Node multiToken(Node nodes[], int len, Metadata met) {
    std::vector<Node> out;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    return astnode("_", out, met);
// Adds necessary wrappers to a program
Node finalize(programData c) {
    std::vector<Node> bottom;
    Metadata m = c.code.metadata;
    // If we are using both alloc and variables, we need to pre-zfill
    // some memory
    if (c.aux.allocUsed && c.aux.vars.size() > 0) {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("0", m), 
            token(unsignedToDecimal(c.aux.vars.size() * 32 - 1)),
            token("MSTORE8", m)
        bottom.push_back(multiToken(nodelist, 3, m));
    // If msg.data is being used as an array, then we need to copy it
    if (c.aux.calldataUsed) {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("MSIZE", m), token("CALLDATASIZE", m), token("MSIZE", m),
            token("0", m), token("CALLDATACOPY", m),
            token(c.aux.vars["'msg.data"], m), token("MSTORE", m)
        bottom.push_back(multiToken(nodelist, 7, m));
    // The actual code
    return astnode("_", bottom, m);
// Convert a function of the form (def (f x y z) (do stuff)) into
// (if (first byte of ABI is correct) (seq (setup x y z) (do stuff)))
Node convFunction(Node node, int functionCount) {
    std::string prefix = "_temp"+mkUniqueToken()+"_";
    Metadata m = node.metadata;

    if (node.args.size() != 2)
        err("Malformed def!", m);
    // Collect the list of variable names and variable byte counts
    Node unpack = unpackArguments(node.args[0].args, m);
    // And the actual code
    Node body = node.args[1];
    // Main LLL-based function body
    return astnode("if",
                           astnode("get", token("__funid", m), m),
                           token(unsignedToDecimal(functionCount), m),
                   astnode("seq", unpack, body, m));
// Applies that dictionary
Node substDict(Node program, programAux aux, int labelLength) {
    Metadata m = program.metadata;
    std::vector<Node> out;
    std::vector<Node> inner;
    if (program.type == TOKEN) {
        if (program.val[0] == '$') {
            std::string tokStr = "PUSH"+unsignedToDecimal(labelLength);
            out.push_back(token(tokStr, m));
            int dotLoc = program.val.find('.');
            if (dotLoc == -1) {
                std::string val = aux.vars[program.val.substr(1)];
                inner = toByteArr(val, m, labelLength);
            else {
                std::string start = aux.vars[program.val.substr(1, dotLoc-1)],
                            end = aux.vars[program.val.substr(dotLoc + 1)],
                            dist = decimalSub(end, start);
                inner = toByteArr(dist, m, labelLength);
            out.push_back(astnode("_", inner, m));
        else if (program.val[0] == '~') { }
        else if (isNumberLike(program)) {
            inner = toByteArr(program.val, m);
            out.push_back(astnode("_", inner, m));
        else return program;
    else {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < program.args.size(); i++) {
            Node n = substDict(program.args[i], aux, labelLength);
            if (n.type == TOKEN || n.args.size()) out.push_back(n);
    return astnode("_", out, m);
// Adds necessary wrappers to a program
Node finalize(programData c) {
    std::vector<Node> bottom;
    Metadata m = c.code.metadata;
    // If we are using both alloc and variables, we need to pre-zfill
    // some memory
    if ((c.aux.allocUsed || c.aux.calldataUsed) && c.aux.vars.size() > 0) {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("0", m), 
            token(unsignedToDecimal(c.aux.nextVarMem - 1)),
            token("MSTORE8", m)
        bottom.push_back(multiToken(nodelist, 3, m));
    // The actual code
    return astnode("_", bottom, m);
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments
programData opcodeify(Node node,
                      programAux aux=Aux(),
                      int height=0,
                      std::map<std::string, int> dupvars=
                          std::map<std::string, int>()) {
    std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken();
    Metadata m = node.metadata;
    // Numbers
    if (node.type == TOKEN) {
        return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node), 1);
    else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") {
        std::string varname = node.args[0].val;
        if (!aux.vars.count(varname)) {
            aux.vars[varname] = unsignedToDecimal(aux.vars.size() * 32);
        std::cout << aux.vars[varname] << " " << varname << " " << node.val << "\n";
        if (varname == "'msg.data") aux.calldataUsed = true;
        // Set variable
        if (node.val == "set") {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars);
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Value to set variable must have nonzero arity!", m);
            if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
                int h = height - dupvars[node.args[0].val];
                if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m);
                Node nodelist[] = {
                    token("SWAP"+unsignedToDecimal(h), m),
                    token("POP", m)
                return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0);                   
            Node nodelist[] = {
                token(sub.aux.vars[varname], m),
                token("MSTORE", m),
            return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0);                   
        // Get variable
        else if (node.val == "get") {
             if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
                 int h = height - dupvars[node.args[0].val];
                if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m);
                return pd(aux, token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(h)), 1);                   
            Node nodelist[] = 
                 { token(aux.vars[varname], m), token("MLOAD", m) };
            std::cout << "<--- " << aux.vars[varname] << " " << varname << "\n";
            return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), 1);
        // Refer variable
        else {
            if (dupvars.count(node.args[0].val))
                err("Cannot ref stack variable!", m);
            return pd(aux, token(aux.vars[varname], m), 1);
    // Code blocks
    if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> o;
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars);
        Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP1", m),
            token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m),
            token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, token("~endcode"+symb, m)
        return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m), 1);
    // Stack variables
    if (node.val == "with") {
        std::map<std::string, int> dupvars2 = dupvars;
        dupvars2[node.args[0].val] = height;
        programData initial = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, height, dupvars);
        if (!initial.outs)
            err("Initial variable value must have nonzero arity!", m);
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[2], initial.aux, height + 1, dupvars2);
        Node nodelist[] = {
        programData o = pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), sub.outs);
        if (sub.outs)
            o.code.args.push_back(token("SWAP1", m));
        o.code.args.push_back(token("POP", m));
        return o;
    // Seq of multiple statements
    if (node.val == "seq") {
        std::vector<Node> children;
        int lastOut = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height, dupvars);
            aux = sub.aux;
            if (sub.outs == 1) {
                if (i < node.args.size() - 1) sub.code = popwrap(sub.code);
                else lastOut = 1;
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", children, m), lastOut);
    // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars);
        programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, height, dupvars);
        aux = action.aux;
        if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m);
        if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 5, m), 0);
    // 3-part conditional
    else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) {
        programData ifd = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars);
        programData thend = opcodeify(node.args[1], ifd.aux, height, dupvars);
        programData elsed = opcodeify(node.args[2], thend.aux, height, dupvars);
        aux = elsed.aux;
        if (!ifd.outs)
            err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m);
        // Handle cases where one conditional outputs something
        // and the other does not
        int outs = (thend.outs && elsed.outs) ? 1 : 0;
        if (thend.outs > outs) thend.code = popwrap(thend.code);
        if (elsed.outs > outs) elsed.code = popwrap(elsed.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("NOT", m), token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~else"+symb, m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m), outs);
    // While (rewritten to this in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "until") {
        programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars);
        programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, height, dupvars);
        aux = action.aux;
        if (!cond.outs)
            err("Condition of while/until loop has arity 0", m);
        if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("~beg"+symb, m),
            token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~end"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m));
    // Memory allocations
    else if (node.val == "alloc") {
        programData bytez = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, height, dupvars);
        aux = bytez.aux;
        if (!bytez.outs)
            err("Alloc input has arity 0", m);
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSIZE", m),
            token("ADD", m), 
            token("0", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSTORE", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m), 1);
    // Array literals
    else if (node.val == "array_lit") {
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> nodes;
        if (!node.args.size()) {
            nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
            return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("0", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
        nodes.push_back(token(unsignedToDecimal(node.args.size() * 32 - 1), m));
        nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE8", m));
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
            Metadata m2 = node.args[i].metadata;
            nodes.push_back(token("DUP1", m2));
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, height + 2, dupvars);
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Array_lit item " + unsignedToDecimal(i) + " has zero arity", m2);
            aux = sub.aux;
            nodes.push_back(token("SWAP1", m2));
            if (i > 0) {
                nodes.push_back(token(unsignedToDecimal(i * 32), m2));
                nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m2));
            nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE", m2));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m), 1);
    // All other functions/operators
    else {
        std::vector<Node>  subs2;
        int depth = opinputs(upperCase(node.val));
        if (node.val != "debug") {
            if (depth == -1)
                err("Not a function or opcode: "+node.val, m);
            if ((int)node.args.size() != depth)
                err("Invalid arity for "+node.val, m);
        for (int i = node.args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i],
                                        height - i - 1 + node.args.size(),
            aux = sub.aux;
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Input "+unsignedToDecimal(i)+" has arity 0", sub.code.metadata);
        if (node.val == "debug") {
            subs2.push_back(token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(node.args.size()), m));
            for (int i = 0; i <= (int)node.args.size(); i++)
                subs2.push_back(token("POP", m));
        else subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m));
        int outdepth = node.val == "debug" ? 0 : opoutputs(upperCase(node.val));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), outdepth);
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments
programData opcodeify(Node node,
                      programAux aux=Aux(),
                      programVerticalAux vaux=verticalAux()) {
    std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken();
    Metadata m = node.metadata;
    // Numbers
    if (node.type == TOKEN) {
        return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node), 1);
    else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") {
        std::string varname = node.args[0].val;
        // Determine reference to variable
        if (!aux.vars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
            aux.vars[node.args[0].val] = utd(aux.nextVarMem);
            aux.nextVarMem += 32;
        Node varNode = tkn(aux.vars[varname], m);
        //std::cerr << varname << " " << printSimple(varNode) << "\n";
        // Set variable
        if (node.val == "set") {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux);
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Value to set variable must have nonzero arity!", m);
            // What if we are setting a stack variable?
            if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
                int h = vaux.height - vaux.dupvars[node.args[0].val];
                if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m);
                Node nodelist[] = {
                    token("SWAP"+unsignedToDecimal(h), m),
                    token("POP", m)
                return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0);                   
            // Setting a memory variable
            else {
                Node nodelist[] = {
                    token("MSTORE", m),
                return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m), 0);                   
        // Get variable
        else if (node.val == "get") {
            // Getting a stack variable
            if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val)) {
                 int h = vaux.height - vaux.dupvars[node.args[0].val];
                if (h > 16) err("Too deep for stack variable (max 16)", m);
                return pd(aux, token("DUP"+unsignedToDecimal(h)), 1);                   
            // Getting a memory variable
            else {
                Node nodelist[] = 
                     { varNode, token("MLOAD", m) };
                return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), 1);
        // Refer variable
        else if (node.val == "ref") {
            if (vaux.dupvars.count(node.args[0].val))
                err("Cannot ref stack variable!", m);
            return pd(aux, varNode, 1);
    // Comments do nothing
    else if (node.val == "comment") {
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", m), 0);
    // Custom operation sequence
    // eg. (ops bytez id msize swap1 msize add 0 swap1 mstore) == alloc
    if (node.val == "ops") {
        std::vector<Node>  subs2;
        int depth = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
            std::string op = upperCase(node.args[i].val);
            if (node.args[i].type == ASTNODE || opinputs(op) == -1) {
                programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux;
                vaux2.height = vaux.height - i - 1 + node.args.size();
                programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux2);
                aux = sub.aux;
                depth += sub.outs;
            else {
                subs2.push_back(token(op, m));
                depth += opoutputs(op) - opinputs(op);
        if (depth < 0 || depth > 1) err("Stack depth mismatch", m);
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), 0);
    // Code blocks
    if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> o;
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux);
        Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP1", m),
            token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m),
            token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, 
            token("~endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m)
        return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 11, m), 1);
    // Stack variables
    if (node.val == "with") {
        programData initial = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux, vaux);
        programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux;
        vaux2.dupvars[node.args[0].val] = vaux.height;
        vaux2.height += 1;
        if (!initial.outs)
            err("Initial variable value must have nonzero arity!", m);
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[2], initial.aux, vaux2);
        Node nodelist[] = {
        programData o = pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m), sub.outs);
        if (sub.outs)
            o.code.args.push_back(token("SWAP1", m));
        o.code.args.push_back(token("POP", m));
        return o;
    // Seq of multiple statements
    if (node.val == "seq") {
        std::vector<Node> children;
        int lastOut = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux);
            aux = sub.aux;
            if (sub.outs == 1) {
                if (i < node.args.size() - 1) sub.code = popwrap(sub.code);
                else lastOut = 1;
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", children, m), lastOut);
    // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux);
        programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, vaux);
        aux = action.aux;
        if (!cond.outs) err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m);
        if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 6, m), 0);
    // 3-part conditional
    else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) {
        programData ifd = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux);
        programData thend = opcodeify(node.args[1], ifd.aux, vaux);
        programData elsed = opcodeify(node.args[2], thend.aux, vaux);
        aux = elsed.aux;
        if (!ifd.outs)
            err("Condition of if/unless statement has arity 0", m);
        // Handle cases where one conditional outputs something
        // and the other does not
        int outs = (thend.outs && elsed.outs) ? 1 : 0;
        if (thend.outs > outs) thend.code = popwrap(thend.code);
        if (elsed.outs > outs) elsed.code = popwrap(elsed.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("ISZERO", m),
            token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~else"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 12, m), outs);
    // While (rewritten to this in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "until") {
        programData cond = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux);
        programData action = opcodeify(node.args[1], cond.aux, vaux);
        aux = action.aux;
        if (!cond.outs)
            err("Condition of while/until loop has arity 0", m);
        if (action.outs) action.code = popwrap(action.code);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("~beg"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m),
            token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~end"+symb, m), token("JUMPDEST", m),
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m));
    // Memory allocations
    else if (node.val == "alloc") {
        programData bytez = opcodeify(node.args[0], aux, vaux);
        aux = bytez.aux;
        if (!bytez.outs)
            err("Alloc input has arity 0", m);
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSIZE", m),
            token("ADD", m), 
            token("0", m), token("SWAP1", m), token("MSTORE", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m), 1);
    // All other functions/operators
    else {
        std::vector<Node>  subs2;
        int depth = opinputs(upperCase(node.val));
        if (depth == -1)
            err("Not a function or opcode: "+node.val, m);
        if ((int)node.args.size() != depth)
            err("Invalid arity for "+node.val, m);
        for (int i = node.args.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            programVerticalAux vaux2 = vaux;
            vaux2.height = vaux.height - i - 1 + node.args.size();
            programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux, vaux2);
            aux = sub.aux;
            if (!sub.outs)
                err("Input "+unsignedToDecimal(i)+" has arity 0", sub.code.metadata);
        subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m));
        int outdepth = opoutputs(upperCase(node.val));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m), outdepth);
// Turns LLL tree into tree of code fragments
programData opcodeify(Node node, programAux aux=Aux()) {
    std::string symb = "_"+mkUniqueToken();
    Metadata m = node.metadata;
    // Numbers
    if (node.type == TOKEN) {
        return pd(aux, nodeToNumeric(node));
    else if (node.val == "ref" || node.val == "get" || node.val == "set") {
        std::string varname = node.args[0].val;
        if (!aux.vars.count(varname)) {
            aux.vars[varname] = intToDecimal(aux.vars.size() * 32);
        if (varname == "msg.data") aux.calldataUsed = true;
        // Set variable
        if (node.val == "set") {
             programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux);
             Node nodelist[] = {
                 token(aux.vars[varname], m),
                 token("MSTORE", m),
             return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 3, m));                   
        // Get variable
        else if (node.val == "get") {
             Node nodelist[] = 
                  { token(aux.vars[varname], m), token("MLOAD", m) };
             return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 2, m));
        // Refer variable
        else return pd(aux, token(aux.vars[varname], m));
    // Code blocks
    if (node.val == "lll" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        if (node.args[1].val != "0") aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> o;
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[1], aux);
        Node code = astnode("____CODE", o, m);
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$begincode"+symb+".endcode"+symb, m), token("DUP", m),
            token("$begincode"+symb, m), sub.code, token("CODECOPY", m),
            token("$endcode"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m),
            token("~begincode"+symb, m), code, token("~endcode"+symb, m)
        return pd(sub.aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m));
    std::vector<Node> subs;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.args.size(); i++) {
        programData sub = opcodeify(node.args[i], aux);
        aux = sub.aux;
    // Debug
    if (node.val == "debug") {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("DUP", m), token("POP", m), token("POP", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 4, m));
    // Seq of multiple statements
    if (node.val == "seq") {
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs, m));
    // 2-part conditional (if gets rewritten to unless in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "unless" && node.args.size() == 2) {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 5, m));
    // 3-part conditional
    else if (node.val == "if" && node.args.size() == 3) {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("NOT", m), token("$else"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$endif"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~else"+symb, m),
            token("~endif"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 10, m));
    // While (rewritten to this in rewrites)
    else if (node.val == "until") {
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("~beg"+symb, m),
            token("$end"+symb, m), token("JUMPI", m),
            token("$beg"+symb, m), token("JUMP", m), token("~end"+symb, m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m));
    // Memory allocations
    else if (node.val == "alloc") {
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        Node nodelist[] = {
            token("MSIZE", m), token("SWAP", m), token("MSIZE", m),
            token("ADD", m), 
            token("0", m), token("SWAP", m), token("MSTORE", m)
        return pd(aux, multiToken(nodelist, 8, m));
    // Array literals
    else if (node.val == "array_lit") {
        aux.allocUsed = true;
        std::vector<Node> nodes;
        if (!subs.size()) {
            nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
            return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("0", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSIZE", m));
        nodes.push_back(token(intToDecimal(subs.size() * 32 - 1), m));
        nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m));
        nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE8", m));
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
            nodes.push_back(token("DUP", m));
            nodes.push_back(token("SWAP", m));
            if (i > 0) {
                nodes.push_back(token(intToDecimal(i * 32), m));
                nodes.push_back(token("ADD", m));
            nodes.push_back(token("MSTORE", m));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", nodes, m));
    // All other functions/operators
    else {
        std::vector<Node> subs2;
        while (subs.size()) {
        subs2.push_back(token(upperCase(node.val), m));
        return pd(aux, astnode("_", subs2, m));
// Preprocess input containing functions
// localExterns is a map of the form, eg,
// { x: { foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2 }, y: { qux: 0, foo: 1 } ... }
// localExternSigs is a map of the form, eg,
// { x : { foo: iii, bar: iis, baz: ia }, y: { qux: i, foo: as } ... }
// Signifying that x.foo = 0, x.baz = 2, y.foo = 1, etc
// and that x.foo has three integers as arguments, x.bar has two
// integers and a variable-length string, and baz has an integer
// and an array
// globalExterns is a one-level map, eg from above
// { foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 0 }
// globalExternSigs is a one-level map, eg from above
// { foo: as, bar: iis, baz: ia, qux: i}
// Note that globalExterns and globalExternSigs may be ambiguous
// Also, a null signature implies an infinite tail of integers
preprocessResult preprocessInit(Node inp) {
    Metadata m = inp.metadata;
    if (inp.val != "seq")
        inp = astnode("seq", inp, m);
    std::vector<Node> empty = std::vector<Node>();
    Node init = astnode("seq", empty, m);
    Node shared = astnode("seq", empty, m);
    std::vector<Node> any;
    std::vector<Node> functions;
    preprocessAux out = preprocessAux();
    out.localExterns["self"] = std::map<std::string, int>();
    int functionCount = 0;
    int storageDataCount = 0;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < inp.args.size(); i++) {
        Node obj = inp.args[i];
        // Functions
        if (obj.val == "def") {
            if (obj.args.size() == 0)
                err("Empty def", m);
            std::string funName = obj.args[0].val;
            // Init, shared and any are special functions
            if (funName == "init" || funName == "shared" || funName == "any") {
                if (obj.args[0].args.size())
                    err(funName+" cannot have arguments", m);
            if (funName == "init") init = obj.args[1];
            else if (funName == "shared") shared = obj.args[1];
            else if (funName == "any") any.push_back(obj.args[1]);
            else {
                // Other functions
                functions.push_back(convFunction(obj, functionCount));
                out.localExterns["self"][obj.args[0].val] = functionCount;
                    = getSignature(obj.args[0].args);
        // Extern declarations
        else if (obj.val == "extern") {
            std::string externName = obj.args[0].val;
            Node al = obj.args[1];
            if (!out.localExterns.count(externName))
                out.localExterns[externName] = std::map<std::string, int>();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < al.args.size(); i++) {
                if (al.args[i].val == ":") {
                    std::string v = al.args[i].args[0].val;
                    std::string sig = al.args[i].args[1].val;
                    out.globalExterns[v] = i;
                    out.globalExternSigs[v] = sig;
                    out.localExterns[externName][v] = i;
                    out.localExternSigs[externName][v] = sig;
                else {
                    std::string v = al.args[i].val;
                    out.globalExterns[v] = i;
                    out.globalExternSigs[v] = "";
                    out.localExterns[externName][v] = i;
                    out.localExternSigs[externName][v] = "";
        // Custom macros
        else if (obj.val == "macro" || (obj.val == "fun" && obj.args[0].val == "macro")) {
            // Rules for valid macros:
            // There are only four categories of valid macros:
            // 1. a macro where the outer function is something
            // which is NOT an existing valid function/extern/datum
            // 2. a macro of the form set(c(x), d) where c must NOT
            // be an existing valid function/extern/datum
            // 3. something of the form access(c(x)), where c must NOT
            // be an existing valid function/extern/datum
            // 4. something of the form set(access(c(x)), d) where c must
            // NOT be an existing valid function/extern/datum
            // 5. something of the form with(c(x), d, e) where c must
            // NOT be an existing valid function/extern/datum
            bool valid = false;
            Node pattern;
            Node substitution;
            int priority;
            // Priority not set: default zero
            if (obj.val == "macro") {
                pattern = obj.args[0];
                substitution = obj.args[1];
                priority = 0;
            // Specified priority
            else {
                pattern = obj.args[1];
                substitution = obj.args[2];
                if (obj.args[0].args.size())
                    priority = dtu(obj.args[0].args[0].val);
                    priority = 0;
            if (opcode(pattern.val) < 0 && !isValidFunctionName(pattern.val))
                valid = true;
            if (pattern.val == "set" &&
                    opcode(pattern.args[0].val) < 0 &&
                valid = true;
            if (pattern.val == "access" &&
                    opcode(pattern.args[0].val) < 0 &&
            if (pattern.val == "set" &&
                    pattern.args[0].val == "access" &&
                    opcode(pattern.args[0].args[0].val) < 0 &&
                valid = true;
            if (pattern.val == "with" &&
                    opcode(pattern.args[0].val) < 0 &&
                valid = true;
            if (valid) {
                if (!out.customMacros.count(priority))
                    out.customMacros[priority] = rewriteRuleSet();
                    (rewriteRule(pattern, substitution));
            else warn("Macro does not fit valid template: "+printSimple(pattern), m);
        // Variable types
        else if (obj.val == "type") {
            std::string typeName = obj.args[0].val;
            std::vector<Node> vars = obj.args[1].args;
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < vars.size(); i++)
                out.types[vars[i].val] = typeName;
        // Storage variables/structures
        else if (obj.val == "data") {
            out.storageVars = getStorageVars(out.storageVars,
            storageDataCount += 1;
        else any.push_back(obj);
    // Set up top-level AST structure
    std::vector<Node> main;
    if (shared.args.size()) main.push_back(shared);
    if (init.args.size()) main.push_back(init);

    std::vector<Node> code;
    if (shared.args.size()) code.push_back(shared);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < any.size(); i++)
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < functions.size(); i++)
    Node codeNode;
    if (functions.size() > 0) {
        codeNode = astnode("with",
                           token("__funid", m),
                                   token("0", m),
                                   astnode("calldataload", token("0", m), m),
                           astnode("seq", code, m),
    else codeNode = astnode("seq", code, m);
                           token("0", m),
                                   token("0", m),

    Node result;
    if (main.size() == 1) result = main[0];
    else result = astnode("seq", main, inp.metadata);
    return preprocessResult(result, out);