    Returns 0 if passwords match.
    Returns -1 if password does not match stored hash
    Returns 1 if password file cannot be opened
int verify_password_from_file(char * password){

  FILE * password_file = fopen(PASSWORD_FILE, "r");
  if (NULL != password_file){

    // Grab the base64 encoded hash from the passwords file
    char stored_hash[BCRYPT_HASHSIZE];
    read_string_from_file(stored_hash, BCRYPT_HASHSIZE, password_file, NULL);

    return bcrypt_checkpw(password, stored_hash);

    // // Convert base 64 encoded PW hash into binary string
    // int stored_hash_num_bytes = Base64decode_len(stored_hash);
    // char * stored_hash_bytes = (char *) calloc(stored_hash_num_bytes, sizeof(char));
    // Base64decode(stored_hash_bytes, stored_hash);
    // // Hash the user's submitted password
    // unsigned char hash[crypto_hash_BYTES];
    // crypto_hash(hash, (unsigned char *) password, strlen(password));
    // // Compare hashes using constant time function to prevent timing attacks
    // return crypto_verify_32((unsigned char *) stored_hash_bytes, hash);
  return 1;
int main(void)
	clock_t before;
	clock_t after;
	char salt[BCRYPT_HASHSIZE];
	char hash[BCRYPT_HASHSIZE];
	int ret;

	const char pass[] = "hi,mom";
	const char hash1[] = "$2a$10$VEVmGHy4F4XQMJ3eOZJAUeb.MedU0W10pTPCuf53eHdKJPiSE8sMK";
	const char hash2[] = "$2a$10$3F0BVk5t8/aoS.3ddaB3l.fxg5qvafQ9NybxcpXLzMeAt.nVWn.NO";

	ret = bcrypt_gensalt(12, salt);
	assert(ret == 0);
	printf("Generated salt: %s\n", salt);
	before = clock();
	ret = bcrypt_hashpw("testtesttest", salt, hash);
	assert(ret == 0);
	after = clock();
	printf("Hashed password: %s\n", hash);
	printf("Time taken: %f seconds\n",
	       (double)(after - before) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	ret = bcrypt_hashpw(pass, hash1, hash);
	assert(ret == 0);
	printf("First hash check: %s\n", (strcmp(hash1, hash) == 0)?"OK":"FAIL");
	ret = bcrypt_hashpw(pass, hash2, hash);
	assert(ret == 0);
	printf("Second hash check: %s\n", (strcmp(hash2, hash) == 0)?"OK":"FAIL");

	before = clock();
	ret = (bcrypt_checkpw(pass, hash1) == 0);
	after = clock();
	printf("First hash check with bcrypt_checkpw: %s\n", ret?"OK":"FAIL");
	printf("Time taken: %f seconds\n",
	       (double)(after - before) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	before = clock();
	ret = (bcrypt_checkpw(pass, hash2) == 0);
	after = clock();
	printf("Second hash check with bcrypt_checkpw: %s\n", ret?"OK":"FAIL");
	printf("Time taken: %f seconds\n",
	       (double)(after - before) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	return 0;
bool CBCrypt::ValidateBCrypt(const char* password, const char* hash) // static
    return (bcrypt_checkpw(password, hash) == 0);