文件: inmo.c 项目: krushev36/src
void inmo_oper(int nx, const float *trace, float *trace2, void* user_data)
/*< operator to invert by GMRES >*/
    int it;
    /* forward operator */
    /* backward operator */

    /* I + S (BF - I) */
    for (it=0; it < nt; it++) {
	trace2[it] -= trace[it];
    for (it=0; it < nt; it++) {
	trace2[it] += trace[it];
文件: Mshstack.c 项目: 1014511134/src
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    bool half, slow;
    int ih,ix,it,nt,nx,nd,nh, CDPtype, jump, niter, restart, nplo, nphi, ni, axis,lim,j;
    off_t n;
    float dt, t0, h0, dh, eps, dy, tol, flo, fhi;
    float *trace, *trace2, *vel, *off, **gather, **dense;
    char key1[7];
    sf_file cmp, stack, velocity, offset;

    sf_init (argc,argv);
    cmp = sf_input("in");
    velocity = sf_input("velocity");
    stack = sf_output("out");
    axis = 2; 
    lim = axis-1;
    n = 1;
    for (j=0; j < lim; j++) {
	    if (!sf_histint(cmp,key1,&ni)) break;
	    n *= ni;
    (void) sf_unshiftdim(cmp,stack,axis);
    if (SF_FLOAT != sf_gettype(cmp)) sf_error("Need float input");
    if (!sf_histint(cmp,"n1",&nt)) sf_error("No n1= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat(cmp,"d1",&dt)) sf_error("No d1= in input");
    if (!sf_histfloat(cmp,"o1",&t0)) sf_error("No o1= in input");

    if (!sf_histint(cmp,"n2",&nh)) sf_error("No n2= in input");

    off = sf_floatalloc(nh);

    if (!sf_getbool("half",&half)) half=true;
    /* if y, the second axis is half-offset instead of full offset */

    if (NULL != sf_getstring("offset")) {
	offset = sf_input("offset");
	sf_floatread (off,nh,offset);
    } else {
	if (!sf_histfloat(cmp,"d2",&dh)) sf_error("No d2= in input");
	if (!sf_histfloat(cmp,"o2",&h0)) sf_error("No o2= in input");
	if (sf_histfloat(cmp,"d3",&dy)) {
	    CDPtype=half? 0.5+dh/dy : 0.5+0.5*dh/dy;
	    if (CDPtype < 1) {
	    } else if (1 != CDPtype) {

	for (ih = 0; ih < nh; ih++) {
	    off[ih] = h0 + ih*dh; 

    if (!sf_getbool("slowness",&slow)) slow=false;
    /* if y, use slowness instead of velocity */

    nx = sf_leftsize(cmp,2);

    if (!sf_getfloat ("h0",&h0)) h0=0.;
    /* reference offset */
    if (half) h0 *= 2.;
    if (!sf_getfloat("eps",&eps)) eps=0.01;
    /* stretch regularization */

    if (!sf_getint("jump",&jump)) jump=1;
    /* subsampling */

    if (!sf_getint("niter",&niter)) niter=10;
    /* number of iterations */

    if (!sf_getint("restart",&restart)) restart=niter;
    /* GMRES memory */

    if (!sf_getfloat("tol",&tol)) tol=1e-5;
    /* GMRES tolerance */

    if (!sf_getfloat("flo",&flo)) {
	/* Low frequency in band, default is 0 */
    } else if (0. > flo) {
	sf_error("Negative flo=%g",flo);
    } else {
	flo *= (dt/jump);

    if (!sf_getfloat("fhi",&fhi)) {
	/* High frequency in band, default is Nyquist */	
    } else {
	fhi *= (dt/jump);	
	if (flo > fhi) 
	    sf_error("Need flo < fhi, "
		     "got flo=%g, fhi=%g",flo/(dt/jump),fhi/(dt/jump));
	if (0.5 < fhi)
	    sf_error("Need fhi < Nyquist, "
		     "got fhi=%g, Nyquist=%g",fhi/(dt/jump),0.5/(dt/jump));

    if (!sf_getint("nplo",&nplo)) nplo = 6;
    /* number of poles for low cutoff */
    if (nplo < 1)  nplo = 1;
    if (nplo > 1)  nplo /= 2; 

    if (!sf_getint("nphi",&nphi)) nphi = 6;
    /* number of poles for high cutoff */
    if (nphi < 1)  nphi = 1;
    if (nphi > 1)  nphi /= 2;
    nd = (nt-1)*jump+1;

    trace = sf_floatalloc(nd);
    trace2 = sf_floatalloc(nd);
    gather = sf_floatalloc2(nt,nh);
    dense = sf_floatalloc2(nd,nh);

    vel = sf_floatalloc(nd);

    for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { /* loop over midpoint nx*/
	sf_floatread (vel,nd,velocity);	
	inmo_init(vel, off, nh, 
		  h0, dh, CDPtype, ix,
		  nt, slow,
		  t0, dt, eps, half,

	sf_floatread (gather[0],nt*nh,cmp);

	/* apply backward operator */
	interpolate(gather, dense);
	/* apply shaping */

	for (it=0; it < nd; it++) {
	    trace2[it] = 0.0f;

	/* run GMRES */

	sf_floatwrite (trace2,nd,stack);



    exit (0);
FramePtr Demodulator::decode(const FrameAudio& frame_audio)
    QVector<double> buffer;

    FIRFilter bandpass(FIRFilter::FIR_BANDPASS, settings_.window, SAMPLING_RATE, 220, 900, 2500);
    FIRFilter lowpass(FIRFilter::FIR_LOWPASS, settings_.window, 528000, 12000, SAMPLING_RATE / 2);
    int index = 0;
    for (double value : frame_audio) {
        double low = lowpass.process(value);
        if (index % 40 == 0) {

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
            low = lowpass.process(0);
            if (index % 40 == 0) {

    RingBuffer<double> bufs1200(BITS_PER_BYTE);
    RingBuffer<double> bufc1200(BITS_PER_BYTE);
    RingBuffer<double> bufs2200(BITS_PER_BYTE);
    RingBuffer<double> bufc2200(BITS_PER_BYTE);

    QVector<double> diff_buff;

    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.size(); ++i) {
      bufs1200.push_back(sin(M_PI * 2 / SAMPLING_RATE * 1200.0 * i) * buffer[i]);
      bufc1200.push_back(cos(M_PI * 2 / SAMPLING_RATE * 1200.0 * i) * buffer[i]);
      bufs2200.push_back(sin(M_PI * 2 / SAMPLING_RATE * 2200.0 * i) * buffer[i]);
      bufc2200.push_back(cos(M_PI * 2 / SAMPLING_RATE * 2200.0 * i) * buffer[i]);
      double low = std::hypotf(bufs1200.sum(), bufc1200.sum());
      double high = std::hypotf(bufs2200.sum() , bufc2200.sum());
      diff_buff.push_back(low - high);

    QVector<double> diff_buff_center = diff_buff;
    double min = diff_buff_center[diff_buff_center.size() / 4];
    double max = diff_buff_center[diff_buff_center.size() / 4 + diff_buff_center.size() / 2];
    double center = diff_buff_center[diff_buff_center.size() / 2];

    for (int i = 0; i <= THRESHOLD_RESOLUTION; ++i) {
        FramePtr frame;
        process(settings_.verfy_fcs, center - std::fabs(center - min / THRESHOLD_WIDTH_RATIO) *
                (1.0 * i / THRESHOLD_RESOLUTION), diff_buff, &frame);
        if (frame) {
            return frame;
        process(settings_.verfy_fcs, center + std::fabs(center - max / THRESHOLD_WIDTH_RATIO) *
                (1.0 * i / THRESHOLD_RESOLUTION), diff_buff, &frame);
        if (frame) {
            return frame;

    return FramePtr();
main(int argc, char **argv)
        float **filter;         /* filter arrays                        */
        float *tf;              /* times at which filters are centered  */
        int *itf;               /* ... as integers                      */
	int jmin;		/* index of first filter itf value	*/
	int jmax;		/* index of last filter itf value	*/
        int nfft;     	        /* fft sizes in each time gate          */
        int nfreq;     	        /* number of frequencies  	        */
        float **ftrace;         /* filtered sub-traces                  */
        int nfilter;            /* number of filters specified          */
      	float dt;               /* sample spacing                       */
        float tmin;             /* first time on traces                 */
        int nt;                 /* number of points on input trace      */
	float *data;
	FILE *infp=stdin, *outfp=stdout;
        /* Initialize */
        initargs(argc, argv);

        /* Get info from first trace */ 
        if (!fgettr(infp,&tr))  err("can't get first trace");
        if (tr.trid && tr.trid != TREAL)
                err("input is not seismic data, trid=%d", tr.trid);
        nt = tr.ns;
        if (!getparfloat("dt", &dt))    dt = (float)tr.dt/1000000.0;
        if (!dt) err("dt field is zero and not getparred");
	tmin = tr.delrt/1000.0;

        /* Get number of filters and center times */
        if (!(nfilter = countparval("tf")))  MUSTGETPARFLOAT("tf", tf);
	if (countparname("f") != nfilter)
		err("must give one f 4-tuple for each"
		    " (%d) tf value", nfilter);
	/* Leave room for possibly missing filters at endpoints */
	tf = ealloc1float(nfilter+4);  /* never use ist2 or last 2 */
	itf = ealloc1int(nfilter+4);
        getparfloat("tf", tf+2); jmin = 2; jmax = nfilter + 1;
	{ register int j;
          for (j = jmin; j <= jmax; ++j)  itf[j] = NINT((tf[j] - tmin)/dt);


        /* Make filters with scale for inverse transform */
	nfft = npfaro(nt, LOOKFAC * nt);
	if (nfft >= MIN(SU_NFLTS, PFA_MAX))
		err("Padded nt=%d -- too big", nfft);
	nfreq = nfft/2 + 1;
	filter = ealloc2float(nfreq, nfilter+4); /* never use 1st & last */
        { register int j;
          for (j = jmin; j <= jmax; ++j) {
                float *f = ealloc1float(4);

                if (getnparfloat(j-jmin+1, "f", f) != 4)
                        err("must give 4 corner frequencies in f=");
        	if (f[0] < 0.0 || f[0] > f[1] ||
				  f[1] >= f[2] || f[2] > f[3])
               		err("Filter #%d has bad frequencies", j - jmin + 1);
                makefilter(f, nfft, nfreq, dt, filter[j]);

	/* User may not have given a filter for tmin and/or tmax--	*/
	/* Extend array so can always assume these filters are present.	*/
	/* Note don't really use any of the extra storage in **filter!	*/
	if (itf[jmin] > 0) {
		filter[jmin-1] = filter[jmin]; 
		itf[jmin-1] = 0;
	if (itf[jmax] < nt - 1) {
		filter[jmax+1] = filter[jmax];
		itf[jmax+1] = nt - 1;
	/* Extend array so can always consider time points to be interior */
	itf[jmin-1] = 0;      /* now jmin - 1 is a valid index */
	itf[jmax+1] = nt - 1; /* now jmax + 1 is a valid index */

        /* Main loop over traces */
        ftrace = ealloc2float(nt, nfilter+4); /* never use 1st & last */
	data = ealloc1float(nt);
        do {
                register int i, j;
		/* Construct filtered sub-traces */
		for (j = jmin; j <= jmax; ++j) {			
			bzero(data, nt*FSIZE);
			for (i = itf[j-1]; i <= itf[j+1]; ++i)
				data[i] = tr.data[i];

               /* Compose filtered trace from sub-traces */
               for (j = jmin; j < jmax; ++j) {
	       		float fitfj;
                        for (fitfj = i = itf[j]; i <= itf[j+1]; ++i) {
                                float a = (i - fitfj)/(itf[j+1] - fitfj);
                                tr.data[i] = (1-a)*ftrace[j][i] +
        } while (fgettr(infp,&tr));

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;