MoveStack* generate<EVASIONS>(const Position& pos, MoveStack* mlist) {


  Square from, checksq;
  int checkersCnt = 0;
  Color us = pos.side_to_move();
  Square ksq = pos.king_square(us);
  Bitboard sliderAttacks = 0;
  Bitboard b = pos.checkers();


  // Find squares attacked by slider checkers, we will remove them from the king
  // evasions so to skip known illegal moves avoiding useless legality check later.
      checksq = pop_lsb(&b);

      assert(color_of(pos.piece_on(checksq)) == ~us);

      switch (type_of(pos.piece_on(checksq)))
      case BISHOP: sliderAttacks |= PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][checksq]; break;
      case ROOK:   sliderAttacks |= PseudoAttacks[ROOK][checksq];   break;
      case QUEEN:
          // If queen and king are far or not on a diagonal line we can safely
          // remove all the squares attacked in the other direction becuase are
          // not reachable by the king anyway.
          if (between_bb(ksq, checksq) || !(PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][checksq] & ksq))
              sliderAttacks |= PseudoAttacks[QUEEN][checksq];

          // Otherwise we need to use real rook attacks to check if king is safe
          // to move in the other direction. For example: king in B2, queen in A1
          // a knight in B1, and we can safely move to C1.
              sliderAttacks |= PseudoAttacks[BISHOP][checksq] | pos.attacks_from<ROOK>(checksq);

  } while (b);

  // Generate evasions for king, capture and non capture moves
  b = pos.attacks_from<KING>(ksq) & ~pos.pieces(us) & ~sliderAttacks;
  from = ksq;

  if (checkersCnt > 1)
      return mlist; // Double check, only a king move can save the day

  // Generate blocking evasions or captures of the checking piece
  Bitboard target = between_bb(checksq, ksq) | pos.checkers();

  return generate_all<EVASIONS>(pos, mlist, us, target);
ExtMove* generate<EVASIONS>(const Position& pos, ExtMove* moveList) {


  Color us = pos.side_to_move();
  Square ksq = pos.square<KING>(us);
  Bitboard sliderAttacks = 0;
  Bitboard sliders = pos.checkers() & ~pos.pieces(KNIGHT, PAWN);

  // Find all the squares attacked by slider checkers. We will remove them from
  // the king evasions in order to skip known illegal moves, which avoids any
  // useless legality checks later on.
  while (sliders)
      Square checksq = pop_lsb(&sliders);
      sliderAttacks |= LineBB[checksq][ksq] ^ checksq;

  // Generate evasions for king, capture and non capture moves
  Bitboard b = pos.attacks_from<KING>(ksq) & ~pos.pieces(us) & ~sliderAttacks;
  while (b)
      *moveList++ = make_move(ksq, pop_lsb(&b));

  if (more_than_one(pos.checkers()))
      return moveList; // Double check, only a king move can save the day

  // Generate blocking evasions or captures of the checking piece
  Square checksq = lsb(pos.checkers());
  Bitboard target = between_bb(checksq, ksq) | checksq;

  return us == WHITE ? generate_all<WHITE, EVASIONS>(pos, moveList, target)
                     : generate_all<BLACK, EVASIONS>(pos, moveList, target);
ExtMove* generate<EVASIONS>(const Position& pos, ExtMove* mlist) {


  int checkersCnt = 0;
  Color us = pos.side_to_move();
  Square ksq = pos.king_square(us), from = ksq /* For SERIALIZE */, checksq;
  Bitboard sliderAttacks = 0;
  Bitboard b = pos.checkers();


  // Find all the squares attacked by slider checkers. We will remove them from
  // the king evasions in order to skip known illegal moves, which avoids any
  // useless legality checks later on.
      checksq = pop_lsb(&b);

      assert(color_of(pos.piece_on(checksq)) == ~us);

      if (type_of(pos.piece_on(checksq)) > KNIGHT) // A slider
          sliderAttacks |= LineBB[checksq][ksq] ^ checksq;

  } while (b);

  // Generate evasions for king, capture and non capture moves
  b = pos.attacks_from<KING>(ksq) & ~pos.pieces(us) & ~sliderAttacks;

  if (checkersCnt > 1)
      return mlist; // Double check, only a king move can save the day

  // Generate blocking evasions or captures of the checking piece
  Bitboard target = between_bb(checksq, ksq) | checksq;

  return us == WHITE ? generate_all<WHITE, EVASIONS>(pos, mlist, target)
                     : generate_all<BLACK, EVASIONS>(pos, mlist, target);