文件: render.cpp 项目: acarabott/Bela
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
	// Nested for loops for audio channels
	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {

		if(!(n % gAudioFramesPerAnalogFrame)) {
			// On even audio samples:
			// Read analog channel 0 and map the range from 0-1 to 0.25-20
			// use this to set the value of gFrequency
			gFrequency = map(analogRead(context, n, 0), 0.0, 1.0, 0.25, 20.0);

		// Generate a sinewave with frequency set by gFrequency
		// and amplitude from -0.5 to 0.5
		float lfo = sinf(gPhase) * 0.5;
		// Keep track and wrap the phase of the sinewave
		gPhase += 2.0 * M_PI * gFrequency * gInverseSampleRate;
		if(gPhase > 2.0 * M_PI)
			gPhase -= 2.0 * M_PI;

		for(unsigned int channel = 0; channel < context->audioOutChannels; channel++) {
			// Read the audio input and half the amplitude
			float input = audioRead(context, n, channel) * 0.5;
			// Write to audio output the audio input multiplied by the sinewave
			audioWrite(context, n, channel, (input*lfo));
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
	// process the audio channels
	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; ++n)
		for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->audioOutChannels; ++ch)
			float in = audioRead(context, n, ch);
			inAcc[ch] += in;

			float out = 0.4f * sinf(gPhase[ch]);
			gPhase[ch] += 2.f * (float)M_PI * gFreq[ch] / context->audioSampleRate;
			if(gPhase[ch] > M_PI)
				gPhase[ch] -= 2.f * (float)M_PI;
			audioWrite(context, n, ch, out);

	// process the analog channels
	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; ++n)
		for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->analogInChannels; ++ch)
			int idx = ch + context->audioOutChannels;
			float in = analogRead(context, n, ch);
			inAcc[idx] += in;

			// when using the capelet, the analog output is AC-coupled,
			// so we center it around 0, exactly the same as for the audio out
			float out = 0.4f * sinf(gPhase[idx]);
			// use the analogSampleRate instead
			gPhase[idx] += 2.f * (float)M_PI * gFreq[idx] / context->analogSampleRate;
			if(gPhase[idx] > (float)M_PI)
				gPhase[idx] -= 2.f * (float)M_PI;
			analogWriteOnce(context, n, ch, out);

	static int count = 0;
	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; ++n)
		count += 1;
		if(count % (int)(context->audioSampleRate * 0.5f) == 0)
			rt_printf("Average input:\n");
			for(unsigned int n = 0; n < 10; ++n)
				rt_printf("[%d]:\t%.3f\t", n, inAcc[n]/inAccCount[n]);
				if(n % 2 == 1)

文件: render.cpp 项目: dr-offig/Bela
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
	static float lfoPhase=0;
	float amplitude = lfoAmplitude * 4700; // range of variation around D. D has to be between [0 9999]

	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
		float input = audioRead(context, n, 0) + audioRead(context, n, 1);
	    delay[writePointer++] = input + delay[readPointer]*feedback;
	    float output = (input + 0.9*delay[readPointer++] ) * 0.5;
		audioWrite(context, n, 0, output);
		audioWrite(context, n, 1, output);
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
    // listen for OSC
    while (oscServer.messageWaiting()) {

    // audio loop
    for (uint32_t n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
        currentFrame = context->audioFramesElapsed + n;
        bool beat = checkBeat(currentFrame, context->audioSampleRate);

        if (beat) {
            for (uint16_t l = 0; l < NUM_LAYERS; l++) {
                LoopLayer& layer = layers[l];

                if (layer.recordingStartScheduled()) {
                else if (layer.recordingStopScheduled()) {

        const float inputSignal = audioRead(context, n, gInputChannel);

        float layerSignal = 0;
        // record into layers
        for (uint16_t l = 0; l < NUM_LAYERS; l++) {
            LoopLayer& layer = layers[l];
            // send input signal
            layer.input(currentFrame, inputSignal);
            // sum all layers, except those that are recording, as they will
            // be giving us the input signal, which we already have
            if (!layer.isRecording()) {
                layerSignal += layer.read(currentFrame);

        // combine input pass through and recorded layers
        float outputSignal = layerSignal;
        outputSignal += (inputSignal * layers[gCurrentLayer].getMul());

        // output
        for (uint32_t ch = 0; ch < context->audioOutChannels; ch++) {
            audioWrite(context, n, ch, outputSignal);

            if(beat) {
                audioWrite(context, n, ch, 1);
void goertzelSample() {
	int sample = audioRead() - AUDIO_MIDDLE;
	if (offset == SAMPLES_PER_BIT) {
		offset = 0;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < GOERTZEL_COUNT; i++) {
		if (enabled[i]) {
			d0High[i] = GOERTZEL_A_HIGH * d1High[i] - d2High[i] + sample;
			d2High[i] = d1High[i];
			d1High[i] = d0High[i];
			d0Low[i] = GOERTZEL_A_LOW * d1Low[i] - d2Low[i] + sample;
			d2Low[i] = d1Low[i];
			d1Low[i] = d0Low[i];

			if (i * GOERTZEL_DISTANCE == offset) {
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
	static float lfoPhase = 0;
	float amplitude = lfoAmplitude * 4700; // range of variation around D. D has to be between [0 9999]
	lfoPhase+=lfoRate * 2.f * (float)M_PI * context->audioFrames/context->audioSampleRate;
	D=amplitude+amplitude * sinf(lfoPhase);

	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
		float input = 0.0;
		for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->audioInChannels; ch++) {
			input += audioRead(context, n, ch);
		input = input/(float)context->audioInChannels;
		delay[writePointer++] = input + delay[readPointer]*feedback;
		float output = dry * input + wet * delay[readPointer++];
		for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->audioOutChannels; ch++)
			audioWrite(context, n, ch, output);
/* Read from audio device and display current buffer. */
void updateDisplay(void)
	int i;

	float bgcolor[3] = DISPLAY_BACKGROUND_COLOR;
	glClearColor(bgcolor[0], bgcolor[1], bgcolor[2], 1);

	if (interaction.update)
		/* Try again *now* if it failed. */
		while (audioRead() < 0);

	if (sound.bufferReady)
		/* The buffer is marked as "full". We can now read it. After the
		 * texture has been updated, the buffer gets marked as "not
		 * ready". */

		/* First, copy the current buffer to the secondary buffer. We
		 * will show that second buffer if the first buffer is not yet
		 * ready. */
		memmove(sound.bufferLast, sound.buffer, sound.bufferSizeFrames * 2);

		/* Calculate spectrum. Casting "sound.bufferSizeFrames" works as
		 * long as it's less than 2GB. I assume this to be true because
		 * nobody will read 2GB at once from his sound card (at least
		 * not today :-). */
		for (i = 0; i < (int)sound.bufferSizeFrames; i++)
			short int val = getFrame(sound.buffer, i);
			fftw.in[i] = 2 * (double)val / (256 * 256);

		/* Draw history into a texture. First, move old texture one line up. */
		memmove(fftw.textureData + (3 * fftw.textureWidth), fftw.textureData,
		        (fftw.textureHeight - 1) * fftw.textureWidth * 3);

		int ha = 0, ta = 0;
		double histramp[][4] = DISPLAY_SPEC_HISTORY_RAMP;
		for (i = 0; i < fftw.outlen; i++)
			double val = sqrt(fftw.out[i][0] * fftw.out[i][0]
			                  + fftw.out[i][1] * fftw.out[i][1]) / FFTW_SCALE;
			val = val > 1.0 ? 1.0 : val;

			/* Save current line for current spectrum. */
			fftw.currentLine[ha++] = val;

			/* Find first index where "val" is outside that color
			 * interval. */
			int colat = 1;
			       && val > histramp[colat][0])


			/* Scale "val" into this interval. */
			double span = histramp[colat + 1][0] - histramp[colat][0];
			val -= histramp[colat][0];
			val /= span;

			/* Interpolate those two colors linearly. */
			double colnow[3];
			colnow[0] = histramp[colat][1] * (1 - val)
			            + val * histramp[colat + 1][1];
			colnow[1] = histramp[colat][2] * (1 - val)
			            + val * histramp[colat + 1][2];
			colnow[2] = histramp[colat][3] * (1 - val)
			            + val * histramp[colat + 1][3];

			/* Write this line into new first line of the texture. */
			fftw.textureData[ta++] = (unsigned char)(colnow[0] * 255);
			fftw.textureData[ta++] = (unsigned char)(colnow[1] * 255);
			fftw.textureData[ta++] = (unsigned char)(colnow[2] * 255);

	/* Enable texturing for the quad/history. */
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fftw.textureHandle);
	if (sound.bufferReady)
		/* Update texture. */
		glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0,
		                fftw.textureWidth, fftw.textureHeight,
		                GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, fftw.textureData);

		/* Reset buffer state. The buffer is no longer ready and we
		 * can't update the texture from it until audioRead() re-marked
		 * it as ready. */
		sound.bufferReady = 0;

	/* Apply zoom and panning. */
	if (!interaction.forceOverview)
		glScaled(interaction.scaleX, 1, 1);
		glTranslated(interaction.offsetX, 0, 0);

	/* Draw a textured quad. */
	glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
	/* The texture must be moved half the width of a bin to the left to
	 * match the line spectrogram. (Yes, these "0.5"s cancel out. Let
	 * the compiler do this. It's easier to understand this way.) */
	double halfBin = (0.5 * fftw.binWidth) / (0.5 * SOUND_RATE);
	glTexCoord2d(0 + halfBin, 0);  glVertex2f(-1, -0.5);
	glTexCoord2d(1 + halfBin, 0);  glVertex2f( 1, -0.5);
	glTexCoord2d(1 + halfBin, 1);  glVertex2f( 1,  1);
	glTexCoord2d(0 + halfBin, 1);  glVertex2f(-1,  1);

	/* Show current spectrum. */
	if (!interaction.showWaveform)
		float curcol[3] = DISPLAY_SPEC_CURRENT_COLOR;
		for (i = 0; i < fftw.outlen; i++)
			/* relX will be in [-1, 1], relY will be in [0, 1]. */
			double relX = 2 * ((double)i / fftw.outlen) - 1;
			double relY = fftw.currentLine[i];

			/* Move relY so it'll be shown at the bottom of the screen. */
			relY *= 0.5;
			relY -= 1;
			glVertex2f(relX, relY);
		float curcol[3] = DISPLAY_WAVEFORM_COLOR;
		for (i = 0; i < (int)sound.bufferSizeFrames; i++)
			/* relX will be in [-1, 1], relY will be in [-s, s] where s
			 * is WAVEFORM_SCALE. */
			short int val = getFrame(sound.bufferLast, i);
			double relX = 2 * ((double)i / sound.bufferSizeFrames) - 1;
			double relY = 2 * WAVEFORM_SCALE * (double)val / (256 * 256);

			/* Clamp relY ... WAVEFORM_SCALE may be too high. */
			relY = relY > 1 ? 1 : relY;
			relY = relY < -1 ? -1 : relY;

			/* Move relY so it'll be shown at the bottom of the screen. */
			relY *= 0.25;
			relY -= 0.75;
			glVertex2f(relX, relY);

	float lineYStart = -1;
	if (interaction.showWaveform)
		lineYStart = -0.5;

	/* Current line and overtones? */
	if (interaction.showOvertones)

		/* Crosshair. */
		float colcross[3] = DISPLAY_LINECOLOR_CROSS;
		glVertex2f(interaction.lastMouseDownEW[0], lineYStart);
		glVertex2f(interaction.lastMouseDownEW[0], 1);

		glVertex2f(-1, interaction.lastMouseDownEW[1]);
		glVertex2f( 1, interaction.lastMouseDownEW[1]);

		/* Indicate overtones at all multiples of the current frequency
		 * (... this draws unneccssary lines when zoomed in). Don't draw
		 * these lines if they're less than 5 pixels apart. */
		double nowscale = interaction.forceOverview ? 1 : interaction.scaleX;
		double xInitial = interaction.lastMouseDownEW[0] + 1;
		if (xInitial * interaction.width * nowscale > 5)
			double x = xInitial * 2;
			while (x - 1 < 1)
				glVertex2f(x - 1, lineYStart);
				glVertex2f(x - 1, 1);
				x += xInitial;

		/* Undertones until two lines are less than 2 pixels apart. */
		double x = xInitial;
		while ((0.5 * x * interaction.width * nowscale)
		       - (0.25 * x * interaction.width * nowscale) > 2)
			x /= 2;
			glVertex2f(x - 1, lineYStart);
			glVertex2f(x - 1, 1);

	else if (interaction.showMainGrid)

		/* Show "main grid" otherwise. */
		float colgrid1[3] = DISPLAY_LINECOLOR_GRID_1;
		glVertex2f(0, lineYStart);
		glVertex2f(0, 1);

		float colgrid2[3] = DISPLAY_LINECOLOR_GRID_2;
		glVertex2f(0.5, lineYStart);
		glVertex2f(0.5, 1);

		glVertex2f(-0.5, lineYStart);
		glVertex2f(-0.5, 1);


	if (interaction.showFrequency)
		/* Scale from [-1, 1] to [0, fftw.outlen). */
		double t = (interaction.lastMouseDownEW[0] + 1) / 2.0;
		int bin = (int)round(t * fftw.outlen);
		bin = (bin < 0 ? 0 : bin);
		bin = (bin >= fftw.outlen ? fftw.outlen - 1 : bin);

		/* Where exactly is this bin displayed? We want to snap our
		 * guide line to that position. */
		double snapX = ((double)bin / fftw.outlen) * 2 - 1;

		/* SOUND_RATE and SOUND_SAMPLES_PER_TURN determine the "size" of
		 * each "bin" (see calculation of binWidth). Each bin has a size
		 * of some hertz. The i'th bin corresponds to a frequency of i *
		 * <that size> Hz. Note that the resolution is pretty low on
		 * most setups, so it doesn't make any sense to display decimal
		 * places. */
		int freq = (int)(fftw.binWidth * bin);

		/* Draw frequency -- left or right of the guide line. */
		float coltext[3] = DISPLAY_TEXTCOLOR;

		double nowscale = interaction.forceOverview ? 1 : interaction.scaleX;
		double nowoffX = interaction.forceOverview ? 0 : interaction.offsetX;
		double screenX = (interaction.lastMouseDownEW[0] + nowoffX) * nowscale;

		/* Flipping the label could be done at exactly 50% of the
		 * screen. But we only flip it if it's some pixels away from the
		 * center. */
		if (screenX < -0.25)
			interaction.frequencyLabelLeft = 1;
		else if (screenX > 0.25)
			interaction.frequencyLabelLeft = 0;

		char freqstr[256] = "";
		if (interaction.frequencyLabelLeft)
			glRasterPos2d(snapX, interaction.lastMouseDownEW[1]);
			snprintf(freqstr, 256, " <- approx. %d Hz", freq);
			snprintf(freqstr, 256, "approx. %d Hz -> ", freq);
			glRasterPos2d(snapX - 10 * (double)strlen(freqstr)
			              / interaction.width / nowscale,

		size_t i;
		for (i = 0; i < strlen(freqstr); i++)
			glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10, freqstr[i]);

		/* Show guideline for this frequency. */
		float colcross[3] = DISPLAY_LINECOLOR_CROSS;
		glVertex2f(snapX, lineYStart);
		glVertex2f(snapX, 1);

	/* Separator between current spectrum and history; border. */

	float colborder[3] = DISPLAY_LINECOLOR_BORDER;
	glVertex2f(-1, -0.5);
	glVertex2f( 1, -0.5);

	glVertex2f(-1, lineYStart);
	glVertex2f(-1, 1);

	glVertex2f( 1, lineYStart);
	glVertex2f( 1, 1);


void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
	// float* aoc = (float*)&context->analogOutChannels;
	// *aoc = 0; // simulate Bela Mini. Should also change the condition in setup() accordingly
	static float phase = 0.0;
	static int sampleCounter = 0;
	static int invertChannel = 0;
	float frequency = 0;

	if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingNone){
		gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAudioLeft;
		rt_printf("Testing audio left\n");

	if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioDone)
		gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAnalog;
		rt_printf("Testing analog\n");

	// Play a sine wave on the audio output
	for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
		// Peak detection on the audio inputs, with offset to catch
		// DC errors
		for(int ch = 0; ch < context->audioInChannels; ch++) {
			float value = audioRead(context, n, ch);
			if(value > gPositivePeakLevels[ch])
				gPositivePeakLevels[ch] = value;
			gPositivePeakLevels[ch] += 0.1f;
			gPositivePeakLevels[ch] *= gPeakLevelDecayRate;
			gPositivePeakLevels[ch] -= 0.1f;
			if(value < gNegativePeakLevels[ch])
				gNegativePeakLevels[ch] = value;
			gNegativePeakLevels[ch] -= 0.1f;
			gNegativePeakLevels[ch] *= gPeakLevelDecayRate;
			gNegativePeakLevels[ch] += 0.1f;
		int enabledChannel;
		int disabledChannel;
		const char* enabledChannelLabel;
		const char* disabledChannelLabel;
		if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioLeft) {
			enabledChannel = 0;
			disabledChannel = 1;
			enabledChannelLabel = "Left";
			disabledChannelLabel = "Right";
		} else if (gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioRight) {
			enabledChannel = 1;
			disabledChannel = 0;
			enabledChannelLabel = "Right";
			disabledChannelLabel = "Left";
		if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioLeft || gAudioTestState  == kStateTestingAudioRight)
			audioWrite(context, n, enabledChannel, 0.2f * sinf(phase));
			audioWrite(context, n, disabledChannel, 0);
			frequency = 3000.0;
			phase += 2.0f * (float)M_PI * frequency / context->audioSampleRate;
			if(phase >= M_PI)
				phase -= 2.0f * (float)M_PI;
			if(gAudioTestStateSampleCount >= gAudioTestStateSampleThreshold) {
				// Check if we have the expected input: signal on the enabledChannel but not
				// on the disabledChannel. Also check that there is not too much DC offset on the
				// inactive channel
				if((gPositivePeakLevels[enabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[enabledChannel]) >= gPeakLevelHighThreshold 
					&& (gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel] -  gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) <= gPeakLevelLowThreshold &&
					fabsf(gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) < gDCOffsetThreshold &&
					fabsf(gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) < gDCOffsetThreshold) {
					// Successful test: increment counter
					if(gAudioTestSuccessCounter >= gAudioTestSuccessCounterThreshold) {
						rt_printf("Audio %s test successful\n", enabledChannelLabel);
						if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioLeft)
							gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAudioRight;
							rt_printf("Testing audio Right\n");
						} else if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioRight)
							gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAudioDone;

						gAudioTestStateSampleCount = 0;
						gAudioTestSuccessCounter = 0;

				else {
					if(!((context->audioFramesElapsed + n) % 22050)) {
						// Debugging print messages
						if((gPositivePeakLevels[enabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[enabledChannel]) < gPeakLevelHighThreshold)
							rt_printf("%s Audio In FAIL: insufficient signal: %f\n", enabledChannelLabel,
										gPositivePeakLevels[enabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[enabledChannel]);
						else if(gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel] -  gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel] > gPeakLevelLowThreshold)
							rt_printf("%s Audio In FAIL: signal present when it should not be: %f\n", disabledChannelLabel,
										gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel] -  gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]);
						else if(fabsf(gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) >= gDCOffsetThreshold ||
								fabsf(gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) >= gDCOffsetThreshold)
							rt_printf("%s Audio In FAIL: DC offset: (%f, %f)\n", disabledChannelLabel,
										gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel], gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]);
					if(gAudioTestSuccessCounter <= 0)
						gAudioTestSuccessCounter = 0;
			gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAnalogDone || // Bela Mini: the audio outs are used also for testing analogs, so we only play the tone at the end of all tests
			(gAudioTestState >= kStateTestingAudioDone && context->analogOutChannels) // Bela: we play as soon as testing audio ends, while live-testing the analogs.
			// Audio input testing finished. Play tones depending on status of
			// analog testing
			audioWrite(context, n, 0, gEnvelopeValueL * sinf(phase));
			audioWrite(context, n, 1, gEnvelopeValueR * sinf(phase));

			// If one second has gone by with no error, play one sound, else
			// play another
			if(context->audioFramesElapsed + n - gLastErrorFrame > context->audioSampleRate)
				gEnvelopeValueL *= gEnvelopeDecayRate;
				gEnvelopeValueR *= gEnvelopeDecayRate;
				if(gEnvelopeSampleCount > 22050) {
					if(gEnvelopeLastChannel == 0)
						gEnvelopeValueR = 0.5;
						gEnvelopeValueL = 0.5;
					gEnvelopeLastChannel = !gEnvelopeLastChannel;
					gEnvelopeSampleCount = 0;
				frequency = 880.0;
					led1->write(gEnvelopeValueL > 0.2);
					led2->write(gEnvelopeValueR > 0.2);
			} else {
				gEnvelopeValueL = gEnvelopeValueR = 0.5;
				gEnvelopeLastChannel = 0;
				frequency = 220.0;

			phase += 2.0f * (float)M_PI * frequency / context->audioSampleRate;
			if(phase >= M_PI)
				phase -= 2.0f * (float)M_PI;

	unsigned int outChannels = context->analogOutChannels ? context->analogOutChannels : context->audioOutChannels;
	unsigned int outFrames = context->analogOutChannels ? context->analogFrames : context->audioFrames;
	if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAnalog)
		for(unsigned int n = 0; n < outFrames; n++) {
			// Change outputs every 512 samples
			for(int k = 0; k < outChannels; k++) {
				float outValue;
				if((k % outChannels) == (invertChannel % outChannels))
					outValue = sampleCounter < 512 ? ANALOG_OUT_HIGH : ANALOG_OUT_LOW;
					outValue = sampleCounter < 512 ? ANALOG_OUT_LOW : ANALOG_OUT_HIGH;
				if(context->analogOutChannels == 0)
					audioWrite(context, n, k%2, outValue); // Bela Mini, using audio outs instead
					analogWriteOnce(context, n, k, outValue); // Bela

		for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; n++) {
			// Read after 256 samples: input should be low (high for inverted)
			// Read after 768 samples: input should be high (low for inverted)
			if(sampleCounter == 256 || sampleCounter == 768) {
				for(int k = 0; k < context->analogInChannels; k++) {
					float inValue = analogRead(context, n, k);
					bool inverted = ((k % outChannels) == (invertChannel % outChannels));
							inverted &&
								(sampleCounter == 256 && inValue < ANALOG_IN_HIGH) ||
								(sampleCounter == 768 && inValue > ANALOG_IN_LOW)
						) || (
							!inverted &&
								(sampleCounter == 256 && inValue > ANALOG_IN_LOW) ||
								(sampleCounter == 768 && inValue < ANALOG_IN_HIGH)
						rt_printf("Analog FAIL [output %d, input %d] -- output %s input %f %s\n", 
							k % outChannels, 
							(sampleCounter == 256 && inverted) || (sampleCounter == 768 && !inverted) ? "HIGH" : "LOW",
							inverted ? "(inverted channel)" : "");
						gLastErrorFrame = context->audioFramesElapsed + n;
						gAnalogTestSuccessCounter = 0;
					} else {

			if(++sampleCounter >= 1024) {
				sampleCounter = 0;
				if(invertChannel >= 8)
					invertChannel = 0;
			if(gAnalogTestSuccessCounter >= 500) {
				static bool notified = false;
					rt_printf("Analog test successful\n");
					gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAnalogDone;

				notified = true;