 * @brief Convolve a first array of floats to a second one
 * @param samples_across The number of units across in the second array of floats (sampling grid resolution)
 * @param samples_down The number of units down in the second array of floats (sampling grid resolution)
 * @param patch_radius The radius of the patch within the first float array
 * @param floats_width Width of the image
 * @param floats_height Height of the image
 * @param floats_depth Depth of the image (mono=1, RGB=3)
 * @param layer0 First array of floats
 * @param layer1_units Number of units in the second float array
 * @param layer1 Second float array
 * @param feature_autocoder An autocoder containing learned features
 * @param use_dropouts non-zero if dropouts are to be used
 * @returns zero on success
int features_conv_flt_to_flt(int samples_across,
                             int samples_down,
                             int patch_radius,
                             int floats_width,
                             int floats_height,
                             int floats_depth,
                             float layer0[],
                             int layer1_units,
                             float layer1[],
                             ac * feature_autocoder,
                             unsigned char use_dropouts)
    int no_of_learned_features = feature_autocoder->NoOfHiddens;

    if (samples_across * samples_down * no_of_learned_features !=
        layer1_units) {
        /* across*down doesn't equal the second layer units */
        return -1;

    if (feature_autocoder->NoOfInputs !=
        patch_radius*patch_radius*4*floats_depth) {
        /* the patch size doesn't match the feature
           learner inputs */
        return -2;

    for (int fy = 0; fy < samples_down; fy++) {
        for (int fx = 0; fx < samples_across; fx++) {
            int index_layer1 =
                (fy * samples_across + fx) *
            int tx=0, ty=0, bx=0, by=0;
            if (features_patch_coords(fx, fy,
                                      samples_across, samples_down,
                                      floats_width, floats_height,
                                      &tx, &ty, &bx, &by) != 0) {
                for (int f = 0; f < no_of_learned_features; f++) {
                    layer1[index_layer1+f] = 0;

            if (scan_floats_patch(layer0,
                                  floats_width, floats_depth,
                                  tx, ty, bx, by,
                                  feature_autocoder) != 0) {
                return -4;

            autocoder_encode(feature_autocoder, &layer1[index_layer1],
    return 0;
 * @brief Convolve an image with learned features and output
 *        the results to the input layer of a neural net
 * @param samples_across The number of units across in the input layer
 *        (sampling grid resolution)
 * @param samples_down The number of units down in the input layer
 *        (sampling grid resolution)
 * @param patch_radius The radius of the patch within the image
 * @param img_width Width of the image
 * @param img_height Height of the image
 * @param img_depth Depth of the image (mono=1, RGB=3)
 * @param img Image buffer
 * @param layer0 Neural net
 * @param feature_autocoder An autocoder containing learned features
 * @param use_dropouts non-zero if dropouts are used
 * @returns zero on success
int features_conv_img_to_neurons(int samples_across,
                                 int samples_down,
                                 int patch_radius,
                                 int img_width,
                                 int img_height,
                                 int img_depth,
                                 unsigned char img[],
                                 bp * net,
                                 ac * feature_autocoder,
                                 unsigned char use_dropouts)
    int no_of_learned_features = feature_autocoder->NoOfHiddens;

    if (samples_across * samples_down * no_of_learned_features !=
        net->NoOfInputs) {
        /* across*down doesn't equal the second layer units */
        return -1;

    if (feature_autocoder->NoOfInputs !=
        patch_radius*patch_radius*4*img_depth) {
        /* the patch size doesn't match the feature
           learner inputs */
        return -2;

    for (int fy = 0; fy < samples_down; fy++) {
        for (int fx = 0; fx < samples_across; fx++) {
            int tx=0, ty=0, bx=0, by=0;
            if (features_patch_coords(fx, fy,
                                      samples_across, samples_down,
                                      img_width, img_height,
                                      &tx, &ty, &bx, &by) != 0) {

            if (scan_img_patch(img,
                               img_width, img_depth,
                               tx, ty, bx, by,
                               feature_autocoder) != 0) {
                return -4;

            int index_input_layer =
                (fy * samples_across + fx) *
            autocoder_encode(feature_autocoder, feature_autocoder->hiddens,
            for (int f = 0; f < no_of_learned_features; f++) {
                bp_set_input(net, index_input_layer+f,
                             autocoder_get_hidden(feature_autocoder, f));
    return 0;
 * @brief Convolve an image with learned features and output
 *        the results to an array of floats
 * @param samples_across The number of units across in the array of floats
 *        (sampling grid resolution)
 * @param samples_down The number of units down in the array of floats
 *        (sampling grid resolution)
 * @param patch_radius The radius of the patch within the float array
 * @param img_width Width of the image
 * @param img_height Height of the image
 * @param img_depth Depth of the image (mono=1, RGB=3)
 * @param img Image buffer
 * @param layer0_units Number of units in the float array
 * @param layer0 float array
 * @param feature_autocoder An autocoder containing learned features
 * @param use_dropouts Non-zero if dropouts are to be used
 * @returns zero on success
int features_conv_img_to_flt(int samples_across,
                             int samples_down,
                             int patch_radius,
                             int img_width,
                             int img_height,
                             int img_depth,
                             unsigned char img[],
                             int layer0_units,
                             float layer0[],
                             ac * feature_autocoder,
                             unsigned char use_dropouts)
    int no_of_learned_features = feature_autocoder->NoOfHiddens;

    if (samples_across * samples_down * no_of_learned_features !=
        layer0_units) {
        /* across*down doesn't equal the second layer units */
        return -1;

    if (feature_autocoder->NoOfInputs !=
        patch_radius*patch_radius*4*img_depth) {
        /* the patch size doesn't match the feature
           learner inputs */
        return -2;

    /* for each input image sample */
    for (int fy = 0; fy < samples_down; fy++) {
        for (int fx = 0; fx < samples_across; fx++) {
            /* starting position in the first layer,
               where the depth is the number of encoded features */
            int index_layer0 =
                (fy * samples_across + fx) *

            /* coordinates of the patch in the input image */
            int tx=0, ty=0, bx=0, by=0;
            if (features_patch_coords(fx, fy,
                                      samples_across, samples_down,
                                      img_width, img_height,
                                      &tx, &ty, &bx, &by) != 0) {
                for (int f = 0; f < no_of_learned_features; f++) {
                    layer0[index_layer0+f] = 0;

            /* scan the patch from the input image and get the
               feature responses */
            if (scan_img_patch(img, img_width, img_depth,
                               tx, ty, bx, by,
                               feature_autocoder) != 0) {
                return -4;

            /* set the first layer at this position to the feature responses */
            autocoder_encode(feature_autocoder, &layer0[index_layer0],
    return 0;
* @brief Feed forward
* @param autocoder Autocoder object
void autocoder_feed_forward(ac * autocoder)
    autocoder_encode(autocoder, autocoder->hiddens,1);
    autocoder_decode(autocoder, autocoder->outputs);