/* Function Definitions */
void freqCorrectOFDM(const emlrtStack *sp, c_struct_T *estimate, const creal_T
                     rFrame_data[1280], creal_T rFreqShifted_data[1280], int32_T
  real_T estimate_data[1];
  boolean_T n_too_large;
  real_T kd;
  real_T anew;
  int32_T n;
  real_T t_data[1280];
  int32_T k;
  int32_T nm1d2;
  int32_T tmp_size[1];
  creal_T tmp_data[1280];
  emlrtStack st;
  emlrtStack b_st;
  emlrtStack c_st;
  st.prev = sp;
  st.tls = sp->tls;
  b_st.prev = &st;
  b_st.tls = st.tls;
  c_st.prev = &b_st;
  c_st.tls = b_st.tls;

  /*  freqCorrectOFDM: Apply frequency offset to input signal, this offset can */
  /*  be generated through a moving average if enabled */
  /*  Enable moving averages for estimates */
  /*  Buffer not full */
  estimate_data[0] = estimate->frequency[0];
  st.site = &tr_emlrtRSI;
  estimate->frequencyMA = b_mean(estimate_data);

  /*  Apply frequency correction */
  st.site = &sr_emlrtRSI;
  b_st.site = &to_emlrtRSI;
  b_float_colon_length(&n, &anew, &kd, &n_too_large);
  c_st.site = &ip_emlrtRSI;
  assert_pmaxsize(&c_st, !n_too_large);
  if (n > 0) {
    t_data[0] = anew;
    if (n > 1) {
      t_data[n - 1] = 0.0002558;
      k = n - 1;
      nm1d2 = (int32_T)((uint32_T)k >> 1);
      for (k = 1; k < nm1d2; k++) {
        kd = (real_T)k * 2.0E-7;
        t_data[k] = anew + kd;
        t_data[(n - k) - 1] = 0.0002558 - kd;

      if (nm1d2 << 1 == n - 1) {
        t_data[nm1d2] = (anew + 0.0002558) / 2.0;
      } else {
        kd = (real_T)nm1d2 * 2.0E-7;
        t_data[nm1d2] = anew + kd;
        t_data[nm1d2 + 1] = 0.0002558 - kd;
SEXP e_step_theta(SEXP _W, SEXP _P, SEXP _zeta, SEXP _probz, SEXP _Theta) {

	// the following parameters are inputs and are not updated
	NumericMatrix Theta(_Theta);

	// the following parameters serve both as input, but will be updated in M step as output
        NumericMatrix W(_W);
	NumericMatrix P(_P);
	double zeta = as<double>(_zeta);
	NumericVector probz(_probz);
	// extract the dimensions
	int I = P.nrow();
	int S = P.ncol();
	int K = W.nrow() / S;
	int J = probz.size();

	double _LOW = 1e-10;

	// the following quantities are outputs
	NumericVector b_mean(I);
	NumericVector Z_mean(J);
	NumericMatrix W_max(K * S, J);
	NumericMatrix predZ(I, J);

	// iterators
	int i, j, k, s;//, likid;

	// Intermediate matrices
	NumericVector TP(I);
	NumericMatrix TW(I, J);
	NumericMatrix Zcond(I, J);
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++){
		TP(i) = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
			TW(i, j) = 0;
		for(k = 0; k < K; k ++){
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++){
				if(Theta(k, i + I * s) > 0){
					TP(i) += log(P(i, s));
					for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
						TW(i, j) += log(W(k + K * s, j));

	for(k = 0; k < K; k ++)
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++)
				W_max(k + K * s, j) = 0;
	for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
		Z_mean(j) = 0;

	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++){
		// b_mean

		double exp1 = 0;
		if(zeta > 0) {
			exp1 = log(zeta) + TP(i);
		double exp2 = log(1 - zeta);
		double maxexp = TW(i, 0);
		for(j = 1; j < J; j ++)
			if(maxexp < TW(i, j))
				maxexp = TW(i, j);

		double tmp = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
			tmp += probz[ j ] * exp(TW(i, j) - maxexp);
		exp2 += log(tmp) + maxexp;

		if(zeta > 0) {
			if(exp1 > exp2)
				b_mean(i) = 1 / (1 + exp(exp2 - exp1));
				b_mean(i) = exp(exp1 - exp2) / (1 + exp(exp1 - exp2));
		} else {
			b_mean(i) = 0;

		// predZ

		double tmpexp[ J ];
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
			tmpexp[ j ] = log(probz[ j ]);
			if(TW(i, j) > TP(i) && zeta > 0)
				tmpexp[ j ] += log((1 - zeta) + zeta * exp(TP(i) - TW(i, j))) + TW(i, j);
				tmpexp[ j ] += log((1 - zeta) * exp(TW(i, j) - TP(i)) + zeta) + TP(i);

		maxexp = tmpexp[ 0 ];
		for(j = 1; j < J; j ++)
			if(maxexp < tmpexp[ j ])
				maxexp = tmpexp[ j ];

		double total = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
			total += exp(tmpexp[ j ] - maxexp);

		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
			predZ(i, j) = exp(tmpexp[ j ] - maxexp) / total;
			Z_mean(j) += predZ(i, j);

		// Zcond
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
			exp1 = predZ(i, j) - probz(j) * b_mean(i);
			if(exp1 < _LOW)
				Zcond(i, j) = _LOW;
			else if(exp1 >= (1 - _LOW))
				Zcond(i, j) = 1 - _LOW;
				Zcond(i, j) = exp1;

			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++)
				for(s = 0; s < S; s ++){
					if(Theta(k, i + I * s) > 0){
						W_max(k + K * s, j) += Zcond(i, j);


	if(zeta > 0) {
		zeta = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < I; i ++)
			zeta += b_mean[ i ];
		zeta /= I;
		if(zeta < _LOW)
			zeta = _LOW;
		else if(zeta > 1 - _LOW)
			zeta = 1 - _LOW;
	for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
		Z_mean(j) /= I;
		if(Z_mean(j) < _LOW)
			Z_mean(j) = _LOW;
		else if(Z_mean(j) > 1 - _LOW)
			Z_mean(j) = 1 - _LOW;

	for(k = 0; k < K; k ++)
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
			double total = 0;
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++)
				total += W_max(k + K * s, j);
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++){
				if(total == 0)
					W_max(k + K * s, j) = 1 / S;
				else if(W_max(k + K * s, j) < _LOW * total)
					W_max(k + K * s, j) = _LOW;
				else if(W_max(k + K * s, j) > (1 - _LOW) * total)
					W_max(k + K * s, j) = 1 - _LOW;
					W_max(k + K * s, j) /= total;
	Rcpp::List ret = Rcpp::List::create(
					    Rcpp::Named("zeta") = zeta,
					    Rcpp::Named("probz") = Z_mean,
					    Rcpp::Named("W") = W_max,
					    Rcpp::Named("b_prob") = b_mean,
					    Rcpp::Named("Z") = predZ,
					    Rcpp::Named("Zcond") = Zcond