// Resets camera to behind target object
void TetherCamera::reset() 
  Vector3 target;
  float targetHeading;

  assert(m_objects); // object manager doesn't exist
  GameObject* obj = m_objects->getObjectPointer(m_targetObjectID);    
  assert(obj); // object to follow doesn't exist  
  targetHeading = obj->getOrientation().heading;
  target = obj->getPosition();

  target.y += 3.0f;

  cameraOrient.set(targetHeading, 0.0f,0.0f);

  RotationMatrix cameraMatrix;

  Vector3 bOffset(0.0f,0.0f, -maxDist);
  Vector3 iOffset = cameraMatrix.objectToInertial(bOffset);
  cameraPos = target + iOffset;
void BlockMap::ResetConnectivity() {
  for (int r = 0; r < Rows(); r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < Cols(); c++) {
      Block& currBlock = m_BlockMatrix[r][c];

      // Set reachable neighbors
      Vector2 lOffset(0, -1);
      Vector2 rOffset(0, 1);
      Vector2 tOffset(-1, 0);
      Vector2 bOffset(1, 0);
      if (ValidCoord(currBlock.coord + lOffset)) currBlock.neighborOffsets.insert(lOffset);
      if (ValidCoord(currBlock.coord + rOffset)) currBlock.neighborOffsets.insert(rOffset);
      if (ValidCoord(currBlock.coord + tOffset)) currBlock.neighborOffsets.insert(tOffset);
      if (ValidCoord(currBlock.coord + bOffset)) currBlock.neighborOffsets.insert(bOffset);