer_name, "", chan->language); if ((num = atoi(ptr))) ast_say_digits(chan, atoi(ptr), "", chan->language); } res = channel_spy(chan, peer_chanspy_ds, &volfactor, fd, flags); num_spyed_upon++; if (res == -1) { chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); break; } else if (res > 1 && spec) { struct ast_channel *next; snprintf(nameprefix, AST_NAME_STRLEN, "%s/%d", spec, res); if ((next = ast_get_channel_by_name_prefix_locked(nameprefix, strlen(nameprefix)))) { peer_chanspy_ds = chanspy_ds_free(peer_chanspy_ds); next_chanspy_ds = setup_chanspy_ds(next, &chanspy_ds); } else { /* stay on this channel, if it is still valid */ ast_mutex_lock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); if (peer_chanspy_ds->chan) { ast_channel_lock(peer_chanspy_ds->chan); next_chanspy_ds = peer_chanspy_ds; peer_chanspy_ds = NULL; } else { /* the channel is gone */ ast_mutex_unlock(&peer_chanspy_ds->lock); next_chanspy_ds = NULL; } } peer = NULL; } } if (res == -1 || ast_check_hangup(chan)) break; } ast_clear_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_SPYING); ast_channel_setoption(chan, AST_OPTION_TXGAIN, &zero_volume, sizeof(zero_volume), 0); ast_mutex_lock(&chanspy_ds.lock); ast_mutex_unlock(&chanspy_ds.lock); ast_mutex_destroy(&chanspy_ds.lock); return res; }