_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_locrange (ats_ptr_type arg0, ats_ptr_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp49) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp50) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp51) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp52) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp53) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp54) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp55) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp56) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp57) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp58) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp59) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp60) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp61) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp62) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp63) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp64) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp65) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp66) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp67) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp68) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp69) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp70) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp71) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp72) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp73) ;

tmp52 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_beg_ntot) ;
tmp51 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp52, 1L) ;
/* tmp50 = */ atspre_fprint_lint (arg0, tmp51) ;
/* tmp53 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst("(line=")) ;
tmp56 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_beg_nrow) ;
tmp55 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp56, 1) ;
/* tmp54 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp55) ;
/* tmp57 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(", offs=")) ;
tmp60 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_beg_ncol) ;
tmp59 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp60, 1) ;
/* tmp58 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp59) ;
/* tmp61 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(")")) ;
/* tmp62 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(" -- ")) ;
tmp65 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_end_ntot) ;
tmp64 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp65, 1L) ;
/* tmp63 = */ atspre_fprint_lint (arg0, tmp64) ;
/* tmp66 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst("(line=")) ;
tmp69 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_end_nrow) ;
tmp68 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp69, 1) ;
/* tmp67 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp68) ;
/* tmp70 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(", offs=")) ;
tmp73 = ats_selbox_mac(ats_castptr_mac(anairiats_rec_0, arg1), atslab_end_ncol) ;
tmp72 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp73, 1) ;
/* tmp71 = */ atspre_fprint_int (arg0, tmp72) ;
/* tmp49 = */ atspre_fprint_string (arg0, ATSstrcst(")")) ;
return /* (tmp49) */ ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_locrange] */
ATS_2d0_2e2_2e10_2libc_2SATS_2random_2esats__srand48_with_gettimeofday () {
/* local vardec */
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp0) ;
ATSlocal (ats_timeval_type, tmp1) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp2) ;
// ATSlocal_void (tmp3) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp4) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp5) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp6) ;
ATSlocal (ats_time_type, tmp7) ;
ATSlocal (ats_suseconds_type, tmp8) ;

/* ats_timeval_type tmp1 ; */
tmp2 = atslib_gettimeofday_tv ((&tmp1)) ;
tmp4 = atspre_ieq (tmp2, 0) ;
if (tmp4) {
tmp7 = ats_select_mac(tmp1, tv_sec) ;
tmp6 = atspre_mul_lint_lint (ats_castfn_mac(ats_lint_type, tmp7), 1000000L) ;
tmp8 = ats_select_mac(tmp1, tv_usec) ;
tmp5 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp6, ats_castfn_mac(ats_lint_type, tmp8)) ;
/* tmp3 = */ atslib_srand48 (tmp5) ;
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
tmp0 = tmp2 ;
return (tmp0) ;
} /* end of [ATS_2d0_2e2_2e10_2libc_2SATS_2random_2esats__srand48_with_gettimeofday] */
_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_count (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_uint_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp32) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp33) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp34) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp35) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp36) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp37) ;

tmp34 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) ;
tmp35 = atspre_lint_of_uint (arg1) ;
tmp33 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp34, tmp35) ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) = tmp33 ;
tmp37 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) ;
tmp36 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp37, ats_castfn_mac(ats_int_type, arg1)) ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) = tmp36 ;
return /* (tmp32) */ ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_count] */
_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_position (ats_ptr_type arg0, pats_position_struct arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp1) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp2) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp3) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp4) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp5) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp6) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp7) ;

tmp2 = ats_select_mac(arg1, ntot) ;
tmp3 = ats_select_mac(arg1, nrow) ;
tmp4 = ats_select_mac(arg1, ncol) ;
tmp5 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp2, 1L) ;
tmp6 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp3, 1) ;
tmp7 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp4, 1) ;
/* tmp1 = */ atspre_fprintf_exn (arg0, ATSstrcst("%li(line=%i, offs=%i)"), tmp5, tmp6, tmp7) ;
return /* (tmp1) */ ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__fprint_position] */
_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_char (ats_ref_type arg0, ats_int_type arg1) {
/* local vardec */
// ATSlocal_void (tmp16) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp17) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp18) ;
ATSlocal (ats_lint_type, tmp19) ;
ATSlocal (ats_bool_type, tmp20) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp21) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp22) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp23) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp24) ;
ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp25) ;

tmp17 = atspre_gte_int_int (arg1, 0) ;
if (tmp17) {
tmp19 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) ;
tmp18 = atspre_add_lint_lint (tmp19, 1L) ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ntot) = tmp18 ;
tmp21 = atspre_int_of_char ('\n') ;
tmp20 = atspre_eq_int_int (arg1, tmp21) ;
if (tmp20) {
tmp23 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), nrow) ;
tmp22 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp23, 1) ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), nrow) = tmp22 ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) = 0 ;
} else {
tmp25 = ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) ;
tmp24 = atspre_add_int_int (tmp25, 1) ;
ats_select_mac(ats_ptrget_mac(pats_position_struct, arg0), ncol) = tmp24 ;
} /* end of [if] */
} else {
/* empty */
} /* end of [if] */
return /* (tmp16) */ ;
} /* end of [_2home_2hwxi_2research_2Postiats_2git_2src_2pats_location_2esats__position_incby_char] */