/* This returns the number of unique matches for the generator */ int ast_cli_generatornummatches(char *text, char *word) { int matches = 0, i = 0; char *buf = NULL, *oldbuf = NULL; while ( (buf = ast_cli_generator(text, word, i)) ) { if (++i > 1 && strcmp(buf,oldbuf) == 0) { continue; } oldbuf = buf; matches++; } return matches; }
/*! \brief Function which passes through an aliased CLI command to the real one */ static char *cli_alias_passthrough(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { struct cli_alias *alias; struct cli_alias tmp = { .cli_entry.command = e->command, }; char *generator; const char *line; /* Try to find the alias based on the CLI entry */ if (!(alias = ao2_find(cli_aliases, &tmp, OBJ_POINTER))) { return 0; } switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: ao2_ref(alias, -1); return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: line = a->line; line += (strlen(alias->alias)); if (!strncasecmp(alias->alias, alias->real_cmd, strlen(alias->alias))) { generator = NULL; } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(a->word)) { struct ast_str *real_cmd = ast_str_alloca(strlen(alias->real_cmd) + strlen(line) + 1); ast_str_append(&real_cmd, 0, "%s%s", alias->real_cmd, line); generator = ast_cli_generator(ast_str_buffer(real_cmd), a->word, a->n); } else { generator = ast_cli_generator(alias->real_cmd, a->word, a->n); } ao2_ref(alias, -1); return generator; } /* If they gave us extra arguments we need to construct a string to pass in */ if (a->argc != e->args) { struct ast_str *real_cmd = ast_str_alloca(2048); int i; ast_str_append(&real_cmd, 0, "%s", alias->real_cmd); /* Add the additional arguments that have been passed in */ for (i = e->args + 1; i <= a->argc; i++) { ast_str_append(&real_cmd, 0, " %s", a->argv[i - 1]); } ast_cli_command(a->fd, ast_str_buffer(real_cmd)); } else { ast_cli_command(a->fd, alias->real_cmd); } ao2_ref(alias, -1); return CLI_SUCCESS; } /*! \brief CLI Command to display CLI Aliases */ static char *alias_show(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { #define FORMAT "%-50.50s %-50.50s\n" struct cli_alias *alias; struct ao2_iterator i; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "cli show aliases"; e->usage = "Usage: cli show aliases\n" " Displays a list of aliased CLI commands.\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } ast_cli(a->fd, FORMAT, "Alias Command", "Real Command"); i = ao2_iterator_init(cli_aliases, 0); for (; (alias = ao2_iterator_next(&i)); ao2_ref(alias, -1)) { ast_cli(a->fd, FORMAT, alias->alias, alias->real_cmd); } ao2_iterator_destroy(&i); return CLI_SUCCESS; #undef FORMAT } /*! \brief CLI commands to interact with things */ static struct ast_cli_entry cli_alias[] = { AST_CLI_DEFINE(alias_show, "Show CLI command aliases"), }; /*! \brief Function called to load or reload the configuration file */ static void load_config(int reload) { struct ast_config *cfg = NULL; struct ast_flags config_flags = { reload ? CONFIG_FLAG_FILEUNCHANGED : 0 }; struct cli_alias *alias; struct ast_variable *v, *v1; if (!(cfg = ast_config_load(config_file, config_flags)) || cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEINVALID) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "res_clialiases configuration file '%s' not found\n", config_file); return; } else if (cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEUNCHANGED) { return; } /* Destroy any existing CLI aliases */ if (reload) { ao2_callback(cli_aliases, OBJ_UNLINK | OBJ_NODATA | OBJ_MULTIPLE, NULL, NULL); } for (v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, "general"); v; v = v->next) { if (strcmp(v->name, "template")) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s is not a correct option in [%s]\n", v->name, "general"); continue; } /* Read in those there CLI aliases */ for (v1 = ast_variable_browse(cfg, v->value); v1; v1 = v1->next) { if (!(alias = ao2_alloc((sizeof(*alias) + strlen(v1->name) + strlen(v1->value) + 2), alias_destroy))) { continue; } alias->alias = ((char *) alias) + sizeof(*alias); alias->real_cmd = ((char *) alias->alias) + strlen(v1->name) + 1; strcpy(alias->alias, v1->name); strcpy(alias->real_cmd, v1->value); alias->cli_entry.handler = cli_alias_passthrough; alias->cli_entry.command = alias->alias; alias->cli_entry.usage = "Aliased CLI Command\n"; ast_cli_register(&alias->cli_entry); ao2_link(cli_aliases, alias); ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_2 "Aliased CLI command '%s' to '%s'\n", v1->name, v1->value); ao2_ref(alias, -1); } } ast_config_destroy(cfg); return; } /*! \brief Function called to reload the module */ static int reload_module(void) { load_config(1); return 0; }