QImage XCursorThemeData::loadImage (const QString &name, int size) const {
  if (size == -1) size = XcursorGetDefaultSize(QX11Info::display());
  // Load the image
  XcursorImage *xcimage = xcLoadImage(name, size);
  if (!xcimage) xcimage = xcLoadImage(findAlternative(name), size);
  // Fall back to a legacy cursor
  //if (!xcimage) return LegacyTheme::loadImage(name);
  if (!xcimage) return QImage();
  // Convert the XcursorImage to a QImage, and auto-crop it
  QImage image((uchar *)xcimage->pixels, xcimage->width, xcimage->height, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
  image = autoCropImage(image);
  return image;
QImage XCursorTheme::loadImage(const QString &name, int size) const
    if (size <= 0)
        size = autodetectCursorSize();

    // Load the image
    XcursorImage *xcimage = xcLoadImage(name, size);

    if (!xcimage)
        xcimage = xcLoadImage(findAlternative(name), size);

    if (!xcimage) {
        return QImage();

    // Convert the XcursorImage to a QImage, and auto-crop it
    QImage image((uchar *)xcimage->pixels, xcimage->width, xcimage->height,
                 QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );

    image = autoCropImage(image);

    return image;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  image myPic;
  imageInfo picInfo;
  int count;
  char *outputType = NULL;
  int err;
  int aCrop = NO;
  int left = -1, right = -1, top = -1, bottom = -1;
  double xscale = 1, yscale = 1;
  double xs2, ys2;
  int xdim = 0, ydim = 0;
  int ditherMode = ' ';
  int mMono = NO;
  int outType = NO;
  int scaletofit = NO;
  int numBits = 1;
  char *outFile = NULL;
  char *type = NULL, *ext = NULL;
  char *p;
  int nv;
  double darken = 0;
  double contrast = 0;
  double rotate = 0;
  struct stat sbuf;
  int blend = NO;
  static char filename[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = "";
  int negative = NO;
  int enhance = NO;
  formatInfo fInfo;

  count = getargs(argc, argv, "nbosabLiRiTiBixdydXiYidcmbpbsbbiDdSbKdfseird",
		   &negative, &outputType, &aCrop, &left, &right, &top,
		   &bottom, &xscale, &yscale, &xdim, &ydim, &ditherMode,
		   &mMono, &outType, &scaletofit, &numBits, &darken,
		   &blend, &contrast, &outFile, &enhance, &rotate

  if (count < 0 || count == argc) {
    if (count < 0 && -count != '-')
      fprintf(stderr, "Bad flag: %c\n", -count);
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-options] filename\n"
	     "  options:\n"
	     "\tn: make negative\n"
	     "\to: string indicating output format\n"
	     "\ta: auto crop non plotting areas\n"
	     "\tL, R, T, B: specify where to crop picture\n"
	     "\tx, y: specify scale factor in that direction\n"
	     "\tX, Y: specify dimension of picture in that direction\n"
	     "\td: select dither method: (D)ither, (T)hreshold, or (H)alftone\n"
	     "\tm: convert image to monochrome\n"
	     "\tp: dither image for output to printer\n"
	     "\ts: scale image to fill up specified screen\n"
	     "\tb: number of bits to dither to\n"
	     "\tD: how much to brighten image\n"
	     "\tK: contrast level\n"
	     "\tS: blend pixels together when scaling\n"
	     "\tf: file name to save to\n"
	     "\te: contrast for enhance image\n"
	     "\tr: number of degrees to rotate\n"
	     , *argv);

  for (; count < argc; count++) {
    if ((err = load_pic(argv[count], &myPic))) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Cannot load file %s\nError: %s\n", argv[count], picErrorStr(err));
    if (!getImageInfo(argv[count], &picInfo))
      type = picInfo.extension;

    if (!outputType) 
      outputType =  type;

    if (!infoForFormat(outputType, &fInfo)) {
      ext = fInfo.extension;
      if (scaletofit && !xdim && !ydim && fInfo.maxWidth && fInfo.maxHeight) {
	xdim = fInfo.maxWidth;
	ydim = fInfo.maxHeight;
    if (mMono)
    if (left >= 0 || right >= 0 || top >= 0 || bottom >= 0) {
      if (left < 0)
	left = 0;
      if (right < 0)
	right = myPic.width - 1;
      if (top < 0)
	top = 0;
      if (bottom < 0)
	bottom = myPic.height - 1;
      cropImage(left, top, right, bottom, &myPic);
    if (aCrop)
      autoCropImage(&myPic, 40);

    if (rotate)
      rotateImage(&myPic, (rotate * -3.141592) / 180.0);
    xs2 = xscale;
    ys2 = yscale;
    if (scaletofit) {
      if (!ydim && xdim) {
	xs2 = (double) xdim / ((double) myPic.width * xscale) * xscale;
	ys2 = ((double) xdim / ((double) myPic.width * xscale)) * yscale;
      else if (ydim) {
	xs2 = ((double) ydim / ((double) myPic.height * yscale)) * xscale;
	ys2 = (double) ydim / ((double) myPic.height * yscale) * yscale;
	if (xdim && (myPic.width * xs2) > xdim) {
	  xs2 = (double) xdim / ((double) myPic.width * xscale) * xscale;
	  ys2 = ((double) xdim / ((double) myPic.width * xscale)) * yscale;
    else {
      if (xdim)
	xs2 = (double) xdim / (double) myPic.width;
      if (ydim)
	ys2 = (double) ydim / (double) myPic.height;
    xscale = xs2;
    yscale = ys2;

    scaleImage(xscale, yscale, blend, &myPic);

    if (darken || contrast)
      adjustImage(&myPic, contrast, darken);
    if (enhance) {
      enhanceImage(&myPic, enhance);
    handle_dithering(ditherMode, &myPic, outType, numBits);
    if (negative)

    if (outFile) {
      strcpy(filename, outFile);
      if (!stat(filename, &sbuf) && (sbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
	if (filename[strlen(filename) - 1] != '/')
	  strcat(filename, "/");
	if ((p = strrchr(argv[count], '/')))
	  strcat(filename, p + 1);
	  strcat(filename, argv[count]);
      strcpy(filename, argv[count]);
    p = change_extension(filename, type, ext, 0);
    nv = 2;
    while (!stat(p, &sbuf)) {
      p = change_extension(filename, type, ext, nv);

    if ((err = save_pic(p, outputType, &myPic))) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Cannot save file %s\nError: %s\n", p, picErrorStr(err));

    fprintf(stderr, "Saved %s as %s\n", argv[count], p);


  return 0;