rsaPublicEncrypt(BigNum *bn, PGPByte const *in, unsigned len,
	RSApub const *pub, PGPRandomContext const *rc)
	unsigned bytes = (bnBits(&pub->n)+7)/8;
	pgpPKCSPack(bn, in, len, PKCS_PAD_ENCRYPTED, bytes, rc);

bndPrintf("RSA encrypting.\n");
bndPut("plaintext = ", bn);
	return bnExpMod(bn, bn, &pub->e, &pub->n);
 * Performs an RSA decryption.  Returns a prefix of the unwrapped
 * data in the given buf.  Returns the length of the untruncated
 * data, which may exceed "len". Returns <0 on error.
rsaPrivateDecrypt(PGPByte *buf, unsigned len, BigNum *bn,
	RSAsec const *sec)
	unsigned bytes;

bndPrintf("RSA decrypting\n");
	if (bnExpModCRA(bn, &sec->d, &sec->p, &sec->q, &sec->u) < 0)
		return kPGPError_OutOfMemory;
bndPut("decrypted = ", bn);
	bytes = (bnBits(&sec->n)+7)/8;
	return pgpPKCSUnpack(buf, len, bn, PKCS_PAD_ENCRYPTED, bytes);
 * Decrypt a message with a public key.
 * These destroy (actually, replace with a decrypted version) the
 * input bignum bn.
 * It recongizes the PGP 2.2 format, but not in all its generality;
 * only the one case (framing byte = 1, length = 16) which was ever
 * generated.  It fakes the DER prefix in that case.
 * Performs an RSA signature check.  Returns a prefix of the unwrapped
 * data in the given buf.  Returns the length of the untruncated
 * data, which may exceed "len". Returns <0 on error.
rsaPublicDecrypt(PGPByte *buf, unsigned len, BigNum *bn,
	RSApub const *pub)
	unsigned bytes;

bndPrintf("RSA signature checking.\n");
	if (bnExpMod(bn, bn, &pub->e, &pub->n) < 0)
		return kPGPError_OutOfMemory;
bndPut("decrypted = ", bn);
	bytes = (bnBits(&pub->n)+7)/8;
	return pgpPKCSUnpack(buf, len, bn, PKCS_PAD_SIGNED, bytes);
rsaPrivateEncrypt(BigNum *bn, PGPByte const *in, unsigned len,
	RSAsec const *sec)
	unsigned bytes = (bnBits(&sec->n)+7)/8;

	pgpPKCSPack(bn, in, len, PKCS_PAD_SIGNED, bytes,
		(PGPRandomContext const *)NULL);

bndPrintf("RSA signing.\n");
bndPut("plaintext = ", bn);
	return bnExpModCRA(bn, &sec->d, &sec->p, &sec->q, &sec->u);
 * This performs a modular exponentiation using the Chinese Remainder
 * Algorithm when the modulus is known to have two relatively prime
 * factors n = p * q, and u = p^-1 (mod q) has been precomputed.
 * The chinese remainder algorithm lets a computation mod n be performed
 * mod p and mod q, and the results combined.  Since it takes
 * (considerably) more than twice as long to perform modular exponentiation
 * mod n as it does to perform it mod p and mod q, time is saved.
 * If x is the desired result, let xp and xq be the values of x mod p
 * and mod q, respectively.  Obviously, x = xp + p * k for some k.
 * Taking this mod q, xq == xp + p*k (mod q), so p*k == xq-xp (mod q)
 * and k == p^-1 * (xq-xp) (mod q), so k = u * (xq-xp mod q) mod q.
 * After that, x = xp + p * k.
 * Another savings comes from reducing the exponent d modulo phi(p)
 * and phi(q).  Here, we assume that p and q are prime, so phi(p) = p-1
 * and phi(q) = q-1.
static int
bnExpModCRA(BigNum *x, BigNum const *d,
	BigNum const *p, BigNum const *q, BigNum const *u)
	BigNum xp, xq, k;
	int i;
	PGPMemoryMgrRef	mgr	= x->mgr;

bndPrintf("Performing Chinese Remainder Algorithm\n");
bndPut("x = ", x);
bndPut("p = ", p);
bndPut("q = ", q);
bndPut("d = ", d);
bndPut("u = ", u);

	bnBegin(&xp, mgr, TRUE);
	bnBegin(&xq, mgr, TRUE);
	bnBegin(&k, mgr, TRUE);

	/* Compute xp = (x mod p) ^ (d mod p-1) mod p */
	if (bnCopy(&xp, p) < 0)		/* First, use xp to hold p-1 */
		goto fail;
	(void)bnSubQ(&xp, 1);		/* p > 1, so subtracting is safe. */
	if (bnMod(&k, d, &xp) < 0)	/* k = d mod (p-1) */
		goto fail;
bndPut("d mod p-1 = ", &k);
	if (bnMod(&xp, x, p) < 0)	/* Now xp = (x mod p) */
		goto fail;
bndPut("x mod p = ", &xp);
	if (bnExpMod(&xp, &xp, &k, p) < 0)	/* xp = (x mod p)^k mod p */
		goto fail;
bndPut("xp = x^d mod p = ", &xp);

	/* Compute xq = (x mod q) ^ (d mod q-1) mod q */
	if (bnCopy(&xq, q) < 0)		/* First, use xq to hold q-1 */
		goto fail;
	(void)bnSubQ(&xq, 1);		/* q > 1, so subtracting is safe. */
	if (bnMod(&k, d, &xq) < 0)	/* k = d mod (q-1) */
		goto fail;
bndPut("d mod q-1 = ", &k);
	if (bnMod(&xq, x, q) < 0)	/* Now xq = (x mod q) */
		goto fail;
bndPut("x mod q = ", &xq);
	if (bnExpMod(&xq, &xq, &k, q) < 0)	/* xq = (x mod q)^k mod q */
		goto fail;
bndPut("xq = x^d mod q = ", &xq);

	/* xp < p and PGP has p < q, so this is a no-op, but just in case */
	if (bnMod(&k, &xp, q) < 0)
		goto fail;	
bndPut("xp mod q = ", &k);
	i = bnSub(&xq, &k);
bndPut("xq - xp = ", &xq);
bndPrintf("With sign %d\n", i);
	if (i < 0)
		goto fail;
	if (i) {
		 * Borrow out - xq-xp is negative, so bnSub returned
		 * xp-xq instead, the negative of the true answer.
		 * Add q back (which is subtracting from the negative)
		 * so the sign flips again.
		i = bnSub(&xq, q);
		if (i < 0)
			goto fail;
bndPut("xq - xp mod q = ", &xq);
bndPrintf("With sign %d\n", i);		/* Must be 1 */

	/* Compute k = xq * u mod q */
	if (bnMul(&k, u, &xq) < 0)
		goto fail;
bndPut("(xq-xp) * u = ", &k);
	if (bnMod(&k, &k, q) < 0)
		goto fail;
bndPut("k = (xq-xp)*u % q = ", &k);

	/* Now x = k * p + xp is the final answer */
	if (bnMul(x, &k, p) < 0)
		goto fail;
bndPut("k * p = ", x);
	if (bnAdd(x, &xp) < 0)
		goto fail;
bndPut("k*p + xp = ", x);

#if BNDEBUG	/* @@@ DEBUG - do it the slow way for comparison */
	if (bnMul(&xq, p, q) < 0)
		goto fail;
bndPut("n = p*q = ", &xq);
	if (bnExpMod(&xp, x, d, &xq) < 0)
		goto fail;
bndPut("x^d mod n = ", &xp);
	if (bnCmp(x, &xp) != 0) {
		goto fail;
	bnSetQ(&k, 17);
	bnExpMod(&xp, &xp, &k, &xq);
bndPut("x^17 mod n = ", &xp);

	return 0;

	return kPGPError_OutOfMemory;
static int
genDH(struct BigNum *bn, unsigned bits, unsigned char *seed, unsigned len,
      FILE *f)
    timetype start, stop;
    unsigned long s;
    int i;
    unsigned char s1[1024], s2[1024];
    unsigned p1, p2;
    struct BigNum step;
    struct Progress progress;

    if (f)
        fprintf(f, "Generating a %u-bit D-H prime with \"%.*s\"\n",
                bits, (int)len, (char *)seed);
    progress.f = f;
    progress.column = 0;
    progress.wrap = 78;

    /* Find p - choose a starting place */
    if (genRandBn(bn, bits, 0xC0, 3, seed, len) < 0)
        return -1;
#if BNDEBUG /* DEBUG - check that sieve works properly */
    bnSetQ(&step, 2);
    sieveBuild(s1, 1024, bn, 2, 0);
    sieveBuildBig(s2, 1024, bn, &step, 0);
    p1 = p2 = 0;
    if (s1[0] != s2[0])
        printf("Difference: s1[0] = %x s2[0] = %x\n", s1[0], s2[0]);
    do {
        p1 = sieveSearch(s1, 1024, p1);
        p2 = sieveSearch(s2, 1024, p2);

        if (p1 != p2)
            printf("Difference: p1 = %u p2 = %u\n", p1, p2);
    } while (p1 && p2);

    /* And search for a prime */
    i = germainPrimeGen(bn, 1, f ? genProgress : 0, (void *)&progress);
    if (i < 0)
        return -1;
    if (f) {
        putc('\n', f);
        fprintf(f, "%d modular exponentiations performed.\n", i);
    subtime(stop, start);
    s = sec(stop);
    bndPrintf("%u-bit time = %lu.%03u sec.", bits, s, msec(stop));
    if (s > 60) {
        putchar(' ');
        if (s > 3600)
            printf("%u:%02u", (unsigned)(s/3600),
            printf("%u", (unsigned)(s/60));
        printf(":%02u)", (unsigned)(s%60));

    bndPut("p = ", bn);

    return 0;