double AntiVignettingFilter::real_attenuation(double r1, double r2, double dist_center)
    if (!m_settings.addvignetting)
        return (attenuation(r1, r2, dist_center));
        return (1.0 / attenuation(r1, r2, dist_center));
 * Calculate the attenuation correction factor the volume given a start and
 * end point.
 * @param rng A reference to a PseudoRandomNumberGenerator producing
 * random number between [0,1]
 * @param startPos Origin of the initial track
 * @param endPos Final position of neutron after scattering (assumed to be
 * outside of the "volume")
 * @param lambdaBefore Wavelength, in \f$\\A^-1\f$, before scattering
 * @param lambdaAfter Wavelength, in \f$\\A^-1\f$, after scattering
 * @return The fraction of the beam that has been attenuated. A negative number
 * indicates the track was not valid.
double MCInteractionVolume::calculateAbsorption(
    Kernel::PseudoRandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Kernel::V3D &startPos,
    const Kernel::V3D &endPos, double lambdaBefore, double lambdaAfter) const {
  // Generate scatter point. If there is an environment present then
  // first select whether the scattering occurs on the sample or the
  // environment. The attenuation for the path leading to the scatter point
  // is calculated in reverse, i.e. defining the track from the scatter pt
  // backwards for simplicity with how the Track object works. This avoids
  // having to understand exactly which object the scattering occurred in.
  V3D scatterPos;
  if (m_env && (rng.nextValue() > 0.5)) {
    scatterPos =
        m_env->generatePoint(rng, m_activeRegion, MAX_SCATTER_ATTEMPTS);
  } else {
    scatterPos = m_sample.generatePointInObject(rng, m_activeRegion,
  auto toStart = startPos - scatterPos;
  Track beforeScatter(scatterPos, toStart);
  int nlinks = m_sample.interceptSurface(beforeScatter);
  if (m_env) {
    nlinks += m_env->interceptSurfaces(beforeScatter);
  // This should not happen but numerical precision means that it can
  // occasionally occur with tracks that are very close to the surface
  if (nlinks == 0) {
    return -1.0;

  // Function to calculate total attenuation for a track
  auto calculateAttenuation = [](const Track &path, double lambda) {
    double factor(1.0);
    for (const auto &segment : path) {
      const double length = segment.distInsideObject;
      const auto &segObj = *(segment.object);
      const auto &segMat = segObj.material();
      factor *= attenuation(segMat.numberDensity(),
                            segMat.totalScatterXSection(lambda) +
    return factor;

  // Now track to final destination
  V3D scatteredDirec = endPos - scatterPos;
  Track afterScatter(scatterPos, scatteredDirec);
  if (m_env) {
  return calculateAttenuation(beforeScatter, lambdaBefore) *
         calculateAttenuation(afterScatter, lambdaAfter);
void MICROSTRIP::calc()
    /* effective permeability */
    /* static impedance */
    /* calculate freq dependence of er and Z0 */
    /* calculate electrical lengths */
    /* calculate losses */
/* computes the diffuse component by iterating through all lights within the scene
 * much the like sphere. 
 * note: only difference is the barycentric coordinates are an
 * additional weighing factor in the final output
 * */
Color3 Triangle:: compute_diffuse(const Scene* scene, const Vector3 &normal,const Vector3 &surface_pos)const{
 	Color3 total_diff = Color3::Black;
        int num_lights = scene->num_lights();
	int num_shapes = scene->num_geometries(); 
	Geometry* const* sceneObjects = scene->get_geometries();
        const PointLight* lights = scene->get_lights();

        // iterate throught all lights in the scene
        for(int i=0;i<num_lights;i++){
		 real_t b_i = 1.0;
                 Vector3 light_pos = lights[i].position;
                 Vector3 light_vector = normalize(light_pos - surface_pos);
                 real_t dist = distance(light_pos,surface_pos);
 		 // apply slope factor of some arbitrarily small epsilon
 		 // to the surface position, we will shoot out shadow ray from here
                 Vector3 slope_pos = surface_pos + EPSILON*light_vector;
		 // check if a geometry casts a shadow, in which case 
 	         // this light contributes nothing to the diffuse color
                 for(int j=0; j<num_shapes; j++){ 
                         real_t t = sceneObjects[j]->shadow_intersection(light_vector, slope_pos);
			  // check if the intersection point is in front of the light 
                         if(t != -1.0){
                                 Vector3 geo_surface = slope_pos + light_vector*t;
                                 real_t geo_dis = distance(geo_surface,surface_pos);
                                 if(geo_dis < dist){
                                         b_i = 0.0; //light contributes nothing
                 if(b_i == 1.0){
                         Color3 atten = attenuation(dist,lights[i], light_pos,surface_pos);
                         total_diff = total_diff + atten*max(dot(light_vector,normal),0);
	return total_diff;
Vec4 SpotLight::calculateColor(Vec4 pit, Vec4 n,Vec4 viewer, Material *m,Vec4 pos,Vec4 texColor,int mode_texture)
        Vec4 direction(direction_light->x1,direction_light->x2,direction_light->x3);
        Vec4 position(position_light->x1,position_light->x2,position_light->x3);
        Vec4 l = (position-pit)/(position-pit).module();
        float fator = fmax((n*l)/(n.module()*l.module()),0);
        Vec4 Diffuse;
        Diffuse.x1 = (texColor.x() * diffuse_light->x1)*fator;
        Diffuse.x2 = (texColor.y() * diffuse_light->x2)*fator;
        Diffuse.x3 = (texColor.z() * diffuse_light->x3)*fator;

        l = l.unitary();
        Vec4 r = (n*((l*n)*2) - l);
        Vec4 v = (viewer-pit)/(viewer-pit).module();
        r = (r+v)/(r+v).module();

        float fator2 = fmax(pow((r*v),m->shininess*128),0);
        if(r*n<0) fator2 = 0;
        Vec4 especular;
        especular.x1 = (texColor.x() * specular_light->x1)*fator2;
        especular.x2 = (texColor.y() * specular_light->x2)*fator2;
        especular.x3 = (texColor.z() * specular_light->x3)*fator2;

        Vec4 ambiente;
        ambiente.x1 = texColor.x() * ambient_light->x1;
        ambiente.x2 = texColor.y() * ambient_light->x2;
        ambiente.x3 = texColor.z() * ambient_light->x3;

        Vec4 color = ((Diffuse+especular))*isInDualConeSpot(pit)*pow(direction*(l*-1),expoent_light)*attenuation((position-viewer).module());
        return color;

    }else if(mode_texture==TYPE_REPLACE_TEXTURE){

    Vec4 direction(direction_light->x1,direction_light->x2,direction_light->x3);

    //calculo da contribuição difusa

    Vec4 position(position_light->x1,position_light->x2,position_light->x3);
    if ((position-pit).unitary()*n<=0) return Vec4();
    //direction = (direction)/(direction).module();
    Vec4 l = (position-pit)/(position-pit).module();
    float fator = fmax((n*l)/(n.module()*l.module()),0);
    Vec4 Diffuse;
    Diffuse.x1 = (m->diffuse[0] * diffuse_light->x1)*fator;
    Diffuse.x2 = (m->diffuse[1] * diffuse_light->x2)*fator;
    Diffuse.x3 = (m->diffuse[2] * diffuse_light->x3)*fator;

    //calculo da contribuicao especular
    l = l.unitary();
    Vec4 r = (n*((l*n)*2) - l);
    Vec4 v = (viewer-pit)/(viewer-pit).module();
    r = (r+v)/(r+v).module();

    float fator2 = fmax(pow((r*v),m->shininess*128),0);
    if(r*n<0) fator2 = 0;
    Vec4 especular;
    especular.x1 = (m->specular[0] * specular_light->x1)*fator2;
    especular.x2 = (m->specular[1] * specular_light->x2)*fator2;
    especular.x3 = (m->specular[2] * specular_light->x3)*fator2;
    //calculo da contribuição ambiente
    Vec4 ambiente;
    ambiente.x1 = m->ambient[0] * ambient_light->x1;
    ambiente.x2 = m->ambient[1] * ambient_light->x2;
    ambiente.x3 = m->ambient[2] * ambient_light->x3;

    Vec4 color = texColor.mult(((Diffuse+especular))*isInDualConeSpot(pit)*pow(direction*(l*-1),expoent_light)*attenuation((position-viewer).module()));
    return color;
        Vec4 direction(direction_light->x1,direction_light->x2,direction_light->x3);

        //calculo da contribuição difusa

        Vec4 position(position_light->x1,position_light->x2,position_light->x3);
        if ((position-pit).unitary()*n<=0) return Vec4();
        //direction = (direction)/(direction).module();
        Vec4 l = (position-pit)/(position-pit).module();
        float fator = fmax((n*l)/(n.module()*l.module()),0);
        Vec4 Diffuse;
        Diffuse.x1 = (m->diffuse[0] * diffuse_light->x1)*fator;
        Diffuse.x2 = (m->diffuse[1] * diffuse_light->x2)*fator;
        Diffuse.x3 = (m->diffuse[2] * diffuse_light->x3)*fator;

        //calculo da contribuicao especular
        l = l.unitary();
        Vec4 r = (n*((l*n)*2) - l);
        Vec4 v = (viewer-pit)/(viewer-pit).module();
        r = (r+v)/(r+v).module();

        float fator2 = fmax(pow((r*v),m->shininess*128),0);
        if(r*n<0) fator2 = 0;
        Vec4 especular;
        especular.x1 = (m->specular[0] * specular_light->x1)*fator2;
        especular.x2 = (m->specular[1] * specular_light->x2)*fator2;
        especular.x3 = (m->specular[2] * specular_light->x3)*fator2;
        //calculo da contribuição ambiente
        Vec4 ambiente;
        ambiente.x1 = m->ambient[0] * ambient_light->x1;
        ambiente.x2 = m->ambient[1] * ambient_light->x2;
        ambiente.x3 = m->ambient[2] * ambient_light->x3;

        Vec4 color = ((Diffuse+especular))*isInDualConeSpot(pit)*pow(direction*(l*-1),expoent_light)*attenuation((position-viewer).module());
        return color;
// Recurse through the collada scene to add <light>s to the Torque scene
static void processNodeLights(AppNode* appNode, const MatrixF& offset, SimGroup* group)
   const domNode* node = dynamic_cast<ColladaAppNode*>(appNode)->getDomNode();

   for (S32 iLight = 0; iLight < node->getInstance_light_array().getCount(); iLight++) {

      domInstance_light* instLight = node->getInstance_light_array()[iLight];
      domLight* p_domLight = daeSafeCast<domLight>(instLight->getUrl().getElement());
      if (!p_domLight) {
         Log::warnf("Failed to find light for URL \"%s\"", instLight->getUrl().getOriginalURI());

      String lightName = Sim::getUniqueName(_GetNameOrId(node));
      const char* lightType = "";

      domLight::domTechnique_common* technique = p_domLight->getTechnique_common();
      if (!technique) {
         Log::warnf("No <technique_common> for light \"%s\"", lightName.c_str());

      LightBase* pLight = 0;
      ColorF color(ColorF::WHITE);
      Point3F attenuation(0, 1, 1);

      if (technique->getAmbient()) {
         domLight::domTechnique_common::domAmbient* ambient = technique->getAmbient();
         // No explicit support for ambient lights, so use a PointLight instead
         lightType = "ambient";
         pLight = new PointLight;
         resolveLightColor(ambient, color);
      else if (technique->getDirectional()) {
         domLight::domTechnique_common::domDirectional* directional = technique->getDirectional();
         // No explicit support for directional lights, so use a SpotLight instead
         lightType = "directional";
         pLight = new SpotLight;
         resolveLightColor(directional, color);
      else if (technique->getPoint()) {
         domLight::domTechnique_common::domPoint* point = technique->getPoint();
         lightType = "point";
         pLight = new PointLight;
         resolveLightColor(point, color);
         resolveLightAttenuation(point, attenuation);
      else if (technique->getSpot()) {
         domLight::domTechnique_common::domSpot* spot = technique->getSpot();
         lightType = "spot";
         pLight = new SpotLight;
         resolveLightColor(spot, color);
         resolveLightAttenuation(spot, attenuation);

      Log::printf("Adding <%s> light \"%s\" as a %s", lightType, lightName.c_str(), pLight->getClassName());

      MatrixF mat(offset);

      pLight->setDataField("color", 0,
         avar("%f %f %f %f", color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.alpha));
      pLight->setDataField("attenuationRatio", 0,
         avar("%f %f %f", attenuation.x, attenuation.y, attenuation.z));

      if (!pLight->registerObject(lightName)) {
         Log::errorf(LogEntry::General, "Failed to register light for \"%s\"", lightName.c_str());
         delete pLight;

      if (group)

   // Recurse child nodes
   for (S32 iChild = 0; iChild < appNode->getNumChildNodes(); iChild++)
      processNodeLights(appNode->getChildNode(iChild), offset, group);