Tensor tensor_new(const Type& type, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs) {
  static PythonArgParser parser({
    "new(*, int64_t device=-1)",
    "new(IntList size, *, int64_t device=-1)",
    "new(Storage storage)",
    "new(*, int64_t cdata)|hidden",
    "new(Tensor other)",
    "new(PyObject* data, *, int64_t device=-1)",

  PyObject* parsed_args[2];
  auto r = parser.parse(args, kwargs, parsed_args);
  if (r.idx == 0) {
    AutoGPU auto_gpu(r.toInt64(0));
    return type.tensor();
  } else if (r.idx == 1) {
    PyObject* arg = parsed_args[0];
    if (!THPSize_Check(arg) && PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) >= 1 && arg == PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 0)) {
      // new(sequence) binds to this signature but should be treated differently
      // unless the sequences is a torch.Size
      return new_from_sequence(type, r.toInt64(1), r.pyobject(0));
    return new_with_sizes(type, r.toInt64(1), r.intlist(0));
  } else if (r.idx == 2) {
    return new_with_storage(type, *r.storage(0));
  } else if (r.idx == 3) {
    auto cdata = reinterpret_cast<void*>(r.toInt64(0));
    return type.unsafeTensorFromTH(cdata, true);
  } else if (r.idx == 4) {
    return new_with_tensor(type, r.tensor(0));
  } else if (r.idx == 5) {
    return new_from_sequence(type, r.toInt64(1), r.pyobject(0));
  throw std::runtime_error("new(): invalid arguments");
static Tensor new_from_sequence(const Type & type, int device, PyObject* data) {
  auto tensor = new_from_sequence(type.scalarType(), data);
  if (tensor.type() != type) {
    AutoNoGIL no_gil;
    AutoGPU auto_gpu(device);
    tensor = tensor.toType(type);
  return tensor;
void InputBuffer::add(size_t pos, Variable var) {
  TORCH_ASSERT(pos < buffer.size());
  if (!var.defined()) {
  auto& old_var = buffer[pos];
  if (!old_var.defined()) {
    buffer[pos] = std::move(var);
  } else {
    AutoGPU auto_gpu(var);
    // ATen doesn't route sparse additions correctly...
    if (old_var.type().is_sparse()) {
      buffer[pos] = var + old_var;
    } else {
      buffer[pos] = old_var + var;
static Tensor new_with_sizes(const Type& type, int device, IntList sizes) {
  AutoNoGIL no_gil;
  AutoGPU auto_gpu(device);
  return type.tensor(sizes);