int HTTPConnectionWriteChunkFile(HTTPConnectionRef const conn, strarg_t const path) {
	bool worker = false;
	uv_file file = -1;
	byte_t *buf = NULL;
	int rc;

	async_pool_enter(NULL); worker = true;
	rc = async_fs_open(path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	file = rc;

	buf = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
	if(!buf) rc = UV_ENOMEM;
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	uv_buf_t const chunk = uv_buf_init((char *)buf, BUFFER_SIZE);
	ssize_t len = async_fs_readall_simple(file, &chunk);
	if(len < 0) rc = len;
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	// Fast path for small files.
	if(len < BUFFER_SIZE) {
		str_t pfx[16];
		int const pfxlen = snprintf(pfx, sizeof(pfx), "%llx\r\n", (unsigned long long)len);
		if(pfxlen < 0) rc = UV_UNKNOWN;
		if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

		uv_buf_t parts[] = {
			uv_buf_init(pfx, pfxlen),
			uv_buf_init((char *)buf, len),
			uv_buf_init((char *)STR_LEN("\r\n")),
		async_fs_close(file); file = -1;
		async_pool_leave(NULL); worker = false;
		rc = HTTPConnectionWritev(conn, parts, numberof(parts));
		goto cleanup;

	uv_fs_t req[1];
	rc = async_fs_fstat(file, req);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	if(0 == req->statbuf.st_size) goto cleanup;

	async_pool_leave(NULL); worker = false;

	// TODO: HACK, WriteFile continues from where we left off
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteChunkLength(conn, req->statbuf.st_size);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWritev(conn, &chunk, 1);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteFile(conn, file);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWrite(conn, (byte_t const *)STR_LEN("\r\n"));

	if(file >= 0) { async_fs_close(file); file = -1; }
	if(worker) { async_pool_leave(NULL); worker = false; }
	assert(file < 0);
	return rc;
void SLNSubmissionFree(SLNSubmissionRef *const subptr) {
	SLNSubmissionRef sub = *subptr;
	if(!sub) return;

	sub->session = NULL;

	if(sub->tmppath) async_fs_unlink(sub->tmppath);
	if(sub->tmpfile >= 0) async_fs_close(sub->tmpfile);
	sub->tmpfile = 0;
	sub->size = 0;

	sub->metaFileID = 0;

	if(sub->URIs) for(size_t i = 0; sub->URIs[i]; ++i) FREE(&sub->URIs[i]);

	assert_zeroed(sub, 1);
	FREE(subptr); sub = NULL;
int HTTPConnectionSendFile(HTTPConnectionRef const conn, strarg_t const path, strarg_t const type, int64_t size) {
	int rc = async_fs_open(path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(UV_ENOENT == rc) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 404);
	if(rc < 0) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 400); // TODO: Error conversion.

	uv_file file = rc; rc = 0;
	if(size < 0) {
		uv_fs_t req[1];
		rc = async_fs_fstat(file, req);
		if(rc < 0) {
			rc = HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 400);
			goto cleanup;
		if(S_ISDIR(req->statbuf.st_mode)) {
			rc = UV_EISDIR;
			goto cleanup;
		if(!S_ISREG(req->statbuf.st_mode)) {
			rc = HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 403);
			goto cleanup;
		size = req->statbuf.st_size;
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK");
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteContentLength(conn, size);
	// TODO: Caching and other headers.
	if(type) rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Type", type);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionBeginBody(conn);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteFile(conn, file);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionEnd(conn);

	async_fs_close(file); file = -1;
	return rc;
int async_fs_sync_dirname(const char* path) {
	int rc = async_fs_open_dirname(path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(rc >= 0) {
		uv_file parent = rc;
		rc = async_fs_fdatasync(parent);
		async_fs_close(parent); parent = -1;
	return rc;
int HTTPConnectionSendFile(HTTPConnectionRef const conn, strarg_t const path, strarg_t const type, int64_t size) {
	uv_file const file = async_fs_open(path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(UV_ENOENT == file) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 404);
	if(file < 0) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 400); // TODO: Error conversion.
	int rc = 0;
	if(size < 0) {
		uv_fs_t req[1];
		rc = async_fs_fstat(file, req);
		if(rc < 0) return HTTPConnectionSendStatus(conn, 400);
		size = req->statbuf.st_size;
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK");
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteContentLength(conn, size);
	// TODO: Caching and other headers.
	if(type) rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Type", type);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionBeginBody(conn);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionWriteFile(conn, file);
	rc = rc < 0 ? rc : HTTPConnectionEnd(conn);
	return rc;
int BlogGeneric(BlogRef const blog,
                SLNSessionRef const session,
                strarg_t const htmlpath,
                strarg_t const URI,
                SLNFileInfo const *const src)
	str_t *tmp = NULL;
	uv_file html = -1;
	int rc = 0;

	tmp = SLNRepoCopyTempPath(blog->repo);
	if(!tmp) rc = UV_ENOMEM;
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	rc = async_fs_open_mkdirp(tmp, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0400);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	html = rc;

	preview_state const state = {
		.blog = blog,
		.session = session,
		.fileURI = URI,
	rc = TemplateWriteFile(blog->preview, &preview_cbs, &state, html);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	rc = async_fs_fdatasync(html);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	rc = async_fs_link_mkdirp(tmp, htmlpath);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	async_fs_unlink(tmp); FREE(&tmp);
	if(html >= 0) { async_fs_close(html); html = -1; }
	assert(html < 0);
	return rc;
/*static int POST_auth(SLNRepoRef const repo, SLNSessionRef const session, HTTPConnectionRef const conn, HTTPMethod const method, strarg_t const URI, HTTPHeadersRef const headers) {
	if(HTTP_POST != method) return -1;
	if(0 != uripathcmp("/sln/auth", URI, NULL)) return -1;

	str_t formdata[AUTH_FORM_MAX];
	ssize_t len = HTTPConnectionReadBodyStatic(conn, (byte_t *)formdata, sizeof(formdata)-1);
	if(UV_EMSGSIZE == len) return 413; // Request Entity Too Large
	if(len < 0) return 500;
	formdata[len] = '\0';

	SLNSessionCacheRef const cache = SLNRepoGetSessionCache(repo);
	static strarg_t const fields[] = {
		"token", // TODO: CSRF protection
	str_t *values[numberof(fields)] = {};
	QSValuesParse(formdata, values, fields, numberof(fields));
	SLNSessionRef s;
	int rc = SLNSessionCacheCreateSession(cache, values[0], values[1], &s);
	QSValuesCleanup(values, numberof(values));

	if(rc < 0) return 403;

	str_t *cookie = SLNSessionCopyCookie(s);
	if(!cookie) return 500;

	HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK");
	HTTPConnectionWriteSetCookie(conn, cookie, "/", 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
	HTTPConnectionWriteContentLength(conn, 0);

	return 0;
static int GET_file(SLNRepoRef const repo, SLNSessionRef const session, HTTPConnectionRef const conn, HTTPMethod const method, strarg_t const URI, HTTPHeadersRef const headers) {
	if(HTTP_GET != method && HTTP_HEAD != method) return -1;
	int len = 0;
	str_t algo[SLN_ALGO_SIZE];
	str_t hash[SLN_HASH_SIZE];
	algo[0] = '\0';
	hash[0] = '\0';
	sscanf(URI, "/sln/file/" SLN_ALGO_FMT "/" SLN_HASH_FMT "%n", algo, hash, &len);
	if(!algo[0] || !hash[0]) return -1;
	if('\0' != URI[len] && '?' != URI[len]) return -1;

	// TODO: Check for conditional get headers and return 304 Not Modified.

	str_t fileURI[SLN_URI_MAX];
	int rc = snprintf(fileURI, sizeof(fileURI), "hash://%s/%s", algo, hash);
	if(rc < 0 || rc >= sizeof(fileURI)) return 500;

	SLNFileInfo info[1];
	rc = SLNSessionGetFileInfo(session, fileURI, info);
	if(DB_EACCES == rc) return 403;
	if(DB_NOTFOUND == rc) return 404;
	if(rc < 0) return 500;

	uv_file file = async_fs_open(info->path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(UV_ENOENT == file) {
		return 410; // Gone
	if(file < 0) {
		return 500;

	// TODO: Hosting untrusted data is really hard.
	// The same origin policy isn't doing us any favors, because most
	// simple installations won't have a second domain to use.
	// - For loopback, we can use an alternate loopback IP, but that
	//   still only covers a limited range of use cases.
	// - We would really like suborigins, if they're ever widely supported.
	//   <http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/per-page-suborigins>
	// - We could report untrusted types as "text/plain" or
	//   "application/binary", which would be inconvenient but
	//   very reliable.

	// TODO: Use Content-Disposition to suggest a filename, for file types
	// that aren't useful to view inline.

	HTTPConnectionWriteResponse(conn, 200, "OK");
	HTTPConnectionWriteContentLength(conn, info->size);
	HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Type", info->type);
	HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Cache-Control", "max-age=31536000");
	HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "ETag", "1");
//	HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); // TODO
	HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Content-Security-Policy", "'none'");
	HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
//	HTTPConnectionWriteHeader(conn, "Vary", "Accept, Accept-Ranges");
	// TODO: Double check Vary header syntax.
	// Also do we need to change the ETag?
	if(HTTP_HEAD != method) {
		HTTPConnectionWriteFile(conn, file);

	return 0;
static int convert(BlogRef const blog,
                   SLNSessionRef const session,
                   char const *const htmlpath,
                   SLNSubmissionRef *const outmeta,
                   strarg_t const URI,
                   SLNFileInfo const *const src,
                   BlogTypeCheck const types,
                   BlogConverter const converter)
	int rc = types(src->type);
	if(rc < 0) return UV_EINVAL;

	str_t *tmp = NULL;
	uv_file html = -1;
	uv_file file = -1;
	char const *buf = NULL;
	SLNSubmissionRef meta = NULL;
	yajl_gen json = NULL;

	tmp = SLNRepoCopyTempPath(blog->repo);
	if(!tmp) rc = UV_ENOMEM;
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	rc = async_fs_open_mkdirp(tmp, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0400);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	html = rc;

	rc = async_fs_open(src->path, O_RDONLY, 0000);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	file = rc;

	// We use size+1 to get nul-termination. Kind of a hack.
	buf = mmap(NULL, src->size+1, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, file, 0);
	if(MAP_FAILED == buf) rc = -errno;
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	if('\0' != buf[src->size]) rc = UV_EIO; // Slightly paranoid.
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	async_fs_close(file); file = -1;

	if(outmeta) {
		rc = SLNSubmissionCreate(session, NULL, URI, &meta);
		if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
		rc = SLNSubmissionSetType(meta, SLN_META_TYPE);
		if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	SLNSubmissionWrite(meta, (byte_t const *)URI, strlen(URI));
	SLNSubmissionWrite(meta, (byte_t const *)STR_LEN("\n\n"));

	json = yajl_gen_alloc(NULL);
	if(!json) rc = UV_ENOMEM;
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;
	yajl_gen_config(json, yajl_gen_print_callback, (void (*)())SLNSubmissionWrite, meta);
	yajl_gen_config(json, yajl_gen_beautify, (int)true);

	rc = converter(html, json, buf, src->size, src->type);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	rc = async_fs_fdatasync(html);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	rc = async_fs_link_mkdirp(tmp, htmlpath);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	rc = SLNSubmissionEnd(meta);
	if(rc < 0) goto cleanup;

	if(outmeta) {
		*outmeta = meta; meta = NULL;

	async_fs_unlink(tmp); FREE(&tmp);
	if(html >= 0) { async_fs_close(html); html = -1; }
	if(file >= 0) { async_fs_close(file); file = -1; }
	if(buf) { munmap((void *)buf, src->size+1); buf = NULL; }
	if(json) { yajl_gen_free(json); json = NULL; }
	assert(html < 0);
	assert(file < 0);
	return rc;