int tty_setup() { WINDOW *tt_win, *newwin(); char message[80], *str, *get_str(); int num, i, j, ret_code; void disp_tty(), create_modem(), del_modem(), error_win(); void del_tty(); tt_win = newwin(23, 80, 0, 0); horizontal(tt_win, 0, 0, 34); mvwattrstr(tt_win, 0, 35, A_BOLD, "TTY Setup"); horizontal(tt_win, 0, 45, 34); mvwaddstr(tt_win, 2, 22, "TTY name"); mvwaddstr(tt_win, 2, 37, "Modem name"); mvwaddstr(tt_win, 2, 51, "Init speed"); /* display the current TTY list */ disp_tty(tt_win); /* prompt for options */ mvwaddstr(tt_win, 15, 20, "A) Add a TTY entry"); mvwaddstr(tt_win, 16, 20, "D) Delete a TTY entry"); horizontal(tt_win, 19, 0, 80); mvwattrstr(tt_win, 20, 0, A_BOLD, "OPTION ==> "); mvwaddstr(tt_win, 20, 58, "Press <ESC> to return"); wmove(tt_win, 20, 12); touchwin(tt_win); wrefresh(tt_win); /* get the option */ ret_code = 0; while ((str = get_str(tt_win, 2, "01234356789AaDd", "")) != NULL) { switch(*str) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': i = atoi(str); /* if beyond t_entries */ if (i > modem->t_entries) { beep(); break; } /* change the entry */ if (tty_prompt(tt_win, i-1)) { /* requires modem update? */ create_modem(modem->tname[i-1]); del_modem(); ret_code++; } break; case 'a': case 'A': /* add an entry */ if (modem->t_entries == NUM_TTY) { sprintf(message, "\"%s\"", modem->m_path); error_win(0, "No empty TTY slots in modem/TTY database", message); break; } /* prompt for info */ j = modem->t_entries; if (tty_prompt(tt_win, j)) { /* add modem entry? */ modem->t_entries++; create_modem(modem->tname[j]); ret_code++; } break; case 'd': case 'D': /* delete an entry */ mvwaddstr(tt_win, 21, 0, "Entry number to delete: "); wrefresh(tt_win); while ((num = get_num(tt_win, 4)) != -1) { /* valid range */ if (!num || num>modem->t_entries) { beep(); mvwaddstr(tt_win, 21, 24, " "); wmove(tt_win, 21, 24); wrefresh(tt_win); continue; } del_tty(num-1); del_modem(); /* show the new list */ disp_tty(tt_win); ret_code++; break; } break; default: beep(); break; } mvwaddstr(tt_win, 20, 12, " "); clear_line(tt_win, 21, 0, FALSE); clear_line(tt_win, 22, 0, FALSE); wmove(tt_win, 20, 12); wrefresh(tt_win); } delwin(tt_win); return(ret_code); }
static void test_inserts(int level) { static bool first = TRUE; int ch; int limit; int row = 1; int col; int row2, col2; int length; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; WINDOW *look = 0; WINDOW *work = 0; WINDOW *show = 0; int margin = (2 * MY_TABSIZE) - 1; Options option = (Options) ((unsigned) (m_opt ? oMove : oDefault) | (unsigned) ((w_opt || (level > 0)) ? oWindow : oDefault)); if (first) { static char cmd[80]; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); putenv(strcpy(cmd, "TABSIZE=8")); initscr(); (void) cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ (void) noecho(); /* don't echo input */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); } limit = LINES - 5; if (level > 0) { look = newwin(limit, COLS - (2 * (level - 1)), 0, level - 1); work = newwin(limit - 2, COLS - (2 * level), 1, level); show = newwin(4, COLS, limit + 1, 0); box(look, 0, 0); wnoutrefresh(look); limit -= 2; } else { work = stdscr; show = derwin(stdscr, 4, COLS, limit + 1, 0); } keypad(work, TRUE); for (col = margin + 1; col < COLS; col += MY_TABSIZE) MvWVLine(work, row, col, '.', limit - 2); MvWVLine(work, row, margin, ACS_VLINE, limit - 2); MvWVLine(work, row, margin + 1, ACS_VLINE, limit - 2); limit /= 2; MvWAddStr(work, 1, 2, "String"); MvWAddStr(work, limit + 1, 2, "Chars"); wnoutrefresh(work); buffer[length = 0] = '\0'; legend(show, level, option, buffer, length); wnoutrefresh(show); doupdate(); /* * Show the characters inserted in color, to distinguish from those that * are shifted. */ if (has_colors()) { start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); wbkgdset(work, COLOR_PAIR(1) | ' '); } while ((ch = read_linedata(work)) != ERR && !isQUIT(ch)) { wmove(work, row, margin + 1); switch (ch) { case key_RECUR: test_inserts(level + 1); touchwin(look); touchwin(work); touchwin(show); wnoutrefresh(look); wnoutrefresh(work); wnoutrefresh(show); doupdate(); break; case key_NEWLINE: if (row < limit) { ++row; /* put the whole string in, all at once */ col2 = margin + 1; switch (option) { case oDefault: if (n_opt > 1) { for (col = 0; col < length; col += n_opt) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); if (move(row, col2) != ERR) { InsNStr(buffer + col, LEN(col)); } } } else { if (move(row, col2) != ERR) { InsStr(buffer); } } break; case oMove: if (n_opt > 1) { for (col = 0; col < length; col += n_opt) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); MvInsNStr(row, col2, buffer + col, LEN(col)); } } else { MvInsStr(row, col2, buffer); } break; case oWindow: if (n_opt > 1) { for (col = 0; col < length; col += n_opt) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); if (wmove(work, row, col2) != ERR) { WInsNStr(work, buffer + col, LEN(col)); } } } else { if (wmove(work, row, col2) != ERR) { WInsStr(work, buffer); } } break; case oMoveWindow: if (n_opt > 1) { for (col = 0; col < length; col += n_opt) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); MvWInsNStr(work, row, col2, buffer + col, LEN(col)); } } else { MvWInsStr(work, row, col2, buffer); } break; } /* do the corresponding single-character insertion */ row2 = limit + row; for (col = 0; col < length; ++col) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); switch (option) { case oDefault: if (move(row2, col2) != ERR) { InsCh(UChar(buffer[col])); } break; case oMove: MvInsCh(row2, col2, UChar(buffer[col])); break; case oWindow: if (wmove(work, row2, col2) != ERR) { WInsCh(work, UChar(buffer[col])); } break; case oMoveWindow: MvWInsCh(work, row2, col2, UChar(buffer[col])); break; } } } else { beep(); } break; default: if (ch <= 0 || ch > 255) { beep(); break; } buffer[length++] = (char) ch; buffer[length] = '\0'; /* put the string in, one character at a time */ col = ColOf(buffer, length - 1, margin); switch (option) { case oDefault: if (move(row, col) != ERR) { InsStr(buffer + length - 1); } break; case oMove: MvInsStr(row, col, buffer + length - 1); break; case oWindow: if (wmove(work, row, col) != ERR) { WInsStr(work, buffer + length - 1); } break; case oMoveWindow: MvWInsStr(work, row, col, buffer + length - 1); break; } /* do the corresponding single-character insertion */ switch (option) { case oDefault: if (move(limit + row, col) != ERR) { InsCh(UChar(ch)); } break; case oMove: MvInsCh(limit + row, col, UChar(ch)); break; case oWindow: if (wmove(work, limit + row, col) != ERR) { WInsCh(work, UChar(ch)); } break; case oMoveWindow: MvWInsCh(work, limit + row, col, UChar(ch)); break; } wnoutrefresh(work); legend(show, level, option, buffer, length); wnoutrefresh(show); doupdate(); break; } } if (level > 0) { delwin(show); delwin(work); delwin(look); } }
/* *************** LOOK_FOR_OBJECT *************** subroutine to look for an object and give the player his options if an object was found. */ lookforobject() { int i,j; /* can't find objects is time is stopped*/ if (c[TIMESTOP]) return; i=item[playerx][playery]; if (i==0) return; showcell(playerx,playery); cursors(); yrepcount=0; switch(i) { case OGOLDPILE: case OMAXGOLD: case OKGOLD: case ODGOLD: ogold(i); break; case OPOTION: lprcat("\n\nYou find a magic potion"); i = iarg[playerx][playery]; if (potionknown[i]) lprintf(" of %s",&potionname[i][1]); lprcat("."); opotion(i); break; case OSCROLL: lprcat("\n\nYou find a magic scroll"); i = iarg[playerx][playery]; if (scrollknown[i]) lprintf(" of %s",&scrollname[i][1]); lprcat("."); oscroll(i); break; case OALTAR: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\n\nThere is a holy altar here."); oaltar(); break; case OBOOK: lprcat("\n\nYou find a book."); obook(); break; case OCOOKIE: lprcat("\n\nYou find a fortune cookie."); ocookie(); break; case OTHRONE: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprintf("\n\nThere is %s here.",objectname[i]); othrone(0); break; case OTHRONE2: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprintf("\n\nThere is %s here.",objectname[i]); othrone(1); break; case ODEADTHRONE: lprintf("\n\nThere is %s here.",objectname[i]); odeadthrone(); break; case OORB: if (nearbymonst()) return; finditem(i); break; case OBRASSLAMP: lprcat("\nYou find a brass lamp."); lprcat("\nDo you want to (r) rub it, (t) take it, or (i) ignore it? "); i=0; while ((i!='r') && (i!='i') && (i!='t') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i=='r') { i=rnd(100); if (i>90) { lprcat("\nThe magic genie was very upset at being disturbed!"); lastnum = 286; losehp((int)c[HP]/2+1); beep(); } /* higher level, better chance of spell */ else if ( (rnd(100)+c[LEVEL]/2) > 80) { int a,b,d; lprcat("\nA magic genie appears!"); cursors(); lprcat("\n What spell would you like? : "); while ((a=getcharacter())=='D') { seemagic(99); cursors(); lprcat("\n What spell would you like? : "); } /* to escape casting a spell */ if (a==ESC) goto over; if ((b=getcharacter())==ESC) goto over; if ((d=getcharacter())==ESC) { over: lprcat("aborted"); return; } lprc('\n'); for (i=0; i<SPNUM; i++) if ((spelcode[i][0]==a) && (spelcode[i][1]==b) && (spelcode[i][2]==d)) { spelknow[i]=1; lprintf("\nSpell \"%s\": %s\n%s",spelcode[i], spelname[i],speldescript[i]); lprcat("\nThe genie prefers not to be disturbed " "again."); forget(); bottomline(); return; } lprcat("\nThe genie has never heard of such a spell!"); lprcat("\nThe genie prefers not to be disturbed again."); forget(); bottomline(); return; } else lprcat("\nnothing happened."); if (rnd(100) < 15) { lprcat("\nThe genie prefers not to be disturbed again!"); forget(); c[LAMP]=0; /* chance of finding lamp again */ } bottomline(); } else if (i=='t') { lprcat("take."); if (take(OBRASSLAMP,0)==0) forget(); } else lprcat("ignore."); return; case OWWAND: if (nearbymonst()) return; finditem(i); break; case OHANDofFEAR: if (nearbymonst()) return; finditem(i); break; case OPIT: lprcat("\n\nYou're standing at the top of a pit."); opit(); break; case OSTAIRSUP: lprcat("\n\nThere is a circular staircase here."); ostairs(1); /* up */ break; case OELEVATORUP: lprcat("\n\nYou have found an express elevator going up."); oelevator(1); /* up */ break; case OELEVATORDOWN: lprcat("\n\nYou have found an express elevator going down."); oelevator(-1); /* down */ break; case OFOUNTAIN: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\n\nThere is a fountain here."); ofountain(); break; case OSTATUE: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\n\nYou stand before a statue."); ostatue(); break; case OCHEST: lprcat("\n\nThere is a chest here."); ochest(); break; case OIVTELETRAP: if (rnd(11)<6) return; item[playerx][playery] = OTELEPORTER; know[playerx][playery] = 1; case OTELEPORTER: lprcat("\nZaaaappp! You've been teleported!\n"); beep(); nap(3000); oteleport(0); break; case OSCHOOL: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\n\nYou have found the College of Ularn."); lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? "); i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i == 'g') { oschool(); /* the college of larn */ } else lprcat(" stay here."); break; case OMIRROR: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\n\nThere is a mirror here."); omirror(); break; case OBANK2: case OBANK: if (nearbymonst()) return; if (i==OBANK) lprcat("\n\nYou have found the bank of Ularn."); else lprcat("\n\nYou have found a branch office of the bank of Ularn."); lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? "); j=0; while ((j!='g') && (j!='i') && (j!=ESC)) j=getcharacter(); if (j == 'g') { if (i==OBANK) obank(); else obank2(); /* the bank of larn */ } else lprcat(" stay here."); break; case ODEADFOUNTAIN: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\n\nThere is a dead fountain here."); break; case ODNDSTORE: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\n\nThere is a DND store here."); lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? "); i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i == 'g') dndstore(); /* the dnd adventurers store */ else lprcat(" stay here."); break; case OSTAIRSDOWN: lprcat("\n\nThere is a circular staircase here."); ostairs(-1); /* down */ break; case OOPENDOOR: lprcat("\nThere is an open door here."); break; case OCLOSEDDOOR: if (dropflag) return; lprintf("\n\nYou find %s",objectname[i]); lprcat("\nDo you (o) try to open it"); iopts(); i=0; while ((i!='o') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if ((i==ESC) || (i=='i')) { ignore(); playerx = lastpx; playery = lastpy; break; } else { lprcat("open."); if (rnd(11)<7) { switch(iarg[playerx][playery]) { case 6: c[AGGRAVATE] += rnd(400); break; case 7: case 8: lprcat("\nYou are jolted by an electric shock!"); lastnum=274; losehp(rnd(20)); bottomline(); break; /* Losing a level is just too harsh... */ /* case 8: loselevel(); break; */ case 9: lprcat("\nYou suddenly feel weaker!"); if (c[STRENGTH]>3) c[STRENGTH]--; bottomline(); break; default: break; } playerx = lastpx; playery = lastpy; } else { forget(); item[playerx][playery]=OOPENDOOR; } } break; case OENTRANCE: lprcat("\nYou have found "); lprcat(objectname[OENTRANCE]); lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside"); iopts(); i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i == 'g') { newcavelevel(1); playerx=33; playery=MAXY-2; item[33][MAXY-1]=know[33][MAXY-1]=mitem[33][MAXY-1].mon=0; draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex(); return; } else ignore(); break; case OVOLDOWN: lprcat("\nYou have found "); lprcat(objectname[OVOLDOWN]); lprcat("\nDo you (c) climb down"); iopts(); i=0; while ((i!='c') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if ((i==ESC) || (i=='i')) { ignore(); break; } if (level!=0) { lprcat("\nThe shaft only extends 5 feet downward!"); return; } if (packweight() > 45+3*(c[STRENGTH]+c[STREXTRA])) { lprcat("\nYou slip and fall down the shaft."); beep(); lastnum=275; losehp(30+rnd(20)); bottomhp(); } else lprcat("climb down."); nap(3000); newcavelevel(DBOTTOM+1); /* down to V1 */ playerx = rnd(MAXX-2); playery = rnd(MAXY-2); positionplayer(); draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex(); return; case OVOLUP: lprcat("\nYou have found "); lprcat(objectname[OVOLUP]); lprcat("\nDo you (c) climb up"); iopts(); i=0; while ((i!='c') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if ((i==ESC) || (i=='i')) { ignore(); break; } if (packweight() > 40+5*(c[DEXTERITY]+c[STRENGTH]+c[STREXTRA])) { lprcat("\nYou slip and fall down the shaft."); beep(); lastnum=275; losehp(15+rnd(20)); bottomhp(); return; } lprcat("climb up."); lflush(); nap(3000); newcavelevel(0); for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++) /* put player near volcano shaft */ if (item[j][i]==OVOLDOWN) { playerx=j; playery=i; j=MAXX; i=MAXY; positionplayer(); } draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex(); return; case OTRAPARROWIV: if (rnd(17)<13) return; /* for an arrow trap */ item[playerx][playery] = OTRAPARROW; know[playerx][playery] = 0; case OTRAPARROW: lprcat("\nYou are hit by an arrow!"); beep(); /* for an arrow trap */ lastnum=259; losehp(rnd(10)+level); bottomhp(); return; case OIVDARTRAP: if (rnd(17)<13) return; /* for a dart trap */ item[playerx][playery] = ODARTRAP; know[playerx][playery] = 0; case ODARTRAP: lprcat("\nYou are hit by a dart!"); beep(); /* for a dart trap */ lastnum=260; losehp(rnd(5)); if ((--c[STRENGTH]) < 3) c[STRENGTH] = 3; bottomline(); return; case OIVTRAPDOOR: if (rnd(17)<13) return; /* for a trap door */ item[playerx][playery] = OTRAPDOOR; know[playerx][playery] = 1; case OTRAPDOOR: lastnum = 272; /* a trap door */ for (i=0;i<IVENSIZE;i++) if (iven[i]==OWWAND) { lprcat("\nYou escape a trap door."); return; } if ((level==DBOTTOM)||(level==VBOTTOM)) { lprcat("\nYou fall through a trap door leading straight to HELL!"); beep(); lflush(); nap(3000); died(271); } lprcat("\nYou fall through a trap door!"); beep(); lflush(); losehp(rnd(5+level)); nap(2000); newcavelevel(level+1); draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex(); return; case OTRADEPOST: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\nYou have found the Ularn trading Post."); lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? "); i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i == 'g') otradepost(); else lprcat("stay here."); return; case OHOME: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\nYou have found your way home."); lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? "); i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i == 'g') ohome(); else lprcat("stay here."); return; case OPAD: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\nYou have found Dealer McDope's Hideout!"); lprcat("\nDo you (c) check it out, or (i) ignore it? "); i=0; while ((i!='c') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i == 'c') opad(); else lprcat("forget it."); return; case OSPEED: lprcat("\nYou find some speed."); lprcat("\nDo you (s) snort it, (t) take it, or (i) ignore it? "); i=0; while ((i!='s') && (i!='i') && (i!='t') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i=='s') { lprcat("snort!"); lprcat("\nOhwowmanlikethingstotallyseemtoslowdown!"); c[HASTESELF] += 200 + c[LEVEL]; c[HALFDAM] += 300 + rnd(200); if ((c[INTELLIGENCE]-=2) < 3) c[INTELLIGENCE]=3; if ((c[WISDOM]-=2) < 3) c[WISDOM]=3; if ((c[CONSTITUTION]-=2) <3) c[CONSTITUTION]=3; if ((c[DEXTERITY]-=2) <3) c[DEXTERITY]=3; if ((c[STRENGTH]-=2) <3) c[STRENGTH]=3; forget(); bottomline(); } else if (i=='t') { lprcat("take."); if (take(OSPEED,0)==0) forget(); } else lprcat("ignore."); break; case OSHROOMS: lprcat("\nYou find some magic mushrooms."); lprcat("\nDo you (e) eat them, (t) take them, or (i) ignore them? "); i=0; while ((i!='e') && (i!='i') && (i!='t') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i=='e') { lprcat("eat!"); lprcat("\nThings start to get real spacey..."); c[HASTEMONST] += rnd(75) + 25; c[CONFUSE] += 30+rnd(10); c[WISDOM]+=2; c[CHARISMA]+=2; forget(); bottomline(); } else if (i=='t') { lprcat("take."); if (take(OSHROOMS,0)==0) forget(); } else lprcat("ignore."); break; case OACID: lprcat("\nYou find some LSD."); lprcat("\nDo you (e) eat it, (t) take it, or (i) ignore it? "); i=0; while ((i!='e') && (i!='i') && (i!='t') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i=='e') { lprcat("eat!"); lprcat("\nYou are now frying your ass off!"); c[CONFUSE]+=30+rnd(10); c[WISDOM]+=2; c[INTELLIGENCE]+=2; c[AWARENESS]+=1500; c[AGGRAVATE]+=1500; { int j,k; /* heal monsters */ for(j=0;j<MAXY;j++) for(k=0;k<MAXX;k++) if (mitem[k][j].mon) hitp[k][j]=monster[mitem[k][j].mon].hitpoints; } forget(); bottomline(); } else if (i=='t') { lprcat("take."); if (take(OACID,0)==0) forget(); } else lprcat("ignore."); break; case OHASH: lprcat("\nYou find some hashish."); lprcat("\nDo you (s) smoke it, (t) take it, or (i) ignore it? "); i=0; while ((i!='s') && (i!='i') && (i!='t') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i=='s') { lprcat("smoke!"); lprcat("\nWOW! You feel stooooooned..."); c[HASTEMONST]+=rnd(75)+25; c[INTELLIGENCE]+=2; c[WISDOM]+=2; if( (c[CONSTITUTION]-=2) < 3) c[CONSTITUTION]=3; if( (c[DEXTERITY]-=2) < 3) c[DEXTERITY]=3; c[HALFDAM]+=300+rnd(200); c[CLUMSINESS]+=rnd(1800)+200; forget(); bottomline(); } else if (i=='t') { lprcat("take."); if (take(OHASH,0)==0) forget(); } else lprcat("ignore."); break; case OCOKE: lprcat("\nYou find some cocaine."); lprcat("\nDo you want to (s) snort it, (t) take it, or (i) ignore it? "); i=0; while ((i!='s') && (i!='i') && (i!='t') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i=='s') { lprcat("snort!"); lprcat("\nYour nose begins to bleed!"); if ((c[DEXTERITY]-=2) <3) c[DEXTERITY]=3; if ((c[CONSTITUTION]-=2) <3) c[CONSTITUTION]=3; c[CHARISMA]+=3; for(i=0;i<6;i++) c[i]+=33; c[COKED]+=10; forget(); bottomline(); } else if (i=='t') { lprcat("take."); if (take(OCOKE,0)==0) forget(); } else lprcat("ignore."); break; case OWALL: break; case OANNIHILATION: for (i=0;i<IVENSIZE;i++) if (iven[i]==OSPHTALISMAN) { lprcat("\nThe Talisman of the Sphere protects you from " "annihilation!"); return; } /* annihilated by sphere of annihilation */ died(283); return; case OLRS: if (nearbymonst()) return; lprcat("\n\nThere is an LRS office here."); lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? "); i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!=ESC)) i=getcharacter(); if (i == 'g') olrs(); /* the larn revenue service */ else lprcat(" stay here."); break; default: finditem(i); break; }; }
static int test_inchs(int level, char **argv, WINDOW *chrwin, WINDOW *strwin) { WINDOW *txtbox = 0; WINDOW *txtwin = 0; FILE *fp; int j; int txt_x = 0, txt_y = 0; int base_y; int limit; cchar_t ch; cchar_t text[MAX_COLS]; if (argv[level] == 0) { beep(); return FALSE; } if (level > 1) { txtbox = newwin(LINES - BASE_Y, COLS - level, BASE_Y, level); box(txtbox, 0, 0); wnoutrefresh(txtbox); txtwin = derwin(txtbox, getmaxy(txtbox) - 2, getmaxx(txtbox) - 2, 1, 1); base_y = 0; } else { txtwin = stdscr; base_y = BASE_Y; } keypad(txtwin, TRUE); /* enable keyboard mapping */ (void) cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ (void) noecho(); /* don't echo input */ txt_y = base_y; txt_x = 0; wmove(txtwin, txt_y, txt_x); if ((fp = fopen(argv[level], "r")) != 0) { while ((j = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { if (waddch(txtwin, UChar(j)) != OK) { break; } } fclose(fp); } else { wprintw(txtwin, "Cannot open:\n%s", argv[1]); } while (!Quit(j = mvwgetch(txtwin, txt_y, txt_x))) { switch (j) { case KEY_DOWN: case 'j': if (txt_y < getmaxy(txtwin) - 1) txt_y++; else beep(); break; case KEY_UP: case 'k': if (txt_y > base_y) txt_y--; else beep(); break; case KEY_LEFT: case 'h': if (txt_x > 0) txt_x--; else beep(); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case 'l': if (txt_x < getmaxx(txtwin) - 1) txt_x++; else beep(); break; case 'w': test_inchs(level + 1, argv, chrwin, strwin); if (txtbox != 0) { touchwin(txtbox); wnoutrefresh(txtbox); } else { touchwin(txtwin); wnoutrefresh(txtwin); } break; default: beep(); break; } MvWPrintw(chrwin, 0, 0, "char:"); wclrtoeol(chrwin); if (txtwin != stdscr) { wmove(txtwin, txt_y, txt_x); if (win_wch(txtwin, &ch) != ERR) { if (wadd_wch(chrwin, &ch) != ERR) { for (j = txt_x + 1; j < getmaxx(txtwin); ++j) { if (mvwin_wch(txtwin, txt_y, j, &ch) != ERR) { if (wadd_wch(chrwin, &ch) == ERR) { break; } } else { break; } } } } } else { move(txt_y, txt_x); if (in_wch(&ch) != ERR) { if (wadd_wch(chrwin, &ch) != ERR) { for (j = txt_x + 1; j < getmaxx(txtwin); ++j) { if (mvin_wch(txt_y, j, &ch) != ERR) { if (wadd_wch(chrwin, &ch) == ERR) { break; } } else { break; } } } } } wnoutrefresh(chrwin); MvWPrintw(strwin, 0, 0, "text:"); wclrtobot(strwin); limit = getmaxx(strwin) - 5; if (txtwin != stdscr) { wmove(txtwin, txt_y, txt_x); if (win_wchstr(txtwin, text) != ERR) { (void) mvwadd_wchstr(strwin, 0, 5, text); } wmove(txtwin, txt_y, txt_x); if (win_wchnstr(txtwin, text, limit) != ERR) { (void) mvwadd_wchstr(strwin, 1, 5, text); } if (mvwin_wchstr(txtwin, txt_y, txt_x, text) != ERR) { (void) mvwadd_wchstr(strwin, 2, 5, text); } if (mvwin_wchnstr(txtwin, txt_y, txt_x, text, limit) != ERR) { (void) mvwadd_wchstr(strwin, 3, 5, text); } } else { move(txt_y, txt_x); if (in_wchstr(text) != ERR) { (void) mvwadd_wchstr(strwin, 0, 5, text); } move(txt_y, txt_x); if (in_wchnstr(text, limit) != ERR) { (void) mvwadd_wchstr(strwin, 1, 5, text); } if (mvin_wchstr(txt_y, txt_x, text) != ERR) { (void) mvwadd_wchstr(strwin, 2, 5, text); } if (mvin_wchnstr(txt_y, txt_x, text, limit) != ERR) { (void) mvwadd_wchstr(strwin, 3, 5, text); } } wnoutrefresh(strwin); } if (level > 1) { delwin(txtwin); delwin(txtbox); } return TRUE; }
mvcp_error_code client_add_unit( client demo ) { mvcp_error_code error = mvcp_ok; mvcp_nodes nodes = mvcp_nodes_init( demo->dv ); mvcp_units units = mvcp_units_init( demo->dv ); if ( mvcp_nodes_count( nodes ) != -1 && mvcp_units_count( units ) != -1 ) { char pressed; mvcp_node_entry_t node; mvcp_unit_entry_t unit; int node_index = 0; int unit_index = 0; printf( "Select a Node\n\n" ); for ( node_index = 0; node_index < mvcp_nodes_count( nodes ); node_index ++ ) { mvcp_nodes_get( nodes, node_index, &node ); printf( "%d: %s - %s ", node_index + 1, node.guid, ); for ( unit_index = 0; unit_index < mvcp_units_count( units ); unit_index ++ ) { mvcp_units_get( units, unit_index, &unit ); if ( !strcmp( unit.guid, node.guid ) ) printf( "[U%d] ", unit.unit ); } printf( "\n" ); } printf( "0. Exit\n\n" ); printf( "Node: " ); while ( ( pressed = get_keypress( ) ) != '0' ) { node_index = pressed - '1'; if ( node_index >= 0 && node_index < mvcp_nodes_count( nodes ) ) { int unit; printf( "%c\n\n", pressed ); mvcp_nodes_get( nodes, node_index, &node ); if ( mvcp_unit_add( demo->dv, node.guid, &unit ) == mvcp_ok ) { printf( "Unit added as U%d\n", unit ); demo->selected_unit = unit; } else { int index = 0; mvcp_response response = mvcp_get_last_response( demo->dv ); printf( "Failed to add unit:\n\n" ); for( index = 1; index < mvcp_response_count( response ) - 1; index ++ ) printf( "%s\n", mvcp_response_get_line( response, index ) ); } printf( "\n" ); wait_for_any_key( NULL ); break; } else { beep( ); } } } else { printf( "Invalid response from the server.\n\n" ); wait_for_any_key( NULL ); } mvcp_nodes_close( nodes ); mvcp_units_close( units ); return error; }
/* ------------ KEYBOARD Message ------------- */ static void KeyboardMsg(WINDOW wnd, PARAM p1) { MENU *mnu; int sel; if (mwnd == NULL) { /* ----- search for menu bar shortcut keys ---- */ int c = tolower((int)p1); int a = AltConvert((int)p1); int j; for (j = 0; j < mctr; j++) { if ((inFocus == wnd && menu[j].sc == c) || (a && menu[j].sc == a)) { SendMessage(wnd, SETFOCUS, TRUE, 0); SendMessage(wnd, MB_SELECTION, j, 0); return; } } } /* -------- search for accelerator keys -------- */ mnu = ActiveMenu; while (mnu->Title != (void *)-1) { struct PopDown *pd = mnu->Selections; if (mnu->PrepMenu) (*(mnu->PrepMenu))(GetDocFocus(), mnu); while (pd->SelectionTitle != NULL) { if (pd->Accelerator == (int) p1) { if (pd->Attrib & INACTIVE) beep(); else { if (pd->Attrib & TOGGLE) pd->Attrib ^= CHECKED; SendMessage(GetDocFocus(), SETFOCUS, TRUE, 0); PostMessage(GetParent(wnd), COMMAND, pd->ActionId, 0); } return; } pd++; } mnu++; } switch ((int)p1) { case F1: if (ActiveMenu == NULL || ActiveMenuBar == NULL) break; sel = ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection; if (sel == -1) { BaseWndProc(MENUBAR, wnd, KEYBOARD, F1, 0); return; } mnu = ActiveMenu+sel; if (mwnd == NULL || mnu->Selections[0].SelectionTitle == NULL) { DisplayHelp(wnd,mnu->Title+1); return; } break; case '\r': if (mwnd == NULL && ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection != -1) SendMessage(wnd, MB_SELECTION, ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection, 0); break; case F10: if (wnd != inFocus && mwnd == NULL) { SendMessage(wnd, SETFOCUS, TRUE, 0); if ( ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection == -1) ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection = 0; SendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); break; } /* ------- fall through ------- */ case ESC: if (inFocus == wnd && mwnd == NULL) { ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection = -1; SendMessage(GetDocFocus(),SETFOCUS,TRUE,0); SendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); } break; case FWD: ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection++; if (ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection == mctr) ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection = 0; if (mwnd != NULL) SendMessage(wnd, MB_SELECTION, ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection, 0); else SendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); break; case BS: if (ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection == 0 || ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection == -1) ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection = mctr; --ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection; if (mwnd != NULL) SendMessage(wnd, MB_SELECTION, ActiveMenuBar->ActiveSelection, 0); else SendMessage(wnd, PAINT, 0, 0); break; default: break; } }
/* * Get a line into genbuf after gcursor. * Cnt limits the number of input characters * accepted and is used for handling the replace * single character command. Aescaped is the location * where we stick a termination indicator (whether we * ended with an ESCAPE or a newline/return. * * We do erase-kill type processing here and also * are careful about the way we do this so that it is * repeatable. (I.e. so that your kill doesn't happen, * when you repeat an insert if it was escaped with \ the * first time you did it. commch is the command character * involved, including the prompt for readline. */ char * vgetline(int cnt, char *gcursor, bool *aescaped, int commch) { register int c, ch; register char *cp; int x, y, iwhite, backsl=0; cell *iglobp; char cstr[2]; int (*OO)(int) = Outchar; /* * Clear the output state and counters * for autoindent backwards motion (counts of ^D, etc.) * Remember how much white space at beginning of line so * as not to allow backspace over autoindent. */ *aescaped = 0; ogcursor = gcursor; flusho(); CDCNT = 0; HADUP = 0; HADZERO = 0; gobbled = 0; iwhite = whitecnt(genbuf); iglobp = vglobp; /* * Carefully avoid using vinschar in the echo area. */ if (splitw) Outchar = vputchar; else { Outchar = vinschar; vprepins(); } for (;;) { backsl = 0; if (gobblebl) gobblebl--; if (cnt != 0) { cnt--; if (cnt == 0) goto vadone; } c = getkey(); if (c != ATTN) c &= (QUOTE|TRIM); ch = c; maphopcnt = 0; if (vglobp == 0 && Peekkey == 0 && commch != 'r') while ((ch = map(c, immacs)) != c) { c = ch; if (!value(REMAP)) break; if (++maphopcnt > 256) error(catgets(catd, 1, 234, "Infinite macro loop")); } if (!iglobp) { /* * Erase-kill type processing. * Only happens if we were not reading * from untyped input when we started. * Map users erase to ^H, kill to -1 for switch. */ if (c == tty.c_cc[VERASE]) c = CTRL('h'); else if (c == tty.c_cc[VKILL]) c = -1; if (c == ATTN) goto case_ATTN; switch (c) { /* * ^? Interrupt drops you back to visual * command mode with an unread interrupt * still in the input buffer. * * ^\ Quit does the same as interrupt. * If you are a ex command rather than * a vi command this will drop you * back to command mode for sure. */ case QUIT: case_ATTN: ungetkey(c); goto vadone; /* * ^H Backs up a character in the input. * * BUG: Can't back around line boundaries. * This is hard because stuff has * already been saved for repeat. */ case CTRL('h'): bakchar: cp = gcursor + skipleft(ogcursor, gcursor); if (cp < ogcursor) { if (splitw) { /* * Backspacing over readecho * prompt. Pretend delete but * don't beep. */ ungetkey(c); goto vadone; } beep(); continue; } goto vbackup; /* * ^W Back up a white/non-white word. */ case CTRL('w'): wdkind = 1; for (cp = gcursor; cp > ogcursor && isspace(cp[-1]&0377); cp--) continue; for (c = wordch(cp - 1); cp > ogcursor && wordof(c, cp - 1); cp--) continue; goto vbackup; /* * users kill Kill input on this line, back to * the autoindent. */ case -1: cp = ogcursor; vbackup: if (cp == gcursor) { beep(); continue; } endim(); *cp = 0; c = cindent(); vgotoCL(qcolumn(cursor + skipleft(linebuf, cursor), genbuf)); if (doomed >= 0) doomed += c - cindent(); gcursor = cp; continue; /* * \ Followed by erase or kill * maps to just the erase or kill. */ case '\\': x = destcol, y = destline; putchar('\\'); vcsync(); c = getkey(); if (c == tty.c_cc[VERASE] || c == tty.c_cc[VKILL]) { vgoto(y, x); if (doomed >= 0) doomed++; goto def; } ungetkey(c), c = '\\'; backsl = 1; break; /* * ^Q Super quote following character * Only ^@ is verboten (trapped at * a lower level) and \n forces a line * split so doesn't really go in. * * ^V Synonym for ^Q */ case CTRL('q'): case CTRL('v'): x = destcol, y = destline; putchar('^'); vgoto(y, x); c = getkey(); if (c != NL) { if (doomed >= 0) doomed++; goto def; } break; } } /* * If we get a blank not in the echo area * consider splitting the window in the wrapmargin. */ if (c != NL && !splitw) { if (c == ' ' && gobblebl) { gobbled = 1; continue; } if (value(WRAPMARGIN) && (outcol >= OCOLUMNS - value(WRAPMARGIN) || (backsl && outcol == 0)) && commch != 'r') { /* * At end of word and hit wrapmargin. * Move the word to next line and keep going. */ wdkind = 1; gappend(c); if (backsl) gappend(getkey()); *gcursor = 0; /* * Find end of previous word if we are past it. */ for (cp=gcursor; cp>ogcursor && isspace(cp[-1]&0377); cp--) ; if (outcol+(backsl?OCOLUMNS:0) - (gcursor-cp) >= OCOLUMNS - value(WRAPMARGIN)) { /* * Find beginning of previous word. */ for (; cp>ogcursor && !isspace(cp[-1]&0377); cp--) ; if (cp <= ogcursor) { /* * There is a single word that * is too long to fit. Just * let it pass, but beep for * each new letter to warn * the luser. */ c = *--gcursor; *gcursor = 0; beep(); goto dontbreak; } /* * Save it for next line. */ macpush(cp, 0); cp--; } macpush("\n", 0); /* * Erase white space before the word. */ while (cp > ogcursor && isspace(cp[-1]&0377)) cp--; /* skip blank */ gobblebl = 3; goto vbackup; } dontbreak:; } /* * Word abbreviation mode. */ cstr[0] = c; if (anyabbrs && gcursor > ogcursor && !wordch(cstr) && wordch(gcursor-1)) { int wdtype, abno; cstr[1] = 0; wdkind = 1; cp = gcursor + skipleft(ogcursor, gcursor); for (wdtype = wordch(cp - 1); cp > ogcursor && wordof(wdtype, cp - 1); cp--) ; *gcursor = 0; for (abno=0; abbrevs[abno].mapto; abno++) { if (!abbrevs[abno].hadthis && eq(cp, abbrevs[abno].cap)) { abbrevs[abno].hadthis++; macpush(cstr, 0); macpush(abbrevs[abno].mapto, 0); goto vbackup; } } } #ifdef BIT8 if (c == OVERBUF) goto btrp; #endif switch (c) { /* * ^M Except in repeat maps to \n. */ case CR: if (vglobp) goto def; c = '\n'; /* presto chango ... */ /* * \n Start new line. */ case NL: *aescaped = c; goto vadone; /* * escape End insert unless repeat and more to repeat. */ case ESCAPE: if (lastvgk) goto def; goto vadone; /* * ^D Backtab. * ^T Software forward tab. * * Unless in repeat where this means these * were superquoted in. */ case CTRL('d'): case CTRL('t'): if (vglobp) goto def; /* fall into ... */ /* * ^D|QUOTE Is a backtab (in a repeated command). */ #ifndef BIT8 case CTRL('d') | QUOTE: #else btrp: #endif *gcursor = 0; cp = vpastwh(genbuf); c = whitecnt(genbuf); if (ch == CTRL('t')) { /* * ^t just generates new indent replacing * current white space rounded up to soft * tab stop increment. */ if (cp != gcursor) /* * BUG: Don't hack ^T except * right after initial * white space. */ continue; cp = genindent(iwhite = backtab(c + value(SHIFTWIDTH) + 1)); ogcursor = cp; goto vbackup; } /* * ^D works only if we are at the (end of) the * generated autoindent. We count the ^D for repeat * purposes. */ if (c == iwhite && c != 0) { if (cp == gcursor) { iwhite = backtab(c); CDCNT++; ogcursor = cp = genindent(iwhite); goto vbackup; } else if (&cp[1] == gcursor && (*cp == '^' || *cp == '0')) { /* * ^^D moves to margin, then back * to current indent on next line. * * 0^D moves to margin and then * stays there. */ HADZERO = *cp == '0'; ogcursor = cp = genbuf; HADUP = 1 - HADZERO; CDCNT = 1; endim(); back1(); vputchar(' '); goto vbackup; } } if (vglobp && vglobp - iglobp >= 2 && (vglobp[-2] == '^' || vglobp[-2] == '0') && gcursor == ogcursor + 1) goto bakchar; continue; default: /* * Possibly discard control inputs. */ if (!vglobp && junk(c)) { beep(); continue; } def: if (!backsl) { /* int cnt; */ putchar(c); flush(); } if (gcursor > &genbuf[LBSIZE - 2]) error(catgets(catd, 1, 235, "Line too long")); gappend(c & TRIM); vcsync(); if (value(SHOWMATCH) && !iglobp) if (c == ')' || c == '}') lsmatch(gcursor); continue; } } vadone: *gcursor = 0; if (Outchar != termchar) Outchar = OO; endim(); return (gcursor); }
//implemetation of functions int start_finding(int start_x, int start_y) { int inter = 0; int token = 0; int cur_x = start_x, cur_y = start_y; int dir = SOUTH; int ppath = -1; int npop = 0; //how many points should be poped struct POINT *cur_p = NULL; struct POINT *tmp_p = NULL; int ret = 0; #ifdef DEBUG inter = Robot_GetIntersections(); #else inter = get_intersection(); #endif cur_p = mark_point(cur_x, cur_y, inter); dir = get_direction(cur_p); #ifdef DEBUG printf("start point: "); print_point(cur_p); printf("\n"); #endif while(token < TOKEN_COUNT) { #ifdef DEBUG //inter = Robot_GetIntersections(); //print_intersection(inter); #endif if(points[cur_x][cur_y].detected == 0) cur_p = mark_point(cur_x, cur_y, inter); else cur_p = &points[cur_x][cur_y]; push(cur_p); //print_stack(); if(dir = get_direction(cur_p)) { //update current point switch(dir) { case EAST: cur_x += 1; break; case SOUTH: cur_y -= 1; break; case WEST: cur_x -= 1; break; case NORTH: cur_y += 1; break; } #ifdef DEBUG print_direction(cur_p, dir); ret = aud_move(cur_p, dir); #else //move one step display_clear(0); display_goto_xy(0, 0); display_int(cur_p->x, 2); display_goto_xy(3, 0); display_int(cur_p->y, 2); display_goto_xy(7, 0); display_int(cur_x, 2); display_goto_xy(10, 0); display_int(cur_y, 2); display_goto_xy(0, 1); display_int(g_dir, 3); display_goto_xy(5, 1); display_int(dir, 3); display_goto_xy(0, 2); display_int(cur_p->inter&0xF0, 3); display_update(); ret = move(cur_x, cur_y); #endif #ifdef DEBUG inter = Robot_GetIntersections(); #else inter = get_intersection(); #endif cur_p = mark_point(cur_x, cur_y, inter); #ifdef DEBUG print_point(cur_p); #endif if(ret == ROBOT_SUCCESS) { #ifndef DEBUG #endif } else if(ret == ROBOT_TOKENFOUND) { tmp_p = &points[cur_x][cur_y]; if(tmp_p->has_token == 0) { tmp_p->has_token = 1; token++; #ifdef DEBUG printf("[%d. token]\n", token); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("[not a new token]\n"); #endif } if(token == TOKEN_COUNT) { //all token were found, go back to start point #ifdef DEBUG printf("going back to start point......\n"); #endif push(cur_p); ppath = find_shortest_path(cur_p->x, cur_p->y, START_X, START_Y); if(ppath) { //going back to last open point ppath--; while(ppath >= 0) { tmp_p = shortest_path[ppath]; dir = calc_direction(cur_p->x, cur_p->y, tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); #ifdef DEBUG print_point(tmp_p); printf("\n"); ROBOT_MOVE(tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); #else display_clear(0); display_goto_xy(0, 0); display_int(cur_p->x, 2); display_goto_xy(3, 0); display_int(cur_p->y, 2); display_goto_xy(7, 0); display_int(tmp_p->x, 2); display_goto_xy(10, 0); display_int(tmp_p->y, 2); display_goto_xy(0, 1); display_int(g_dir, 3); display_goto_xy(5, 1); display_int(dir, 3); display_goto_xy(0, 2); display_int(cur_p->inter&0xF0, 3); display_update(); move(tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); #endif cur_p = tmp_p; ppath--; } //delete the path in stack pop(npop + 1); cur_p = tmp_p; cur_x = cur_p->x; cur_y = cur_p->y; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("task finished!\n"); #else beep(); #endif break; } } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("move failed!\n"); #endif } } else { //there is no ways forward, go back to nearest open point tmp_p = get_last_open_point(); npop = stack_pointer - get_stack_index(tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); #ifdef DEBUG printf("going back to (%d, %d)\n", tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); #endif if(tmp_p) { if((tmp_p->x == START_X) && (tmp_p->y == START_Y) && !IS_OPEN_POINT(points[tmp_p->x][tmp_p->y])) { #ifdef DEBUG return 0; #else stop_robot(); beep(); return 0; #endif } ppath = find_shortest_path(cur_p->x, cur_p->y, tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); if(ppath) { //going back to last open point ppath--; while(ppath >= 0) { tmp_p = shortest_path[ppath]; dir = calc_direction(cur_p->x, cur_p->y, tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); #ifdef DEBUG ROBOT_MOVE(tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); #else display_clear(0); display_goto_xy(0, 0); display_int(cur_p->x, 2); display_goto_xy(3, 0); display_int(cur_p->y, 2); display_goto_xy(7, 0); display_int(tmp_p->x, 2); display_goto_xy(10, 0); display_int(tmp_p->y, 2); display_goto_xy(0, 1); display_int(g_dir, 3); display_goto_xy(5, 1); display_int(dir, 3); display_goto_xy(0, 2); display_int(cur_p->inter&0xF0, 3); display_update(); move(tmp_p->x, tmp_p->y); #endif cur_p = tmp_p; ppath--; } //delete the path in stack pop(npop + 1); cur_p = tmp_p; cur_x = cur_p->x; cur_y = cur_p->y; } else { //was already at every point and back to start point //task should be ended //that means, not enough token can be found #ifdef DEBUG printf("task ended without enough token were found.\n"); #endif break; } } } #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n"); #endif } return 0; }
void edit() { int c; char *p, *q; Prenum = 0; /* position the display and the cursor at the top of the file. */ *Topchar = *Filemem; *Curschar = *Filemem; Cursrow = Curscol = 0; for ( ;; ) { /* Figure out where the cursor is based on Curschar. */ cursupdate(); windgoto(Cursrow,Curscol); c = vgetc(); if (State == NORMAL) { /* We're in the normal (non-insert) mode. */ /* Pick up any leading digits and compute 'Prenum' */ if ( (Prenum>0 && isdigit(c)) || (isdigit(c) && c!='0') ){ Prenum = Prenum*10 + (c-'0'); continue; } /* execute the command */ normal(c); Prenum = 0; } else { switch (c) { /* We're in insert mode */ case ESC: /* an escape ends input mode */ set_want_col = TRUE; /* Don't end up on a '\n' if you can help it. */ if (gchar(Curschar) == NUL && Curschar->index != 0) dec(Curschar); /* * The cursor should end up on the last inserted * character. This is an attempt to match the real * 'vi', but it may not be quite right yet. */ if (Curschar->index != 0 && !endofline(Curschar)) dec(Curschar); State = NORMAL; msg(""); *Uncurschar = *Insstart; Undelchars = Ninsert; /* Undobuff[0] = '\0'; */ /* construct the Redo buffer */ p=Redobuff; q=Insbuff; while ( q < Insptr ) *p++ = *q++; *p++ = ESC; *p = NUL; updatescreen(); break; case CTRL('D'): /* * Control-D is treated as a backspace in insert * mode to make auto-indent easier. This isn't * completely compatible with vi, but it's a lot * easier than doing it exactly right, and the * difference isn't very noticeable. */ case BS: /* can't backup past starting point */ if (Curschar->linep == Insstart->linep && Curschar->index <= Insstart->index) { beep(); break; } /* can't backup to a previous line */ if (Curschar->linep != Insstart->linep && Curschar->index <= 0) { beep(); break; } did_ai = FALSE; dec(Curschar); delchar(TRUE); Insptr--; Ninsert--; cursupdate(); updateline(); break; case CR: case NL: *Insptr++ = NL; Ninsert++; opencmd(FORWARD, TRUE); /* open a new line */ cursupdate(); updatescreen(); break; default: did_ai = FALSE; insertchar(c); break; } } } }
void errormsg(char *msg) { beep(); mvwaddstr(wstat, 0, 2, padstr(msg, bw - 3)); wrefresh(wstat); }
static void pounce_cb(PurplePounce *pounce, PurplePounceEvent events, void *data) { PurpleConversation *conv; PurpleAccount *account; PurpleBuddy *buddy; const char *pouncee; const char *alias; pouncee = purple_pounce_get_pouncee(pounce); account = purple_pounce_get_pouncer(pounce); buddy = purple_find_buddy(account, pouncee); if (buddy != NULL) { alias = purple_buddy_get_alias(buddy); if (alias == NULL) alias = pouncee; } else alias = pouncee; if (purple_pounce_action_is_enabled(pounce, "open-window")) { if (!purple_find_conversation_with_account(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, pouncee, account)) purple_conversation_new(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, account, pouncee); } if (purple_pounce_action_is_enabled(pounce, "popup-notify")) { char *tmp = NULL; const char *name_shown; const char *reason; struct { PurplePounceEvent event; const char *format; } messages[] = { {PURPLE_POUNCE_TYPING, _("%s has started typing to you (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_TYPED, _("%s has paused while typing to you (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_SIGNON, _("%s has signed on (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_IDLE_RETURN, _("%s has returned from being idle (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_AWAY_RETURN, _("%s has returned from being away (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_TYPING_STOPPED, _("%s has stopped typing to you (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_SIGNOFF, _("%s has signed off (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_IDLE, _("%s has become idle (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_AWAY, _("%s has gone away. (%s)")}, {PURPLE_POUNCE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, _("%s has sent you a message. (%s)")}, {0, NULL} }; int i; reason = purple_pounce_action_get_attribute(pounce, "popup-notify", "reason"); /* * Here we place the protocol name in the pounce dialog to lessen * confusion about what protocol a pounce is for. */ for (i = 0; messages[i].format != NULL; i++) { if (messages[i].event & events) { tmp = g_strdup_printf(messages[i].format, alias, purple_account_get_protocol_name(account)); break; } } if (tmp == NULL) tmp = g_strdup(_("Unknown pounce event. Please report this!")); /* * Ok here is where I change the second argument, title, from * NULL to the account alias if we have it or the account * name if that's all we have */ if ((name_shown = purple_account_get_alias(account)) == NULL) name_shown = purple_account_get_username(account); if (reason == NULL) { purple_notify_info(NULL, name_shown, tmp, purple_date_format_full(NULL)); } else { char *tmp2 = g_strdup_printf("%s\n\n%s", reason, purple_date_format_full(NULL)); purple_notify_info(NULL, name_shown, tmp, tmp2); g_free(tmp2); } g_free(tmp); } if (purple_pounce_action_is_enabled(pounce, "send-message")) { const char *message; message = purple_pounce_action_get_attribute(pounce, "send-message", "message"); if (message != NULL) { conv = purple_find_conversation_with_account(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, pouncee, account); if (conv == NULL) conv = purple_conversation_new(PURPLE_CONV_TYPE_IM, account, pouncee); purple_conversation_write(conv, NULL, message, PURPLE_MESSAGE_SEND, time(NULL)); serv_send_im(purple_account_get_connection(account), (char *)pouncee, (char *)message, 0); } } if (purple_pounce_action_is_enabled(pounce, "execute-command")) { const char *command; command = purple_pounce_action_get_attribute(pounce, "execute-command", "command"); if (command != NULL) { char *localecmd = g_locale_from_utf8(command, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (localecmd != NULL) { int pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { char *args[4]; args[0] = "sh"; args[1] = "-c"; args[2] = (char *)localecmd; args[3] = NULL; execvp(args[0], args); _exit(0); } g_free(localecmd); } } } if (purple_pounce_action_is_enabled(pounce, "play-beep")) { beep(); } }
static void prompt_onKey(ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, wint_t key) { PromptBuf *prt = self->promptbuf; int x, y, y2, x2; getyx(self->window, y, x); getmaxyx(self->window, y2, x2); /* BACKSPACE key: Remove one character from line */ if (key == 0x107 || key == 0x8 || key == 0x7f) { if (prt->pos > 0) { del_char_buf_bck(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len); wmove(self->window, y, x-1); /* not necessary but fixes a display glitch */ prt->scroll = false; } else { beep(); } } else if (key == KEY_DC) { /* DEL key: Remove character at pos */ if (prt->pos != prt->len) { del_char_buf_frnt(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len); prt->scroll = false; } else { beep(); } } else if (key == T_KEY_DISCARD) { /* CTRL-U: Delete entire line behind pos */ if (prt->pos > 0) { wmove(self->window, prt->orig_y, X_OFST); wclrtobot(self->window); discard_buf(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len); } else { beep(); } } else if (key == T_KEY_KILL) { /* CTRL-K: Delete entire line in front of pos */ if (prt->len != prt->pos) kill_buf(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len); else beep(); } else if (key == KEY_HOME || key == T_KEY_C_A) { /* HOME/C-a key: Move cursor to start of line */ if (prt->pos != 0) prt->pos = 0; } else if (key == KEY_END || key == T_KEY_C_E) { /* END/C-e key: move cursor to end of line */ if (prt->pos != prt->len) prt->pos = prt->len; } else if (key == KEY_LEFT) { if (prt->pos > 0) --prt->pos; else beep(); } else if (key == KEY_RIGHT) { if (prt->pos < prt->len) ++prt->pos; else beep(); } else if (key == KEY_UP) { /* fetches previous item in history */ wmove(self->window, prt->orig_y, X_OFST); fetch_hist_item(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len, prt->ln_history, prt->hst_tot, &prt->hst_pos, LN_HIST_MV_UP); /* adjust line y origin appropriately when window scrolls down */ if (prt->at_bottom && prt->len >= x2 - X_OFST) { int px2 = prt->len >= x2 ? x2 : x2 - X_OFST; int p_ofst = px2 != x2 ? 0 : X_OFST; if (px2 <= 0) return; int k = prt->orig_y + ((prt->len + p_ofst) / px2); if (k >= y2) { wprintw(self->window, "\n"); --prt->orig_y; } } } else if (key == KEY_DOWN) { /* fetches next item in history */ wmove(self->window, prt->orig_y, X_OFST); fetch_hist_item(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len, prt->ln_history, prt->hst_tot, &prt->hst_pos, LN_HIST_MV_DWN); } else if (key == '\t') { /* TAB key: completes command */ if (prt->len > 1 && prt->line[0] == '/') { if (complete_line(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len, glob_cmd_list, AC_NUM_GLOB_COMMANDS, MAX_CMDNAME_SIZE) == -1) beep(); } else { beep(); } } else #if HAVE_WIDECHAR if (iswprint(key)) #else if (isprint(key)) #endif { if (prt->len < (MAX_STR_SIZE-1)) { add_char_to_buf(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len, key); prt->scroll = true; } } /* RETURN key: execute command */ else if (key == '\n') { wprintw(self->window, "\n"); uint8_t line[MAX_STR_SIZE]; if (wcs_to_mbs_buf(line, prt->line, MAX_STR_SIZE) == -1) memset(&line, 0, sizeof(line)); if (!string_is_empty(line)) add_line_to_hist(prt->line, prt->len, prt->ln_history, &prt->hst_tot, &prt->hst_pos); execute(self->window, self, m, line, GLOBAL_COMMAND_MODE); reset_buf(prt->line, &prt->pos, &prt->len); } }
static void update_status(WINDOW *win, STATUS * sp) { switch (sp->ch) { case ' ': /* next test-iteration */ if (has_colors()) { if ((sp->c_msg = color_params(++(sp->c), &(sp->pair))) == 0) { sp->c_msg = color_params(sp->c = 0, &(sp->pair)); if ((sp->v_msg = video_params(++(sp->v), &(sp->attr))) == 0) { sp->v_msg = video_params(sp->v = 0, &(sp->attr)); } } } else { if ((sp->v_msg = video_params(++(sp->v), &(sp->attr))) == 0) { sp->v_msg = video_params(sp->v = 0, &(sp->attr)); } } sp->count = 0; show_status(win, sp); break; case KEY_LEFT: case 'h': if (sp->x_val > 0) wmove(win, sp->y_val, --(sp->x_val)); break; case KEY_DOWN: case 'j': if (sp->y_val < sp->y_max) wmove(win, ++(sp->y_val), sp->x_val); break; case KEY_UP: case 'k': if (sp->y_val > 0) wmove(win, --(sp->y_val), sp->x_val); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case 'l': if (sp->x_val < sp->x_max) wmove(win, sp->y_val, ++(sp->x_val)); break; case 't': touchline(win, sp->y_val, 1); break; case '=': sp->count = 0; show_status(win, sp); break; case '-': sp->count = -(sp->count); show_status(win, sp); break; case '?': do_subwindow(win, sp, show_help); break; default: if (isdigit(sp->ch)) { sp->count = (sp->count * 10) + (sp->ch - '0'); show_status(win, sp); } else { beep(); } break; } }
int user_getstr(const char *prompt, char **response) { const int MAX_INPUT_SIZE = 1000; /* TODO remove this limit */ char *input; int pos, ch, ret; /* display the prompt */ werase(ui.command); mvwprintw(ui.command, 0, 0, "%s", prompt); /* position the cursor */ curs_set(1); wmove(ui.command, 0, strlen(prompt)); wrefresh(ui.command); /* allocate input space and clear */ if ((input = calloc(MAX_INPUT_SIZE, sizeof(char))) == NULL) err(1, "user_getstr: calloc(3) failed for input string"); bzero(input, MAX_INPUT_SIZE); /* start getting input */ ret = 0; pos = 0; while ((ch = getch()) && !VSIG_QUIT) { /* * Handle any signals. Note that the use of curs_set, wmvoe, and * wrefresh here are all necessary to ensure that the cursor does * not show anywhere outside of the command window. */ curs_set(0); process_signals(); curs_set(1); wmove(ui.command, 0, strlen(prompt) + pos); wrefresh(ui.command); if (ch == ERR) continue; if (ch == '\n' || ch == 13) break; /* handle 'escape' */ if (ch == 27) { ret = 1; goto end; } /* handle 'backspace' / left-arrow, etc. */ if (ch == 127 || ch == KEY_BACKSPACE || ch == KEY_LEFT || ch == KEY_DC || ch == KEY_SDC) { if (pos == 0) { if (ch == KEY_BACKSPACE) { ret = 1; goto end; } beep(); } else { mvwaddch(ui.command, 0, strlen(prompt) + pos - 1, ' '); wmove(ui.command, 0, strlen(prompt) + pos - 1); wrefresh(ui.command); pos--; } continue; } /* got regular input. add to buffer. */ input[pos] = ch; mvwaddch(ui.command, 0, strlen(prompt) + pos, ch); wrefresh(ui.command); pos++; /* see todo above - realloc input buffer here if position reaches max */ if (pos >= MAX_INPUT_SIZE) errx(1, "user_getstr: shamefull limit reached"); } /* For lack of input, bail out */ if (pos == 0) { ret = 1; goto end; } /* NULL-terminate and trim off trailing whitespace */ input[pos--] = '\0'; for (; input[pos] == ' ' && pos >= 0; pos--) input[pos] = '\0'; /* trim the fat */ if ((*response = calloc(strlen(input) + 1, sizeof(char))) == NULL) err(1, "user_getstr: calloc(3) failed for result"); snprintf(*response, strlen(input) + 1, "%s", input); end: free(input); curs_set(0); return ret; }
/* * quit: * Handle the end of the game when the player dies */ int quit(int old_status) { bool explain; int ch; if (Last_player) return Q_QUIT; #ifdef OTTO if (Otto_mode) return Q_CLOAK; #endif move(HEIGHT, 0); addstr("Re-enter game [ynwo]? "); clrtoeol(); explain = false; for (;;) { refresh(); if (isupper(ch = getchar())) ch = tolower(ch); if (ch == 'y') return old_status; else if (ch == 'o') break; else if (ch == 'n') { #ifndef INTERNET return Q_QUIT; #else move(HEIGHT, 0); addstr("Write a parting message [yn]? "); clrtoeol(); refresh(); for (;;) { if (isupper(ch = getchar())) ch = tolower(ch); if (ch == 'y') goto get_message; if (ch == 'n') return Q_QUIT; } #endif } #ifdef INTERNET else if (ch == 'w') { static char buf[WIDTH + WIDTH % 2]; char *cp, c; get_message: c = ch; /* save how we got here */ move(HEIGHT, 0); addstr("Message: "); clrtoeol(); refresh(); cp = buf; for (;;) { refresh(); if ((ch = getchar()) == '\n' || ch == '\r') break; if (ch == erasechar()) { if (cp > buf) { int y, x; getyx(stdscr, y, x); move(y, x - 1); cp -= 1; clrtoeol(); } continue; } else if (ch == killchar()) { int y, x; getyx(stdscr, y, x); move(y, x - (cp - buf)); cp = buf; clrtoeol(); continue; } else if (!isprint(ch)) { beep(); continue; } addch(ch); *cp++ = ch; if (cp + 1 >= buf + sizeof buf) break; } *cp = '\0'; Send_message = buf; return (c == 'w') ? old_status : Q_MESSAGE; } #endif beep(); if (!explain) { addstr("(Yes, No, Write message, or Options) "); explain = true; } } move(HEIGHT, 0); #ifdef FLY addstr("Scan, Cloak, Flying, or Quit? "); #else addstr("Scan, Cloak, or Quit? "); #endif clrtoeol(); refresh(); explain = false; for (;;) { if (isupper(ch = getchar())) ch = tolower(ch); if (ch == 's') return Q_SCAN; else if (ch == 'c') return Q_CLOAK; #ifdef FLY else if (ch == 'f') return Q_FLY; #endif else if (ch == 'q') return Q_QUIT; beep(); if (!explain) { #ifdef FLY addstr("[SCFQ] "); #else addstr("[SCQ] "); #endif explain = true; } refresh(); } }
int gen_setup() { extern char *v_yes[]; WINDOW *g_win, *newwin(); int i, num, ret_code; char c, *ans, *str_prompt(), *menu_prompt(), chr_prompt(); char *str_rep(); void line_set(); static char *v_abort[3] = {"KEEP", "DELETE", NULL}; g_win = newwin(23, 80, 0, 0); horizontal(g_win, 0, 0, 32); mvwattrstr(g_win, 0, 33, A_BOLD, "General Setup"); horizontal(g_win, 0, 47, 32); mvwprintw(g_win, 3, 22, "1) Default log file ....... %s", param->logfile); mvwprintw(g_win, 4, 22, "2) Screen dump file ....... %s", param->dumpfile); mvwprintw(g_win, 6, 22, "3) Strip high bit ........ %s", param->strip); mvwprintw(g_win, 8, 22, "4) Pause character ........ %c", param->pause_char); mvwprintw(g_win, 9, 22, "5) CR character ........... %c", param->cr_char); mvwprintw(g_win, 10, 22, "6) CTRL character ......... %c", param->ctrl_char); mvwprintw(g_win, 11, 22, "7) ESC character .......... %c", param->esc_char); mvwprintw(g_win, 12, 22, "8) Break character ........ %c", param->brk_char); mvwprintw(g_win, 14, 22, "9) Aborted downloads ...... %s", param->abort); mvwprintw(g_win, 16, 21, "10) Connect delay (sec) .... %d", param->c_delay); mvwprintw(g_win, 17, 21, "11) Redial delay (sec) ..... %d", param->r_delay); horizontal(g_win, 19, 0, 80); mvwattrstr(g_win, 20, 0, A_BOLD, "OPTION ==> "); mvwaddstr(g_win, 20, 58, "Press <ESC> to return"); wmove(g_win, 20, 12); touchwin(g_win); wrefresh(g_win); /* get the option number */ ret_code = 0; while ((i = get_num(g_win, 2)) != -1) { switch (i) { case 1: if ((ans = str_prompt(g_win, 3, 50, "Default log file", "")) != NULL) { param->logfile = str_rep(param->logfile, ans); ret_code++; } break; case 2: if ((ans = str_prompt(g_win, 4, 50, "Default screen dump file", "")) != NULL) { param->dumpfile = str_rep(param->dumpfile, ans); ret_code++; } break; case 3: if ((ans = menu_prompt(g_win, 6, 50, "Strip high bit?", v_yes)) != NULL) { param->strip = str_rep(param->strip, ans); line_set(); ret_code++; } break; case 4: if ((c = chr_prompt(g_win, 8, 50, "Pause character", "1 second")) != '\0') { param->pause_char = c; ret_code++; } break; case 5: if ((c = chr_prompt(g_win, 9, 50, "CR character", "(carriage return)")) != '\0') { param->cr_char = c; ret_code++; } break; case 6: if ((c = chr_prompt(g_win, 10, 50, "CTRL character", "(control)")) != '\0') { param->ctrl_char = c; ret_code++; } break; case 7: if ((c = chr_prompt(g_win, 11, 50, "ESC character", "(escape)")) != '\0') { param->esc_char = c; ret_code++; } break; case 8: if ((c = chr_prompt(g_win, 12, 50, "Break character", "")) != '\0') { param->brk_char = c; ret_code++; } case 9: if ((ans = menu_prompt(g_win, 14, 50, "Aborted downloads", v_abort)) != NULL) { param->abort = str_rep(param->abort, ans); ret_code++; } break; case 10: if ((num = num_prompt(g_win, 16, 50, "Connect delay time", "(in seconds)")) != -1) { if (num > MAX_CDELAY || num < MIN_CDELAY) { beep(); /* some reasonable range of values */ if (num < MIN_CDELAY) num = MIN_CDELAY; else num = MAX_CDELAY; mvwaddstr(g_win, 16, 50, " "); wrefresh(g_win); mvwattrnum(g_win, 16, 50, A_BOLD, num); wrefresh(g_win); } param->c_delay = num; ret_code++; } break; case 11: if ((num = num_prompt(g_win, 17, 50, "Redial delay time", "(in seconds)")) != -1) { if (num > MAX_PAUSE || num < MIN_PAUSE) { beep(); /* some reasonable range */ if (num < MIN_PAUSE) num = MIN_PAUSE; else num = MAX_PAUSE; mvwaddstr(g_win, 17, 50, " "); wrefresh(g_win); mvwattrnum(g_win, 17, 50, A_BOLD, num); wrefresh(g_win); } param->r_delay = num; ret_code++; } break; default: beep(); } mvwaddstr(g_win, 20, 12, " "); clear_line(g_win, 21, 0, FALSE); clear_line(g_win, 22, 0, FALSE); wmove(g_win, 20, 12); wrefresh(g_win); } delwin(g_win); return(ret_code); }
/* * playit: * Play a given game, handling all the curses commands from * the driver. */ void playit(void) { int ch; int y, x; uint32_t version; ssize_t result; result = read(huntsocket, &version, sizeof(version)); if (result != (ssize_t)sizeof(version)) { bad_con(); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (ntohl(version) != (uint32_t)HUNT_VERSION) { bad_ver(); /* NOTREACHED */ } errno = 0; #ifdef OTTO Otto_count = 0; #endif nchar_send = MAX_SEND; while ((ch = GETCHR()) != EOF) { #ifdef DEBUG fputc(ch, stderr); #endif switch (ch & 0377) { case MOVE: y = GETCHR(); x = GETCHR(); move(y, x); break; case ADDCH: ch = GETCHR(); #ifdef OTTO switch (ch) { case '<': case '>': case '^': case 'v': otto_face = ch; getyx(stdscr, otto_y, otto_x); break; } #endif addch(ch); break; case CLRTOEOL: clrtoeol(); break; case CLEAR: clear_the_screen(); break; case REFRESH: refresh(); break; case REDRAW: redraw_screen(); refresh(); break; case ENDWIN: refresh(); if ((ch = GETCHR()) == LAST_PLAYER) Last_player = true; ch = EOF; goto out; case BELL: beep(); break; case READY: refresh(); if (nchar_send < 0) tcflush(STDIN_FILENO, TCIFLUSH); nchar_send = MAX_SEND; #ifndef OTTO (void) GETCHR(); #else Otto_count -= (GETCHR() & 0xff); if (!Am_monitor) { #ifdef DEBUG fputc('0' + Otto_count, stderr); #endif if (Otto_count == 0 && Otto_mode) otto(otto_y, otto_x, otto_face); } #endif break; default: #ifdef OTTO switch (ch) { case '<': case '>': case '^': case 'v': otto_face = ch; getyx(stdscr, otto_y, otto_x); break; } #endif addch(ch); break; } } out: (void) close(huntsocket); }
void CCellView::MouseDown(BPoint where) { StPenState save(this); try { bool optional = IsOptionalClick(Window()->CurrentMessage()); if (!IsFocus() && !fEntering) MakeFocus(); ResetOffset(-1); BRect myRect, bounds(Bounds()); cell myCell = cell(fFrozen.h ? 1 : fPosition.h, fFrozen.v ? 1 : fPosition.v); if (fFirstGraphic) { if (fFirstGraphic->HandleMouseDown(where)) return; else if (fFirstGraphic->HasFocus()) fFirstGraphic->MakeFocus(false); } if (fCellBounds.Contains(where)) { if ((PointIsInSelection(where) && !fEntering) && (optional || WaitMouseMoved(where, false))) { StartDrag(where, optional); } else if (optional) GridMenu(where); else SelectCell(where); } if (!fShowBorders) return; myRect = bounds; = fBorderHeight; myRect.left = 0.0; myRect.right = fBorderWidth; if (myRect.Contains(where)) { if (optional) BorderMenu(where); else { do { myCell.v++; GetCellRect(myCell, myRect); } while ( + 2.0 <= where.y); if (where.y >= - 2.0 && where.y <= + 2.0) ResizeRow(where, myCell.v - 1); else SelectRow(where, myCell.v - 1); } return; } myRect.Set(fBorderWidth, 0.0, bounds.right, fBorderHeight); if (myRect.Contains(where)) { if (optional) BorderMenu(where); else { do { myCell.h++; GetCellRect(myCell, myRect); } while (myRect.left + 2.0 <= where.x); if (where.x >= myRect.left - 2.0 && where.x <= myRect.left + 2.0) ResizeCol(where, myCell.h - 1); else SelectCol(where, myCell.h - 1); } return; } myRect.Set(0.0, 0.0, fBorderWidth, fBorderHeight); if (myRect.Contains(where)) { if (!fEntering) SetSelection(range(1, 1, kColCount, kRowCount)); else beep(); } } catch(CErr& e) { CATCHED; e.DoError(); return; } catch(...) { CATCHED; ASSERT(FALSE); } }
void vappend(int ch, int cnt, int indent) /* int ch; /\* mjm: char --> int */ { register int i = 0; register char *gcursor; bool escape; int repcnt, savedoomed; short oldhold = hold; #ifdef SIGWINCH sigset_t set, oset; #endif /* * Before a move in hardopen when the line is dirty * or we are in the middle of the printed representation, * we retype the line to the left of the cursor so the * insert looks clean. */ if (ch != 'o' && state == HARDOPEN && (rubble || !ateopr())) { rubble = 1; gcursor = cursor; i = *gcursor; *gcursor = ' '; wcursor = gcursor; vmove(0); *gcursor = i; } vaifirst = indent == 0; showmode(ch); /* * Handle replace character by (eventually) * limiting the number of input characters allowed * in the vgetline routine. */ if (ch == 'r') repcnt = 2; else repcnt = 0; /* * If an autoindent is specified, then * generate a mixture of blanks to tabs to implement * it and place the cursor after the indent. * Text read by the vgetline routine will be placed in genbuf, * so the indent is generated there. */ if (value(AUTOINDENT) && indent != 0) { gcursor = genindent(indent); *gcursor = 0; vgotoCL(qcolumn(cursor + skipright(cursor, linebuf), genbuf)); } else { gcursor = genbuf; *gcursor = 0; if (ch == 'o') vfixcurs(); } /* * Prepare for undo. Pointers delimit inserted portion of line. */ vUA1 = vUA2 = cursor; /* * If we are not in a repeated command and a ^@ comes in * then this means the previous inserted text. * If there is none or it was too long to be saved, * then beep() and also arrange to undo any damage done * so far (e.g. if we are a change.) */ if ((vglobp && *vglobp == 0) || peekbr()) { if ((INS[0] & (QUOTE|TRIM)) == OVERBUF) { beep(); if (!splitw) ungetkey('u'); doomed = 0; hold = oldhold; showmode(0); return; } /* * Unread input from INS. * An escape will be generated at end of string. * Hold off n^^2 type update on dumb terminals. */ vglobp = INS; hold |= HOLDQIK; } else if (vglobp == 0) /* * Not a repeated command, get * a new inserted text for repeat. */ INS[0] = 0; /* * For wrapmargin to hack away second space after a '.' * when the first space caused a line break we keep * track that this happened in gobblebl, which says * to gobble up a blank silently. */ gobblebl = 0; #ifdef SIGWINCH sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGWINCH); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oset); #endif /* * Text gathering loop. * New text goes into genbuf starting at gcursor. * cursor preserves place in linebuf where text will eventually go. */ if (*cursor == 0 || state == CRTOPEN) hold |= HOLDROL; for (;;) { if (ch == 'r' && repcnt == 0) escape = 0; else { gcursor = vgetline(repcnt, gcursor, &escape, ch); /* * After an append, stick information * about the ^D's and ^^D's and 0^D's in * the repeated text buffer so repeated * inserts of stuff indented with ^D as backtab's * can work. */ if (HADUP) addc('^'); else if (HADZERO) addc('0'); while (CDCNT > 0) #ifndef BIT8 addc('\204'), CDCNT--; #else addc(OVERBUF), CDCNT--; #endif if (gobbled) addc(' '); addtext(ogcursor); } repcnt = 0; /* * Smash the generated and preexisting indents together * and generate one cleanly made out of tabs and spaces * if we are using autoindent. */ if (!vaifirst && value(AUTOINDENT)) { i = fixindent(indent); if (!HADUP) indent = i; gcursor = strend(genbuf); } /* * Limit the repetition count based on maximum * possible line length; do output implied * by further count (> 1) and cons up the new line * in linebuf. */ cnt = vmaxrep(ch, cnt); CP(gcursor + skipright(ogcursor, gcursor), cursor); do { CP(cursor, genbuf); if (cnt > 1) { int oldhold = hold; Outchar = vinschar; hold |= HOLDQIK; ex_printf("%s", genbuf); hold = oldhold; Outchar = vputchar; } cursor += gcursor - genbuf; } while (--cnt > 0); endim(); vUA2 = cursor; if (escape != '\n') CP(cursor, gcursor + skipright(ogcursor, gcursor)); /* * If doomed characters remain, clobber them, * and reopen the line to get the display exact. */ if (state != HARDOPEN) { DEPTH(vcline) = 0; savedoomed = doomed; if (doomed > 0) { register int cind = cindent(); physdc(cind, cind + doomed); doomed = 0; } i = vreopen(LINE(vcline), lineDOT(), vcline); #ifdef TRACE if (trace) fprintf(trace, "restoring doomed from %d to %d\n", doomed, savedoomed); #endif if (ch == 'R') doomed = savedoomed; } /* * All done unless we are continuing on to another line. */ if (escape != '\n') break; /* * Set up for the new line. * First save the current line, then construct a new * first image for the continuation line consisting * of any new autoindent plus the pushed ahead text. */ showmode(0); killU(); addc(gobblebl ? ' ' : '\n'); vsave(); cnt = 1; if (value(AUTOINDENT)) { #ifdef LISPCODE if (value(LISP)) indent = lindent(dot + 1); else #endif if (!HADUP && vaifirst) indent = whitecnt(linebuf); vaifirst = 0; strcLIN(vpastwh(gcursor + 1)); gcursor = genindent(indent); *gcursor = 0; if (gcursor + strlen(linebuf) > &genbuf[LBSIZE - 2]) gcursor = genbuf; CP(gcursor, linebuf); } else { CP(genbuf, gcursor + skipright(ogcursor, gcursor)); gcursor = genbuf; } /* * If we started out as a single line operation and are now * turning into a multi-line change, then we had better yank * out dot before it changes so that undo will work * correctly later. */ if (FIXUNDO && vundkind == VCHNG) { vremote(1, yank, 0); undap1--; } /* * Now do the append of the new line in the buffer, * and update the display. If slowopen * we don't do very much. */ vdoappend(genbuf); vundkind = VMANYINS; vcline++; if (state != VISUAL) vshow(dot, NOLINE); else { i += LINE(vcline - 1); vopen(dot, i); if (value(SLOWOPEN)) vscrap(); else vsync1(LINE(vcline)); } strcLIN(gcursor); *gcursor = 0; cursor = linebuf; vgotoCL(qcolumn(cursor + skipleft(ogcursor, cursor), genbuf)); showmode(ch); } /* * All done with insertion, position the cursor * and sync the screen. */ showmode(0); hold = oldhold; if (cursor > linebuf) cursor += skipleft(linebuf, cursor); if (state != HARDOPEN) vsyncCL(); else if (cursor > linebuf) back1(); doomed = 0; wcursor = cursor; vmove(0); #ifdef SIGWINCH sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL); #endif }
uint8_t Menu_SelectOnlyEx ( const struct uMenu * menu, uint8_t item, void ( *pHook ) ( void ),BOOL Direction ) { //TRUE 改纵向 FALSE 改横向 uint8_t mlen, mlen_row, mlen_col; uint16_t gray = Configure.DisplayGray; BOOL graychanged = FALSE; BOOL Flag = FALSE; mlen_row = HIBYTE ( menu[0].yx ); mlen_col = LOBYTE ( menu[0].yx ); if ( 0u == mlen_row ) { mlen = mlen_col; } else { mlen = mlen_row * mlen_col; } if ( ( item < 1u ) || ( item > mlen ) ) { item = 1u; } for ( ; ; ) { LcmMask ( menu[item].yx, strlen ( menu[item].sz ), menu[item].sz ); do { if ( NULL != pHook ) { pHook(); } } while ( ! hitKey ( 50u ) ); Lputs ( menu[item].yx, menu[item].sz ); switch ( getKey() ) { case K_RIGHT: if((!Direction) && (!Flag)) { item += mlen_col; if ( item > mlen ) { item -= mlen; } } else { if ( 0 == ( item % mlen_col ) ) { item -= mlen_col; } ++item; } break; case K_LEFT: if((!Direction) && (!Flag)) { if ( item <= mlen_col ) { item += mlen; } item -= mlen_col; } else { --item; if ( 0 == ( item % mlen_col ) ) { item += mlen_col; } } break; case K_DOWN: if( Direction && (!Flag) ) { if ( 0 == ( item % mlen_col ) ) { item -= mlen_col; } ++item; } else { item += mlen_col; if ( item > mlen ) { item -= mlen; } } break; case K_UP: if( Direction && (!Flag) ) { --item; if ( 0 == ( item % mlen_col ) ) { item += mlen_col; } } else { if ( item <= mlen_col ) { item += mlen; } item -= mlen_col; } break; case K_OK: Flag = TRUE; return item; case K_ESC: Flag = FALSE; return enumSelectESC; case K_SHIFT: return enumSelectXCH; case K_OK_UP: if ( gray < 999 ) { ++gray; } if( ! releaseKey( K_OK_UP,100 )) { while( ! releaseKey( K_OK_UP, 1 )) { ++gray; DisplaySetGrayVolt( gray * 0.022f ); } } graychanged = true; break; case K_OK_DOWN: if ( gray > 10u ) { --gray; } if( ! releaseKey( K_OK_DOWN, 100 )) { while( ! releaseKey( K_OK_DOWN, 1 )) { --gray; DisplaySetGrayVolt( gray * 0.022f ); } } graychanged = true; break; case K_OK_RIGHT: if ( gray < ( 1000u - 50u )) { gray += 50u; } graychanged = true; break; case K_OK_LEFT: if ( gray > ( 10 + 50u )) { gray -= 50u; } graychanged = true; break; case K_ESC_SHIFT: if ( ! releaseKey( K_ESC_SHIFT, 200 )) { item = enumSelectESC; beep(); delay( 100u ); beep(); cls(); Lputs( 0x0608u, "请输入出厂编号:" ); ConfigureLoad(); if( EditI32U( 0x0C0Cu, &Configure.ExNum, 0x0700u )) { if( vbYes == MsgBox("是否保存编号?",vbYesNo) ) ConfigureSave(); else ConfigureLoad(); } return enumSelectESC; } default: break; } if( graychanged == true ) { DisplaySetGrayVolt( gray * 0.022f ); Configure.DisplayGray = gray; ConfigureSave(); graychanged = FALSE; } } }
void play_rtttl(char *p) { // Absolutely no error checking in here byte default_dur = 4; byte default_oct = 6; int bpm = 63; int num; long wholenote; long duration; byte note; byte scale; // format: d=N,o=N,b=NNN: // find the start (skip name, etc) puts("Playing: "); lcd_clear(); lcd_cursor(0,0); lcd_puts("Playing: "); lcd_cursor(0,1); while(*p != ':') { putc(*p); lcd_data(*p); p++; // ignore name } putc('\n'); p++; // skip ':' // get default duration if(*p == 'd') { p++; p++; // skip "d=" num = 0; while(isdigit(*p)) { num = (num * 10) + (*p++ - '0'); } if(num > 0) default_dur = num; p++; // skip comma } // get default octave if(*p == 'o') { p++; p++; // skip "o=" num = *p++ - '0'; if(num >= 3 && num <=7) default_oct = num; p++; // skip comma } // get BPM if(*p == 'b') { p++; p++; // skip "b=" num = 0; while(isdigit(*p)) { num = (num * 10) + (*p++ - '0'); } bpm = num; p++; // skip colon } // BPM usually expresses the number of quarter notes per minute wholenote = (60 * 1000L / bpm) * 4; // this is the time for whole note (in milliseconds) // now begin note loop while(*p) { // first, get note duration, if available num = 0; while(isdigit(*p)) { num = (num * 10) + (*p++ - '0'); } if(num) duration = wholenote / num; else duration = wholenote / default_dur; // we will need to check if we are a dotted note after // now get the note note = 0; switch(*p) { case 'c': note = 1; break; case 'd': note = 3; break; case 'e': note = 5; break; case 'f': note = 6; break; case 'g': note = 8; break; case 'a': note = 10; break; case 'b': note = 12; break; case 'p': default: note = 0; } p++; // now, get optional '#' sharp if(*p == '#') { note++; p++; } // now, get optional '.' dotted note if(*p == '.') { duration += duration/2; p++; } // now, get scale if(isdigit(*p)) { scale = *p - '0'; p++; } else { scale = default_oct; } scale += OCTAVE_OFFSET; if(*p == ',') p++; // skip comma for next note (or we may be at the end) // now play the note if(note) { beep(notes[(scale - 4) * 12 + note],duration); } else { _delay_ms(duration); } } }
static int get_position(NCURSES_CONST char *text, NCURSES_CONST char *also, int which, int *xpos, int *ypos) { int result = 0; int x1, y1; char cmd; getyx(stdscr, y1, x1); (void) statusline(); show_position(text, also, which, y1, x1); if (log_in != 0) { if (fscanf(log_in, "%c%d,%d\n", &cmd, &y1, &x1) == 3) { switch (cmd) { case LAST_POS: result = 1; (void) wgetch(stdscr); break; case TEMP_POS: result = 0; wrefresh(stdscr); napms(100); break; default: result = -1; break; } } else { result = -1; } } else { switch (wgetch(stdscr)) { case QUIT: case ESCAPE: case ERR: result = -1; break; case ' ': result = 1; break; case KEY_UP: if (y1 > 0) { --y1; } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (y1 < getmaxy(stdscr)) { ++y1; } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if (x1 > 0) { --x1; } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (x1 < getmaxx(stdscr)) { ++x1; } else { beep(); } break; } } wmove(stdscr, y1, x1); *ypos = y1; *xpos = x1; if (result >= 0) { if (log_out) fprintf(log_out, "%c%d,%d\n", ((result > 0) ? LAST_POS : TEMP_POS), y1, x1); } return result; }
int window_new_identity_run_command(gui_t* gui, int c) { ogmp_curses_t* ocui = gui->topui; int max = 5; switch (c) { case KEY_DC: { editline_remove_char(newid_edit[cursor_newid]); delch(); break; } case '\b': { if (editline_move_pos(newid_edit[cursor_newid], -1) >= 0) editline_remove_char(newid_edit[cursor_newid]); else beep(); break; } case '\n': case '\r': case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_DOWN: { cursor_newid++; cursor_newid %= max; break; } case KEY_UP: { cursor_newid += max-1; cursor_newid %= max; break; } case KEY_RIGHT: { if (editline_move_pos(newid_edit[cursor_newid], 1) < 0) beep(); break; } case KEY_LEFT: { if (editline_move_pos(newid_edit[cursor_newid], -1) < 0) beep(); break; } case 1: /* Ctrl-A */ { int sec = 0; if(newid_regsec[0]) sec = strtol(newid_regsec, NULL, 10); if(sec <= 0) break; if(newid_fullname[0] && newid_registary[0] && newid_regname[0]) { if(!ocui->edit_profile) user_add_profile(ocui->user, newid_fullname, strlen(newid_fullname), newid_bookloc, newid_registary, newid_regname, sec); else user_set_profile(ocui->user, ocui->edit_profile, newid_fullname, strlen(newid_fullname), newid_bookloc, newid_registary, newid_regname, sec); gui_hide_window(gui); } break; } case 3: /* Ctrl-C */ { gui_hide_window(gui); break; } case 4: /* Ctrl-D */ { editline_clear(newid_edit[cursor_newid]); break; } default: { if(editline_append(newid_edit[cursor_newid], (char*)&c, 1) == 0) { beep(); return -1; } } } gui_update(gui); return 0; }
/* * A command consists of one or more letter/digit pairs separated by a space. * Digits are limited to 1..MAX_PANELS. * * End the command with a newline. Reject other characters. */ static bool get_command(PANEL * px[MAX_PANELS + 1], char *buffer, int limit) { int length = 0; int y0, x0; int c0, ch; WINDOW *win; getyx(stdscr, y0, x0); win = statusline(); waddstr(win, "Command:"); buffer[length = 0] = '\0'; if (log_in != 0) { if (fgets(buffer, limit - 3, log_in) != 0) { length = (int) strlen(buffer); while (length > 0 && isspace(UChar(buffer[length - 1]))) buffer[--length] = '\0'; waddstr(win, buffer); } else { close_input(); } (void) wgetch(win); } else { c0 = 0; for (;;) { ch = wgetch(win); if (ch == ERR || ch == QUIT || ch == ESCAPE) { buffer[0] = '\0'; break; } else if (ch == CTRL('L')) { wrefresh(curscr); } else if (ch == '\n' || ch == KEY_ENTER) { break; } else if (ch == '?') { show_panels(px); } else if (length + 3 < limit) { if (ch >= KEY_MIN) { beep(); } else if (ok_letter(UChar(ch))) { if (isalpha(UChar(c0))) { beep(); } else if (isdigit(UChar(c0))) { wprintw(win, " %c", ch); buffer[length++] = ' '; buffer[length++] = (char) (c0 = ch); } else { wprintw(win, "%c", ch); buffer[length++] = (char) (c0 = ch); } } else if (ok_digit(ch)) { if (isalpha(UChar(c0))) { wprintw(win, "%c", ch); buffer[length++] = (char) (c0 = ch); } else { beep(); } } else if (ch == ' ') { if (isdigit(UChar(c0))) { wprintw(win, "%c", ch); buffer[length++] = (char) (c0 = ch); } else { beep(); } } else { beep(); } } else { beep(); } } } wmove(stdscr, y0, x0); buffer[length] = '\0'; if (log_out && length) { fprintf(log_out, "%s\n", buffer); } return (length != 0); }
mvcp_error_code client_select_unit( client demo ) { int terminated = 0; int refresh = 1; while ( !terminated ) { mvcp_units units = mvcp_units_init( demo->dv ); if ( mvcp_units_count( units ) > 0 ) { mvcp_unit_entry_t unit; int index = 0; char key = '\0'; if ( refresh ) { printf( "Select a Unit\n\n" ); for ( index = 0; index < mvcp_units_count( units ); index ++ ) { mvcp_units_get( units, index, &unit ); printf( "%d: U%d - %s [%s]\n", index + 1, unit.unit, unit.guid, ? "online" : "offline" ); } printf( "0: Exit\n\n" ); printf( "Unit [%d]: ", demo->selected_unit + 1 ); refresh = 0; } key = get_keypress( ); if ( key == '\r' ) key = demo->selected_unit + '1'; if ( key != '0' ) { if ( key >= '1' && key < '1' + mvcp_units_count( units ) ) { demo->selected_unit = key - '1'; printf( "%c\n\n", key ); client_load( demo ); refresh = 1; } else { beep( ); } } else { printf( "0\n\n" ); terminated = 1; } } else if ( mvcp_units_count( units ) == 0 ) { printf( "No units added - add a unit first\n\n" ); client_add_unit( demo ); } else { printf( "Unable to obtain Unit List.\n" ); terminated = 1; } mvcp_units_close( units ); } return mvcp_ok; }
int main(void) { set_fuses(); init(); PORT_LED &=~ ((1 << LED_RV) | (1<< LED_RH) | ( 1 << LED_LH) | (1 << LED_LV)); /* _delay_ms(1000); */ unsigned char programm_step = 1; beep(2); PORT_LED &=~ ((1<< LED_RH) | ( 1 << LED_LH) | (1 << LED_LV)); PORT_LED |= (1 << LED_RV); _delay_ms(500); PORT_LED &=~ ((1 << LED_RV) | ( 1 << LED_LH) | (1 << LED_LV)); PORT_LED |= (1 << LED_RH); _delay_ms(500); PORT_LED &=~ ((1 << LED_RV) | (1<< LED_RH) | (1 << LED_LV)); PORT_LED |= (1 << LED_LH); _delay_ms(500); PORT_LED &=~ ((1 << LED_RV) | (1<< LED_RH) | ( 1 << LED_LH) ); PORT_LED |= (1 << LED_LV); _delay_ms(500); /* while(!(status&(1<<STATUS_END))) { switch (programm_step) { case 1: { if (!(status&(1<<STATUS_BUSY))) { drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD,242,MOT_BACKWARD,254,ONE_TURN,ONE_TURN); } else { if(check_impulse()) { programm_step++; } } } break; case 2: { _delay_ms(1000); programm_step++; } break; case 3: { if (!(status&(1<<STATUS_BUSY))) { drive_Robot(MOT_BACKWARD,242,MOT_FORWARD,254,ONE_TURN,ONE_TURN); } else { if(check_impulse()) { programm_step++; } } } break; case 4: { if (!(status&(1<<STATUS_BUSY))) { drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD,242,MOT_FORWARD,254, (5*ONE_TURN),(5*ONE_TURN)); } else { if(check_impulse()) { programm_step++; } } } break; case 5: { if (!(status&(1<<STATUS_BUSY))) { drive_Robot(MOT_BACKWARD,242,MOT_FORWARD,254,ONE_TURN,ONE_TURN); } else { if(check_impulse()) { programm_step++; } } } break; case 6: { if (!(status&(1<<STATUS_BUSY))) { drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD,242,MOT_FORWARD,254,(5*ONE_TURN),(5*ONE_TURN)); } else { if(check_impulse()) { status |= (1<<STATUS_END); } } } break; } } */ PORT_DUAL |= (1 << LED_ROT); PORT_LED &=~ ((1 << LED_RV) | (1<< LED_RH) | ( 1 << LED_LH) | (1 << LED_LV)); pwm_left = 250; pwm_right = 250;/* drive_Robot(MOT_BACKWARD,pwm_right,MOT_BACKWARD,pwm_left,3*ONE_TURN,3*ONE_TURN); while (!check_impulse()) { beep(1); PORT_LED ^= (1 << LED_RH) | (1 << LED_LH); } PORT_LED &=~ ((1 << LED_RV) | (1<< LED_RH) | ( 1 << LED_LH) | (1 << LED_LV)); drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD, pwm_right, MOT_FORWARD, pwm_left, 0, ONE_TURN); while (!check_impulse()) { PORT_LED ^= (1 << LED_RH) | (1 << LED_RV); _delay_ms(200); }*/ /* PORT_LED &=~ ((1 << LED_RV) | (1<< LED_RH) | ( 1 << LED_LH) | (1 << LED_LV)); drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD, 185, MOT_FORWARD, 185, 300, 300); for (int i = 20; i > 0; i--) { OCR4B = 240 - i * 5; OCR4D = 240 - i * 5; _delay_ms(200); } while (!check_impulse()); */ int co = 4; /* while (co--){ drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD, 250, MOT_FORWARD, 250, 3*ONE_TURN-3, 3*ONE_TURN-3); while (!check_impulse()); drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD, 250, MOT_FORWARD, 0, ONE_TURN, 0); while (!check_impulse()); }*/ co = 0; while (co--) { drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD, 250, MOT_BACKWARD, 250, 30,30); while (!check_impulse()); } // _delay_ms(20); /* pwm_left = 0; pwm_right = pwm_left-(pwm_left/RATIO_Left_Right); drive_Robot(MOT_FAST_STOPP,pwm_right,MOT_FAST_STOPP,pwm_left,STOPP,STOPP); // _delay_ms(200); pwm_left = 200; pwm_right = pwm_left-(pwm_left/RATIO_Left_Right); drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD,pwm_right,MOT_BACKWARD,pwm_left,ROT_180,ROT_180); while(!check_impulse()) {} // _delay_ms(850); pwm_left = 0; pwm_right = pwm_left-(pwm_left/RATIO_Left_Right); drive_Robot(MOT_FAST_STOPP,pwm_right,MOT_FAST_STOPP,pwm_left,ONE_TURN,ONE_TURN); // _delay_ms(200); pwm_left = 200; pwm_right = pwm_left-(pwm_left/RATIO_Left_Right); drive_Robot(MOT_FORWARD,pwm_right,MOT_FORWARD,pwm_left,5*ONE_TURN,5*ONE_TURN); while(!check_impulse()) {} // _delay_ms(10000); pwm_left = 0; pwm_right = pwm_left-(pwm_left/RATIO_Left_Right); drive_Robot(MOT_FAST_STOPP,pwm_right,MOT_FAST_STOPP,pwm_left,ONE_TURN,ONE_TURN); */ /*char dot = 3; while(dot) { if(!check_impulse()) {} else { PORTD ^= (1<<LED_GRUEN); PORTB ^= (1<<LED_RH); PORTB ^= (1<<LED_RV); beep(3); _delay_ms(200); dot--; } } */ timer_beep_melodie(); // beep(4); PORT_DUAL &=~ (1 << LED_ROT); PORT_DUAL |= (1 << LED_GRUEN); while (1) { PORT_DUAL &=~ (1 << LED_GRUEN); _delay_ms(500); PORT_DUAL |= (1 << LED_GRUEN); _delay_ms(2000); } }
void NotificationSound::beep() { rho::Hashtable<rho::String, rho::String> propertyMap; beep(propertyMap); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int NTiles, FromCol, ToCol; unsigned char AutoFlag = 0; switch(argc) { case 1: NTiles = DEFAULTTILES; break; case 2: NTiles = atoi(argv[1]); if (NTiles > MAXTILES || NTiles < MINTILES) { fprintf(stderr, "Range %d to %d\n", MINTILES, MAXTILES); return EXIT_FAILURE; } break; case 3: if (strcmp(argv[2], "a")) { Usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } NTiles = atoi(argv[1]); if (NTiles > MAXTILES || NTiles < MINTILES) { fprintf(stderr, "Range %d to %d\n", MINTILES, MAXTILES); return EXIT_FAILURE; } AutoFlag = TRUE; break; default: Usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #ifdef NCURSES_VERSION trace(TRACE_MAXIMUM); #endif initscr(); if (has_colors()) { int i; int bg = COLOR_BLACK; start_color(); #ifdef NCURSES_VERSION if (use_default_colors() == OK) bg = -1; #endif for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) init_pair(i+1, bg, TileColour[i]); } cbreak(); if (LINES < 24) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "Min screen length 24 lines\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(AutoFlag) leaveok(stdscr, TRUE); /* Attempt to remove cursor */ InitTiles(NTiles); DisplayTiles(); if(AutoFlag) { do { noecho(); AutoMove(0, 2, NTiles); } while(!Solved(NTiles)); sleep(2); } else { echo(); for(;;) { if(GetMove(&FromCol, &ToCol)) break; if(InvalidMove(FromCol, ToCol)) { mvaddstr(STATUSLINE, 0, "Invalid Move !!"); refresh(); beep(); continue; } MakeMove(FromCol, ToCol); if(Solved(NTiles)) { mvprintw(STATUSLINE, 0, "Well Done !! You did it in %d moves", NMoves); refresh(); sleep(5); break; } } } curs_set(1); endwin(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void parser() { int ab_code=4, x=line_ndx; int I; switch(token) { case 0: break; case 1: parse_let(); break; case 2: cls(); break; case 3: locate(); break; case 4: xstring_array(); get_prnstring(); break; case 5: go_to(); break; case 6: beep(); break; case 7: cls(); break; case 8: line_ndx = nrows; break; case 9: do_gs(); break; case 10: do_ret(); break; case 11: do_loop(); break; case 12: do_next(); break; case 13: do_iloop(); break; case 14: do_iloop(); break; case 15: return; break; case 16: return; break; case -1: break; default: printf("parser Inside DEFAULT\n"); printf("p_string = %s\n",p_string); a_bort(ab_code, x); break; } }
/* lexical analyzer for larn */ int yylex(void) { char cc; int ic; if (hit2flag) { hit2flag = 0; yrepcount = 0; return (' '); } if (yrepcount > 0) { --yrepcount; return (lastok); } else yrepcount = 0; if (yrepcount == 0) { bottomdo(); showplayer(); } /* show where the player is */ lflush(); while (1) { c[BYTESIN]++; /* check for periodic checkpointing */ if (ckpflag) if ((c[BYTESIN] % CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL) == 0) { #ifndef DOCHECKPOINTS savegame(ckpfile); #else wait(0); /* wait for other forks to finish */ if (fork() == 0) { savegame(ckpfile); exit(0); } #endif #ifdef TIMECHECK if (dayplay == 0) if (playable()) { cursor(1, 19); lprcat("\nSorry, but it is now time for work. Your game has been saved.\n"); beep(); lflush(); savegame(savefilename); wizard = nomove = 1; sleep(4); died(-257); } #endif /* TIMECHECK */ } do { /* if keyboard input buffer is too big, flush some of it */ ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &ic); if (ic > flushno) read(0, &cc, 1); } while (ic > flushno); if (read(0, &cc, 1) != 1) return (lastok = -1); if (cc == 'Y' - 64) { /* control Y -- shell escape */ resetscroll(); clear(); /* scrolling region, home, clear, no attributes */ if ((ic = fork()) == 0) { /* child */ /* revoke */ setgid(getgid()); execl("/bin/csh", "csh", NULL); exit(1); } wait(0); if (ic < 0) { /* error */ write(2, "Can't fork off a shell!\n", 25); sleep(2); } setscroll(); return (lastok = 'L' - 64); /* redisplay screen */ } if ((cc <= '9') && (cc >= '0')) { yrepcount = yrepcount * 10 + cc - '0'; } else { if (yrepcount > 0) --yrepcount; return (lastok = cc); } } }