// Detect any proxy configuration settings automatically.
static void windows_detect_autoproxy_settings() {
    if (log_flags.proxy_debug) {
        post_sysmon_msg("[proxy] automatic proxy check in progress");

    HINTERNET                 hWinHttp = NULL;
    WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_OPTIONS autoproxy_options;
    WINHTTP_PROXY_INFO        proxy_info;
    PARSED_URL purl;
    std::wstring              network_test_url;
    size_t                    pos;

    memset(&autoproxy_options, 0, sizeof(autoproxy_options));
    memset(&proxy_info, 0, sizeof(proxy_info));

    autoproxy_options.dwFlags =
    autoproxy_options.dwAutoDetectFlags =
    autoproxy_options.fAutoLogonIfChallenged = TRUE;

    network_test_url = boinc_ascii_to_wide(nvc_config.network_test_url).c_str();

    hWinHttp = WinHttpOpen(
        L"BOINC client",

    char msg[1024], buf[1024];
    safe_strcpy(msg, "[proxy] ");

    if (WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(hWinHttp, network_test_url.c_str(), &autoproxy_options, &proxy_info)) {

        // Apparently there are some conditions where WinHttpGetProxyForUrl can return
        //   success but where proxy_info.lpszProxy is null.  Maybe related to UPNP?
        // For the time being check to see if proxy_info.lpszProxy is non-null.
        if (proxy_info.lpszProxy) {
            std::string proxy(boinc_wide_to_ascii(std::wstring(proxy_info.lpszProxy)));
            std::string new_proxy;

            if (log_flags.proxy_debug) {
                safe_strcat(msg, "proxy list: ");
                safe_strcat(msg, proxy.c_str());

            if (!proxy.empty()) {
                // Trim string if more than one proxy is defined
                // proxy list is defined as:
                //   ([<scheme>=][<scheme>"://"]<server>[":"<port>])

                // Find and erase first delimeter type.
                pos = proxy.find(';');
                if (pos != -1 ) {
                    new_proxy = proxy.erase(pos);
                    proxy = new_proxy;

                // Find and erase second delimeter type.
                pos = proxy.find(' ');
                if (pos != -1 ) {
                    new_proxy = proxy.erase(pos);
                    proxy = new_proxy;

                // Parse the remaining url
                parse_url(proxy.c_str(), purl);

                // Store the results for future use.
                if (0 != strcmp(working_proxy_info.autodetect_server_name, purl.host)) {
                    // Reset clients connection error detection path
                    net_status.need_physical_connection = false;

                    working_proxy_info.autodetect_protocol = purl.protocol;
                    safe_strcpy(working_proxy_info.autodetect_server_name, purl.host);
                    working_proxy_info.autodetect_port = purl.port;

                if (log_flags.proxy_debug) {
                    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "proxy detected %s:%d", purl.host, purl.port);
                    safe_strcat(msg, buf);

        // Clean up
        if (proxy_info.lpszProxy) GlobalFree(proxy_info.lpszProxy);
        if (proxy_info.lpszProxyBypass) GlobalFree(proxy_info.lpszProxyBypass);
    } else {
        // We can get here if the user is switching from a network that
        // requires a proxy to one that does not require a proxy.
        working_proxy_info.autodetect_protocol = 0;
        safe_strcpy(working_proxy_info.autodetect_server_name, "");
        working_proxy_info.autodetect_port = 0;
        if (log_flags.proxy_debug) {
            safe_strcat(msg, "no automatic proxy detected");
    if (hWinHttp) WinHttpCloseHandle(hWinHttp);
    if (log_flags.proxy_debug) {
bool detect_cookie_ie_supported_uac(std::string& project_url, std::string& name, std::string& value)
    static       HMODULE ieframelib = NULL;
    static       tIEGPMC pIEGPMC = NULL;
    bool         bReturnValue = false;
    bool         bCheckDomainName = false;
    HRESULT      rc;
    WCHAR        szCookieBuffer[4096];
    WCHAR*       pszCookieFragment = NULL;
    DWORD        dwSize = sizeof(szCookieBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR);
    std::wstring strCookieFragment;
    std::wstring strCookieName;
    std::wstring strCookieValue;
    std::string  hostname;
    std::wstring hostname_w;
    std::string  domainname;
    std::wstring domainname_w;
    std::wstring name_w;
    std::wstring value_w;
    size_t       uiDelimeterLocation;

    if (!ieframelib) {
        ieframelib = LoadLibraryA("ieframe.dll");
        if (ieframelib) {
            pIEGPMC = (tIEGPMC)GetProcAddress(ieframelib, "IEGetProtectedModeCookie");

    if (!pIEGPMC) {
        return false;

    // Convert name into wide character string
    name_w = boinc_ascii_to_wide(name);

    // if we don't find the cookie at the exact project dns name, check one higher
    //   (i.e. www.worldcommunitygrid.org becomes worldcommunitygrid.org
    parse_hostname_ie_compatible(project_url, hostname, domainname);

    // InternetGetCookie expects them in URL format
    hostname_w = std::wstring(_T("http://")) + boinc_ascii_to_wide(hostname) + std::wstring(_T("/"));
    domainname_w = std::wstring(_T("http://")) + boinc_ascii_to_wide(domainname) + std::wstring(_T("/"));

    // First check to see if the desired cookie is assigned to the hostname.
    rc = pIEGPMC(hostname_w.c_str(), NULL, szCookieBuffer, &dwSize, NULL) == TRUE;
    if (!SUCCEEDED(rc) || (!wcsstr(szCookieBuffer, name_w.c_str()))) {
        bCheckDomainName = true;

    // Next check if it was assigned to the domainname.
    if (bCheckDomainName) {
        rc = pIEGPMC(domainname_w.c_str(), NULL, szCookieBuffer, &dwSize, NULL) == TRUE;
        if (!SUCCEEDED(rc) || (!wcsstr(szCookieBuffer, name_w.c_str()))) {
            return false;

    // Format of cookie buffer:
    // 'cookie1=value1; cookie2=value2; cookie3=value3;
    pszCookieFragment = wcstok(szCookieBuffer, _T("; "));
    while(pszCookieFragment) {
        // Convert to a std::string so we can go to town
        strCookieFragment = pszCookieFragment;

        // Extract the name & value
        uiDelimeterLocation = strCookieFragment.find(_T("="), 0);
        strCookieName = strCookieFragment.substr(0, uiDelimeterLocation);
        strCookieValue = strCookieFragment.substr(uiDelimeterLocation + 1);

        if (0 == wcscmp(name_w.c_str(), strCookieName.c_str())) {
            // Now we found it!  Yea - auto attach!
            value = boinc_wide_to_ascii(strCookieValue);
            bReturnValue = true;

        pszCookieFragment = wcstok(NULL, _T("; "));

    return bReturnValue;