 * Given a point in model space coordinates (in mm) convert it to view
 * (screen) coordinates which must be scaled to correspond to actual
 * screen coordinates. If no input coordinates are supplied, the
 * model2view matrix is displayed.
ged_model2view(struct ged *gedp, int argc, const char *argv[])
    point_t view_pt;
    double model_pt[3]; /* intentionally double for scan */
    static const char *usage = "[x y z]";

    GED_CHECK_ARGC_GT_0(gedp, argc, GED_ERROR);

    /* initialize result */
    bu_vls_trunc(gedp->ged_result_str, 0);

    /* get the model2view matrix */
    if (argc == 1) {
	bn_encode_mat(gedp->ged_result_str, gedp->ged_gvp->gv_model2view);
	return GED_OK;

    if (argc != 4
	|| sscanf(argv[1], "%lf", &model_pt[X]) != 1
	|| sscanf(argv[2], "%lf", &model_pt[Y]) != 1
	|| sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &model_pt[Z]) != 1)
	bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "Usage: %s %s", argv[0], usage);
	return GED_ERROR;

    MAT4X3PNT(view_pt, gedp->ged_gvp->gv_model2view, model_pt);
    bn_encode_vect(gedp->ged_result_str, view_pt);

    return GED_OK;
ged_view2model(struct ged *gedp, int argc, const char *argv[])
    GED_CHECK_ARGC_GT_0(gedp, argc, GED_ERROR);

    /* initialize result */
    bu_vls_trunc(gedp->ged_result_str, 0);

    /* get the view2model matrix */
    if (argc == 1) {
	bn_encode_mat(gedp->ged_result_str, gedp->ged_gvp->gv_view2model);
	return GED_OK;

    bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "Usage: %s", argv[0]);
    return GED_ERROR;
文件: bn_tcl.c 项目: cciechad/brlcad
bn_math_cmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv)
    void (*math_func)();
    struct bu_vls result;

    math_func = (void (*)())clientData; /* object-to-function cast */

    if (math_func == bn_mat_mul) {
	mat_t o, a, b;
	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_mat(a, argv[1]) < 16 ||
	    bn_decode_mat(b, argv[2]) < 16) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s matA matB", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	bn_mat_mul(o, a, b);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_inv || math_func == bn_mat_trn) {
	mat_t o, a;

	if (argc < 2 || bn_decode_mat(a, argv[1]) < 16) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s mat", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	(*math_func)(o, a);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_matXvec) {
	mat_t m;
	hvect_t i, o;
	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_mat(m, argv[1]) < 16 ||
	    bn_decode_hvect(i, argv[2]) < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s mat hvect", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	bn_matXvec(o, m, i);
	bn_encode_hvect(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat4x3pnt) {
	mat_t m;
	point_t i, o;
	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_mat(m, argv[1]) < 16 ||
	    bn_decode_vect(i, argv[2]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s mat point", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	bn_mat4x3pnt(o, m, i);
	bn_encode_vect(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat4x3vec) {
	mat_t m;
	vect_t i, o;
	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_mat(m, argv[1]) < 16 ||
	    bn_decode_vect(i, argv[2]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s mat vect", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	bn_mat4x3vec(o, m, i);
	bn_encode_vect(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_hdivide) {
	hvect_t i;
	vect_t o;
	if (argc < 2 || bn_decode_hvect(i, argv[1]) < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s hvect", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	bn_hdivide(o, i);
	bn_encode_vect(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_vjoin1) {
	point_t o;
	point_t b, d;
	fastf_t c;

	if (argc < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s pnt scale dir", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if ( bn_decode_vect(b, argv[1]) < 3) goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[2], &c) != TCL_OK) goto error;
	if ( bn_decode_vect(d, argv[3]) < 3) goto error;

	VJOIN1( o, b, c, d );	/* bn_vjoin1( o, b, c, d ) */
	bn_encode_vect(&result, o);

    } else if ( math_func == bn_vblend) {
	point_t a, c, e;
	fastf_t b, d;

	if ( argc < 5 ) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s scale pnt scale pnt", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	if ( Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[1], &b) != TCL_OK) goto error;
	if ( bn_decode_vect( c, argv[2] ) < 3) goto error;
	if ( Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[3], &d) != TCL_OK) goto error;
	if ( bn_decode_vect( e, argv[4] ) < 3) goto error;

	VBLEND2( a, b, c, d, e )
	    bn_encode_vect( &result, a );

    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_ae) {
	mat_t o;
	double az, el;

	if (argc < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s azimuth elevation", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[1], &az) != TCL_OK) goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[2], &el) != TCL_OK) goto error;

	bn_mat_ae(o, (fastf_t)az, (fastf_t)el);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_ae_vec) {
	fastf_t az, el;
	vect_t v;

	if (argc < 2 || bn_decode_vect(v, argv[1]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s vect", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	bn_ae_vec(&az, &el, v);
	bu_vls_printf(&result, "%g %g", az, el);
    } else if (math_func == bn_aet_vec) {
	fastf_t az, el, twist, accuracy;
	vect_t vec_ae, vec_twist;

	if (argc < 4 || bn_decode_vect(vec_ae, argv[1]) < 3 ||
	    bn_decode_vect(vec_twist, argv[2]) < 3 ||
	    sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &accuracy) < 1) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s vec_ae vec_twist accuracy",
	    goto error;

	bn_aet_vec(&az, &el, &twist, vec_ae, vec_twist, accuracy);
	bu_vls_printf(&result, "%g %g %g", az, el, twist);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_angles) {
	mat_t o;
	double alpha, beta, ggamma;

	if (argc < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s alpha beta gamma", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[1], &alpha) != TCL_OK)  goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[2], &beta) != TCL_OK)   goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[3], &ggamma) != TCL_OK) goto error;

	bn_mat_angles(o, alpha, beta, ggamma);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_eigen2x2) {
	fastf_t val1, val2;
	vect_t vec1, vec2;
	double a, b, c;

	if (argc < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s a b c", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[1], &a) != TCL_OK) goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[2], &c) != TCL_OK) goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[3], &b) != TCL_OK) goto error;

	bn_eigen2x2(&val1, &val2, vec1, vec2, (fastf_t)a, (fastf_t)b,
	bu_vls_printf(&result, "%g %g {%g %g %g} {%g %g %g}", val1, val2,
		      V3ARGS(vec1), V3ARGS(vec2));
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_fromto) {
	mat_t o;
	vect_t from, to;

	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_vect(from, argv[1]) < 3 ||
	    bn_decode_vect(to, argv[2]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s vecFrom vecTo", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	bn_mat_fromto(o, from, to);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_xrot || math_func == bn_mat_yrot ||
	       math_func == bn_mat_zrot) {
	mat_t o;
	double s, c;
	if (argc < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s sinAngle cosAngle", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[1], &s) != TCL_OK) goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[2], &c) != TCL_OK) goto error;

	(*math_func)(o, s, c);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_lookat) {
	mat_t o;
	vect_t dir;
	int yflip;
	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_vect(dir, argv[1]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s dir yflip", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetBoolean(interp, argv[2], &yflip) != TCL_OK) goto error;

	bn_mat_lookat(o, dir, yflip);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_vec_ortho || math_func == bn_vec_perp) {
	vect_t ov, vec;

	if (argc < 2 || bn_decode_vect(vec, argv[1]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s vec", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	(*math_func)(ov, vec);
	bn_encode_vect(&result, ov);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_scale_about_pt_wrapper) {
	mat_t o;
	vect_t v;
	double scale;
	int status;

	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_vect(v, argv[1]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s pt scale", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[2], &scale) != TCL_OK) goto error;

	bn_mat_scale_about_pt_wrapper(&status, o, v, scale);
	if (status != 0) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "error performing calculation");
	    goto error;
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_xform_about_pt) {
	mat_t o, xform;
	vect_t v;

	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_mat(xform, argv[1]) < 16 ||
	    bn_decode_vect(v, argv[2]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s xform pt", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	bn_mat_xform_about_pt(o, xform, v);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == bn_mat_arb_rot) {
	mat_t o;
	point_t pt;
	vect_t dir;
	double angle;

	if (argc < 4 || bn_decode_vect(pt, argv[1]) < 3 ||
	    bn_decode_vect(dir, argv[2]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s pt dir angle", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[3], &angle) != TCL_OK)
	    return TCL_ERROR;

	bn_mat_arb_rot(o, pt, dir, (fastf_t)angle);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, o);
    } else if (math_func == quat_mat2quat) {
	mat_t mat;
	quat_t quat;

	if (argc < 2 || bn_decode_mat(mat, argv[1]) < 16) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s mat", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	quat_mat2quat(quat, mat);
	bn_encode_quat(&result, quat);
    } else if (math_func == quat_quat2mat) {
	mat_t mat;
	quat_t quat;

	if (argc < 2 || bn_decode_quat(quat, argv[1]) < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s quat", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	quat_quat2mat(mat, quat);
	bn_encode_mat(&result, mat);
    } else if (math_func == bn_quat_distance_wrapper) {
	quat_t q1, q2;
	double d;

	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_quat(q1, argv[1]) < 4 ||
	    bn_decode_quat(q2, argv[2]) < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s quatA quatB", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	bn_quat_distance_wrapper(&d, q1, q2);
	bu_vls_printf(&result, "%g", d);
    } else if (math_func == quat_double || math_func == quat_bisect ||
	       math_func == quat_make_nearest) {
	quat_t oqot, q1, q2;

	if (argc < 3 || bn_decode_quat(q1, argv[1]) < 4 ||
	    bn_decode_quat(q2, argv[2]) < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s quatA quatB", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	(*math_func)(oqot, q1, q2);
	bn_encode_quat(&result, oqot);
    } else if (math_func == quat_slerp) {
	quat_t oq, q1, q2;
	double d;

	if (argc < 4 || bn_decode_quat(q1, argv[1]) < 4 ||
	    bn_decode_quat(q2, argv[2]) < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s quat1 quat2 factor", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[3], &d) != TCL_OK) goto error;

	quat_slerp(oq, q1, q2, d);
	bn_encode_quat(&result, oq);
    } else if (math_func == quat_sberp) {
	quat_t oq, q1, qa, qb, q2;
	double d;

	if (argc < 6 || bn_decode_quat(q1, argv[1]) < 4 ||
	    bn_decode_quat(qa, argv[2]) < 4 || bn_decode_quat(qb, argv[3]) < 4 ||
	    bn_decode_quat(q2, argv[4]) < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s quat1 quatA quatB quat2 factor",
	    goto error;
	if (Tcl_GetDouble(interp, argv[5], &d) != TCL_OK) goto error;

	quat_sberp(oq, q1, qa, qb, q2, d);
	bn_encode_quat(&result, oq);
    } else if (math_func == quat_exp || math_func == quat_log) {
	quat_t qout, qin;

	if (argc < 2 || bn_decode_quat(qin, argv[1]) < 4) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "usage: %s quat", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	(*math_func)(qout, qin);
	bn_encode_quat(&result, qout);
    } else if (math_func == (void (*)())bn_isect_line3_line3) {
	double t, u;
	point_t pt, a;
	vect_t dir, c;
	int i;
	static const struct bn_tol tol = {
	    BN_TOL_MAGIC, 0.005, 0.005*0.005, 1e-6, 1-1e-6
	if (argc != 5) {
			  "Usage: bn_isect_line3_line3 pt dir pt dir (%d args specified)",
	    goto error;

	if (bn_decode_vect(pt, argv[1]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line3_line3 no pt: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (bn_decode_vect(dir, argv[2]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line3_line3 no dir: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (bn_decode_vect(a, argv[3]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line3_line3 no a pt: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (bn_decode_vect(c, argv[4]) < 3) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line3_line3 no c dir: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	i = bn_isect_line3_line3(&t, &u, pt, dir, a, c, &tol);
	if (i != 1) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line3_line3 no intersection: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	VJOIN1(a, pt, t, dir);
	bn_encode_vect(&result, a);

    } else if (math_func == (void (*)())bn_isect_line2_line2) {
	double dist[2];
	point_t pt, a;
	vect_t dir, c;
	int i;
	static const struct bn_tol tol = {
	    BN_TOL_MAGIC, 0.005, 0.005*0.005, 1e-6, 1-1e-6

	if (argc != 5) {
			  "Usage: bn_isect_line2_line2 pt dir pt dir (%d args specified)",
	    goto error;

	/* i = bn_isect_line2_line2 {0 0} {1 0} {1 1} {0 -1} */

	VSETALL(pt, 0.0);
	VSETALL(dir, 0.0);
	VSETALL(a, 0.0);
	VSETALL(c, 0.0);

	if (bn_decode_vect(pt, argv[1]) < 2) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line2_line2 no pt: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (bn_decode_vect(dir, argv[2]) < 2) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line2_line2 no dir: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (bn_decode_vect(a, argv[3]) < 2) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line2_line2 no a pt: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	if (bn_decode_vect(c, argv[4]) < 2) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line2_line2 no c dir: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;
	i = bn_isect_line2_line2(dist, pt, dir, a, c, &tol);
	if (i != 1) {
	    bu_vls_printf(&result, "bn_isect_line2_line2 no intersection: %s\n", argv[0]);
	    goto error;

	VJOIN1(a, pt, dist[0], dir);
	bu_vls_printf(&result, "%g %g", a[0], a[1]);

    } else {
	bu_vls_printf(&result, "libbn/bn_tcl.c: math function %s not supported yet\n", argv[0]);
	goto error;

    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, bu_vls_addr(&result), (char *)NULL);
    return TCL_OK;

    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, bu_vls_addr(&result), (char *)NULL);
    return TCL_ERROR;