void video_manager::create_snapshot_bitmap(device_t *screen)
	// select the appropriate view in our dummy target
	if (m_snap_native && screen != NULL)
		int view_index = machine().devicelist().indexof(SCREEN, screen->tag());
		assert(view_index != -1);

	// get the minimum width/height and set it on the target
	INT32 width = m_snap_width;
	INT32 height = m_snap_height;
	if (width == 0 || height == 0)
		m_snap_target->compute_minimum_size(width, height);
	m_snap_target->set_bounds(width, height);

	// if we don't have a bitmap, or if it's not the right size, allocate a new one
	if (m_snap_bitmap == NULL || width != m_snap_bitmap->width || height != m_snap_bitmap->height)
		if (m_snap_bitmap != NULL)
			auto_free(machine(), m_snap_bitmap);
		m_snap_bitmap = auto_alloc(machine(), bitmap_t(width, height, BITMAP_FORMAT_RGB32));

	// render the screen there
	render_primitive_list &primlist = m_snap_target->get_primitives();
	rgb888_draw_primitives(primlist, m_snap_bitmap->base, width, height, m_snap_bitmap->rowpixels);
文件: crsshair.c 项目: bji/libmame
static void create_bitmap(running_machine *machine, int player)
	int x, y;
	char filename[20];
	rgb_t color = crosshair_colors[player];

	/* if we have a bitmap and texture for this player, kill it */

	emu_file crossfile(machine->options(), OPTION_CROSSHAIRPATH, OPEN_FLAG_READ);
	if (global.name[player][0] != 0)
		/* look for user specified file */
		sprintf(filename, "%s.png", global.name[player]);
		global.bitmap[player] = render_load_png(crossfile, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL);
		/* look for default cross?.png in crsshair\game dir */
		sprintf(filename, "cross%d.png", player + 1);
		global.bitmap[player] = render_load_png(crossfile, machine->gamedrv->name, filename, NULL, NULL);

		/* look for default cross?.png in crsshair dir */
		if (global.bitmap[player] == NULL)
			global.bitmap[player] = render_load_png(crossfile, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL);

	/* if that didn't work, use the built-in one */
	if (global.bitmap[player] == NULL)
		/* allocate a blank bitmap to start with */
		global.bitmap[player] = global_alloc(bitmap_t(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE, CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE, BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB32));
		bitmap_fill(global.bitmap[player], NULL, MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff));

		/* extract the raw source data to it */
		for (y = 0; y < CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE / 2; y++)
			/* assume it is mirrored vertically */
			UINT32 *dest0 = BITMAP_ADDR32(global.bitmap[player], y, 0);
			UINT32 *dest1 = BITMAP_ADDR32(global.bitmap[player], CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE - 1 - y, 0);

			/* extract to two rows simultaneously */
			for (x = 0; x < CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE; x++)
				if ((crosshair_raw_top[y * CROSSHAIR_RAW_ROWBYTES + x / 8] << (x % 8)) & 0x80)
					dest0[x] = dest1[x] = MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0x00,0x00,0x00) | color;

	/* create a texture to reference the bitmap */
	global.texture[player] = machine->render().texture_alloc(render_texture::hq_scale);
	global.texture[player]->set_bitmap(global.bitmap[player], NULL, TEXFORMAT_ARGB32);
bitmap_t *sdl_osd_interface::font_get_bitmap(osd_font font, unicode_char chnum, INT32 &width, INT32 &xoffs, INT32 &yoffs)
	TTF_Font *ttffont;
	bitmap_t *bitmap = (bitmap_t *)NULL;
	SDL_Surface *drawsurf;
	SDL_Color fcol = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
	UINT16 ustr[16];

	ttffont = (TTF_Font *)font;

	ustr[0] = (UINT16)chnum;
	drawsurf = TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid(ttffont, ustr, fcol);

	// was nothing returned?
	if (drawsurf)
		// allocate a MAME destination bitmap
		bitmap = auto_alloc(machine(), bitmap_t(drawsurf->w, drawsurf->h, BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB32));

		// copy the rendered character image into it
		for (int y = 0; y < bitmap->height; y++)
			UINT32 *dstrow = BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap, y, 0);
			UINT8 *srcrow = (UINT8 *)drawsurf->pixels;

			srcrow += (y * drawsurf->pitch);

			for (int x = 0; x < drawsurf->w; x++)
				dstrow[x] = srcrow[x] ? MAKE_ARGB(0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff) : MAKE_ARGB(0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff);

		// what are these?
		xoffs = yoffs = 0;
		width = drawsurf->w;


	return bitmap;
bitmap_t *sdl_osd_interface::font_get_bitmap(osd_font font, unicode_char chnum, INT32 &width, INT32 &xoffs, INT32 &yoffs)
   UniChar uni_char;
   CGGlyph glyph;
   bitmap_t *bitmap = (bitmap_t *)NULL;
   CTFontRef ct_font = (CTFontRef)font;
   const CFIndex count = 1;
   CGRect bounding_rect, success_rect;
   CGContextRef context_ref;

   if( chnum == ' ' )
      uni_char = 'n';
      CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters( ct_font, &uni_char, &glyph, count );
      success_rect = CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs( ct_font, kCTFontDefaultOrientation, &glyph, &bounding_rect, count );
      uni_char = chnum;
      CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters( ct_font, &uni_char, &glyph, count );
      uni_char = chnum;
      CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters( ct_font, &uni_char, &glyph, count );
      success_rect = CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs( ct_font, kCTFontDefaultOrientation, &glyph, &bounding_rect, count );

   if( CGRectEqualToRect( success_rect, CGRectNull ) == false )
      size_t bitmap_width;
      size_t bitmap_height;

      bitmap_width = ceilf(bounding_rect.size.width * EXTRA_WIDTH);
      bitmap_width = bitmap_width == 0 ? 1 : bitmap_width;

      bitmap_height = ceilf( (CTFontGetAscent(ct_font) + CTFontGetDescent(ct_font) + CTFontGetLeading(ct_font)) * EXTRA_HEIGHT);

      xoffs = yoffs = 0;
      width = bitmap_width;

      size_t bits_per_component;
      CGColorSpaceRef color_space;
      CGBitmapInfo bitmap_info = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host | kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst;

      color_space = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
      bits_per_component = 8;

      bitmap = auto_alloc(machine(), bitmap_t(bitmap_width, bitmap_height, BITMAP_FORMAT_ARGB32));

      context_ref = CGBitmapContextCreate( bitmap->base, bitmap_width, bitmap_height, bits_per_component, bitmap->rowpixels*4, color_space, bitmap_info );

      if( context_ref != NULL )
         CGFontRef font_ref;
         font_ref = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont( ct_font, NULL );
         CGContextSetTextPosition(context_ref, -bounding_rect.origin.x*EXTRA_WIDTH, CTFontGetDescent(ct_font)+CTFontGetLeading(ct_font) );
         CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context_ref, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         CGContextSetFont( context_ref, font_ref );
         CGContextSetFontSize( context_ref, POINT_SIZE );
         CGContextShowGlyphs( context_ref, &glyph, count );
         CGFontRelease( font_ref );
         CGContextRelease( context_ref );

      CGColorSpaceRelease( color_space );

   return bitmap;
文件: p165.cpp 项目: omo/pcanswers
	void execute(const std::string& line)
		std::stringstream ls(line);
		char cmd;
		ls >> cmd;
		switch (cmd) {
		case 'I': {
			int w, h;
			ls >> w;
			ls >> h;
			m_bitmap = bitmap_t(w, h);
		} break;
		case 'C': {
		} break;
		case 'S': {
			ls.get(); // skip whitespace
			std::string filename = read_line(ls);
			save(std::cout, filename);
		} break;
		case 'L': {
			int x, y;
			char c;
			ls >> x;
			ls >> y;
			ls >> c;
			//std::cout << "color:" <<  x << "," << y << "," << c << std::endl;
			m_bitmap.set_1(x, y, c);
		} break;
		case 'V': {
			int x, y1, y2;
			char c;
			ls >> x;
			ls >> y1;
			ls >> y2;
			ls >> c;
			sort_order(&y1, &y2);
			for (int i=y1; i<=y2; ++i) {
				m_bitmap.set_1(x, i, c);
		} break;
		case 'H': {
			int x1, x2, y;
			char c;
			ls >> x1;
			ls >> x2;
			ls >> y;
			ls >> c;
			sort_order(&x1, &x2);
			for (int i=x1; i<=x2; ++i) {
				m_bitmap.set_1(i, y, c);
		} break;
		case 'K': {
			int x1, x2, y1, y2;
			char c;
			ls >> x1;
			ls >> y1;
			ls >> x2;
			ls >> y2;
			ls >> c;
			for (int i=y1; i<=y2; ++i) {
				for (int j=x1; j<=x2; ++j) {
					//std::cout << "p:" << j << "," << i << std::endl;
					m_bitmap.set_1(j, i, c);
		} break;
		case 'F': {
			int x, y;
			char c;
			ls >> x;
			ls >> y;
			ls >> c;

			fill(x, y, c);
		} break;
			//std::cout << "unknown command:" << cmd << std::endl;