/* ForkData : fix endianness */
static void forkdata_to_host(hfsPlusForkData *fork)
    int i;

    fork->logicalSize = be64_to_host(fork->logicalSize);
    fork->clumpSize = be32_to_host(fork->clumpSize); /* does this matter for read-only? */
    fork->totalBlocks = be32_to_host(fork->totalBlocks);
    for (i=0; i < 8; i++) {
        fork->extents[i].startBlock = be32_to_host(fork->extents[i].startBlock);
        fork->extents[i].blockCount = be32_to_host(fork->extents[i].blockCount);
文件: xar.c 项目: nayden/clamav-devel
int cli_scanxar(cli_ctx *ctx)
    int rc = CL_SUCCESS;
    unsigned int cksum_fails = 0;
    unsigned int extract_errors = 0;
    int fd = -1;
    struct xar_header hdr;
    fmap_t *map = *ctx->fmap;
    long length, offset, size, at;
    int encoding;
    z_stream strm;
    char *toc, *tmpname;
    xmlTextReaderPtr reader = NULL;
    int a_hash, e_hash;
    unsigned char *a_cksum = NULL, *e_cksum = NULL;

    memset(&strm, 0x00, sizeof(z_stream));

    /* retrieve xar header */
    if (fmap_readn(*ctx->fmap, &hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Invalid header, too short.\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    hdr.magic = be32_to_host(hdr.magic);

    if (hdr.magic == XAR_HEADER_MAGIC) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Matched magic\n");
    else {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Invalid magic\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    hdr.size = be16_to_host(hdr.size);
    hdr.version = be16_to_host(hdr.version);
    hdr.toc_length_compressed = be64_to_host(hdr.toc_length_compressed);
    hdr.toc_length_decompressed = be64_to_host(hdr.toc_length_decompressed);
    hdr.chksum_alg = be32_to_host(hdr.chksum_alg);

    /* cli_dbgmsg("hdr.magic %x\n", hdr.magic); */
    /* cli_dbgmsg("hdr.size %i\n", hdr.size); */
    /* cli_dbgmsg("hdr.version %i\n", hdr.version); */
    /* cli_dbgmsg("hdr.toc_length_compressed %lu\n", hdr.toc_length_compressed); */
    /* cli_dbgmsg("hdr.toc_length_decompressed %lu\n", hdr.toc_length_decompressed); */
    /* cli_dbgmsg("hdr.chksum_alg %i\n", hdr.chksum_alg); */

    /* Uncompress TOC */
    strm.next_in = (unsigned char *)fmap_need_off_once(*ctx->fmap, hdr.size, hdr.toc_length_compressed);
    if (strm.next_in == NULL) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: fmap_need_off_once fails on TOC.\n");
        return CL_EREAD;
    strm.avail_in = hdr.toc_length_compressed;
    toc = cli_malloc(hdr.toc_length_decompressed+1);
    if (toc == NULL) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_malloc fails on TOC decompress buffer.\n");
        return CL_EMEM;
    toc[hdr.toc_length_decompressed] = '\0';
    strm.avail_out = hdr.toc_length_decompressed;
    strm.next_out = (unsigned char *)toc;
    rc = inflateInit(&strm);
    if (rc != Z_OK) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar:inflateInit error %i \n", rc);
        rc = CL_EFORMAT;
        goto exit_toc;
    rc = inflate(&strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
    if (rc != Z_OK && rc != Z_STREAM_END) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar:inflate error %i \n", rc);
        rc = CL_EFORMAT;
        goto exit_toc;
    rc = inflateEnd(&strm);
    if (rc != Z_OK) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar:inflateEnd error %i \n", rc);
        rc = CL_EFORMAT;
        goto exit_toc;

    /* cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: TOC xml:\n%s\n", toc); */
    /* printf("cli_scanxar: TOC xml:\n%s\n", toc); */
    /* cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: TOC end:\n"); */
    /* printf("cli_scanxar: TOC end:\n"); */

    /* scan the xml */
    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: scanning xar TOC xml in memory.\n");
    rc = cli_mem_scandesc(toc, hdr.toc_length_decompressed, ctx);
    if (rc != CL_SUCCESS) {
        if (rc != CL_VIRUS || !SCAN_ALL)
            goto exit_toc;

    /* make a file to leave if --leave-temps in effect */
    if(ctx->engine->keeptmp) {
        if ((rc = cli_gentempfd(ctx->engine->tmpdir, &tmpname, &fd)) != CL_SUCCESS) {
            cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Can't create temporary file for TOC.\n");
            goto exit_toc;
        if (cli_writen(fd, toc, hdr.toc_length_decompressed) < 0) {
            cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_writen error writing TOC.\n");
            rc = CL_EWRITE;
            xar_cleanup_temp_file(ctx, fd, tmpname);
            goto exit_toc;
        rc = xar_cleanup_temp_file(ctx, fd, tmpname);
        if (rc != CL_SUCCESS)
            goto exit_toc;

    reader = xmlReaderForMemory(toc, hdr.toc_length_decompressed, "noname.xml", NULL, 0);
    if (reader == NULL) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: xmlReaderForMemory error for TOC\n");
        goto exit_toc;

    rc = xar_scan_subdocuments(reader, ctx);
    if (rc != CL_SUCCESS) {
        cli_dbgmsg("xar_scan_subdocuments returns %i.\n", rc);
        goto exit_reader;

    /* Walk the TOC XML and extract files */
    fd = -1;
    tmpname = NULL;
    while (CL_SUCCESS == (rc = xar_get_toc_data_values(reader, &length, &offset, &size, &encoding,
                               &a_cksum, &a_hash, &e_cksum, &e_hash))) {
        int do_extract_cksum = 1;
        unsigned char * blockp;
        void *a_sc, *e_sc;
        void *a_mc, *e_mc;
        void *a_hash_ctx, *e_hash_ctx;
        char result[SHA1_HASH_SIZE];
        char * expected;

        /* clean up temp file from previous loop iteration */
        if (fd > -1 && tmpname) {
            rc = xar_cleanup_temp_file(ctx, fd, tmpname);
            if (rc != CL_SUCCESS)
                goto exit_reader;

        at = offset + hdr.toc_length_compressed + hdr.size;

        if ((rc = cli_gentempfd(ctx->engine->tmpdir, &tmpname, &fd)) != CL_SUCCESS) {
            cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Can't generate temporary file.\n");
            goto exit_reader;

        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: decompress into temp file:\n%s, size %li,\n"
                   "from xar heap offset %li length %li\n",
                   tmpname, size, offset, length);

        a_hash_ctx = xar_hash_init(a_hash, &a_sc, &a_mc);
        e_hash_ctx = xar_hash_init(e_hash, &e_sc, &e_mc);

        switch (encoding) {
        case CL_TYPE_GZ:
            /* inflate gzip directly because file segments do not contain magic */
            memset(&strm, 0, sizeof(strm));
            if ((rc = inflateInit(&strm)) != Z_OK) {
                cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: InflateInit failed: %d\n", rc);
                rc = CL_EFORMAT;

            while ((size_t)at < map->len && (unsigned long)at < offset+hdr.toc_length_compressed+hdr.size+length) {
                unsigned long avail_in;
                void * next_in;
                unsigned int bytes = MIN(map->len - at, map->pgsz);
                bytes = MIN(length, bytes);
                if(!(strm.next_in = next_in = (void*)fmap_need_off_once(map, at, bytes))) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Can't read %u bytes @ %lu.\n", bytes, (long unsigned)at);
                    rc = CL_EREAD;
                    goto exit_tmpfile;
                at += bytes;
                strm.avail_in = avail_in = bytes;
                do {
                    int inf, outsize = 0;
                    unsigned char buff[FILEBUFF];
                    strm.avail_out = sizeof(buff);
                    strm.next_out = buff;
                    inf = inflate(&strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
                    if (inf != Z_OK && inf != Z_STREAM_END && inf != Z_BUF_ERROR) {
                        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: inflate error %i %s.\n", inf, strm.msg?strm.msg:"");
                        rc = CL_EFORMAT;

                    bytes = sizeof(buff) - strm.avail_out;

                    xar_hash_update(e_hash_ctx, buff, bytes, e_hash);

                    if (cli_writen(fd, buff, bytes) < 0) {
                        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_writen error file %s.\n", tmpname);
                        rc = CL_EWRITE;
                        goto exit_tmpfile;
                    outsize += sizeof(buff) - strm.avail_out;
                    if (cli_checklimits("cli_scanxar", ctx, outsize, 0, 0) != CL_CLEAN) {
                    if (inf == Z_STREAM_END) {
                } while (strm.avail_out == 0);

                if (rc != CL_SUCCESS)

                avail_in -= strm.avail_in;
                xar_hash_update(a_hash_ctx, next_in, avail_in, a_hash);

        case CL_TYPE_7Z:
#define CLI_LZMA_OBUF_SIZE 1024*1024
#define CLI_LZMA_IBUF_SIZE CLI_LZMA_OBUF_SIZE>>2 /* estimated compression ratio 25% */
            struct CLI_LZMA lz;
            unsigned long in_remaining = length;
            unsigned long out_size = 0;
            unsigned char * buff = __lzma_wrap_alloc(NULL, CLI_LZMA_OBUF_SIZE);
            int lret;

            memset(&lz, 0, sizeof(lz));
            if (buff == NULL) {
                cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: memory request for lzma decompression buffer fails.\n");
                rc = CL_EMEM;
                goto exit_tmpfile;


            blockp = (void*)fmap_need_off_once(map, at, CLI_LZMA_HDR_SIZE);
            if (blockp == NULL) {
                char errbuff[128];
                cli_strerror(errno, errbuff, sizeof(errbuff));
                cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Can't read %li bytes @ %li, errno:%s.\n",
                           length, at, errbuff);
                rc = CL_EREAD;
                __lzma_wrap_free(NULL, buff);
                goto exit_tmpfile;

            lz.next_in = blockp;
            lz.avail_in = CLI_LZMA_HDR_SIZE;

            xar_hash_update(a_hash_ctx, blockp, CLI_LZMA_HDR_SIZE, a_hash);

            lret = cli_LzmaInit(&lz, 0);
            if (lret != LZMA_RESULT_OK) {
                cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_LzmaInit() fails: %i.\n", lret);
                rc = CL_EFORMAT;
                __lzma_wrap_free(NULL, buff);

            at += CLI_LZMA_HDR_SIZE;
            in_remaining -= CLI_LZMA_HDR_SIZE;
            while ((size_t)at < map->len && (unsigned long)at < offset+hdr.toc_length_compressed+hdr.size+length) {
                SizeT avail_in;
                SizeT avail_out;
                void * next_in;
                unsigned long in_consumed;

                lz.next_out = buff;
                lz.avail_out = CLI_LZMA_OBUF_SIZE;
                lz.avail_in = avail_in = MIN(CLI_LZMA_IBUF_SIZE, in_remaining);
                lz.next_in = next_in = (void*)fmap_need_off_once(map, at, lz.avail_in);
                if (lz.next_in == NULL) {
                    char errbuff[128];
                    cli_strerror(errno, errbuff, sizeof(errbuff));
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Can't read %li bytes @ %li, errno: %s.\n",
                               length, at, errbuff);
                    rc = CL_EREAD;
                    __lzma_wrap_free(NULL, buff);
                    goto exit_tmpfile;

                lret = cli_LzmaDecode(&lz);
                if (lret != LZMA_RESULT_OK && lret != LZMA_STREAM_END) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_LzmaDecode() fails: %i.\n", lret);
                    rc = CL_EFORMAT;

                in_consumed = avail_in - lz.avail_in;
                in_remaining -= in_consumed;
                at += in_consumed;
                avail_out = CLI_LZMA_OBUF_SIZE - lz.avail_out;

                if (avail_out == 0)
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_LzmaDecode() produces no output for "
                               "avail_in %lu, avail_out %lu.\n", avail_in, avail_out);

                xar_hash_update(a_hash_ctx, next_in, in_consumed, a_hash);
                xar_hash_update(e_hash_ctx, buff, avail_out, e_hash);

                /* Write a decompressed block. */
                /* cli_dbgmsg("Writing %li bytes to LZMA decompress temp file, " */
                /*            "consumed %li of %li available compressed bytes.\n", */
                /*            avail_out, in_consumed, avail_in); */

                if (cli_writen(fd, buff, avail_out) < 0) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_writen error writing lzma temp file for %li bytes.\n",
                    __lzma_wrap_free(NULL, buff);
                    rc = CL_EWRITE;
                    goto exit_tmpfile;

                /* Check file size limitation. */
                out_size += avail_out;
                if (cli_checklimits("cli_scanxar", ctx, out_size, 0, 0) != CL_CLEAN) {

                if (lret == LZMA_STREAM_END)

            __lzma_wrap_free(NULL, buff);
        case CL_TYPE_ANY:
        case CL_TYPE_BZ:
        case CL_TYPE_XZ:
            /* for uncompressed, bzip2, xz, and unknown, just pull the file, cli_magic_scandesc does the rest */
            do_extract_cksum = 0;
                unsigned long write_len;

                if (ctx->engine->maxfilesize)
                    write_len = MIN((size_t)(ctx->engine->maxfilesize), (size_t)length);
                    write_len = length;

                if (!(blockp = (void*)fmap_need_off_once(map, at, length))) {
                    char errbuff[128];
                    cli_strerror(errno, errbuff, sizeof(errbuff));
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Can't read %li bytes @ %li, errno:%s.\n",
                               length, at, errbuff);
                    rc = CL_EREAD;
                    goto exit_tmpfile;

                xar_hash_update(a_hash_ctx, blockp, length, a_hash);

                if (cli_writen(fd, blockp, write_len) < 0) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_writen error %li bytes @ %li.\n", length, at);
                    rc = CL_EWRITE;
                    goto exit_tmpfile;

        if (rc == CL_SUCCESS) {
            xar_hash_final(a_hash_ctx, result, a_hash);
            if (a_cksum != NULL) {
                expected = cli_hex2str((char *)a_cksum);
                if (xar_hash_check(a_hash, result, expected) != 0) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: archived-checksum missing or mismatch.\n");
                } else {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: archived-checksum matched.\n");
            if (e_cksum != NULL) {
                if (do_extract_cksum) {
                    xar_hash_final(e_hash_ctx, result, e_hash);
                    expected = cli_hex2str((char *)e_cksum);
                    if (xar_hash_check(e_hash, result, expected) != 0) {
                        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: extracted-checksum missing or mismatch.\n");
                    } else {
                        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: extracted-checksum matched.\n");

            rc = cli_magic_scandesc(fd, ctx);
            if (rc != CL_SUCCESS) {
                if (rc == CL_VIRUS) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: Infected with %s\n", cli_get_last_virus(ctx));
                    if (!SCAN_ALL)
                        goto exit_tmpfile;
                } else if (rc != CL_BREAK) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: cli_magic_scandesc error %i\n", rc);
                    goto exit_tmpfile;

        if (a_cksum != NULL) {
            a_cksum = NULL;
        if (e_cksum != NULL) {
            e_cksum = NULL;

    xar_cleanup_temp_file(ctx, fd, tmpname);

    if (a_cksum != NULL)
    if (e_cksum != NULL)

    if (rc == CL_BREAK)
        rc = CL_SUCCESS;
    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scanxar: can't scan xar files, need libxml2.\n");
    if (cksum_fails + extract_errors != 0) {
        cli_warnmsg("cli_scanxar: %u checksum errors and %u extraction errors, use --debug for more info.\n",
                    cksum_fails, extract_errors);

    return rc;
static int gpt_validate_header(cli_ctx *ctx, struct gpt_header hdr, size_t sectorsize)
    uint32_t crc32_calc, crc32_ref;
    uint64_t tableLastLBA, lastLBA;
    size_t maplen, ptable_start, ptable_len;
    unsigned char *ptable;

    maplen = (*ctx->fmap)->real_len;

    /* checking header crc32 checksum */
    crc32_ref = le32_to_host(hdr.headerCRC32);
    hdr.headerCRC32 = 0; /* checksum is calculated with field = 0 */
    crc32_calc = crc32(0, (unsigned char*)&hdr, sizeof(hdr));
    if (crc32_calc != crc32_ref) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT header checksum mismatch\n");
        gpt_parsemsg("%x != %x\n", crc32_calc, crc32_ref);
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    /* convert endian to host to check partition table */
    hdr.signature = be64_to_host(hdr.signature);
    hdr.revision = be32_to_host(hdr.revision);
    hdr.headerSize = le32_to_host(hdr.headerSize);
    hdr.headerCRC32 = crc32_ref;
    hdr.reserved = le32_to_host(hdr.reserved);
    hdr.currentLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.currentLBA);
    hdr.backupLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.backupLBA);
    hdr.firstUsableLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.firstUsableLBA);
    hdr.lastUsableLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.lastUsableLBA);
    hdr.tableStartLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.tableStartLBA);
    hdr.tableNumEntries = le32_to_host(hdr.tableNumEntries);
    hdr.tableEntrySize = le32_to_host(hdr.tableEntrySize);
    hdr.tableCRC32 = le32_to_host(hdr.tableCRC32);;

    ptable_start = hdr.tableStartLBA * sectorsize;
    ptable_len = hdr.tableNumEntries * hdr.tableEntrySize;
    tableLastLBA = (hdr.tableStartLBA + (ptable_len / sectorsize)) - 1;
    lastLBA = (maplen / sectorsize) - 1;

    /** HEADER CHECKS **/
    gpt_printSectors(ctx, sectorsize);

    /* check signature */
    if (hdr.signature != GPT_SIGNATURE) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: Invalid GPT header signature %llx\n",
            (long long unsigned)hdr.signature);
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    /* check header size */
    if (hdr.headerSize != sizeof(hdr)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT header size does not match stated size\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    /* check reserved value == 0 */
    if (hdr.reserved != GPT_HDR_RESERVED) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT header reserved is not expected value\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    /* check that sectors are in a valid configuration */
    if (!((hdr.currentLBA == GPT_PRIMARY_HDR_LBA && hdr.backupLBA == lastLBA) ||
          (hdr.currentLBA == lastLBA && hdr.backupLBA == GPT_PRIMARY_HDR_LBA))) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT secondary header is not last LBA\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    if (hdr.firstUsableLBA > hdr.lastUsableLBA) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT first usable sectors is after last usable sector\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    if (hdr.firstUsableLBA <= GPT_PRIMARY_HDR_LBA || hdr.lastUsableLBA >= lastLBA) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT usable sectors intersects header sector\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    if ((hdr.tableStartLBA <= hdr.firstUsableLBA && tableLastLBA >= hdr.firstUsableLBA) ||
        (hdr.tableStartLBA >= hdr.firstUsableLBA && hdr.tableStartLBA <= hdr.lastUsableLBA)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT usable sectors intersects partition table\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    if (hdr.tableStartLBA <= GPT_PRIMARY_HDR_LBA || tableLastLBA >= lastLBA) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT partition table intersects header sector\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    /* check that valid table entry size */
    if (hdr.tableEntrySize != sizeof(struct gpt_partition_entry)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: cannot parse gpt with partition entry sized %u\n",
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    /* check valid table */
    if ((ptable_start + ptable_len) > maplen) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT partition table extends over fmap limit\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;


    /* checking partition table crc32 checksum */
    ptable = (unsigned char*)fmap_need_off_once((*ctx->fmap), ptable_start, ptable_len);
    crc32_calc = crc32(0, ptable, ptable_len);
    if (crc32_calc != hdr.tableCRC32) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT partition table checksum mismatch\n");
        gpt_parsemsg("%x != %x\n", crc32_calc, hdr.tableCRC32);
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    return CL_SUCCESS;
static int gpt_scan_partitions(cli_ctx *ctx, struct gpt_header hdr, size_t sectorsize)
    struct gpt_partition_entry gpe;
    int ret = CL_CLEAN, detection = CL_CLEAN;
    size_t maplen, part_size = 0;
    off_t pos = 0, part_off = 0;
    unsigned i = 0, j = 0;
    uint32_t max_prtns = 0;

    /* convert endian to host */
    hdr.signature = be64_to_host(hdr.signature);
    hdr.revision = be32_to_host(hdr.revision);
    hdr.headerSize = le32_to_host(hdr.headerSize);
    hdr.headerCRC32 = le32_to_host(hdr.headerCRC32);
    hdr.reserved = le32_to_host(hdr.reserved);
    hdr.currentLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.currentLBA);
    hdr.backupLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.backupLBA);
    hdr.firstUsableLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.firstUsableLBA);
    hdr.lastUsableLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.lastUsableLBA);
    hdr.tableStartLBA = le64_to_host(hdr.tableStartLBA);
    hdr.tableNumEntries = le32_to_host(hdr.tableNumEntries);
    hdr.tableEntrySize = le32_to_host(hdr.tableEntrySize);
    hdr.tableCRC32 = le32_to_host(hdr.tableCRC32);

    /* print header info for the debug */
    cli_dbgmsg("GPT Header:\n");
    cli_dbgmsg("Signature: 0x%llx\n", (long long unsigned)hdr.signature);
    cli_dbgmsg("Revision: %x\n", hdr.revision);
    gpt_printGUID(hdr.DiskGUID, "DISK GUID");
    cli_dbgmsg("Partition Entry Count: %u\n", hdr.tableNumEntries);
    cli_dbgmsg("Partition Entry Size: %u\n", hdr.tableEntrySize);

    maplen = (*ctx->fmap)->real_len;

    /* check engine maxpartitions limit */
    if (hdr.tableNumEntries < ctx->engine->maxpartitions) {
        max_prtns = hdr.tableNumEntries;
    else {
        max_prtns = ctx->engine->maxpartitions;

    /* use the partition tables to pass partitions to cli_map_scan */
    pos = hdr.tableStartLBA * sectorsize;
    for (i = 0; i < max_prtns; ++i) {
        /* read in partition entry */
        if (fmap_readn(*ctx->fmap, &gpe, pos, sizeof(gpe)) != sizeof(gpe)) {
            cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: Invalid GPT partition entry\n");
            return CL_EFORMAT;

        /* convert the endian to host */
        gpe.firstLBA = le64_to_host(gpe.firstLBA);
        gpe.lastLBA = le64_to_host(gpe.lastLBA);
        gpe.attributes = le64_to_host(gpe.attributes);
        for (j = 0; j < 36; ++j) {
            gpe.name[i] = le16_to_host(gpe.name[i]);

        /* check that partition is not empty and within a valid location */
        if (gpe.firstLBA == 0) {
            /* empty partition, invalid */
        else if ((gpe.firstLBA > gpe.lastLBA) ||
                 (gpe.firstLBA < hdr.firstUsableLBA) || (gpe.lastLBA > hdr.lastUsableLBA)) {
            cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: GPT partition exists outside specified bounds\n");
            gpt_parsemsg("%llu < %llu, %llu > %llu\n", gpe.firstLBA, hdr.firstUsableLBA,
                         gpe.lastLBA, hdr.lastUsableLBA);
            /* partition exists outside bounds specified by header or invalid */
        else if (((gpe.lastLBA+1) * sectorsize) > maplen) {
            /* partition exists outside bounds of the file map */
        else {
            /* print partition entry data for debug */
            cli_dbgmsg("GPT Partition Entry %u:\n", i);
            gpt_printName(gpe.name, "Name");
            gpt_printGUID(gpe.typeGUID, "Type GUID");
            gpt_printGUID(gpe.uniqueGUID, "Unique GUID");
            cli_dbgmsg("Attributes: %llx\n", (long long unsigned)gpe.attributes);
            cli_dbgmsg("Blocks: [%llu(%llu) -> %llu(%llu)]\n",
                (long long unsigned)gpe.firstLBA, (long long unsigned)(gpe.firstLBA * sectorsize), 
                (long long unsigned)gpe.lastLBA, (long long unsigned)((gpe.lastLBA+1) * sectorsize));

            /* send the partition to cli_map_scan */
            part_off = gpe.firstLBA * sectorsize;
            part_size = (gpe.lastLBA - gpe.firstLBA + 1) * sectorsize;
            ret = cli_map_scan(*ctx->fmap, part_off, part_size, ctx, CL_TYPE_PART_ANY);
            if (ret != CL_CLEAN) {
                if (SCAN_ALLMATCHES && (ret == CL_VIRUS))
                    detection = CL_VIRUS;
                    return ret;

        /* increment the offsets to next partition entry */
        pos += hdr.tableEntrySize;

    if (i >= ctx->engine->maxpartitions) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scangpt: max partitions reached\n");

    return detection;
/* Given mish data, reconstruct the partition details */
static int dmg_handle_mish(cli_ctx *ctx, unsigned int mishblocknum, char *dir,
                           uint64_t xmlOffset, struct dmg_mish_with_stripes *mish_set)
    struct dmg_block_data *blocklist = mish_set->stripes;
    uint64_t totalSectors = 0;
    uint32_t i;
    unsigned long projected_size;
    int ret = CL_CLEAN, ofd;
    uint8_t sorted = 1, writeable_data = 0;
    char outfile[NAME_MAX + 1];

    /* First loop, fix endian-ness and check if already sorted */
    for (i = 0; i < mish_set->mish->blockDataCount; i++) {
        blocklist[i].type = be32_to_host(blocklist[i].type);
        // blocklist[i].reserved = be32_to_host(blocklist[i].reserved);
        blocklist[i].startSector = be64_to_host(blocklist[i].startSector);
        blocklist[i].sectorCount = be64_to_host(blocklist[i].sectorCount);
        blocklist[i].dataOffset = be64_to_host(blocklist[i].dataOffset);
        blocklist[i].dataLength = be64_to_host(blocklist[i].dataLength);
        cli_dbgmsg("mish %u stripe " STDu32 " type " STDx32 " start " STDu64
                   " count " STDu64 " source " STDu64 " length " STDu64 "\n",
                   mishblocknum, i, blocklist[i].type, blocklist[i].startSector, blocklist[i].sectorCount,
                   blocklist[i].dataOffset, blocklist[i].dataLength);
        if ((blocklist[i].dataOffset > xmlOffset) ||
                (blocklist[i].dataOffset + blocklist[i].dataLength > xmlOffset)) {
            cli_dbgmsg("dmg_handle_mish: invalid stripe offset and/or length\n");
            return CL_EFORMAT;
        if ((i > 0) && sorted && (blocklist[i].startSector < blocklist[i-1].startSector)) {
            cli_dbgmsg("dmg_handle_mish: stripes not in order, will have to sort\n");
            sorted = 0;
        if (dmg_track_sectors(&totalSectors, &writeable_data, i, blocklist[i].type, blocklist[i].sectorCount)) {
            /* reason was logged from dmg_track_sector_count */
            return CL_EFORMAT;

    if (!sorted) {
        cli_qsort(blocklist, mish_set->mish->blockDataCount, sizeof(struct dmg_block_data), cmp_mish_stripes);
    cli_dbgmsg("dmg_handle_mish: stripes in order!\n");

    /* Size checks */
    if ((writeable_data == 0) || (totalSectors == 0)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("dmg_handle_mish: no data to output\n");
        return CL_CLEAN;
    else if (totalSectors > (ULONG_MAX / DMG_SECTOR_SIZE)) {
        /* cli_checklimits only takes unsigned long for now */
        cli_warnmsg("dmg_handle_mish: mish block %u too big to handle (for now)", mishblocknum);
        return CL_CLEAN;
    projected_size = (unsigned long)(totalSectors * DMG_SECTOR_SIZE);
    ret = cli_checklimits("cli_scandmg", ctx, projected_size, 0, 0);
    if (ret != CL_CLEAN) {
        /* limits exceeded */
        cli_dbgmsg("dmg_handle_mish: skipping block %u, limits exceeded\n", mishblocknum);
        return ret;

    /* Prepare for file */
    snprintf(outfile, sizeof(outfile)-1, "%s"PATHSEP"dmg%02u", dir, mishblocknum);
    outfile[sizeof(outfile)-1] = '\0';
    ofd = open(outfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0600);
    if (ofd < 0) {
        char err[128];
        cli_errmsg("cli_scandmg: Can't create temporary file %s: %s\n",
                   outfile, cli_strerror(errno, err, sizeof(err)));
        return CL_ETMPFILE;
    cli_dbgmsg("dmg_handle_mish: extracting block %u to %s\n", mishblocknum, outfile);

    /* Push data, stripe by stripe */
    for(i=0; i < mish_set->mish->blockDataCount && ret == CL_CLEAN; i++) {
        switch (blocklist[i].type) {
        case DMG_STRIPE_EMPTY:
        case DMG_STRIPE_ZEROES:
            ret = dmg_stripe_zeroes(ctx, ofd, i, mish_set);
        case DMG_STRIPE_STORED:
            ret = dmg_stripe_store(ctx, ofd, i, mish_set);
        case DMG_STRIPE_ADC:
            ret = dmg_stripe_adc(ctx, ofd, i, mish_set);
        case DMG_STRIPE_DEFLATE:
            ret = dmg_stripe_inflate(ctx, ofd, i, mish_set);
        case DMG_STRIPE_BZ:
            ret = dmg_stripe_bzip(ctx, ofd, i, mish_set);
        case DMG_STRIPE_SKIP:
        case DMG_STRIPE_END:
            cli_dbgmsg("dmg_handle_mish: stripe " STDu32 ", skipped\n", i);

    /* If okay so far, scan rebuilt partition */
    if (ret == CL_CLEAN) {
        ret = cli_partition_scandesc(ofd, ctx);

    if (!ctx->engine->keeptmp)
        if (cli_unlink(outfile)) return CL_EUNLINK;

    return ret;
int cli_scandmg(cli_ctx *ctx)
    struct dmg_koly_block hdr;
    int ret, namelen, ofd;
    size_t maplen, nread;
    off_t pos = 0;
    char *dirname, *tmpfile;
    const char *outdata;
    unsigned int file = 0;
    struct dmg_mish_with_stripes *mish_list = NULL, *mish_list_tail = NULL;
    enum dmgReadState state = DMG_FIND_BASE_PLIST;
    int stateDepth[DMG_MAX_STATE];
    xmlTextReaderPtr reader;

    if (!ctx || !ctx->fmap) {
        cli_errmsg("cli_scandmg: Invalid context\n");
        return CL_ENULLARG;

    maplen = (*ctx->fmap)->real_len;
    pos = maplen - 512;
    if (pos <= 0) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Sizing problem for DMG archive.\n");
        return CL_CLEAN;

    /* Grab koly block */
    if (fmap_readn(*ctx->fmap, &hdr, pos, sizeof(hdr)) != sizeof(hdr)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Invalid DMG trailer block\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    /* Check magic */
    hdr.magic = be32_to_host(hdr.magic);
    if (hdr.magic == 0x6b6f6c79) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Found koly block @ %ld\n", (long) pos);
    else {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: No koly magic, %8x\n", hdr.magic);
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    hdr.dataForkOffset = be64_to_host(hdr.dataForkOffset);
    hdr.dataForkLength = be64_to_host(hdr.dataForkLength);
    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: data offset %lu len %d\n", (unsigned long)hdr.dataForkOffset, (int)hdr.dataForkLength);

    hdr.xmlOffset = be64_to_host(hdr.xmlOffset);
    hdr.xmlLength = be64_to_host(hdr.xmlLength);
    if (hdr.xmlLength > (uint64_t)INT_MAX) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: The embedded XML is way larger than necessary, and probably corrupt or tampered with.\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    if ((hdr.xmlOffset > (uint64_t)maplen) || (hdr.xmlLength > (uint64_t)maplen)
            || (hdr.xmlOffset + hdr.xmlLength) > (uint64_t)maplen) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: XML out of range for this file\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: XML offset %lu len %d\n", (unsigned long)hdr.xmlOffset, (int)hdr.xmlLength);
    if (hdr.xmlLength == 0) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Embedded XML length is zero.\n");
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    /* Create temp folder for contents */
    if (!(dirname = cli_gentemp(ctx->engine->tmpdir))) {
        return CL_ETMPDIR;
    if (mkdir(dirname, 0700)) {
        cli_errmsg("cli_scandmg: Cannot create temporary directory %s\n", dirname);
        return CL_ETMPDIR;
    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Extracting into %s\n", dirname);

    /* Dump XML to tempfile, if needed */
    if (ctx->engine->keeptmp) {
        int xret;
        xret = dmg_extract_xml(ctx, dirname, &hdr);

        if (xret != CL_SUCCESS) {
            /* Printed err detail inside dmg_extract_xml */
            return xret;

    /* scan XML with cli_map_scandesc */
    ret = cli_map_scandesc(*ctx->fmap, (off_t)hdr.xmlOffset, (size_t)hdr.xmlLength, ctx);
    if (ret != CL_CLEAN) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: retcode from scanning TOC xml: %s\n", cl_strerror(ret));
        if (!ctx->engine->keeptmp)
        return ret;

    /* page data from map */
    outdata = fmap_need_off_once_len(*ctx->fmap, hdr.xmlOffset, hdr.xmlLength, &nread);
    if (!outdata || (nread != hdr.xmlLength)) {
        cli_errmsg("cli_scandmg: Failed getting XML from map, len %d\n", (int)hdr.xmlLength);
        if (!ctx->engine->keeptmp)
        return CL_EMAP;

    /* time to walk the tree */
    /* plist -> dict -> (key:resource_fork) dict -> (key:blkx) array -> dict */
    /* each of those bottom level dict should have 4 parts */
    /* [ Attributes, Data, ID, Name ], where Data is Base64 mish block */

    /* This is the block where we require libxml2 */

#define DMG_XML_PARSE_OPTS (1 << 1 | 1 << 11 | 1 << 16)

    reader = xmlReaderForMemory(outdata, (int)hdr.xmlLength, "toc.xml", NULL, DMG_XML_PARSE_OPTS);
    if (!reader) {
        cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Failed parsing XML!\n");
        if (!ctx->engine->keeptmp)
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    stateDepth[DMG_FIND_BASE_PLIST] = -1;

    // May need to check for (xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(reader) == 0)

    /* Break loop if have return code or reader can't read any more */
    while ((ret == CL_CLEAN) && (xmlTextReaderRead(reader) == 1)) {
        xmlReaderTypes nodeType;
        nodeType = xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader);

        if (nodeType == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
            // New element, do name check
            xmlChar *nodeName;
            int depth;

            depth = xmlTextReaderDepth(reader);
            if (depth < 0) {
            if ((depth > 50) && SCAN_ALGO) {
                // Possible heuristic, should limit runaway
                cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Excessive nesting in DMG TOC.\n");
            nodeName = xmlTextReaderLocalName(reader);
            if (!nodeName)
            dmg_parsemsg("read: name %s depth %d\n", nodeName, depth);

            if ((state == DMG_FIND_DATA_MISH)
                    && (depth == stateDepth[state-1])) {
                xmlChar * textValue;
                struct dmg_mish_with_stripes *mish_set;
                /* Reset state early, for continue cases */
                stateDepth[DMG_FIND_KEY_DATA] = -1;
                if (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "data") != 0) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Not blkx data element\n");
                dmg_parsemsg("read: Found blkx data element\n");
                /* Pull out data content from text */
                if (xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(reader)) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: blkx data element is empty\n");
                if (xmlTextReaderRead(reader) != 1) {
                if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Next node not text\n");
                textValue = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
                if (textValue == NULL) {
                /* Have encoded mish block */
                mish_set = cli_malloc(sizeof(struct dmg_mish_with_stripes));
                if (mish_set == NULL) {
                    ret = CL_EMEM;
                ret = dmg_decode_mish(ctx, &file, textValue, mish_set);
                if (ret == CL_EFORMAT) {
                    /* Didn't decode, or not a mish block */
                    ret = CL_CLEAN;
                else if (ret != CL_CLEAN) {
                /* Add mish block to list */
                if (mish_list_tail != NULL) {
                    mish_list_tail->next = mish_set;
                    mish_list_tail = mish_set;
                else {
                    mish_list = mish_set;
                    mish_list_tail = mish_set;
                mish_list_tail->next = NULL;
            if ((state == DMG_FIND_KEY_DATA)
                    && (depth > stateDepth[state-1])
                    && (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "key") == 0)) {
                xmlChar * textValue;
                dmg_parsemsg("read: Found key - checking for Data\n");
                if (xmlTextReaderRead(reader) != 1) {
                if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Key node no text\n");
                textValue = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
                if (textValue == NULL) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: no value from xmlTextReaderValue\n");
                if (xmlStrcmp(textValue, "Data") == 0) {
                    dmg_parsemsg("read: Matched data\n");
                    stateDepth[DMG_FIND_KEY_DATA] = depth;
                else {
                    dmg_parsemsg("read: text value is %s\n", textValue);
            if ((state == DMG_FIND_BLKX_CONTAINER)
                    && (depth == stateDepth[state-1])) {
                if (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "array") == 0) {
                    dmg_parsemsg("read: Found array blkx\n");
                    stateDepth[DMG_FIND_BLKX_CONTAINER] = depth;
                else if (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "dict") == 0) {
                    dmg_parsemsg("read: Found dict blkx\n");
                    stateDepth[DMG_FIND_BLKX_CONTAINER] = depth;
                else {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Bad blkx, not container\n");
                    stateDepth[DMG_FIND_KEY_BLKX] = -1;
            if ((state == DMG_FIND_KEY_BLKX)
                    && (depth == stateDepth[state-1] + 1)
                    && (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "key") == 0)) {
                xmlChar * textValue;
                dmg_parsemsg("read: Found key - checking for blkx\n");
                if (xmlTextReaderRead(reader) != 1) {
                if (xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader) != XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Key node no text\n");
                textValue = xmlTextReaderValue(reader);
                if (textValue == NULL) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: no value from xmlTextReaderValue\n");
                if (xmlStrcmp(textValue, "blkx") == 0) {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: Matched blkx\n");
                    stateDepth[DMG_FIND_KEY_BLKX] = depth;
                else {
                    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: wanted blkx, text value is %s\n", textValue);
            if ((state == DMG_FIND_DICT_RESOURCE_FORK)
                    && (depth == stateDepth[state-1])) {
                if (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "dict") == 0) {
                    dmg_parsemsg("read: Found resource-fork dict\n");
                    stateDepth[DMG_FIND_DICT_RESOURCE_FORK] = depth;
                else {
                    dmg_parsemsg("read: Not resource-fork dict\n");
                    stateDepth[DMG_FIND_KEY_RESOURCE_FORK] = -1;
            if ((state == DMG_FIND_KEY_RESOURCE_FORK)
                    && (depth == stateDepth[state-1] + 1)
                    && (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "key") == 0)) {
                dmg_parsemsg("read: Found resource-fork key\n");
                stateDepth[DMG_FIND_KEY_RESOURCE_FORK] = depth;
            if ((state == DMG_FIND_BASE_DICT)
                    && (depth == stateDepth[state-1] + 1)
                    && (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "dict") == 0)) {
                dmg_parsemsg("read: Found dict start\n");
                stateDepth[DMG_FIND_BASE_DICT] = depth;
            if ((state == DMG_FIND_BASE_PLIST) && (xmlStrcmp(nodeName, "plist") == 0)) {
                dmg_parsemsg("read: Found plist start\n");
                stateDepth[DMG_FIND_BASE_PLIST] = depth;
        else if ((nodeType == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) && (state > DMG_FIND_BASE_PLIST)) {
            int significantEnd = 0;
            int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth(reader);
            if (depth < 0) {
            else if (depth < stateDepth[state-1]) {
                significantEnd = 1;
            else if ((depth == stateDepth[state-1])
                     && (state-1 == DMG_FIND_BLKX_CONTAINER)) {
                /* Special case, ending blkx container */
                significantEnd = 1;
            if (significantEnd) {
                dmg_parsemsg("read: significant end tag, state %d\n", state);
                stateDepth[state-1] = -1;
                if ((state-1 == DMG_FIND_KEY_RESOURCE_FORK)
                        || (state-1 == DMG_FIND_KEY_BLKX)) {
                    /* Keys end their own tag (validly) and the next state depends on the following tag */
                    // cli_dbgmsg("read: significant end tag ending prior key state\n");
                    stateDepth[state-1] = -1;
            else {
                dmg_parsemsg("read: not significant end tag, state %d depth %d prior depth %d\n", state, depth, stateDepth[state-1]);



    cli_dbgmsg("cli_scandmg: libxml2 support is compiled out. It is required for full DMG support.\n");


    /* Loop over mish array */
    file = 0;
    while ((ret == CL_CLEAN) && (mish_list != NULL)) {
        /* Handle & scan mish block */
        ret = dmg_handle_mish(ctx, file++, dirname, hdr.xmlOffset, mish_list);
        mish_list_tail = mish_list;
        mish_list = mish_list->next;

    /* Cleanup */
    /* If error occurred, need to free mish items and mish blocks */
    while (mish_list != NULL) {
        mish_list_tail = mish_list;
        mish_list = mish_list->next;
    if (!ctx->engine->keeptmp)
    return ret;
/* Transform the base64-encoded string into the binary structure
 * After this, the base64 string (from xml) can be released
 * If mish_set->mish is set by this function, it must be freed by the caller */
static int dmg_decode_mish(cli_ctx *ctx, unsigned int *mishblocknum, xmlChar *mish_base64,
                           struct dmg_mish_with_stripes *mish_set)
    int ret = CL_CLEAN;
    size_t base64_len, buff_size, decoded_len;
    uint8_t *decoded;
    const uint8_t mish_magic[4] = { 0x6d, 0x69, 0x73, 0x68 };

    base64_len = strlen(mish_base64);
    dmg_parsemsg("dmg_decode_mish: len of encoded block %u is %lu\n", *mishblocknum, base64_len);

    /* speed vs memory, could walk the encoded data and skip whitespace in calculation */
    buff_size = 3 * base64_len / 4 + 4;
    dmg_parsemsg("dmg_decode_mish: buffer for mish block %u is %lu\n", *mishblocknum, (unsigned long)buff_size);
    decoded = cli_malloc(buff_size);
    if (!decoded)
        return CL_EMEM;

    if (sf_base64decode((uint8_t *)mish_base64, base64_len, decoded, buff_size - 1, &decoded_len)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("dmg_decode_mish: failed base64 decoding on mish block %u\n", *mishblocknum);
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    dmg_parsemsg("dmg_decode_mish: len of decoded mish block %u is %lu\n", *mishblocknum, (unsigned long)decoded_len);

    if (decoded_len < sizeof(struct dmg_mish_block)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("dmg_decode_mish: block %u too short for valid mish block\n", *mishblocknum);
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    /* mish check: magic is mish, have to check after conversion from base64
     * mish base64 is bWlzaA [but last character can change last two bytes]
     * won't see that in practice much (affects value of version field) */
    if (memcmp(decoded, mish_magic, 4)) {
        cli_dbgmsg("dmg_decode_mish: block %u does not have mish magic\n", *mishblocknum);
        return CL_EFORMAT;

    mish_set->mish = (struct dmg_mish_block *)decoded;
    mish_set->mish->startSector = be64_to_host(mish_set->mish->startSector);
    mish_set->mish->sectorCount = be64_to_host(mish_set->mish->sectorCount);
    mish_set->mish->dataOffset = be64_to_host(mish_set->mish->dataOffset);
    // mish_set->mish->bufferCount = be32_to_host(mish_set->mish->bufferCount);
    mish_set->mish->blockDataCount = be32_to_host(mish_set->mish->blockDataCount);

    cli_dbgmsg("dmg_decode_mish: startSector = " STDu64 " sectorCount = " STDu64
               " dataOffset = " STDu64 " stripeCount = " STDu32 "\n",
               mish_set->mish->startSector, mish_set->mish->sectorCount,
               mish_set->mish->dataOffset, mish_set->mish->blockDataCount);

    /* decoded length should be mish block + blockDataCount * 40 */
    if (decoded_len < (sizeof(struct dmg_mish_block)
                       + mish_set->mish->blockDataCount * sizeof(struct dmg_block_data))) {
        cli_dbgmsg("dmg_decode_mish: mish block %u too small\n", *mishblocknum);
        mish_set->mish = NULL;
        return CL_EFORMAT;
    else if (decoded_len > (sizeof(struct dmg_mish_block)
                            + mish_set->mish->blockDataCount * sizeof(struct dmg_block_data))) {
        cli_dbgmsg("dmg_decode_mish: mish block %u bigger than needed, continuing\n", *mishblocknum);

    mish_set->stripes = (struct dmg_block_data *)(decoded + sizeof(struct dmg_mish_block));
    return CL_CLEAN;