    void Astronomy::convertEquatorialToHorizontal (
        double jday,
        double longitude,   double latitude,
        double rasc,        double decl,
        double &azimuth,    double &altitude)
        double d = jday - 2451543.5;
        double w = double (282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d);
        double M = double (356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d);
        // Sun's mean longitude
        double L = w + M;
        // Universal time of day in degrees.
        double UT = double(fmod(d, 1) * 360);
        double hourAngle = longitude + L + double (180) + UT - rasc;

        double x = cosDeg (hourAngle) * cosDeg (decl);
        double y = sinDeg (hourAngle) * cosDeg (decl);
        double z = sinDeg (decl);

        double xhor = x * sinDeg (latitude) - z * cosDeg (latitude);
        double yhor = y;
        double zhor = x * cosDeg (latitude) + z * sinDeg (latitude);

        azimuth = atan2Deg (yhor, xhor) + double (180);
        altitude = atan2Deg (zhor, sqrt (xhor * xhor + yhor * yhor));
	void Astronomy::convertEquatorialToHorizontal (
            LongReal jday,
            LongReal longitude,   LongReal latitude,
            LongReal rasc,        LongReal decl,
            LongReal &azimuth,    LongReal &altitude)
        LongReal d = jday - 2451543.5;
        LongReal w = LongReal (282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d);
        LongReal M = LongReal (356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d);
        // Sun's mean longitude
        LongReal L = w + M;
        // Universal time of day in degrees.
        LongReal UT = LongReal(fmod(d, 1) * 360);
        LongReal hourAngle = longitude + L + LongReal (180) + UT - rasc;

        LongReal x = cosDeg (hourAngle) * cosDeg (decl);
        LongReal y = sinDeg (hourAngle) * cosDeg (decl);
        LongReal z = sinDeg (decl);

        LongReal xhor = x * sinDeg (latitude) - z * cosDeg (latitude);
        LongReal yhor = y;
        LongReal zhor = x * cosDeg (latitude) + z * sinDeg (latitude);

        azimuth = atan2Deg (yhor, xhor) + LongReal (180);
        altitude = atan2Deg (zhor, sqrt (xhor * xhor + yhor * yhor));
 void Astronomy::convertRectangularToSpherical (
     double x, double y, double z,
     double &rasc, double &decl, double &dist)
     dist = sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z);
     rasc = atan2Deg (y, x);
     decl = atan2Deg (z, sqrt (x * x + y * y));
 void Astronomy::convertRectangularToSpherical (
         LongReal x, LongReal y, LongReal z,
         LongReal &rasc, LongReal &decl, LongReal &dist)
     dist = sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z);
     rasc = atan2Deg (y, x);
     decl = atan2Deg (z, sqrt (x * x + y * y));
/*! This method returns the bisector (average) of two angles. It deals
    with the boundary problem, thus when 'angMin' equals 170 and 'angMax'
    equals -100, -145 is returned.
    \param angMin minimum angle [-180,180]
    \param angMax maximum angle [-180,180]
    \return average of angMin and angMax. */
AngDeg getBisectorTwoAngles( AngDeg angMin, AngDeg angMax )
  // separate sine and cosine part to circumvent boundary problem
  return normalizeAngle(
            atan2Deg( (sinDeg( angMin) + sinDeg( angMax ) )/2.0,
                      (cosDeg( angMin) + cosDeg( angMax ) )/2.0 ) );
AngDeg getBisectorTwoAngles( AngDeg angMin, AngDeg angMax ){
  // separate sine and cosine part to circumvent boundary problem
  //return Vector2D::normalizeAngle(
  return normalizeTo180Deg(   //wenns changed
                    atan2Deg( (sinDeg( angMin) + sinDeg( angMax ) )/2.0,
                              (cosDeg( angMin) + cosDeg( angMax ) )/2.0 ) );
    void Astronomy::getHorizontalSunPosition (
        double jday,
        double longitude, double latitude,
        double &azimuth, double &altitude)
        // 2451544.5 == Astronomy::getJulianDayFromGregorianDateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));
        // 2451543.5 == Astronomy::getJulianDayFromGregorianDateTime(1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0));
        double d = jday - 2451543.5;

        // Sun's Orbital elements:
        // argument of perihelion
        double w = double (282.9404 + 4.70935E-5 * d);
        // eccentricity (0=circle, 0-1=ellipse, 1=parabola)
        double e = 0.016709 - 1.151E-9 * d;
        // mean anomaly (0 at perihelion; increases uniformly with time)
        double M = double(356.0470 + 0.9856002585 * d);
        // Obliquity of the ecliptic.
        //double oblecl = double (23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * d);

        // Eccentric anomaly
        double E = M + radToDeg(e * sinDeg (M) * (1 + e * cosDeg (M)));

        // Sun's Distance(R) and true longitude(L)
        double xv = cosDeg (E) - e;
        double yv = sinDeg (E) * sqrt (1 - e * e);
        //double r = sqrt (xv * xv + yv * yv);
        double lon = atan2Deg (yv, xv) + w;
        double lat = 0;

        double lambda = degToRad(lon);
        double beta = degToRad(lat);
        double rasc, decl;
        convertEclipticToEquatorialRad (lambda, beta, rasc, decl);
        rasc = radToDeg(rasc);
        decl = radToDeg(decl);

        // Horizontal spherical.
        Astronomy::convertEquatorialToHorizontal (
            jday, longitude, latitude, rasc, decl, azimuth, altitude);
文件: Player.cpp 项目: bestdpf/dpfall
    shared_ptr<Action> Player::goTo(const Vector2f& destPos, AngDeg bodyDir, bool avoidBall) {
        Vector2f relTarget;
	//Vector2f tmpDestPos=Vector2f(-destPos.y(),destPos.x());//test by dpf
        float turnAng;
	//dpf change , comment: dpf want to use new transGlobalPosToRelPos() but it seems bad.
	//dpf once want to change myPos to torso's global pos, but failed, because we use myPos before
	// to test the FAT, now we must use it too, though it is good to undstand to use torso's global pos
	Vector2f myPos=WM.getMyGlobalPos2D();
	Vector2f destRelPos=WM.transGlobalPosToRelPos(destPos);
	// Vector2f destRelPos = WM.transGlobalPosToRelPos(WM.getMyGlobalPos2D(), destPos);
        if (destRelPos.length() > 0.2f) //far enough, so don't care about body direction, just turn to destination
            turnAng = -atan2Deg(destRelPos.x(), destRelPos.y());
            if (fabs(turnAng) > 15.0f)
                relTarget = Vector2f(0, 0);
                relTarget = destRelPos;
        } else {
            relTarget = destRelPos;
            turnAng = normalizeAngle(bodyDir - WM.getMyBodyDirection()); ///////////////////////////////
        return goToAvoidBlocks(relTarget, turnAng, avoidBall);
    \param v 要得到水平角度的矢量
	\return 水平角度*/
AngDeg getVector3fHorizontalAng( Vector3f v )
	return atan2Deg( v.y(), v.x() );
文件: Player.cpp 项目: bestdpf/dpfall


        //calculate pos and dir to go
        const Vector2f& ballPos = WM.getBallGlobalPos2D();
	Vector2f myDesiredRelPosToBall=mKickMotionVector[motionNum].myDesiredRelPosToBall;
	myDesiredRelPosToBall.y()+=-0.0278;//0.155*sinDeg(-10);//a patch, old my glbal pos is eye pos, but now is torso.0.155 is length from eye to torso, -10 is bodyAng
        Vector2f myDesiredPos = WM.transRelPosToGlobalPos(ballPos,myDesiredRelPosToBall);
	//Vector2f myDesiredPos = WM.transRelPosToGlobalPos(ballPos, mKickMotionVector[motionNum].myDesiredRelPosToBall);
	//rewrited by dpf, just for test
	AngDeg myDesiredBodyDir = (goal - ballPos).angle() + atan2Deg(mKickMotionVector[motionNum].kickTargetRel.x(),
        *pPos = myDesiredPos;
        *pDir = myDesiredBodyDir;
        *pRelPosToStopWalk = mKickMotionVector[motionNum].relPosToBallToStopWalk;

        return shared_ptr<KickTask > (new KickTask(mKickMotionVector[motionNum].firstTaskName));

    boost::shared_ptr<action::Action> Player::dribbleToDir(AngDeg angC, AngDeg angL, AngDeg angR) {
        const Vector2f& ballPos = WM.getBallGlobalPos2D();
        const Vector2f& myPos = WM.getMyGlobalPos2D();

        AngDeg myDirToBall = (ballPos - myPos).angle();